Distance by Herself
Chapter: Two

01/12/2008 08:18 pm
Excellent - I have completely fallen in love with this story; this is really connecting on a very emotonal and powerful way. This is, IMO, what is the best in angst buffyverse fiction, making you feel so connected with the characters and their experience.

On to see what will emerge from the water - makes a beautiful metaphor for resurrection and baptism.

01/12/2008 09:17 am
She's starting to seem a lot like avoidy Buffy! She's been the one to take care of Spike a few times now, and it seems like she's afraid of what will happen if she stays. And poor amnesiac Spike!

01/11/2008 03:24 am
Nice and creepy

01/11/2008 12:00 am
oooh, sometimes Buffy seems so heartless to poor Spike! And she's telling herself that she doesnt' love him, huh?? Typical! LOL! Awesome chapter; can't wait to see what happens next; please update again soon!