His Girl by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 4

04/06/2014 03:00 am
I love Anya's reaction to all of this...  Now, if only she can knock some common sense into Xander.  Love the assertive!Buffy!

 Common sense into Xander?  Lost cause.  :D  I’m so glad you liked the story!  Thank you!

09/21/2009 10:45 pm
have just started reading your stories - this is a wonderful fic! So beautifully written, the voices just perfect and sweet sad Spike got his girl eventually. Will be reading all your other fics now. Thank you for the fabby read!
Thank you!  This story is one of my favorites.  I'm so glad you liked it!

07/21/2009 12:09 am
oh joy! oh bliss! awesome angst
I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!  This is one of my favorite stories!

06/13/2009 04:16 am
Not to sound repeatative or anything, but (as always) great story.
Love the memory wipe. Really opened Buffy's eyes. Take away all the crap about demons and souls that she's fed and she gets to see the truth. She finally sees that not all demons are the same. It's so obvious too, so I've never understood why they were all so strung up on the they're all the same mantra. One look at the different vampires would show how different they are; from Darla to Angel(us) to Dru to Spike to Harmony (who let's face it, is exactly the same as when she was human)...none of them are the same. They all have different personalities.
Not to mention Buffy was able to see how much they all boss her around and try to control her. She's supposed to be this strong female character and role model and yet she lets everyone else make her decisions. Since 'it's for her own good' it's okay. She just goes along with what everyone tells her. Honestly, she should have been a bit more like Faith in that regard; sure Faith went bad, but at least she had a backbone and didn't let others decide things for her.
Finally someone realized that what they were all doing to Spike was bullying and cowardly! Xander should have known better! He was bullied in high school, and now here he is power tripping since there's someone weaker than him. Spike could destroy him in normal circumstances, and Xander takes great joy in being able to beat him down. Isn't that the kind of thing the 'bad guys' get off on? Having power over someone and abusing it?
Don't even get me started on Riley. Shoving a stake through someone's heart in order to cause as much pain as possible it torture plain and simple. If Spike had done that to someone they would have been outraged. But Xander and Riley are humans so all is excused, again with that stupid soul excuse. Freaking hypocrites.
Again with the ingoring Anya  despite the fact she has useful information. Do they just forget the fact she's been around 1000 plus years? Or that she was able to shift through dimensions. If anyone would be able to figure out how to find Spike/Buffy it would be her, but do they listen? A big dose of no.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the story. It was an awesome read.

Canon always went: ‘No soul = evil.’ No exceptions.  Just for once, I wanted Buffy to forget that indoctrination and see without blinders.  Her loss of memory allowed that - allowed her to both see Spike clearly and the pressure and manipulation of the Scoobies.
The Scoobies consistently ignore Anya’s abilities throughout canon and Xander keeps stepping on her.  Who better to tell them about demons, etc, than an ex-demon?  But, no, nothing she can say could ever be useful.  It got me mad, which is why I showed a little of the way they blow her off here.  In ‘Running Wild’, I allowed her to reject Xander for it (and got shredded by a couple of reviewers for daring to do so! :D)
I don’t care.  Xander deserved it.  I’m not a fan of Xander’s.  After the first season, he became more and more bullying, bigoted and cruel.  He tries to rape Buffy out of lust, pretends to forget, but never lets anyone forget Spike’s attempt, made out of love and desperation instead of just lust.  He blows off Willow’s crush on him, but the minute she finds Oz, puts the moves on her - out of possessiveness, not out of real caring, it seems to me.  He constantly disses Anya and leaves her at the altar, but again shows no remorse, only selfishness, and tries to kill Spike when he and Anya resort to the comfort sex they both need.  He is responsible for several people’s deaths in Once More With Feeling, but doesn’t spare them a thought, only worries that he’ll end up as the demon Sweet’s ‘queen’.  I could go on and on.  He is a bully, scared to death of Spike when Spike doesn’t have a chip, constantly harassing him when he can’t fight back.
And Riley?  I never thought much of Riley, but when he shoved that stake through Spike, I despised him.  That was torture.  He was the one at fault, but he tortures Spike for pointing it out?  And then he brings Sam along in order to rub Buffy’s nose in their being a couple.  Disgusting!
Sorry about the rant!  It just gets me!  I’m so glad you agree and like the story!  Thank you!

04/13/2009 05:22 am
I loved this!  I love 'other dimension' stories and amnesia stories, so this was great!
I'm really fond of this one!  I'm so glad you liked it!

02/21/2009 10:21 am
so so lovely
Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!  It's one of my favorite stories.

09/21/2008 01:28 am
Forgot to put my name.
That last one was me.
Thanks for writing!
Thank you for liking it!

09/21/2008 01:27 am
Wonderful story. So sad when Buffy first got her memory back.

This part just killed me:
"She’s gone, isn’t she?" he said suddenly. "Kept hoping and hoping..."

"What?" she asked, bewildered.

He reached out and touched her face with aching delicacy.

"My girl’s gone. Never coming back."

The depth of misery in his eyes shocked her.

"No point in anything," he said and turned away from her and fell flat on his stomach on the bed, his face buried in his arms.

Yay for the happy ending!
The story come out of nowhere and that part was its heart.  I was sitting in my car and heard Spike's voice in my head, saying "My girl's gone.  Never coming back."  The whole story was suddenly there, like a lightning bolt.  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

09/19/2008 07:41 pm
Dear Dreamweaver,

all your storys are beautiful.

Thank you :-)
Thank you so much for liking it!  This one was one of my favorites to write.

spuffy chick
05/29/2008 09:58 am
aaawww!!! SWEET! loved the "claim" thingy...  they're really perfect for each other. 
i love the way you write your stories...makes me cry, laugh and fall in love! :)
great, great job!
Oh, wow!  Thank you so much!  I think they're perfect for each other too and I wish they'd allowed that on the show.

05/18/2008 12:35 am
OoOoOoOoooooo!!! Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!! :) It was really touching! I loved that her heart remembered!! Because she came back to her true self as a true BITCH!! I felt so sorry for him! But you wrapped it up perfectly! ~ Kelly
Thank you!  She had to come back as canon's Denial Buffy again.  But I couldn't leave it like that and break poor Spike's heart!  I'm so glad you liked it!

04/14/2008 03:46 am
Good story, dream.  Loved Drunk Spike.  You've captured the characters voices very nicely, too.
Thank you so much!  I love these two characters so much I can hear them in my head.

04/12/2008 06:31 pm
Another marvelous read , with beautiful love scenes again and a poignant moment when Buffy rejects him . I enjoyed the beginning with the slow building  of trust and friendship , very nicely done! 
I 'm falling in love very hard with your  Spuffy. :)
Oh, thank you so much!  I'm so glad!  I just love writing about these two and I'm so happy that others enjoy it too!

04/10/2008 07:14 pm
Yay! All is well in Buffyville, and Angel and Xander are grumpy jealous morons. Hurrah!
Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!  I always love rubbing Angel's nose in it and this time I was able to give Xander a bit of a slap too!

03/27/2008 06:55 pm
Just wanted to say - I really enjoyed the whole story.  a great read - Good to see Buffy learn to love Spike, sad to see him sad again ... but then a great ending
Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!

03/24/2008 01:49 am
very enjoyable read, thank you.
I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!

03/20/2008 07:22 am
I loved this story.  I've loved all your stories! 
Thank you so much!  I love writing them!

03/16/2008 06:49 am
AMAZING!!!! this is my new favorite fic!! I couldn't stop reading it.  Really... amazing
Thank you so much!  I'm just delighted you like it!

03/12/2008 10:15 pm
I think I've fallen in love with your Buffy <3 She's AWESOME!!!

And Spike is perfect, as always :)
Thank you!  I always thought Buffy was really great, except the show kept putting blinders on her.  And thank you for thinking I've got Spike right!

03/12/2008 05:58 pm

Ooh I love this story. -- such a happy ending, so well deserved, plus bonus Angel  and Xander running round like headless chickens.

Thank you!  And I really wanted to rub it in on Angel and Xander!

03/12/2008 11:12 am
*sighs*  you always do sooo good on the happy endings; you scare me so good, and then you make it all better.  Amazing; really enjoyed it; can't wait to see what else you have on tap!  Bring on the new stories, please???  Please tell me that wasn't your last one! 
I've got one more already written which I'll put up tonight.  But then I've got to write more, and it seems to take me about a month for a story.  So once this last one's up, it'll be a bit of a wait.  Thank you so much for liking what I've done! 

03/12/2008 07:09 am
wow you;re fast.

good one.
Oh, no, you've got the wrong idea!  I'm posting already completed stories.  It usually takes me a month to write one.  I'm so glad you liked it!