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Extraordinary Considerations by Opal
Part 4 (Ch 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19)
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Thanks to Meli for continuing to do a good job with Betaing the fic!

**Hugs** to everyone for reviewing! I sooo appreciate the time you take to let me know what you think!

Chapter 15 - Protection

Buffy came out of the shower with her hair returned to its usual blonde state. Spike loved the black streaks in her hair from the night before, but he preferred his Goldilocks the way she usually presented herself. She looked beautiful with her belly swollen and his t-shirt covering her top.

Simply put, she was effulgent.

The mother of his child, his mate, his great love; Spike would protect them both forever.

Buffy noticed the way he was looking at her. She never felt so much adoration for another being. He was the father of the babe inside of her. She gently rubbed her stomach and smiled.

“Luv, ready to head off to your mates now? We haven’t got much time, and I don’t fancy leaving the little bit with a container of dust for a daddy.”

Buffy did not like the thought of being mated to a jar of dust. It certainly would not give her many happies. She threw her hair back into a high ponytail on her head, and placed a kiss on her mate’s cheek.

“I think I’m as ready as I’m going to be. Let’s go.”

Spike inhaled the scent of vanilla that fragranced her hair and skin. He hugged her close to his body, then placing a kiss on the top of her head as he released her. Spike grabbed their overnight bag and his mate’s hand as they left the room. Luckily, the estate was empty so they were able to avoid any questions about Buffy’s pregnancy.

Buffy was sad to leave their haven. For once, there had been no slaying, no worries about Angelus. In fact, it had been the best night of her life, and it would be quite some time before things could be that good again.

The Slayer drew in a deep breath. She was grateful to the powers that fuck with people’s lives that this time they fucked with hers the right way. She also realized she better let the master vamp waiting for her to get a move on, that she was thankful to him to.

Spike put the overnight bag on the ground as he rushed to open the door of the Jeep for Buffy. She turned around and cupped his cheek in her hand, then looked up into his blue eyes.

“Spike, I just want you to know that last night was the best night of my life. I appreciated the entire evening and all the effort you went through. Thank you.”

Before he could speak, she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. She turned out of his arms and began to step up into the Jeep. She let out a scream as she lost her footing and began to fall backwards.

Safely landing into the strong arms of her vampire love. For the first time since his turning, Spike had truly been scared. He had not panicked a tenth as much when a mob in Prague attacked Dru.

“Silly me, I’m not used to having to balance with a belly here!”

Buffy laughed it off, but she knew he could sense her heart beating a mile a minute.

“‘M glad I was here to catch you. If you’re having a little trouble getting into the car, you should probably think about not slaying.”

Spike shut the door before she could start to protest. He knew that she would not dare step out of the SUV for fear of losing her balance. He walked around, sat in the driver’s seat, turned the vehicle on and began to make his way out of the estate. Spike braced himself for the protest that he was sure to hear any second from the Slayer. She surprised him with what actually came out of her mouth.

“Your right. I shouldn’t be slaying, but how am I going to protect our child from Angelus?”

“Bloody hell, I was so concerned for you and the sprout that I forgot about the sodden poofter.”

They exited the gates of the estate and began to make their way back into Sunnydale. Spike became so lost in thought about dealing with the Angelus issue; he clearly had forgotten whose car he was driving when tried to knock down the “Welcome to Sunnydale” sign.

“Spike, no!”

Buffy unsuccessfully reached over to try to grab the wheel from him.

“What are you doing you crazy bint?”

“If you dent my mom’s car she’ll blame me!”

“Oh Fuck!”

Spike came back to reality and quickly veered the Jeep back onto the road before he could inflict any damage to it. He noticed the Slayer’s quickened heartbeat and scolded himself for doing something so stupid that could possible hurt his love and child even if it was only the wrath of Joyce. Buffy definitely did not need any more stress in her life, and he certainly knew he should not add to it. Spike was again broken from his reverie with the sound of Buffy’s voice.

“We need to attack now, before I get too weak and uncoordinated. I know you don’t want me to get hurt Spike, but who else can fight off Angelus except for us? We still have to figure out how to deal with Acathla.”

“Buffy, I don’t want you getting hurt! Damn it, you’re already pretty uncoordinated with nibblet in ya.”

“So we train first. You and me.”

“You crazy bint, if you think I’m gonna spar with you, your off your soddin’ rocker. You can’t put me in a position to hurt our bit, ‘s not right.”

Spike regretted his words to her when he saw the tears in her eyes. He should have remembered with pregnancy comes crazy hormones. It was not her fault he was a nervous daddy; insecure about his ability to provide her with the training she needed without hurting her.

“Sorry luv, your right. Your gonna end up having to fight with the sprog in you, so its best you get used to coordinating yourself. I’d rather you get warmed up with me than with Angelus.”

Buffy looked at Spike with relief. She let the tears roll down her checks that she had been fighting. Gently, Spike reached over and wiped them away. Buffy knew he could be stubborn, but she just did not want to drag out the discussion and waste needless energy arguing. The more worked up she became over the fight; the more she anticipated that he would have more than the words he had used.

Buffy knew she better gently remind him about her hormones, hoping that he would not take her overreacting the wrong way. If there was one thing, they would need for sure in the fight against Angelus it would be their confidence in each other.

“Thanks Spike, I appreciate your understanding. I’m sorry about the tears a moment ago. Just thank the preggo hormones for them.”

Spike reached over and squeezed her hand. He pulled the Jeep onto Revello Drive, and slowly drove towards 1630. He sensed her heart beat quickening again. This was going to be one of the toughest moments in her life. He could not imagine being a teenage girl showing up pregnant at her mother’s door.

Especially when the father was a very old master vampire, known as the Big Bad; one that was surely wrapped around the finger of a very powerful slayer.

“Luv, you sure you’re ready?”

Buffy turned to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. She gave her mate a gentle smile, filled with love.

“With you by my side, yes I’m sure.”


Angelus walked back into the room where he kept Xander. He let a low growl out as an announcement of his presence. Angelus stayed towards the outskirts of the room, but his eyes stayed focused on his prisoner’s body.

Xander came too and realized he was feeling strangely…fine? He knew he should have been sore from the treatment he received from Angel, but he wasn’t. No pain at all. He felt a strange confidence about him he had not had before.

Then he remembered the brief moment he had with Dru the night before.

‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Xander thought, ‘she vamped me.’

It took a moment to realize his heart was still beating therefore he had not been vamped.

‘She healed me. Strange, thought she would have drained me as her nummy treat. Won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.’

Xander received a stern response from Angelus when he let out a chuckle.

“Boy, what did I tell you about disrespecting me?”

Xander looked up quickly when he realized he was not alone in the room. The shocked look on Angelus’ face was priceless.

Angelus could not believe his eyes. There was no fucking way that boy should have recovered so quickly. Angelus inhaled deeply, and smelled the leftover magicks that permeated through the room.

“Boy, I don’t know what kind of witch you are, but that won’t stop me from beating on you today. Pretty soon you’ll be calling me ‘Daddy.’”

Xander became very worried as Angelus began to move closer. He shut his eyes in preparation for the torture to come.

All that came out was the anguished cry of a master vampire who clearly was not going to get to be called “Daddy”, at least from Xander.

“Boy, you better hope you have strong magicks protecting you, because when I get this barrier spell down I’m going to rip you to shreds.”

Angelus pounded the invisible barrier a few more times before storming out of the room.

Xander thanked the Powers That Be. Whatever Drusilla had done to protect him, he would freely accept. Hopefully, Buffy would come and save him soon.

Hugs to all of you so kind to leave a review!!! It soo boosts my self confidence and makes me happy!!!!

Special Thanks to Meli - give her cheers y'all, she the one who does the great job reviewing and fixing my grammar!

I know some folks are kinda all weirded out by Buffy's becoming the equivalent of being six months pregnant overnight. I'm taking creative liberties with the fact that it's mystical and if it's mystical, anything is possible!

Chapter 16- Quiet Time

Angel had stormed out of the room holding Xander. He was frustrated by the fact that every time he had a plan, something got in the way.

He had hoped that last night would have been the night Acathla would have awoken, but his lackeys brought home a prize instead of the answer to Acathla. This added further complications to his plan for death and destruction.

So he dusted the two minions that had failed in their charge and gave the task to two more. This time, he picked a couple of bookworms whom were clearly more suited to the task.

As long as his errant childer and that damn slayer did not get in the way, the ritual would be done at dusk when he rose from his sleep. A day’s delay was no big deal considering the world was going to be completely eviscerated.

Angel felt the dawn approaching. He made his way through the mansion to his bed where he would sleep for the night.


Spike helped Buffy get out of the Jeep. He was still amazed that a mystical pregnancy could accelerate the womb time so quickly, but who was he to argue with the Powers That Be. He took his leather coat off and wrapped it around the Slayer.

Buffy eagerly accepted the coat. She realized that her obvious pregnancy was going to be a shock, but it would be nice to get into the house first. She took Spike’s cool hand and they walked up to the door together.

They stood for a few moments, until Spike broke the silence.

“Luv, I feel the dawn on my back. I’m gonna be ashes if we don’t head in now.”

Buffy took a deep breath and unlocked the door. Luckily, everyone seemed to be sleeping. She did a quick scan of the room and accounted for all of the Scoobies except Xander. ‘Perhaps he was up sleeping in her room or the guest room,’ she thought. ‘Mom definitely had Giles up in one of those rooms, so it only makes sense Xander would be up there.”

Spike inhaled deeply. He inwardly cursed himself; he should have recognized the mix of the scent of his bloodline and fear. The scent of the bloodline told him they were just lackeys. The fear seemed to come from everyone in the room.

Now his he had to figure out which one of the Scooby scents were the faintest, and he would know whom the minions took.


Oz had been asleep when he couple had entered. It did not take long for him to become aware of their presence in the home.

To say he was shocked would have been an overstatement for the usually stoic man, but for once, he really was.

‘They mated. Incredible. Would not have expected it so soon.’

Oz smiled to himself and settled back into sleep. A few more hours of sleep was all he needed, just to appreciate the peace and quiet before all hell broke loose.


Buffy wandered upstairs to her bedroom with her mate. Spike pulled back the covers to the bed and gently helped the Slayer climb in. He pulled the shades down and drew the drapes closed. He climbed into bed with Buffy, spooning her closely to him.

“Love you Goldilocks,” he whispered in her ear.

“Love you too Spike, always,” she murmured back to him.

Sleep overtook the Slayer first, which granted Spike extra time to watch and hold his mate. Even more so, he listened to the extra heartbeat coming from her. He knew once the situation with Angelus was over, they would have trials ahead but in comparison, they would be trivial.

He knew they could weather any situation as long as they had each other. He swore as her mate to protect her and their nibblet.

Their nibblet who would need a name, although he was sure that whatever proper moniker the baby was given it would not be used as often as the nicknames he would give it. Spike smiled at thought of picking out names for his love child with the Slayer.

Buffy understood the claim, but the Victorian man inside him did not want his child to be born out of wedlock. He made a note to see to it that he had the proper paperwork arranged, and then he would ask her to make their relationship legal in the eyes of the State of California.

No sprog of his was going to be made fun of because their mum was single.

Spike fell asleep thinking of all the ways he would propose to her, and their wedding under the stars.


Giles came downstairs first. He noted the children, well young adults, were still sleeping. Hoping to catch some moments of peace and quiet, he went into the kitchen. He started a kettle for tea, and some coffee for everyone else.

He was deep in thought when he looked up to see Oz sitting across from him at the breakfast bar. It was also then that he could see Joyce’s Jeep out the window.

“Good Morning Oz. I may be as bold to ask when did they come home and why was I not awoken?”

“Nice way to kill the peace and quiet I was hoping for Giles. They came home 30 minutes ago. Mornin’ to you too by the way.”

“Sorry Oz,” Giles replied apologetically “I’m just nervous for Buffy.”

“Well, I’m nervous for them both and how everyone here will treat them.”

“Well she is having a baby, albeit spawn of William the Bloody, we have to treat her with dignity.”

“And what of the baby’s father?”

“He’s served his purpose, of course after he helps with Angelus.”

“After that?”

“He leaves or he’s dust.”

“Then you’re going to have a problem with your Slayer.”

“What makes you say that Oz?”

Giles was becoming impatient with the game of twenty questions. Clearly, the boy knew something monumental and was trying find out what his own position would be on such situation.

“If you kill him or separate him from her, she’ll die of heartache.”

“Dear Lord, whatever do you mean? The girl understands that this is part of her sacred duty.”

Oz felt his temper flaring. He was loosing patience with Giles lack of understanding. Oz felt it was in the best interest of Buffy and Spike to reveal the mating now. This would give Giles time to digest it, save Buffy from heartache and Spike from an unwarranted dusting.

“Giles, they’ve mated.”

“Well silly they had to according to the prophecy, in order to have the child.”

“Giles, get out of denial land. I’m telling you that they have mated, as in forever, as in demon marriage.”

Giles fell off the stool he was on, and passed out, but not without a “dear lord” slipping from his lips.


Joyce had smelled the coffee aroma that had permeated through the air. She was just contemplating getting out of bed when she heard a thud from downstairs. She quickly was up to run downstairs to find out about the commotion, when she noticed her daughter’s bedroom door was almost closed.

Knowing she had not left it that way before she went to bed, she slowly approached the door to peek through the crack.

She smiled as she saw her daughter in her bed, with Spike’s arms wrapped around her.

Joyce blinked her eyes rapidly and did a double take. Spike arms were wrapped around her daughter’s swollen and clearly impregnated stomach.

“Oh my!” Joyce murmured before she too passed out.

Buffy slept through her mother’s reaction, but Spike had woken up in time to hear Joyce. Then he noticed that the covers had slid down, revealing Buffy’s state.

Unknowingly, Oz and Spike simultaneously sighed. They were both thinking that the time for peace had come and gone so quickly.

***Hugs to All! ***

Thanks for the reviews! Keep 'em coming!

Thanks to Meli for continuing to beta my grammatical catastrophies and turning them out reader friendly for all of you!

Chapter 17 – Eye-Openers

After hearing the succession of thuds in her house, Buffy immediately sat straight up in her bed.

“What was that?”

“Well luv, it seems your mom peeked in and noticed her daughter in bed with a vampire.”

“Oh. That’s it?”

“Buffy, we kicked the covers off. It made the fact that you’re with child obvious.”


Buffy paused for a moment and realized that Spike was saying her mom realized she was pregnant.

“Oh my god. Oh, Shit. I wasn’t ready to deal with this yet!”

“Don’t worry love, I’ve got you.”

Buffy melted into Spike’s embrace. Then she remembered the other thud she heard.

“Spike, I heard another thud downstairs. If Mom hadn’t made it down there to share the news, how could someone else have passed out? Were you awake before me?”

“I was just as knackered as you were luv, didn’t hear a thing.”

“Can you carry Mom downstairs? We can see what happened down there and get this over with now so maybe we can go back to sleep.”

“Only if I can curl up with my Goldilocks.”

“You’ll be the only one curling up with me Spike.”

Spike brushed a kiss against her cheek, and then rose from their bed. ‘Their bed sounds nice. Once this is all over with we’ll have to get a place of our own so we can truly call it our bed.’

Spike was grateful he had left his jeans on instead of going commando. He knew his manly bits were a fine specimen of the male anatomy, but he did not fancy his mate’s mom getting a peak at them. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and let it fall to cover his sculptured body.

He reached a hand out to Buffy to assist her out of the bed. It seemed she was learning fast that it was in her best interest to accept help instead of being a martyr for women’s rights. She placed her tiny hand in his as he gently pulled her up into his arms.

“Thanks Spike. Not sure if I would have kept my balance without you.”

“Anything for my girl. So what do you say I carry your mum down, and you follow?”

“Sounds good to me. Let me just put my robe on first. It will buy us five minutes before the shit hits the fan.”

Spike placed a kiss on her head and pulled back. He looked into her eyes as he stroked her hair.

“Smart idea, pet. Hope the nibblet gets your brains!”

Buffy smiled back at Spike. She still could not believe how quickly they had gone from mortal enemies to mates, but it did not matter. It only mattered that she loved him.

“I love you Spike.”

“I love you Buffy.”

She slowly stepped out of their embrace to retrieve her robe. Spike helped her put it on, even tying the front for her.

“Time to wage our first battle of the day pet.”

Spike scooped Joyce up into his arms and made his way downstairs. Buffy made sure she followed behind him as closely as possible. She could smell the aroma of the coffee. At least she could enjoy a good cup while dealing with being ambushed.


Oz’s eyes briefly looked up towards the ceiling. He figured whatever was going on up there; Buffy and Spike would deal with it.

Right now, he had a watcher to take care of. He knew when Rupert Giles woke up, there would be hell unleashed on the newly mated couple.

At least a verbal hell; Oz shrugged at the predicament. He figured it would make good entertainment for the morning.

Oz also realized that he would be the only one on Buffy and Spike’s side. Although he was usually silent during Buffy’s debates, he realized that this time he would need to speak up. Certainly, no one else would, and it was actually a good thing Xander was not here. It was going to make things easier.

Oz dragged Giles out of the kitchen and into the Summers’ pit of fire, AKA the living room.


Willow and Cordelia had woken up amidst all the commotion going on in the Summers household. Willow noticed immediately that Oz was no longer by her side. ‘Probably a good thing, don’t want Buffy’s mom to get upset.’

Cordelia was not as happy to be awake.

“Why, is it so hard to get an ounce of peacefulness around you people? Why do I continue to hang around…?”

Cordelia stopped as she saw Giles being drug into the living room by Oz.

“What’s the deal with him?”

Oz knew entering into a discussion with the brunette was second on the list of worst evils to deal with. So he kept it simple.

“Dunno. We’ll wake him up and ask him.”

Willow was not looking at Oz placing Giles. Instead, her attention turned to Spike whom was carrying down an unconscious Mrs. Summers in his arms. Before she could scream for Buffy to help her mom, she saw the Slayer hiding behind Spike.

Willow moved off the couch so Spike could lay Joyce down on it. She settled comfortably on the floor next to Oz.

Buffy managed to continue to hide behind Spike. She noticed that Giles was lying on the floor unconscious.

Cordelia wanted to get this show on the road. She had beauty sleep to finish.

“Well Buffy, do you know what all this commotion is all about because I’d really like to get back to sleep.”

“Well I’m not sure the best way to deal with this. Spike what do you think?”

“I think we should just wake them both up. It will be easier to say it once, and then we can join the smart mouthed cheerleader in the land of nod.”

Cordelia took Spike’s comment of being a “smart mouth” as a compliment.

”Thanks Spike, I’m glad someone here is seeing the light.”

Oz just shrugged. He knew Cordelia was a ditz. How she could not tell she was being insulted was beyond him. He started to shake Rupert to wake him up, while at the same time Buffy was tending to her mom.

“Bloody Hell.”

Giles rubbed the back of his head, trying to remember what happened. He mumbled to himself, “Oz, Buffy, Spike…Mated. “

Spike picked up on Giles ramblings. Only one who could have figured or sensed the mating was Oz. Spike glared at Oz, but softened as he let the boy explain himself, in the brief Oz way.

“Sorry dude, wanted to curb the immediate reaction. Knew it would suck.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it. “

Joyce had been in the midst of coming out of her own fog. She thought to herself ‘Buffy, Buffy, Buffy in bed, in bed with Spike…. Buffy, Buffy, Buffy, Pregnant?’

Joyce looked over at Buffy and she was relieved. Her daughter did not look pregnant, at least with the robe on.

Everyone turned their attention to Giles as he cleared his throat.

“Buffy, Oz tells me that you and Spike mated. Is this correct?”

“Well duh Giles, the prophecy required us too.”

“Dear lord, Buffy you know what I mean.”

Buffy figured if she could skirt around it, maybe it would be less stressful to deal with. She felt Spike’s insecurity through their bond. She looked over and squeezed his hand before speaking.

“Giles we’ve mated in both ways, to create life and to be with each other as mates forever. I just don’t think it’s any one’s business who I take for a mate. I’m very well aware of the fact that no one, except Spike and I are going to be happy about it. I am going to point out though that Spike and I are the only two people who need to be happy about it.”

“But it goes against your nature. He’s dangerous.”

“He won’t hurt me Giles.”

“How do you know? He could have drained you!”

Oz felt it was time to chime in.

“He didn’t. Giles, you know, at least with all your training, you should know that once a vampire takes a mate he will never ever hurt their mate.”

“Usually if the mate is human, the vampire turns them.”

“Not always. Have you told Buffy what happens to mated Slayers?”

Buffy was shocked at Oz’s knowledge. She was happy and grateful he came to their aid, but she never realized he knew so much and that Giles held back.

Spike was furious at the Watcher. His girl was expecting and the git was causing undue stress on her.

“Mate, what happens to the Slayer?”

Giles polished his glasses, and then answered.

“She becomes immortal, along with her mate and their offspring.”

Buffy was pissed. Not because of the forever of the situation, just that if Angel had ever brought up or tried mating with her, she would have been stuck with him for an eternity. She reached over and touched Oz’s hand.

“Thank you Oz. For bringing to light this situation and believing in what we have. It means a lot to me.”

Spike put his arm around his girl. He was so proud of her. One hurdle down, time for the next one. He took the initiative, and spoke.

“As Buffy said, yeah we mated last night in both manners of speaking. This prophecy, which has changed both of our lives for the better, is coming to fruition as we speak.”

Willow, who had been silent, finally spoke up.

“But isn’t she supposed to be pregnant? I mean we have to go to the doctors and confirm it.”

Buffy stood up and began to undue her robe.

“No Willow we don’t. Apparently, this prophecy and the mystical pregnancy associated with it are making things move a little faster than expected.”

As Buffy’s robe fell, the entire room fell silent, and only a collective group of gasps was heard. Buffy was the first to speak.

“So, did you guy’s research this part of the prophecy, because I’m thinking by the looks on your face, no.”

Joyce moved up off the couch and ran over to her daughter. Buffy was most afraid of her mother’s reaction, after all this was a teen pregnancy. She had given her mother enough trouble in LA, felt she caused her parents divorce, and now this. Buffy was not expecting a good reaction.

Buffy was pleasantly surprised.

“My baby won’t die now. I’m so relieved. When I found out about your short life span as the Slayer, I was devastated. I know your life is different honey, and it’s going to get different once this child is born. I am here for you, unconditionally.”

Buffy hugged her mom back, with tears falling down her face. Spike was relieved that the confrontation with Joyce went well. He respected her and admired her, after all Buffy had to get her resilience from Joyce.

Joyce helped her daughter over to the couch and sat with her holding her hand.

Willow and Cordelia gave into their womanly instincts. They went up to Buffy to offer their congratulations and rub her stomach. Cordelia even began to carry on about hosting the baby shower at her parent’s estate.

For once in the life of a Slayer, things seemed normal. That is when Buffy realized Xander was not with them.

“Um, guys don’t you think someone should go upstairs and wake up Xander. I was kinda hoping to have to do this only once.”

The room fell silent, in the uncomfortable sort of way.

“Guys, Xander is upstairs, right.”

Giles little mumble of a ‘dear lord’ and the polishing of his glasses gave was the final giveaway that all was not right in Scooby land.

“Ok. Willow spill. What happened to Xander?”

Oz held his girl’s hand as she recounted the tale to Buffy. When she was done, Willow asked the obvious question.

“So Buffy, what are we going to do?”

“Kill Angel. Save Xander.”

Thank you all so much for taking the time to review!!! I'm so happy with all the positive feedback.

As a gift to you all, some spuffy lovin'!

Extra thanks to Meli for betaing!

Chapter 18 Gratitude

Spike’s heart swelled with pride as Buffy pledged to destroy her former love. He had not questioned her commitment to their love, but he was afraid she might not be able to do what she needed to deal with Acathla.

He no longer questioned her resolve. Spike could feel through the claim that she would undoubtedly do whatever it would take to protect her mate and child. Likewise, Spike would do the same.

Spike would not allow Buffy any slayage time yet, even with Angelus loose, until she had some more rest. She was now emotionally exhausted from this morning’s session. Slayer or not, she still needed her beauty sleep.

Of course, Giles spoke up before Spike could usher his Goldilocks off to bed.

“Buffy, how in your condition do you expect to be able to deal with Angelus?”

“Like I do in every situation that is new to me; kick ass and win.”

“Aren’t you even thinking about the danger you’re putting your child in?”

“Hello? Giles if I do nothing then there will be no child! Remember this whole ordeal started because of Acathla and the end of the world?”

Giles sheepishly looked down, and brushed his hand through his hair. The gesture would suffice as admitting he was barking down the wrong tree with his comments. It was hard for him to tell her that he loved her like a daughter and just wanted her to be safe. He wanted her to have only the best that life could give, and the current situation frustrated him. Mated to a vampire, pregnant, having to fight vampires every night. Instead of being honest with her, he hid behind the guise of Council rules and the expectations for a slayer.

If she made it through this, he decided it would be time to stop hiding. The current situation was so dire, that he could not do it now. She needed to think clearly and not based on emotions.

Killing Angelus would prove that she could do her calling as the slayer without letting emotions cloud her judgment. Still, he wanted to keep her in her mother’s house and send a special Council Task Force in to deal with the problem.

Of course that seemed like a great idea, and the best solution. Only problem being Quentin Travers would decline the Council’s resources. God forbid if he helped one of the young girls for once. Giles swore that bastard was more evil than some of the vampires he knew.

In fact, how odd was it that Quentin would not provide and protect the Slayers, but William the Bloody, Slayer of Slayers, would protect his mate, a Slayer, with his unlife.

Giles just shook his head and thought to himself ‘Bloody Irony, fucked up thing that it is.’

Spike decided that the awkward silence created the perfect opportunity to bring his princess up to bed.

“Look, we all know that we aren’t going to be able to stop the Slayer from doing her duty. As much as I don’t want her to go in either, she’ll find a way and I will be there every step of the way to back her up and protect her. We’ll need our strength, so Buffy and I are going to go upstairs to sleep.”

“Spike,” Buffy tried to protest, “We need to plan now.”

“Luv, look the best thing to do is catch Peaches in the daytime. The Scoobies can work on logistics while we rest. We’ll fill in the gaps when we rise, yeah?”

Buffy was tired. Willow and her mother nodded their heads agreeing with Spike. He made sense, so she decided she would not fight him. She would let him take the lead for now.

“Your right Spike. I am exhausted, especially after this morning.”

Spike had expected a full-blown battle with Buffy. He was pleasantly surprised that she chose not to waste her energy by fighting.

He reached for her hand to lead her towards the stairs, but was surprised when she backed off for a moment. It was a little puzzling since she agreed with him about going up for some rest.

Buffy sent him a reassuring look and loving vibes through the claim. She had decided she had a few things to say to everyone before she went up to rest.

“Look, I know not all of you are happy or accepting of the situation between Spike and I. I want to make it clear though that we are in this willingly, and I expect no more discussion about it when we wake from our rest later today. There simply will not be enough time to do anything but plan for the attack; I expect us to focus. Even after the task at hand is done, I would hope each of you will be supportive to us in your own way. I’m not asking for a blessing or approval, just that you don’t communicate to us your negative opinions or treat us as lepers. I love all of you, but if you put me in a position to choose between my relationship with you and my relationship with Spike, Spike is going to win.”

Joyce was touched by her daughter’s strength and resilience. She knew things were not going to be easy for her daughter, but she would stand up for her 100%. Joyce stood up and hugged her daughter. Then she walked over to Spike.

“Welcome to the Summers Family, Spike. I’m happy to have you as a part of it.”

Joyce walked up to Spike, without fear, and hugged him. Spike hugged her back and blinked back his tears. He could feel Buffy’s happiness of her mom’s approval through their link.

Buffy held back her own tears. She could feel through her link with Spike just how important this really was to him. Acceptance, love, looked upon as a man and not a monster.

Buffy gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and then took her mate’s hand. Silently, the pair walked up to her bedroom to retire for the morning.


Once they settled into her bed, now their bed, Spike wrapped his arms around Buffy. He smelled her hair and placed small kisses along her neck.

Buffy was tired, but he was arousing her quickly. She began to moan in response to his ministrations, which only encouraged Spike to continue. She turned around so she could easily reach his hard member with her hands.

“‘Cor luv, I love the way you touch me.”

Spike gently removed the t-shirt Buffy was wearing. He peppered kisses down her neck to her swollen breasts. He gently licked around her nipples before finally taking one into his mouth.

Buffy threw her head back and moaned in delight. She began to grind her crotch into Spike’s leg. She rapidly increased the stroking of his luscious cock.

“Spike, I need you now. I need you to make love to me, please?”

Spike immediately responded to her pleas by removing the remainder of their clothing. He gently touched her pussy to make sure she was ready for him.

Buffy was ready for him alright. While he was gently stroking her, she pushed him on his back, and then lavished his chest with kisses. She made her way up his body to his neck and lips.

Spike could not believe what his golden goddess was doing to him. One moment she pleaded with him to make love to her and now she was taking control. She positioned herself on top of his cock and quickly impaled herself on it.

The pleasure of being sheathed in her warmth was going to cause him to explode. The feelings of love they exchanged through their link were bound to send them over the edge harder than they had before.

“God luv never had it so fucking good before. Fuck love. Ride me. That’s it baby, ride the Big Bad.”

Spike’s encouragement turned Buffy on more and more. She moved up and down on his shaft, squeezing her inner muscles on each upstroke. Her inner walls were trembling, ready to explode.

She looked into Spike’s eyes. His love and devotion reflected back at her.

“I love you Spike.”

“Love you too Buffy.”

Buffy felt her orgasm beginning and she swiftly moved her lips to her claim mark on Spike’s neck. She bit hard and deep; her screams of passion muffled by his neck.


“Yours luv, always. All fuckin’ yours.”

The second her teeth broke his skin, Spike spilled his release into her. His game face came to the fore and the demon reciprocated the reaffirmation of their claim. He took a few quick pulls of her blood, and then sealed the puncture wounds with a quick lick of his tongue.

“Mine. My Buffy. My love.”

“Your girl. Forever.”

Although falling asleep immediately was the natural thing to do, they knew with a houseful of guest someone could walk in and get an eyeful. Spike helped Buffy back into her clothes, and he threw on his jeans.

Spike gently took her hand to assist her back onto the bed. She safely climbed in and cuddled into Spike.

‘Love you. My princess. My goddess. Love you so much, never want to lose you.’

‘You’ll never lose me Spike.’

‘Buffy, was that you in my head?’

‘Yeah, pretty neat. I guess since we renewed our claim, it made our link stronger.’

Spike was pleased that he could communicate with his mate on a telepathic level. It would certainly help them in protecting one another. There was nothing like the sound of her voice as she told him she loved him.

It was, after all, his favorite sound in the world.


“Yeah, Spike?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. How come you didn’t use our link?”

“Because I like to hear you say it. The sound of your voice, please don’t forget that.”

“Never Spike. Hey Spike?”

“Yeah luv?”

“I love you. Let’s rest now, ok?”

“Anything for you my love; anything.”


Joyce was in the kitchen with the remainder of the household. The sounds of breakfast sizzling on the stove were providing a much needed distraction to the noise from the second floor of her home. While she was accepting of her daughter’s situation, it did not mean that she approved of the loud lovemaking that was occurring under her roof.

She would have to have a conversation with Buffy about this later. Joyce thought about what would happen. ‘Would Buffy and Spike live with her?’ Of course not, Spike was certainly too mature to want to live with his girl’s mother. ‘Would they move into his place? Where does Spike live?’

“Mrs. Summers, the bacon’s starting to burn.”

“Oh. Thanks Oz. I appreciate it. “

“Finally,” Cordelia whined, “I thought they’d be going at it for hours. I thought she needed to rest.”

Giles put his glasses back on after his marathon polishing session.

“Cordelia, I think its best that we not comment on whatever is happening upstairs.”

“Well maybe they are just having a pillow fight?”

Willow knew it sounded stupid and naïve the minute the words left her mouth, but she figured that was a better visual for Buffy’s mom than her daughter naked with a nummy vampire.

“Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better Willow.”

“I will Cordelia, thank you.”

Oz smiled for two reasons. First being that his girl stood up to super bitch. Second, the melodious sounds of his friends getting it on upstairs. What self respecting male wouldn’t enjoy it, except for Giles who clearly thought of Buffy as a daughter.

Anyhow, Oz felt it was time to take the focus off Buffy and Spike.

“Yum. French Toast, it looks delicious Mrs. Summers.”

“I hope it tastes as good as it smells!”

‘Willow and Oz are so kind. Unlike that Cordelia who won’t even be grateful that I cooked for her. I’m glad some of my daughter’s friends are decent.’ Joyce put out the breakfast spread on the kitchen island for everyone to help themselves.

“Joyce, my lord, this is absolutely delicious!”

“Why thank you Rupert. I’m so glad you appreciate my culinary skills.”

“Mmm. These are really good. You know my mother hasn’t cooked a breakfast since I was a little girl. The maids will do it, but it’s not the same as hers. Mom’s make breakfast with love, which makes it taste soooo much better. I really miss that. Buffy’s is lucky to have a mom like you.”

“Why thank you Cordelia that was kind of you.”

For a second time that day, Joyce and Rupert were shocked!

Oh my, you all came out and reviewed like mad! Thank You! Thank You Thank You!! When I started this, I figured I'd be lucky if I got 10 reviews! You are all so kind.

Thanks to my Beta Meli, without her this wouldn't be the work it's become! Thanks :)

Chapter 19 -Calm Before The Storm

After breakfast, Joyce went into the gallery to get some work done, while Giles, Oz, and Willow went to the library to gather weapons and Cordelia went home to get some beauty sleep.

In reality they had left to avoid a repeat of the earlier activities they heard emanating from Buffy’s bedroom. After all, no one wants to hear it if they are not getting any.

While under the pretense of requiring attending to other matters, they dispersed to their own agendas, but not before agreeing to meet back at the Summers’ house around 4 p.m.

An empty house would be a good house for the mated pair should they awake. Buffy and Spike were so thoroughly exhausted that they just slept, peacefully.

It was possibly the last chance at peace they were going to get.


The mansion was buzzing with activity. The minions were elated that the secret to unlocking Acathla was uncovered. The only thing holding them back was they did not want to disturb Angelus from his slumber to share the news with him. They were minions, but they were not stupid. If they pissed off Angelus, they were dust. The good news they brought would not be enough to counter balance his rage.

Unfortunately, the majority of the minions in the house were not as quiet. Angelus’ roar of displeasure silenced everyone in the mansion that could hear it.

“Who dares to cause such disrespect to me by waking my slumber?”

The minions were too scared to answer. Some of them scattered, forgetting how quick and agile Angelus could be. He reached out and grabbed a scampering minion by the throat.

“Boy, you know what is going on here?”


“Speak to me properly boy!”

“Yes Master.” The minion choked. He knew that he would be dust in a moment anyways; he may as well try to spare the two bearers of good news the same ending.

“So share boy.”

“The scholars completed their research.”

Angelus was furious. That was not an excuse for that ruckus. He squeezed the minion’s throat tighter.

“All that fucking noise for that!”

The minion choked out his reply as he met his dusty ending. “No master Angelus. It is because they have found the answer to Acathla!”

“Excellent!” Angelus mood changed quickly to one of elation as he walked through the dust still lingering in the air over to the scholars. “I expect that you have proper preparations being made as we speak?”

“Yes Master.” The both answered. Each of them silently pleaded with the Powers That Be that they were correct in their translation.

Angelus unleashed a cocky grin across his face as he leaned up against the wall.

“So tell me, what is required of the great and mighty Angelus?”

“Well it would require your blood.”

“My blood, that’s it! All this time and the damn thing only needed was my blood?”

“Well Master, there is a specific time for you to provide your blood. It’s not that simple.”

Angelus felt his temper dissipate. He had to control his anger until after his mission with Acathla was complete. He needed his scholarly minions to provide their knowledge they gained in researching the ritual.

“So how long do I have to wait? Two days, a fortnight?”

“Not long at all Master. Tonight. You must only wait until tonight, but it must be at dusk.”

Angelus was thrilled. In only a few hours, we would bring hell on earth. No more slayer, no more wayward child.

No more stupid soul to get in the way. His tribute to Acathla would ensure that his soul would not return.

He made his way back to his chambers to cleanse himself and prepare for the evening. He walked by the room that held the Slayer’s lap dog. He walked in, attempted to break through the protective barrier and failed.

Xander looked up at Angelus. He was fearful, even with the barrier still intact.

Angelus quickly sensed the fear radiating from Xander. He took the opportunity to inflict the only harm he could on the boy.

“Boy by tonight this barrier won’t save you. Your Slayer won’t save you. But I’ll be here to welcome you through the gates of hell that open up. When they do, I’ll be the first one to take you and drain every last drop of your precious blood from your veins.”

His fear paralyzed Xander. He could not speak to come back with a witty comment. He knew without the barrier and without Buffy, he had no hope.

Angelus strode out of the room, proud he had accomplished something to bother the boy.

Xander’s faith returned shortly after Angelus departed.

“Buffy will come. She always does. She always wins.”

Xander shut his eyes and pleaded with the Powers That Be that everything would work out right.

When he opened them he was shocked to see Drusilla in front of him, stroking his cheek.

“What the...”

“Shh. Don’t fret, I won’t hurt you.”

Xander was shocked into silence. ‘This was Spike’s crazy girlfriend, well former girlfriend thanks to some prophecy that made Spike Buffy’s.’

“She’s not for you anyways. Spike was never meant for me to keep.” Drusilla said.

“Are you reading my mind?”

“I’m not crazy any more. Does that answer your question?”

“Yes.” Xander barely managed to squeak a response out of his mouth.

“You have nothing to fear. I have placed this barrier around you and it will not falter.”

“What about Buffy?”

“Buffy will come. I am warning you though. In exchange for my kindness and the protection I have given you, you must give me one thing in return.”

Xander was afraid she was going to ask for his soul or his blood. Drusilla just smiled and cupped his cheek in her hand.

“Be kind to her and William. Do not deny or mock their relationship. The Powers have willed it to be.”

“I don’t understand?”

“Xander, I know you thought Angel was not good enough for Buffy because he was, let me quote you, the ‘Evil Undead.’ William is different. Always have been, his capacity to control his demon and love is amazing. I wish he was mine to keep, but as I said that was not in the Powers plan for me.”

“So you’re saying Buffy was meant to be with a vampire?”

“Yes. Xander she is the Slayer. She does not realize it, but she is not all human. She could not be the Slayer if she was. On the other hand, she would not be able to do her job if she was not partially human. She needs the compassion, the understanding of being a human in order to protect them.”

“It won’t keep her from dying young.”

“You do not need to worry about her dying dear boy. She was destined to be the mate of William the Bloody. They will live a very long, long, long time.”

“What do you mean by mate?”

“Silly boy, for someone who goes out to help the slayer, you do not know much of what you are killing do you?”

Xander bowed his head in shame. She was making sense. He just went with his one track mind, undead equals evil. Yet it could not be true if Spike loved Buffy, and Drusilla had saved him.

“Xander do not be ashamed. We all make bad choices or decisions, and this is why I ask you again that in exchange for the protection I have granted you that you give your love and support to Buffy and Spike.”

“I believe I can. Now can you tell me, what do you mean by mate?”

“It’s very sacred, rarely done within the vampire community. It is a commitment between two vampires or demons to love, cherish, fiercely protect, and maintain monogamy to your mate until the end of time, which is a long time for an immortal.”

“So it’s like a marriage.”

“Yes, like a marriage except it is more because it is mystical in nature.”

“How is it done?”

“Well it is done through an exchange of blood.”

Xander tried not to cringed, but the words out of Drusilla’s mouth confirmed his fears.

“Yes Xander, they bite each other. And they will do it periodically to renew their vows to each other. Really it is quite pleasurable, so do not knock it until you try it.”

Xander again realized that Drusilla had a very good point. Drusilla began to walk away from him, and then she turned around to face him.

“You see Xander; if we did not have this discussion then you would not have come to realize that not everything is in black and white. Then when Buffy came to your aid and you realized the reality of her situation between herself and Spike, you would have said things that would have broken her heart.”

Xander nodded in agreement.

“Incidentally, has not almost every man that has been important to her taken her love and trust just to throw it in her face? Let us list them: her father, Angelus, and now her watcher, who is not exactly taking her decision to mate with a vampire very well either. I am not saying it will be easier for you, but now being enlightened you are equipped to react better.”

Drusilla walked back up to Xander, and looked him in the eyes.

“William will not be one of them. He will never, ever, leave her. Tell me Xander, which list do you want to fall on?”

“I want to be there for her.”

“Good. Someday for her, your time on earth will be a distant memory. Make them all good for her.”

“What do you mean?”

“She is now an immortal. Angelus cannot kill her, but she does not know it yet. You cannot tell her until after things settle. It will alter the course of tonight’s events. Just have faith in me.”

Xander had to agree with her, after all she had been nothing but kind to him.

“Ok. I agree.”

Drusilla walked away towards the shadows of the room, when Xander stopped her one last time.

“Will I see you again?”

“Perhaps. If needed I will make myself known.”

Xander was saddened at the response.

“Well then, I want to thank you for your help. Really. I would be beat by now and it sounds like after Angelus is dealt with I would have made a real mess of things. From my heart Dru, thank you.”

Drusilla smiled and disappeared into the shadows, whispering in the air, “You’re welcome. Just be the man I know you can be.”

Thanks so much for reading!! You know what makes me happy! Review, Review, Review!



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