Distance by Herself
Chapter: Forty

01/31/2009 12:25 pm
great story.  Love the smooth return of season 4 Spike.

02/27/2008 07:40 am
this is not a willow disaster, but a starting point. expected much worse (but then i always do.) very good chapter, thank you.

01/28/2008 04:27 pm

Very unexpected and interesting...going now to read 41.

01/28/2008 11:10 am
God - the spell's made things worse! They need another plan. What about the alley in LA?

01/28/2008 08:44 am
Not quite what I expected but perhaps a step in the right direction. At least he's Spike again even if he only has a fraction of his memories! I'm going to be optimistic that the headache is a sign of memories to come and this is the beginning of better times.

01/28/2008 08:34 am
Well I believe in some respects, she got what she was after. Still, it seems so sad that he's back to the despair of the initiative times and that Buffy's there as an enemy. I do love the way that you bring them a little moment of peace and then a bit of miasma for them to suffer through. Excellent writing and loveley reading for us.

01/28/2008 08:01 am
OMG! Please, please, please fix this!!! I'm all teared up, at work (yeah, I know, shouldn't read from work, couldn't resist though!!!)
Please fix this! *bats eyelashes*

01/28/2008 07:07 am
This comment is mostly to let you know that I'm reading and thoroughly enjoying this. Your stories are always amazing, although sometimes rather painful. I'm hoping for a happy-ish ending to this one ...

Oh and I love your depiction of how "Into the Woods" Spike felt about Buffy -- wanting to be "trampled 'neath her neat little feet" strikes just the right note.

01/28/2008 06:42 am
Oh how you torture them! Looking forward to what happens next.

01/28/2008 04:39 am
ohhh so very interesting. I love it.....I have no idea what's going on. this is a great story. and I love the timely updates. you are great.

01/28/2008 04:05 am
This is so good. Spike is worse not better. I can't wait until it is all settled, then of course I will be extremely sad because it will be all over. You can't win for loosing! :)

01/28/2008 03:10 am
I knew Willow would screw up. Thanks for a great chapter.

Pam S
01/28/2008 02:51 am

From bad to worse.. But still Spike attracted to the Slayer. His other self.. Slowly going back in time?

01/28/2008 02:40 am
Oh! Wow! I knew Willow's spell would go wonky!