What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm's Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Genre: , , , - Rating:
Words: 2,074 - Updated: 05/19/2009 03:14 am


What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm's Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Genre: , , , - Rating:
Words: 2,227 - Updated: 05/19/2009 03:45 am


What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm's Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Genre: , , , - Rating:
Words: 2,552 - Updated: 05/19/2009 03:46 am