full 3/4 1/2   skin light dark       
Second Youth by Ariel Dawn
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Disclaimer: Joss said we could, right?
Buffy woke up to feel the wonderfulness of Spike’s arms around her. With a smile she rolled towards him and kissed his chest.

“I have to get up, Beach party today. I have to put together the potato salad.”

Spike groaned. “I thought you made the bloody thing yesterday?”

“I boiled the potatoes yesterday,”

Spike pulled her closer to him and began to nuzzled her neck.

“Spike...” Buffy warned.

He didn’t stop. Buffy rolled her eyes and smiled.

“You aren’t planning on letting me up out of this bed are you?”

“I like naked Slayer in my bed.”
Buffy laid on her bright pink beach towel, beside her, was set up the video camera, tripod and all, taping everything. Everything in place, Buffy grabbed a cell phone out of her beach tote and dialled.

“Good morning!” she said happily in to the phone.

There was a groan from the other end.

“No complaints Mr, I’m a Vampire so I can sleep all bloody day. Up up up!”

More groaning.

“Spike, get your lazy ass out of that bed and go turn on the tv.”

“Beg pardon?” said the vampire finally gaining some amount of ability to turn thoughts into rational speech.

“Spike, down stairs, turn on tv. I promise you’ll like.”

Buffy heard him trudge down the stairs and into the living room.

“Ok, the bloody thing is on, there’s no picture though.”

“Ok, hold on, I have to hang up the phone.”

Buffy hung up and redialled, setting the phone on the video camera. Buffy stepped back from the camera and waved.

“Is there picture now?” she asked the camera.

“Bloody Hell!” came the response from the phone.

“I’m glad you like. I wanted you to be able to come to the beach too,”

“How did you do this?”

“Oh I’m techno girl now. Hold on Giles needs help with the BBQ.”

Buffy rushed over to help her watcher, just as Dawn came up from the water.

“Buffy? When’s lunch?” asked Dawn.

“Soon, say hello to Spike,” said Buffy from beside the BBQ.

“Hi Spike, welcome to the Beach.” Dawn waved at the camera.

“Hello yourself Nibblet,” came Spike’s voice from the phone.

Dawn jumped. “Holy Crap!” she screamed.

Spike chuckled. Buffy nearly lost it and had to keep herself from falling over she was laughing so hard.

“Not funny Buffy!” Dawn stormed off with her towel.

“But it so was!” laughed Buffy. “Oh look Xander and Anya are here!”

“What’s wrong with Dawn?” asked Xander.

“She can’t take a joke,” replied Buffy. “Did you bring drinks?”

“Sure did, and the jelly doughnut goodness.”

“This is your last box of donuts Mister Harris, if you don’t stop you won’t be able to fit into your tux!” said Anya.

“Anya, the wedding isn’t for months!” protested the groom.

“Looks to me like the whelp could stand to lose a few pounds,” came Spike’s voice.

Xander jumped a bit (not as much as Dawn) and started looking around frantically for the owner of the vampire’s voice.

“Did everyone hear that or am I officially hearing voices?”

“I heard it,” said Anya as she raised her hand.

“I brought Spike to the beach,” said Buffy proudly, indicating the video camera.

Xander walked over to the device and inspected it. “You mean he can see us but we can’t see him?”

“Oy! Whelp you are blocking my view!”

Xander jumped back a bit.

“I think it’s wonderful,” said Anya pulling off her shorts and t-shirt to reveal a bikini that perfectly matched Buffy‘s towel.

“Spike, stop ogling Anya,” ordered Buffy.

“What makes you thing I was looking at her at all, pet?”

Buffy rolled her eyes.

“Do you really want me to answer that Spike? Anyway it’s lunch time, go to the fridge, I left you some salad and some blood.”

“Salad? I’m not eatin’ bloody salad,”

“Fine, drink your blood, be difficult.” Buffy turned and waved at the three witches and the key who were throwing a Frisbee around.

The group gathered around the assorted blankets and towels, to be treated to veggie dogs and potato salad, ice cold cokes and assorted left-overs from the night before.

“I apologise for the tardiness of the meal,” said Giles, putting mustard on his hot dog, “I could not get the infernal contraption lit.”

“Ooh, you should have asked me, Giles, I’m very good with fire, in the ‘I’m a witch I can make it’ sense, not in the pyromaniac sense,” babbled Willow.

“No, it’s fine, Wills, Giles and I got it done, and look to prove it, hot food! Magic doesn’t need to be used all the time, especially for little things like starting fires,” said Buffy helping herself to a coke.

“So the G-man didn’t get his merit badge,” observed Xander, in between mouthfuls.

Giles glared.

“Pet? Did you do something to this salad?” Spike asked.

“Yes, just eat it, you’ll like.”

“Ewwwwww,” cringed Dawn, “You didn’t put blood in it did you?” Dawn poked at her own salad with revulsion.

“I didn’t do anything to your salad Dawn!”

Buffy was dressed and makeup-ed and prowling around her house, looking for cameras. Dawn was still complaining about how she should be allowed to go, but Buffy had put her foot down. Fifteen year old Dawn, no matter how much she was on the verge of being a mature sixteen, was not going to the Bronze where Buffy intended to get completely sloshed.

Buffy was waiting for the others to get ready. Spike had put no effort into dressing up, not that she expected him to, he was sexy in what he usually wore, ok, he would be sexy in anything and nothing. Buffy looked down at her own outfit, very dark, very revealing and something she would have yelled at Dawn for wearing. Ya I’m a hypocrite, but I’m old, gimme gimme gimme

Giles had agreed to patrol for the night, so that Buffy could have a night off. It was very nice of him, but Buffy had a feeling he only did it so he wouldn’t be asked to come with.

Anya was the first of the girls to come down stairs. Why she was getting ready here? Buffy really had no clue, especially since Xander was meeting them there.

“Oh Buffy, I meant to ask you, since you are my maid of honour, Bachelorette party?”

Buffy smiled at the look on Spike’s face, who had been watching TV but now had his full attention on the slayer.

“Of course you will have a bachelorette party Anya? How could we not have one? And this time we can have strippers!”

“What do you mean this time? Didn’t you get me strippers the last time?”

“No, Xander said no, and at the time I was kinda grateful, I was so not in a mood to have fun then.”

“Did you have strippers at any of your bachelorette parties?”

Buffy smiled at that. “The first one ya, but by the time my second wedding rolled around the council decided I had to be a role model and all that...no more fun for Buffy.”

“Just how many times have you been married pet?” asked Spike.

“Why Spike! I’m only 20 years old, I haven’t married anyone,” she said coyly.

“Buffy...” he warned.

“Spike...” she warned right back. “You don’t need to know that. It will just lead to other questions and a lot storming around the house and breaking things.”

Spike smirked. “I’ll have the answers I want by the end of the night pet.”

Buffy rolled her eyes, “Ya you are probably right, that still doesn’t mean you are going to like what you hear.”

“I say we do a truth Spell on her and make her tell us all her secrets!” giggled Willow as she and Tara walked into the living room. “Ready to go?”
Buffy’s head bobbed up and down to the music. This was fantastic! She hadn’t been dancing for what seemed like eons. It was probably more like decades, lots of decades. They found that Xander had already secured them a table, and was chatting with one of his work friends, Richard.

Buffy frowned. She knew Richard, he had been invited to her birthday party next year. Buffy introduced herself to Richard right away, giving him a big smile and then turned to introduce Spike.

“Richard, this is my boyfriend, William Darlington, we work in the same business.”

Richard passed a forced smile on his face and turned to Xander quizzically, then asked, “What exactly do you do?”

“We are in protection,”

“Like the police?”

“Sorta, but for a very private company, secret hush hush kinda thing.”

Richard looked a little impressed.

“Your name is Darlington?” Anya asked Spike seriously.

“What of it? And how did you find out?” he asked Buffy.

“Come on Spike, I’m ancient, I had access to the Council’s libraries and public record archives while I lived in London and you don’t think I didn’t have time to look up every little thing I could about you?”

“You’re ancient?” asked Richard.

“Oh yeah, 122, actually, not as old as Anya though.”

“1120 actually,” said Anya proudly.


Xander tried to distract his friend, “Goofy kids, pulling your leg, they really should stop and I mean stop.”

Buffy rolled her eyes, then turned to Spike. “I need tequila stat!” she beamed and pulled Spike towards the bar.
Buffy was hammered. She liked it. She liked it a lot. She liked the fact that she was practically doing Spike on the dance floor, and she wanted more.

Buffy leaned in to Spike’s ear and licked it. “Join me in the alley, love?” she purred.

“What happens in the alley, pet?”

Buffy smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
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