Goes out of canon after “Something Blue” on the show. Events that actually happened on the show will not necessarily follow that timeline. Just a glimmer of a plot. Only what I need to get Spike and Buffy together a lot......This is a sequel to my fic “Something Bluer”. Would be good to read that first!
Genre: - Rating:
Words: 9,282 - Updated: 09/23/2005 03:00 pm


Goes out of canon after “Something Blue” on the show. Events that actually happened on the show will not necessarily follow that timeline. Just a glimmer of a plot. Only what I need to get Spike and Buffy together a lot......This is a sequel to my fic “Something Bluer”. Would be good to read that first!
Genre: - Rating:
Words: 14,729 - Updated: 09/23/2005 03:22 pm