Distance by Herself
Chapter: Three

02/21/2008 06:14 am
buffy's actions reflect her feeelings better than her thoughts. very good read, thank you.

01/12/2008 08:34 pm
"It was hard to look at him, because his face was full of things she didn't like to recall, the house on Revello, the smell of cigarette smoke, her mother's voice, the loneliness before battle, the absence after resurrection. He was still blond, still had all the little expressions that came back to her now in an inventory of past ambivalence and attraction and revulsion, ultimately so jumbled up she couldn't make a decision about them.

If she'd known he was in Los Angeles, she wouldn't have sought him out. She was sure of that."

You are breaking my little Spuffy heart - it sometimes is so tempting to forget how much their relationship was all about the darkness in both of them.

01/12/2008 09:31 am
Now I feel like she's back to living in that place in Egypt! She seems to be trying to convince herself that she doesn't care bit acts as if she does. I think that after losing everything she did in Sunnydale she's tried to close off that part of her that remembers because it hurts too much.

01/11/2008 03:28 am
Like the mood and Buffy's ambiguous feelings.

01/11/2008 12:16 am
Spike seems almost childlike in his responses, his questions... you do his voice so well! Can't wait for more, please update again soon!