Hellgod Glory is winning the battle and Buffy decides she needs some primo help. Woo Hoo! WWHH? was nominated for Best Fluffy Spuffy and Best Romance at Spuffy Awards - Thank you Tart Fan!
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 4,173 - Updated: 04/26/2009 04:48 pm


Buffy gets a visit from the Social Services Lady. Spike helps out with the dishes and visits his kinfolk. Buffy gets some bad news. Buffybot has a chat with Anya and marches out into the world. Jenx and Dank have hangovers. Nobody has sex.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,749 - Updated: 04/28/2009 02:59 am


Buffy visits Spike to talk about his Bad Behavior and things don't go exactly the way she planned. *** Buffybot makes a new acquaintance. *** Glory checks out the fashions. *** Jonathan and Andrew argue over the remote. *** Jinx and Dank look up an old friend.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,484 - Updated: 04/29/2009 03:42 am


Buffy tests out her new toy. *** Tara takes a good look and wonders about Spike's kung fu style. *** Buffybot brings Spike his lunch and has a chat with Doris Kroeger, the Social Services Beastie and Dawn's new boyfriend. *** Warren gets tough.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,779 - Updated: 04/30/2009 03:45 am


Spike works on his tan. *** Buffy makes a connection. *** Buffybot has an unpleasant experience.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,284 - Updated: 05/03/2009 09:30 pm


Spike checks out Buffy's personal items. *** Willow and Tara go on a date, but it ends up badly. *** Buffybot is still waiting in Spike's crypt. *** Buffy tests out her new robot some more.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,296 - Updated: 05/10/2009 09:41 pm


Buffy continues to test out her new robot which seriously cuts into her beauty rest. *** Buffybot visits her friends, Tara and Willow. Or are they Buffy's friends? *** Buffybot questions Giles clothing decisions.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,116 - Updated: 05/17/2009 03:47 pm


The sun's up in the Valley of the Sun and Spike is hungry. Dawn has a few questions for the Spikebot. *** Buffy finds her missing panties and Spike gets a package.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,473 - Updated: 05/24/2009 05:44 pm


Woo Hoo! WWHH? was nominated for Best Fluffy Spuffy and Best Romance at Spuffy Awards - Thank you Tart Fan! Buffybot pulls a shift at the Doublemeat. *** Warren divies up the take from the Trio and Spikebot crime spree. Not everyone is satisfied with their cut. *** Spike gets some emergency medical treatment and, so does Whatshisname. *** Buffybot and Spikebot meet and make plans.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 4,251 - Updated: 05/31/2009 09:09 pm


Woo Hoo! Nominated for Best Fluffy Spuffy and Best General Romance at Spuffy Awards. *** Buffy looks for the missing Spikebot and visits Willow and Tara for a soothing cup of herbal tea. *** Buffybot changes her shirt. *** Doris considers a job change. *** Spike nurses a black eye and takes a nap.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,910 - Updated: 06/07/2009 02:34 pm


Hey, what Buffy doesn't know could fill the Slayer Handbook.*** Dawn gets scared and spills the beans about Spike. *** Buffy thinks things out and makes a plan.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,204 - Updated: 06/14/2009 10:30 pm


OMG!! Nominated for Best Fluffy Spuffy and Best Romance at Spuffy Awards and Best Comedy at Spark and Burn Awards! Now, that’s just awesome! This chapter in WWHH? It's Date Night at the Bronze!
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,808 - Updated: 06/21/2009 06:32 pm


Oh Boy! It's still date night and everybody's at the Bronze for fun and romance! Buffy is planning sweet sweet revenge. *** Last week Buffybot got disppointed when Spike dragged her out to the alley, but things may be looking up this week. *** Spikebot tried to rob the bartender and got some help from Square Pants Sponge Bob. *** The whirl continues .... NOMINATED SPUFFY AWARDS - Best Fluffy Spuffy and Best Romance AND SPARK and BURN - Best Comedy.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,671 - Updated: 06/28/2009 06:37 pm


Date night continues. *** Spike and Buffy have a confrontation and Xander makes a not so idle threat. *** Nomininated for Spuffy Awards and Spark and Burns Awards
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,191 - Updated: 07/05/2009 07:10 pm


Oh Boy - date night did not go so well. Everybody is feeling a little down the next morning. *** Buffy loses $433, but keeps the six cents. *** Buffybot checks out some popular magazines. *** Spikebot has some repairs. *** Spike gets a visitor.
Nominated for best humor at Spark and Burn Awards and Best Fluffy Spuffy and Best Romance at Spuffy Awards. Excellent banner by nmcil. See more banners and Spuffy stuffy at her website: http://www.whedonworld.com/
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,670 - Updated: 07/12/2009 06:26 pm


Buffybot gets into a fight. *** Spikebot has a nasty shock. *** Spike gets an offer than he may not be able to refuse. *** Buffy gets a present. *** Giles commandeers Xander's ice cream truck for the Big Battle. Woo Hoo! Nominated for Best Fluffy Spuffy and Best Romance at Spuffy Awards and Spark and Burn Awards! Now, that’s just awesome!
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,826 - Updated: 07/19/2009 05:06 pm


Buffy is thwarted and gets a ransom demand. *** Spike ponders the meaning of his life. *** Glory gets a happy. *** Warren gives Spikebot an assignment. *** Buffy and Buffybot reconsider their relationship with Spike.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,333 - Updated: 07/26/2009 10:19 pm


Buffy plans her attack. *** Glory gets her nails done. *** Spike is in a spin. *** Buffybot is way confused.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,562 - Updated: 08/02/2009 10:37 pm


Buffy and Buffybot have a chat about duty, killing Evil and stuff. Oh, and kill a few demons. *** Giles and Xander limber up their pitching arms. *** Another guest arrives at the spa and Much Much More!
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,114 - Updated: 08/11/2009 03:39 am


The Battle Continues ...
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,839 - Updated: 08/16/2009 10:45 pm


The final moments of battle. *** What have those naughty robots been up to? *** Doc has an unpleasant moment and so does Glory. *** Buffy gives Spike an invitation.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,754 - Updated: 08/23/2009 06:45 pm


The battle's over and Willow fixed that Spike is Evil Spike is hot loop in Buffybot's programming. *** Buffy and Spike have a date for coffee, but where does that leave the lovelorn Buffybot?
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,109 - Updated: 08/30/2009 07:36 pm