Distance by Herself
Chapter: Fifteen

02/22/2008 06:11 am
very good read. great ending scene and fantastic thoughts running across buffy's mind. thanks fotrthe fine read.

01/15/2008 12:59 am
"You flatter a fellow, how you thrash an' spend."

Okay, that pretty much just slammed me sideways--hot and ready, industrial strength, teflon coated, world class SEXY--this whole seduction you have invited us to observe(hell, experience). Did you set out to totally completely without a doubt rock all our socks off? This chapter is enough to raise the bar on making out for oh, the next 50 years. You cashed the check of Buffy and Spike's bodies and there aren't enough ooo's in smooth for the praise of it. Ta, dearie, well done.

01/13/2008 07:35 pm
it is so wonderful how you are weaving their series history within your story - well done indeed

01/13/2008 07:17 am
For someone who is afraid for Spike to get his memories back, Buffy sure is concerned with making sure he does. Love that she's constantly bombarded with memories.

01/12/2008 10:12 pm

01/12/2008 09:28 pm
awesome chapter; so glad you've at least let Buffy & Spike have this moment; I'm afraid I fear the future!! Can't wait to read more!

01/12/2008 07:42 pm