Ties That Bind by Rain
Chapter #1 - 1
Ties that Bind

By Rain

"Buffy could you please try to pay attention, this prophecy is very disturbing. We are talking about a force that could in fact..."

Buffy rolled her eyes and tuned Giles out again. Blah blah blah. Eventually he would get to what impossible thing she was expected to pull off in order to save the world again. She had other things on her mind. Spike was back. A shiver ran through her just thinking about it. He had come so close to killing her many times and she had come so close to killing him but still he didn't fear her. It was sick and twisted and wrong but Buffy couldn't wait to see him. To fight with him. To look into his crystal blue eyes and face her death. He excited her in ways she couldn't even begin to explain to herself. Fighting Spike was a rush plain and simple. Giles finally shut up and looked up at her expectantly. She turned to Willow bent over her laptop eagerly tapping away. So eager to help.

"Wills, tell me again what Spike said."

Willow jumped and stared at her like a deer caught in the headlights. "Ummm, well I told you that jock was bothering me and than he was just kind of there and than he was all "Oi Red!, This lump bugging ya?" and I was all "no" and he was all menacing but not at me and I was seriously freaked but than the jock like got all in his face saying that I was with him and that Spike could leave and than Spike looked over at me and asked if he could hit him and I was so wigged I said "Ok" and he laid him out and there was all this blood all over his face, the guys not Spike's, than he walked me to my dorm and really didn't say anything just a lot of smoking and Briticisms that I didn't get," Willow took a deep breath and took off at the speed of light again. Words tumbling one over the other the way that they did when she was really scared or excited about something.

"Something about the Dutch, and Buggering and the Muppets. Oh and he offered to go back and eat that guy and I was all "No" and he was all "Whatever you say Pet" and he asked me if I ever thought about becoming a vampire because he would be honored to turn me and I was all like "NO" and than I told him I was a vampire once and didn't like it and he was all impressed I think because he was all "Bet you were a sight Luv! Let me know if you change your mind and say 'ello to the bitch, let her know I'll be round to kill her next week after I get Dru all sussed out" and I was all "What's wrong with her?" and he was all "Nuttin I can't 'andle" and than we were at the door and I looked up and he was gone. And that's everything."

"So let me make sure I have this right. Spike, Vampire, Slayer of Slayers, Badass Spike, came out of no where, defended your honor, walked you home, and made conversation?" Willow nodded wordlessly, her eyes as big as they would go. "What is he up to? Giles do you think he was serious about turning Willow?" Buffy turned back to Giles to find him scowling at her.

"Buffy we have more serious problems than Spike. The Powers that Be are assuming that this prophecy may be lived out within the next few days. And the spilling of slayer blood mixed with that of a master vampire on hollowed ground is not an acceptable aversion." The glasses came off and Giles began to polish them with vigor. His British accent becoming more pronounced. "I don't know what they are thinking, I simply can't allow some vampire to drain you regardless, we must research...."

"Wait, the powers want to kill me? I am so not going to die again, been there, done that. Thank you very much. So they can send their prophecy to that Fruitcake Faith. Nope, this train has no caboose, no Chu Chu when you wave..."

"Buffy, I'm sure no one wants to kill you, I mean other than the Vamps and the Demons and shutting up now." Willow bent back over her laptop and began to type with an unnatural speed. Her own special superpower. We could call her tip tap woman and buy her a cape with letters on it.

"Now that I have your attention, the most direct translation I can decipher is" Giles replaced his glasses and adopted the tone of lecture.

"The Dark Princess Dances
with Her Borrowed Power
Calling Souls into the Abyss
Searching for her lost lover
Her Stolen Life-force is the key
The Master opens his veins
Washed with the blood of the chosen
Mortal enemies bound by purpose
Spill hope on the mouth of hell
And hold the end at bay

There are various shades of meaning of course and there are other references in the A'Decan and the Wic Fableon. Near as I can tell we are probably dealing with a female vampire, Vampire Blood is referred to as Stolen Life-force in many ancient texts including ..."

"Okay so I have to let a vampire bite me and than slit his wrists on the hell mouth. We'll call Angel and get it over with. No big...Buffy saves the world again. Now if we could get back to Spike..."

"Buffy this is not "No Big" The Vampire has to be specific. One of the Vampire's Childe. Her Stolen Life-force. And a Master Vampire. And I hope it will not be necessary. We need to find a way to circumvent the whole prophecy. You would be completely helpless not to mention where would we find such a vampire. And it would have to be done within minutes of the Vampiress opening the hell mouth or it would be too late. Better to find her and stake her before she gets anywhere near the hell mouth..." Giles head whipped up at the pounding of the door. "I thought Xander was working tonight..." Giles swung the door open...

And there was Spike, in all his salty Goodness. Leaned casually up against the door jamb, head cocked to the side, blue eyes swimming with mirth. His trademark half smirk on his full lips, cigarette held with precision between his thumb and his forefinger. "Oi, 'ello watcher!" His voice washed over her like waves of darkness. His soft drawl sending tingles up and down her spine. "Might I come in for a cuppa?"

"Spike!" Giles had never looked so hard. Eyes as cold as ice, face frozen in his Ripper Mask. "Buffy, hand me a stake!"

"Well, well, well. So much for Brit hospitality. Get me a Bloody Stake! Is that any way to treat a guest? No mollycoddling for the Vamp that saved your sorry asses not too far back. As if I was just strolling through town and thought I would pop in on the bleedin Slayer," Unable to ever stay still Spike paced around the porch, punctuating his words with his hands, duster flapping. Absolutely no fear. She had just handed her Watcher a stake, she had a stake and he couldn't even get in because of the barrier. It was official. Spike was just as loopy as his girlfriend, he just covered better. "Not a thought in your pretty empty heads, Why a Master Vamp such as myself would come a callin' Polite as Fuck All. Oh I was just feelin' a bit peckish, thought nothing but your stellar company would make me complete! Oi!"

"All right Spike, Enough with the dramatics all ready. And you did not "Save our Asses". You grabbed your loopy girlfriend and ran. And you are not supposed to be here. You and Dru were supposed to never show your faces again. And yet you just keep coming back. Like a Cockroach. What, need another love spell?" Spike stopped pacing, giving her his complete attention. Head tilted to the side, body coiled tight as a spring, fighting posture. And his eyes were almost polite. She was officially wigged out. "Did the little woman run off again? Torture didn't give your sex life the zing it needed..."

"Buffy enough!" She glanced at Giles who was still staring at Spike, the very image of hostility. "We don't care what he wants. He's a Vampire. Kill him already."

Spike flung his hands in the air and than peered into the room. "Hey Red, that you? Listen, throwing up the white flag here. The lot of you make me want to heave, but you are the only White hats I'm on speaking terms with and my Dark Princess needs a bit of help. Her crazy plans usually go round the bend but she's got her a dark wizard and I need your Watcher to look up a thing or two 'bout Soul Calling." He tossed his first smoke and immediately lit his second, as he paced restlessly. "Can't get my girl out because of these anti-vamp charms, and I would be the first bit of flesh ol Angelus would want. And you’re the second slutty. And saving the world, that's your soddin' gig White Queen takes King, shows over take a bow, besides...not like I have a soul to lose but you...."

"Did you say Dark Princess? Drusilla may be connected to this prophecy. What is it she intends?" Giles looked no less menacing, but suddenly looked curious as well and Buffy could see that he was struggling with himself not to turn his back on the evil vampire and rush to his books. She couldn't help a small smile.

"Not gonna stand on the bleedin' porch Ripper! Invite me in and we can talk shop." At their incredulous stares he smirked and let out a low chuckle. That laugh should be illegal. Her whole body was strung up tight as a wire and she just wanted to get to the fighting. She felt like if she didn't hit him soon she would just completely snap. "Not gonna eat you, I'll behave like a bloody saint. Feet off the coffee table, help with the dishes and all that rot. No snacking on the A Team, Scouts honor."

Buffy couldn't help the unladylike snort that came out of no where. "If you were a scout we’ll go to England and have tea and scones with the Queen."

His gaze focused on her, Smirk in full blown evil mode. "Might 'ave ate one once. Sides isn't that what a blokes supposed to say at moments like this?" It wasn't fair. Evil Undead Vamps were not supposed to be endearing. And comments about eating innocent scouts were not supposed to be in any way funny. Her lips stayed mercifully in a strait unyielding line but her eyebrows rose all on their own. His smirk widened into a small smile.

"Giles let him in." Her Watcher of course began to stutter. "Spike knows I can kick his Evil Ass, if he wanted to eat us he would have waited until one of us was alone and pounced." Spike only let out another low chuckle and bounced on the balls of his feet. Like a child who couldn't sit still.

"There is no smoking allowed in my flat." Giles was deadpan. Spike's eyebrows went up a mile. He took a long drag on his cigarette, tossed it to the side, and held up empty hands. Drama Queen. "Spike" Giles paused and looked like he was going to be sick. Buffy kicked him in his ankle just hard enough to sting. She got a dirty look for her trouble. "Come in."

"Ahh Magic!" He sighed with unholy glee. Then swooped through the door with unnatural speed. He laughed when we gripped our stakes and spun to face him. He was already sprawled in Giles' chair with a slice of lukewarm pizza halfway to his mouth.

Buffy crossed the room and slapped the lid of the pizza box down. "Vampires don't Eat." Spike took another big bite of his pizza and exaggerated his chewing. Than swallowed. Buffy was mesmerized. She just couldn't look away.

"No, The Bloody Poof doesn't eat. Got to uphold the dignity of Vampires and all that Rot. But an errant evil Childe like me don't give a Fuck. And I like Pizza." He took another large bite and sighed with satisfaction. "Sides eating might actually give the Wanker something to enjoy and can't have any happiness there. Big Brooding Ponce can't have a God Damn taco because there are starving Children in Africa or wherever." He finished off his last two bites and eyed the pizza box. Buffy grabbed it and flounced into the kitchen. She didn't want it but she didn't want him to have it either. She waltzed back in, and sat gingerly on the edge of the couch.

"So Spill, What has your crazy girlfriend done now? And why should we even care?" It wasn't fair that he should be so comfortable, surrounded by enemies. Sprawled in Giles' chair like he owned it, smirking at everyone. He gave Willow a full blown smile and she blushed a crimson wave and immediately turned back to her keyboard with a squeak. "Leave Willow alone." His head swiveled towards her and she shivered.

"Even Vampires know to be friendly to Witches. Isn't that Right Red?" She squeaked again. Buffy rolled her eyes and let out another snort/laugh. God that was embarrassing.

"Yeah, kidnapping her, threatening her with broken bottles. I'm sure she is so impressed." Spike had his head tilted to the side, an almost soft look in his eyes. And his voice was softer, more cultured, his accent closer to Giles'.

"Red knows I was 'round the bend. Love's a funny thing, makes you crazy, makes you quiver, do soddin' anything..."

"Enough!" Giles was polishing his glasses furiously. "Were not here to make friends, or hear about your love life, as sordid as it may be. Now tell me what Drusilla has done so that we can determine whether we need to act upon it or not. And than you will leave and not darken my doorway again." He set his glasses firmly back on his nose, included her in his scowl and swept over to his books. British dignity be damned. Everyone was composed except for her.

"Right, No need to get your knickers in a twist." He sat up and rested his elbows on his knees. He was wearing that red silk shirt she liked on him so much. What, Bad Buffy. No liking anything about the Big Bad Evil Vampire. He jerked his head to the left and popped his neck. Gross! She made a disgusted face but held her tongue, even when he leered at her. "Dru has got it in her skull that she wants Angelus back. She wasn't near as bad as the first time he left us. She was feeding jus' fine, and wasn't cuttin' herself up so I figured she would get over it and we could get on with our unlives." He snorted.

"Should a known better. Bint came across a spell in Jolly ol England. Pretty wicked spell, too. Causes all the souls in this realty to be sucked into a hell dimension. Dru and me don't have souls to worry us and than Angel would be all soul free, and no one would be left to re-curse him. As all your souls would be in hell." He laughed "Evil little thing she is, I just have to luv her. But it's complex dark magic and Dru's power doesn't run that way. So I indulged her and told her I would look for a warlock or a witch and kept her as far from anyone who could help her as I could. Everything was fine till I woke up in our 'otel room in Arizona and the bitch had cleared out. Stupid ninny had tucked me a sleeper."

"So I tracked her to good ol Sunnyhell, Chit leaves a bloody trail a mile wide. Figured I tie her up, drag her by her pretty hair to Ireland. But she’s gone and hooked herself up with a power dealer. Now Dru's power is very rare and I'm thinkin' this dealer will make the trade she needs. And they were countin' on me too because the whole place is bollixed up with Anti-Spike Mojo. And it's not like she'll need to do any traveling to get to the bleeden' hell mouth. Rack's joint moves about as he see's fit. So I need you lot to break in there and drag Dru out and just pray that the trade hasn't already been made because she knows a spell or two that packs a wallop!" He leaned back and crossed his feet at the ankles. By his expression he expected them all to jump and run to do his bidding.

'Whatever. Dru's so loony tunes she couldn't figure out how to draw a circle to cast a spell in. We soooo don't have anything to worry about. Should have known listening to you was a waste of time and pizza." Buffy stood and twirled her trusty stake. "It's time for you to make your fancy exit now because Mr. Pointy has an itch for Spike."

"Oh, I'll scratch your itch little girl." Spike leered at her and then moved to his feet to face her in one smooth motion. "Dru isn't stupid Blondie, She's insane. And that just makes her all the more dangerous. And after one hundred some odd years she knows enough about spell castin' to pull this off."

"Enough, both of you!" Giles was bent over his books a very worried expression on his face. "Everything that Spike says is in alignment with our prophecy. If it is indeed Drusilla that the prophecy portends than we must waste no time in keeping her from the hell mouth." He lifted his head and fixed his gaze on Spike. Eyes like daggers. "What worries me is, Why is this a concern of yours Spike? I've can't imagine you are so afraid of Angelus that you would throw in with the lot of us just to avoid him."

Every inch of Spike went Rigid as steel. His head swiveled like a raven to face Giles, his hands were tight fists and his voice cold as ice. And his accent as precise and cultured as the royal family themselves. "I fear no one Watcher. Without a soul to animate your tasty bodies, you will all die. Just what than will Dru and I eat? Pigs like Peaches? I think not." The blood drained from Buffy's face. She hadn't thought of that. "The Dealer Dru has found is very powerful. He will drain Dru's psychic power and charge her up with Dark Mojo. She won't need to call on any Deity to help her; she will already have the power. All she will need to do is say the words. And she already knows the spell she needs to cast. If I remember correctly the hour before dawn is the proper time to do the casting. That gives us six hours to find her. I already have a tranquilizer strong enough to put her down for days. I'll take her to Ireland or Israel or wherever, and I'll burn that fucking book."

"You are of course correct, Vampire. Where do you think we should begin looking?"

Buffy glanced at her friends. Willow and Xander and tagged along. Xander walked obsessively close to Willow and had a stake gripped tightly in both hands. Spike seemed totally oblivious. Walking to the left of them, out of stake range, and slightly to the front. It was majorly weird walking even two people away from him. She should be fighting him, not helping him. Her entire universe had gone all wonky. And the weirdest part to it all was, when she glanced at him casually, he was just another guy...who liked black...a lot.

"Are we getting close yet? These shoes are so not for walking a marathon." Spike spared her a glance, raking his glance up and down her before facing front again. Even the way he walked annoyed her. He strutted, like he owned the world and everyone should just get out of his way. And it should be illegal to roll your hips that way. They were on a public street for crying out loud, not Chip and Dale's. Not that she would ever go to a place like Chip and Dale's.

"I told you Slayer, it moves. I'll feel it when I'm close" She snorted and rubbed the stake in her pocket for comfort. Spike heard something, vamped and turned his head sharply. Must have been a false alarm because his human mask slid back on and he kept walking. Buffy shivered uncontrollably. Giles dire warnings ringing in her head. Everybody knew that Spike was Dru's Childe. If she managed to open the hell mouth, her blood mixed with Spike's would be able to close it. Buffy didn't want to die, and she had no doubts that given the chance Spike would drain her dry. She loved Willow and Xander but the simple truth was they could never take Spike in a fight. If Dru got the hell mouth open, this night would be her last.

Maybe she should send her friends home, with her dead Spike wouldn't hesitate to kill them both. Probably laugh the whole time. Willow looked at her from the corner of her eye and Buffy gave her a tight smile. Willow was smart enough to put two and two together; she had heard the prophecy after all. But she was quick witted enough to keep her mouth shut in front of Xander and Spike. If it came to that then she would tell them, otherwise...they never need know. God if Spike knew, he would encourage Dru to open the hell mouth just so he could open her veins. It had been Giles concern that Spike knew about the prophecy and that this was all an elaborate plan, but Spike had never mentioned it. God, Where the fuck was that Bitch? They had been wondering around downtown for a fucking hour, time was running out.

Spike stopped suddenly, spun and kicked the wall to the nearest building. "Temper Much?" Said Xander, which was remarkably restrained..., for him. Before Buffy had let him come she had made him promise not to provoke the evil undead. She couldn’t spend all her time protecting him. Who knew what Spike would do if they pissed him off, Truce or no Truce. She had no doubt she could take him, but important mission. End of the world blah, blah. Anyway they didn't have time to argue. They had spent enough time at Giles arguing over whether or not it was OK to stake Drusilla. Spike refused to help unless they promised that she wouldn't be harmed, and bite her tongue...turns out they needed his help.

Apparently only demons and humans with invites could find this "Rack" because of heavy cloaking spells. Made sense. So here they were at four o'clock in the morning, wondering the streets of Sunnydale, and Spike had finally snapped. Buffy couldn't help the large yawn that came from nowhere and Spike spun and Growled at her. "No Growling!" Buffy snapped. If Xander had to behave than so did Spike. Or he would be meeting with the business end of a stake. Except she couldn't kill him because she might just need him to bite her. Damn it, It was a Friday Night. She should have spent the night partying and be passed out drunk on a couch somewhere. That is what other college students did on Friday nights. "I thought you said you could find this place." Buffy felt a little growly herself.

"I soddin' told you. The bloody place moves. They musta known I'd be back. Gotta think, where would they go to hide? Probably holed up in a bleedin' Church!" He spun back to the building and punched the brick wall. Bet that hurt. Fresh bits of broken brick crumbled to the sidewalk. Buffy thought that it might be the Lipton building.

"We, we could go back to Giles and try another location spell." Willow said in a very small voice, trying a timid smile. Spike was obviously over the whole being nice to witches thing because he growled at her and punched the wall again. But he didn't try to rip her head off so she supposed he might be trying to control himself.

"Jesus Christ, I fucking told you a location spell won't work, what with the cloaking spells and all that rot." So much for restraint. "God Damn Twit, her and that ponce. I'll rip his soddin' head off; magic ain't gonna save his poncey ass when I get my hands on 'im." Buffy took a deep breath and let it out. Spike raised his eyebrows at her and curled his tongue under his teeth. She took another deep breath. No bickering, no bickering, no bickering. She repeated the mantra in her head.

"Spike" She said in a perfectly calm voice. You didn't see her flying off the handle. She was the very image of calm. "We don't have time for this shit. If you don't want to try another location spell, just where do you think we should look!" She wasn't yelling, she was only raising her voice to make sure that she was heard because she didn't want to repeat herself. He smirked at her and rocked back on his heels. And the whole fucking world could lose their souls because there was no way she was going to let this arrogant, infuriating, bastard bite her. "I don't see you coming up with any ideas. Probably because all that bleach has finally soaked into your brain and you don't have two thoughts to rub together!" She was above insults, but sometimes facts just had to be stated.

"Right then, Slayer. And I'm sure you were born with that color. Let's head to the high school. I don't know how long this effin Pillock takes to shift his hovel around, maybe they are already there, wouldn't want to be late, miss the festivities, rushin' never a good thing with spells." Her speech must have penetrated that thick head of his because he was being all friendly again, as friendly as Spike can be anyhow. She had known that calm reason was the way to go. She glanced at his mangled hand. All bloody. Idiot man, uh Vampire. Xander looked like he was about to swallow his tongue if he didn’t say something soon and Willow was staring at the sidewalk as though it held all her secrets.

They turned and started heading for the school. Xander fell into step with her. "Tell me again, Why we haven’t killed bleach-boy yet." Xander shot him the look. The I hate you beyond all reason look. The one she had thought was just for Angel. "We don't need him Buffy; we can take the Mad Hatter. True I'm just the White Rabbit but at least I'll get us there in time."

"Oooh!" Broke in Willow excitedly. "And Buffy can be the evil Queen, and off with her head!" Spike growled and met her eyes. She very carefully did not roll her own eyes. That would hurt her friend’s feelings even though the whole reference was silly. Willow and Xander grinned at each other as if they weren’t in the middle of saving the world, again. Sometimes she felt like an outsider amongst her closest friends. All alone surrounded by the people she loved most. Spike looked away again and she sighed, Xander's question didn't really need to be answered, he knew why they couldn't kill Spike, yet. But she understood all about filling up awkward silences with empty words.

"Well as fun as his dusty death would be, we have yet to find the local fruit loop." Buffy chirped. She could pretend the world wasn't ending with the best of them. They had to find her, she didn't want to die. She was only 19. Not even old enough to drink. And yet old for a slayer. At least she hadn't argued with her mom this morning, though she had said something nasty about Dawn hogging the bathroom. But just as she always did, starting with the master and every other disaster following him, she walked towards her death. But that didn't mean she didn't fear it. "Besides I don't want to get Vampire dust on my new shoes."

"Would you quit flappin' your jaws about the bloody shoes already? This is why I avoid humans. I don't know how Peaches ever tolerated the lot of you. Oh yeah! Because the Poncey Bugger needed someone to talk to about shoes." Spike stopped suddenly and eyed a Cavalier parked in front of the Espresso with interest. Oh no, he wouldn't steal a car with them here. Even he wasn't that stupid. "Look-see what I found, Slayer. A ride to the hell mouth."

She stopped, crossed her arms, and tried to imitate Willow's resolve face. "Spike, you are not stealing a car." He ignored her and tried the door, of course it opened. It never failed to amaze her how blind the people of Sunnydale were to the evil in their town. "Get away from that car Spike, We are walking." He got in and bent down and started messing with something under the dash. "Spike, let’s go!" The car roared to life. It wasn't that loud but in the stillness of the night it sounded like guns blazing, and metal music, and other loud things...okay that made no sense. But she was not going to be part of Grand theft auto. He closed the door and drove the ten feet over to them and rolled the passenger window down.

"Hop in kiddies." Xander opened the back door and he and Willow both slid in. Traitors. They were supposed to be on her side. Her blood boiled. She was going to kill him. But right now she had a hell mouth to protect, sacred duty, yada, yada, yada. Furious she turned around and stomped towards the school. He rolled the car along side her, keeping even with her. Damn it, her right heel was beginning to blister. She would not have chosen to break in her new boots today if she had known she would be hiking all over town. This was not fair.

"Come on Pet," He crooned. The undead should not have sexy bedroom voices that made her shiver. Not that she knew all that much about bedroom voices with her limited bedroom experience. But his soft slur was decadent...just the way she imagined a bedroom voice should sound. The undead should croak and their voices should crack because they were demon's not people. And she would be smart to remember that. "I know your feet are tired and hurtin'. And I'll return the car soon as I'm done with it. No sense walkin' when you can slide in here next to me. Besides luv, we’re saving the world for them, least they can do is let us borrow their car, hmmm." He titled his head in the way that she liked and the shadows danced over him making his eyes seem like dark pools of midnight, when she knew that they were really blue ice and damn it her feet did hurt. And it was at least another twenty minuets to the high school, and they were running out of time. And she was so exhausted that his sick twisted logic was beginning to make sense.

She stopped and stared at the car in trepidation. She looked up and down the street, big surprise, not a police officer in sight. She bit her lip and Spike reached across the seat and opened the door for her, looking up at her with his puppy dog eyes. "Come on now Ducks. Got to keep up your strength if your gonna stake me later." She stomped her foot in frustration but got in the car and slammed the door shut. Immediately he took off hell bent for leather, no regard what so ever to trivial things like stop signs and white lines. Thank God it was 4:30 in the morning. In minuets he was parked right out front of the high school doors.

"Why bother with mundane things like parking lots, when the lawn is so much more convenient?" Quipped Xander from the backseat. Spike was already out of the car, but he did shoot Xander a look. Vampire hearing you know. She glanced at the ignition. Spike had left the car running, there was no key and Buffy had no idea how to turn it off. The mass of wires that he had pulled out of the dash could have belonged to an alien spaceship for all she knew. She got out of the car on shaky legs, followed by her friends. Spike was already walking.

"Come on you soddin' gits, I can feel the vibe of the place." He stopped abruptly and frowned. "Vamp barrier. Can't go any further kiddies." He took out a wicked looking needle and handed it to her. "For Dru," he explained "Knock her right on her ass. She's not that heavy. They will be in the back room."

Buffy’s eyebrows competed with each other to see which could reach her hairline first. "Back room of what exactly? We are in the middle of the freaking front lawn." His hand was pressed up against nothing and she reached her hand out. It passed his, and disappeared. She pulled her hand back quickly, relieved to see it again and cradled it to her breast.

"S'invisible Summers. Cloaking spells ring a bell in that pretty little noggin' of yours?" Buffy glared at him, took a deep breath, and walked through the invisible barrier. Her friends followed without hesitation. Loyal to the end.

"Your next stop, the twilight zone." Xander said, Buffy nodded absently. The waiting room, she guessed, had dingy walls and bad light from a bare bulb in the ceiling. Hospital chairs lined the walls and two of them were filled with people. A dirty lanky looking guy with greasy hair in jeans and a ripped t-shirt. The other a neat looking older woman with glasses and a huge purse. But what really caught Buffy's attention was the grey skinned midget in the third chair. With his big ears, and big eyes, and three rows of small pointy teeth. Xander was humming some weird music and it echoed through the room in an eerie kind of way. There was only one door; it must be the back room Spike mentioned. And as crazy as it sounds she found herself wishing he was here by her side. She really needed to kill him soon.

Buffy took another deep breath and walked resolutely towards the door. They had to stop Drusilla before Spike got his wildest fantasy and drained her dry right on the hell mouth. The big guy, with the major BO stepped in her way. "Wait your turn Blondie."

"Are you trying to be intimidating?" She asked with complete innocence. Than she stomped hard on his instep and brought her knee up hard where it hurts. She pushed him back in to his chair and smiled sweetly. "You might want to work on that." And was through the door before anyone else could protest. Spike had called her Blondie; she decided she didn't like it.

There was a guy lounging in the corner on some gaudy chaise lounge. His hair was long and untidy and his eyes were completely black. The only other person in the room was some demon floating on the ceiling. As creepy as that was her spidy sense was quiet. No vampires were in here. She addressed herself to the wiggy guy in the corner. "You must be the dealer. Well I'm not impressed. Where is the Vampire?"

He smiled at her; it was not a pleasant expression. The man should look into some skin care products. "Drusilla has long gone, little girl. I have no use for you. But if the Strawberry tart wants a turn I can make her body sing for days." His voice was low and gravelly. That was how Spike's voice should sound. Pure evil. Maybe she should record it so he could practice. Buffy was beginning to feel the last dregs of panic setting in. She was pretty sure that the Vampy Ho was not here. They were running out of time and she was scared.

"Damn it!" She cursed out loud and spun around to leave. But Willow didn't follow. The creepy fellow was staring at her and she was staring back and a chill went up Buffy's spine. This guy was not going to get his claws into Willow. She met Xander’s eyes; they each gripped an arm and hauled Willow out of the room. The minute the door closed, she shook her head and looked dazed.

"Wha' happened. Did we get her?"

"She's not here Wills, we have to hurry, we're out of time!" The three of them ran through the barrier Where Spike was waiting, shifting from foot to foot like a nervous teenager. Maybe they could still stop her, maybe she hadn't started the spell yet. But it was time to cut Willow and Xander loose. "Guys, Spike and I are going to try to stop her. But I need you to go get Giles. He'll know what to do."

Xander of course began to protest and surprisingly so did Willow. "Enough, I don't have time for this. I need Giles! This is important." Buffy was in full slayer mode, and by now they knew not to question her at times like these. Buffy met their eyes and both of them nodded. She spun and sprinted for the high school, Spike by her side. When they reached the doors she turned. Xander and Willow were getting in the car. She watched as they backed off the lawn. Whe forced herself to meet Spike’s eyes and opened the door to the high school. They rushed through the empty hallways; thank god it was Saturday morning. And she felt an odd sense of detachment. It was like when she was walking to meet the master, and she knew she was going to die. Her feeling's and thoughts seemed to almost belong to someone else...like they couldn't touch her. And her fear was gone.

They sprinted down the steps to the basement, cut through the boiler room, and burst into the barren storage room beneath the library. And they were too late. Drusilla hovered 6 feet above them, head thrown back, arms flung wide, surrounded by a heavy swirl of dark light. She had started without them.

The room was spun with darkness and the ground rumbled. Drusilla was beautiful, dark hair wrapped around her body like a sheet, features perfect. It was no wonder Spike loved her. Angel had told her that Drusilla had taken her vows to the Catholic Church on the day that he turned her. And that her visions had frightened her. And now she was opening the hell mouth. Chanting lowly to rob the world of their souls, so that she could have her lost lover back. A walking tragedy she was. It would almost be a mercy to stake her, but she had made a promise not to kill her today. No instead it would be her own blood that was shed.

"Christ on the Cross." Spike whispered. He turned to her and met her eyes. He must have sensed Buffy's lack of fear. "Would you like me to turn you luv? Without a demon, today you die." A low rumble started under her feet. Wasn't much time now. Under Drusilla was a careful circle of ancient runes, each drawn with sharp precision. They glowed softly.

"Spike, I know how to stop it." Her voice was soft but Buffy knew he heard her. His head was back...staring at the figure suspended above them. Dru's voice was louder now, Words in some other language, vibrating with power. She began to spin slowly. "There was a prophecy that said how to stop this." She had his full attention now.

"Yeah luv, how's that then?" His voice was as soft as hers. She flushed remembering when Angel had bitten her, how hard she had cum. Being bitten had been better than the one sexual act that they had shared.

"Blood of a Slayer, Mixed with the blood of one of her Childe, on the magic thingy." She couldn't remember the word that Giles had used. Pentagram? Maybe, that is what Willow always called them. But her drawings didn't have those weird rune things. And her circles didn't glow. Spike handed her a knife and sauntered up to the circle.

"Come on then luv, open up those pretty veins." She shook her head as she crossed to him.

"Not that simple Spike." He tilted his head to the right and sucked his cheeks in. He had wicked cheekbones. "Our blood has to mix. You would have to drink me. Than bleed yourself." His eyes widened and she could almost see the wheels turning in his head. The sound beneath her feet was getting louder. She watched a pebble rattle as the ground shifted. Drusilla's voice was overwhelming.

He moved suddenly with vampire speed, he was behind her, one hand pressed to her stomach. She flinched but didn't pull away. But to her shock he didn't bite her right away. "How much blood, pet?" He breathed in her ear. She had never been this close to him. He smelled like leather, and cigarettes, and some soft warm scent that was pure Spike.

"I don't know." Buffy whispered back and he drew her hair to the right with his free hand. It was a lover’s touch, soft and silky. He walked her forward till they stood in the center of the rune circle. "I'm ready." Drusilla was shouting, and the ground was quaking in earnest now. There was no time to be afraid. And then his fangs pierced her neck. She winced in pain, but it didn't hurt like when Angel bit her, but than again she hadn't pissed Spike off. He was being gentle with her. He began to suck and it was as if a line was drawn strait to her sex. She felt his arm press against the knife in her hand and she shifted the blade so she could slice his arm. He held it away from her and slid his other hand down her body towards her knife. She slit that arm too. She leaned back into him as the waves of pleasure that washed over her became more and more intense. She was literally going to die of pleasure. She arched her back and clutched at his shirt with her free hand, the knife tumbled to the floor and she moaned low in her throat. And then her orgasm was hitting her hard and she didn't care that those little cries of pleasure were coming from her and she couldn't get close enough to him. And damn it nothing else mattered but this.

Suddenly her pleasure ceased. The room was spinning and his body was pressed up against her. But she was alive and awake, and was he licking her neck? Was the room spinning or was that just her head? Her knees were so weak, they started to give out, she started to fall. Spike caught her around the middle with his strong arms and she leaned back against him again and sighed. She stared at his forearms in fascination. Even as she watched the deep cuts were beginning to heal. "What happened? Is the hell mouth closed? Are we finished?"

"Don't know Ducks. Dru dropped like a stone." He nodded with his head and she turned to see the Vampiress sprawled on the dirt floor about five feet from them. "And the ground quit tossin' us about, but this bloody drawing we're on is still glowing like crazy. Could be your blood makin' me so bloody high but this place is still pulsin' with mojo. How you feelin'? Up to fighting the forces of darkness and all that rot? Still all ensouled?"

She smiled wryly but didn't have enough energy to laugh. "Mostly I feel dizzy, and relaxed."

"Yeah, the bite does that." Suddenly he yanked her back away from the circle. "What the hell?" He yelped. "Hate to bite and run but I think we need to get out of here Slayer." The runes in front of her glowed hotter, almost orange.

"Sounds like a plan." She mumbled as he pulled her roughly towards the stairs. Why the hell was he helping her? And why the hell wasn't she dead? He was taking this truce thing a little more seriously that an evil vampire ought to. Not that she was going to point that out to him. And damn those lights were pretty. "Spike, is it just me or are those rune thingies alive, and uh following us?" The runes no longer lay on the ground; they floated in the air burning with an unholy light. And they were coming for them fast.

"Bloody fucking hell! Bleedin' damnation! Come On Slayer!" So much for gentle. She found herself upside down over his shoulder running for the exit. But the runes were faster and in seconds they were surrounded. If he didn't put her down she was going to be sick. Somehow he read her mind and dropped her on her rear end. "Jesus Mighty Fuckin' Christ! What now Slayer?"

She stood carefully, one hand to her temple. Her head was already starting to clear thanks to that slayer healing. Out of the frying pan into the fire. The bright orange drawings were spinning around the two of them too fast to make out individual runes. And they were closing in. She stepped closer to Spike. Now she was afraid. Giles hadn't said anything about this. "Do you think they want more blood?" The circle of light got tighter forcing them closer together. "Should we try to break through them?" The light was spinning so fast now that it looked solid. She could see nothing outside of small space occupied by her and Spike. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest and slid her arms around him underneath his duster. They weren't going to get any closer and the light was brushing against them now, and God he smelled good.

"Don't think they are gonna let us get away Slayer. You think your Watcher's on his way with the Calvary?" He rested his head on top of hers and she closed her eyes. She was pressed up against him so tight, and he was pure muscle. His scent was making her dizzy and then there was nothing but darkness.
* * *
Buffy woke in her bedroom. The covers pulled up to her chin. And she felt weird. Not in pain necessarily but her thoughts were swirling madly in her head and she felt disconnected from her body. And she could feel Spike. She jumped out of bed and ran to her mirror. No she was not a vampire. But she felt connected to him. She knew he was sleeping, and she knew he had a broken rib, and she knew he was due east. The need to go to him was so overwhelming that she was out the door and down the stairs before she realized what she was doing. She probably would have kept right on going except Giles and the gang were sitting in her living room.

Giles rose to his feet upon seeing her. "Buffy, how are you feeling?" He crossed to her and led her by her elbow into the living room. Her entire body was screaming to go out the door. Her head felt stuffed full of wool. Her thoughts made no sense. She couldn't seem to reach out and grab one. The colors in the room seemed too bright, Giles voice too loud. She felt like she was going to be sick and the crazy thing was she knew it wasn't something she ate. She was sick to her stomach because Spike wasn't here...and she really needed to get to him. And that made less sense than the fact that she was linked to him in some weird way.

"What happened?" She allowed herself to be pushed into the couch and accepted a glass of water from Xander. They all began to tell her what happened at the same time. But she couldn't even manage to sort her own thoughts much less the ramblings of three people. She buried her head in her arms and fought the urge, no the need to get to Spike, cause that was just crazy. Truce over, he didn't kill her but now he wouldn't hesitate. And why did that thought make her want to run through the night screaming? God she felt sick, and dizzy, and she needed him and he wasn't here. Didn't he know she needed him? She felt him wake up suddenly and raised her head to stare at the door. He was feeling it too, this need to be together and suddenly her own need to go to him was 3 times stronger and she was up on her feet and across the room when Xander stopped her.

"Buffy, are you feeling OK, cause you’re acting like Spacey Buffy." OK? No she was not OK, she was having homicidal urges to go and take care of a fucking vampire. She knew he was pacing, and furious at the sunlight that was keeping him from her. "Sit Down Buffy, tell us what's wrong."

She sat down in the arm chair across from the sofa. "Giles, please tell me what happened?" There she'd be more specific so they all wouldn't start rambling. She was not going to go to Spike, he was a blood thirsty evil Vampire, practically married to a loony tune who wanted to destroy the world. And she was probably just delusional because of the blood loss.

"Well we found you passed out with Spike and we assume Drusilla in the basement of the school. It was pitch black down there and the power was out so we didn't search further to see if the Vampiress was there also. You were rather close to the vampire so we know he was passed out as well."

"God Buffy, we were so worried that we wouldn't get there in time, what with the biting and the drinking and the evil British guy." Willow stared at her wide eyed.

"You shouldn't have let us leave." Xander sounded mad even. "God Buffy, what's with playing vampire chew toy?" She couldn't even summon the extra emotion to be furious with Xander for his asshole comment. Hello saved his ass didn't she? But her need for Spike was swirling around in her head, and her feet were twitching. She suddenly felt a sharp echo of pain from Spike’s foot, bet he kicked something. Spike was nothing if he wasn't impatient and ill tempered. He was beginning to get pissed off at her, for not coming. The strangest thing was...she didn't want Spike to be mad at her. Ok, she really needed to kill him now. Strangely that threat was completely empty, she had no real desire what so ever to dust her blue eyed vamp. Oh god, did she just call him hers? Even in her own head that was just too disturbing. And she really needed to go to him.

"What I don't understand is why he was passed out. Having ingested Slayer blood he should have been very powerful indeed. We were armed to the teeth but I was not hopeful as to the outcome of any scuffle we might have had. Especially with Drusilla by his side. But of course whatever the reason for his demise, his passing out saved your life...but I would still like to do some research...."

"That's not how it happened. What time is it?" Buffy's body throbbed. God her head hurt. She couldn't make heads or tails of anything. She felt like she was going to die if she didn't get to Spike soon. She somehow knew that all this confusion in her head would wane if only he was with her. And it was so hard to think at all about anything except that he was sitting now, and his head hurt too.

"It's about 5:30 Buffy, you look disoriented. How is your head, are you concussed?" 15 minutes to sunset. And then he would be here. She really needed to make sure that Giles didn't dust him. Oh God, she needed him. How long would it take for him to get here? Would he steal another car?"

"What happened to that car?" Spike, Spike, Spike, Spike. Oh God she couldn't wait to see him. Giles said about 5:30 so it could be later, couldn't it? She got up and crossed to the window, peering out. The sun was hovering above the ground, an orange ball of flame. How long did the damn thing take to disappear?

"Oh we parked it where we found it. The people are sure to notice all those wires Spike pulled out but at least they got it back. We couldn't figure out how to turn it off though so we just put it in park." Just what did Spike want with Willow anyway, she was the Slayer, he should be interested in her. Oh God was that jealousy? When would he be here? Could he tell what she was feeling too? Did he just feel that flare of jealousy? Well surely he would think that she was jealous over someone else because being jealous over Spike was insane. Would he bring Drusilla? She would stake that Bitch without a second thought.

She looked over at Giles, if they were going to undo this that she had to tell him. And he did look very concerned. "Spike didn't even try to kill me." She had everyone's attention now. "He quit drinking when Dru fell..." And so she told them everything, trying to remember every detail because it might be important. She did leave out the whole calling Spike hers, and the jealousy thing. That couldn't possibly be important.

"So now he's in your head? You can actually feel him in your head?" She nodded and glanced at the door. Spike was on the move. How far was it from the school? How many minutes? She couldn't think strait enough to remember. Her body was strung up tight with anticipation. Tingles ran from head to toes, 5 minuets, 10 minuets, soon. Soon her Vampire would be here. He had better not bring Dru. "This is unprecedented. I don't remember any references to a phenomenon quite like this before. We will have to research a possible way to break this bond. It would be so helpful if you could perhaps try to sketch these runes Buffy, we could translate them and try to make some sense of this."

Vampire Speed, she hadn't thought of that. He sprinted up the walk and Buffy ran to the door and threw it open. There he was in all his black clad glory. He hadn't even raised his fist to pound on the door, because he knew that she would open it. But seeing him there did not calm her body. Oh no, nothing could even be that simple. Instantly her entire being was on fire. Her instant arousal was ten times more intense than when Spike had bitten her. Her panties soaked through and she literally throbbed between her legs. "What did you do to me?" They both cried at the same time.

The Slayer looked like he had just ravished her for six hours. Eyes wide with shock and lust, green pools he could drown it. Strawberry lips parted just beggin for him to tug and bite them. Riot of Golden curls splashed over her face and around her shoulders ends curling around her breasts, that were thrust up against her thin shirt...nipples hard little nubs. Would they be rosy or dark? And the smell of sex rolled off her like honey. Spike's cock jumped to attention and his demon leapt up and shook its cage. Take her, it screamed. Spike had a hard time keeping his human mask in place. His demon was not happy. Somehow he was mated to the slayer, but he hadn't been inside her...the ritual was not complete. His demon demanded that he finish it, that he make her his own. She was feeling it too. The lust rushing through his body. He could feel her desire and his lust was feeding off it like vicious circle. Bloody Hell he wanted her.

"Gonna invite me in luv, or should I just take care of you here on the porch?" She blushed scarlet and he smirked. Her heartbeat pounded so loud in his ears that he could barely hear his own voice. Her breathing and the sound of her blood as it rushed through her veins added to her overwhelming presence. Bleedin' humans were so noisy. She peered around him, looking for Drusilla no doubt. He had left her at the school. It was Saturday and she hadn't woken yet. Hopefully he would be able to get this mess sussed out and be back to her before she was up. Dru was a late sleeper.

"Your invitation was never revoked." When did her voice get all throaty and sexy like that? And she was embarrassed. Damn this link between them but the need to shelter and protect her was overwhelming. Fuck All, he was a soddin' Vampire and he was mated to a human. A Slayer, but still a human. Fodder, Food. Why not just string him up in the sun?

"Your Watcher's got quite a mess to suss out, eh pet?" He didn't like the gentle tone of his voice. He could use charm when he needed to, but it was calculated, not like this. He wanted to hold her, stroke her back and soothe her fear. He was going to stake himself. "Brought Dru's Spell Book, I recon' we'll be right as rain soon." She stepped back to let him in and his gaze lingered on the patch of skin between her top and her baggy britches. She was wearing some kind of pajama things with Yummy Sushi written all over them. What the bloody hell was Yummy Sushi? But her midriff was bare and golden and he fantasized briefly about dipping his tongue in her navel. Then he would push those clingy pants down her legs...Bugger! They had better sort this out soon because he wasn't in the habit of denying his demon what he wanted. Happy Demon, Happy Spike. Poor Slayer, She couldn't be coping well with the Chaos in her head...wasn't used to it.

He stepped past her into the living room of her mum's home. Mum wasn't home though, her scent was too faint for her to be present. But the Witch, the Whelp, and Watcher were all accounted for. When his eyes fell on the Witch he felt a small twitch of jealousy though the bond. Did the Slayer know he wanted her? Not that he could think of much beyond his raging hormones and the need to shag the bleedin' Slayer into the nearest horizontal surface. He eyed the floor, the couch, and settled on the arm chair. Slayer riding him, blond hair falling all around him, her pert breasts in his face, in his mouth, his hands on her hips, her hands braced on his shoulders. Sod it all!

"Watcher, I hope you can suss out how a soddin' bite ended up with me and the Slayer being bloody Mated?" The watcher looked hostile, and confused. Jesus Christ he didn't have a clue. He turned to the Witch again. "And shouldn't you be tip tappin' away figurin' a way to snap this little psychic hotline?" There was that little flare of jealously again. He let his eyes travel from the toes of his Slayer to her eyes with deliberate slowness. Her breathing was erratic and she huffed over and sat next to the Whelp on the couch. Did she always prance around in her pajamas in front of the boy? His demon was screaming. The boy was entirely too close to her and he wasn't close enough. And if that ponce touched her he would snap his neck.

"Mated? You are referring to this odd connection between Buffy and yourself? You can feel it too then?" Damnation the old man sounded, excited! Fuck All! His Slayer twisted her hands in her lap and she gave her head a little shake as if to clear it. That's not gonna work little girl. If they didn't sever this link quickly, little miss innocent was going to get a five star education in the art of sex. She tossed her hair a bit, exposing her pale neck and his mark, his bite stood out in stark relief. He couldn't repress the low growl that rose in his throat as fierce possessiveness swept through his body. Bloody Hell, he owned a Slayer. He could still taste her blood on his tongue, all that power rushing around in her hot little veins. Even now, a full day later he still felt invincible. The rib he had broken was knitting under his skin and in an hour it wouldn't even pain him. The slashes on his forearms were long gone. He wasn't hungry but he was full of energy, wild and uncontrollable, he needed to hunt, just to burn some energy. She realized what had gained his attention and pulled her hair back over the bite, nine shades of scarlet. But he knew it was there. He could think of other ways to burn energy, all of them included his hot little Slayer arching and crying out the way she had on the hell mouth. He had about spent in his pants, between her hot blood and her responsive body. The Watcher stood and crossed to him. He smelled no fear. Not too smart was he? "You are saying that this is a known phenomenon?"

Spike growled again and began to pace. "Bleedin Council of Wankers. Don't you tosser's know anything about Vampires? Fucking Mated, and that should not be possible, there are rituals and mutual blood letting, and we didn't do any of that. But here we are, connected at the hip." The Watcher followed him with his eyes, the hostility was waning and his eyes were lit up with excitement. And Spike felt a surge of affection for the man. Bloody fucking Hell! Christ on a Cross! He was channeling his Slayers emotions. "Look Watcher, Mating, I guess you could call it..." He fumbled for a word to describe it, everything human fell short of the circle of emotion he found himself in. The possessiveness, the protectiveness, and the lust. "Vampire Marriage, it's permanent. Death is the only cure, s'why it's so rare. Not very many Vampires want it, I didn't even think it was possible with a human." He felt Buffy's panic and glanced at his Slayer. He tried to send soothing emotions through the link and her heartbeat slowed.

"Permanent?" The Whelp was on his feet a stake coming out of his pocket. "Well then, why are you still standing here?" Spike's body tensed. His hands flexed. But he didn't have it in him to hurt his Slayers boy. Yesterday he would have ripped out the child's spine for his insolence. Now he felt tolerant, he considered knocking him upside the head in discipline, but his Slayer wouldn't like that and poor Buffy was already all tight with lust and confusion and fear. He had put up with Dru's pets often enough, he was used to annoying pests.

"Xander, sit down!" Buffy's voice cracked like a whip. Her little features were writ with fury and he could feel her anger at the boy pulsing through the link. And she was confused about the anger, 'cause why should she care about a death threat to his person? But she did, just like he cared. There had to be a way to sever this bond. Because even the thought of her death made his body shake with fear and rage. He wanted to bury his head in her lap and hold her. She wanted to touch him too. But she couldn't admit that. Not to her friends, and certainly not to him. Because they were enemies. He was a Vampire, She was the Slayer, and it was in her blood to dust him. The whelp wore his emotions on his face, hurt and confusion, Buffy usually didn't strike out at him like that. "I said sit down, no one is going to dust Spike" Her voice was calmer, firm with assurance. Little spit fire she was. But her witty comments and quips were missing. She was too busy fighting her body to be funny.

"This isn't a proper mating, we didn't initiate it. Magic caused it, so maybe Magic can dissolve it." He pulled the small book out of his duster pocket and flipped through to Dru's Spell. God, Dru. He could barely spare a thought for his dark princess he was so wrapped up in Buffy, the Slayer. She was the Slayer. Not his Slayer, and not Buffy. Just another Slayer. He held the book out to the Watcher and the older man snatched it away, unable to contain his excitement. "Spell's in Latin and pretty strait forward, those runes though are Celtic and I've no bleeden' Clue what they suss out to be. You got a copy of that prophecy the Slayer was blathering on about?"

"At my apartment." The Brit replied absently walking to the armchair and folding his body into it, hunched over the book, his attention all on the words in front of him.

"You speak Latin?" The Witch piped up excitedly in her little high pitched voice. Common ground he supposed made her more comfortable.

"Yeah.” He replied warily. He actually spoke a few languages. But he didn’t tell her that, she might pounce on him, thinking she found a kindred spirit or something. The witches power was intoxicating, but she struck him as sort of clingy.

He turned his back and walked to the window, twitching the heavy curtains to peer into the street. The Witch reached out and touched the slayer's knee and leaned over to whisper to her. Asking if she was alright. Every word clearly audible with his Vampiric hearing. His Slayer must not have eaten because her stomach was empty and she was feeling pains of hunger. And that boy was sitting closer to his Slayer now with his leg pressed up against her leg. And those pajama's were entirely too thin for her to be touching him. Growling and snarling we swept into the kitchen. Was dinner time for the mortal's but his Slayer had just woken. Slept all day she did. He took off his duster and laid it over a chair than he rummaged around in the fridge finding eggs and a red pepper and ham. He rummaged through the cupboards finding other ingredients and slapped a pan on the stove.

He found a knife and began to chop ingredients. The island was a little high but the countertop would suit him. Him standing between her thighs, her head thrown back, her hair spilled on the countertop, her legs around his waist. Fuck. Wasn't like he hadn’t fantasized about shagging the slayer before. Mortal enemy, powerful and sexy. She had no fear of him. Kinda like you think about shagging your teacher or your boss. But this all out Lust was different. He could barely think of anything but how he could have her. And his demon was howling in his head. And he knew just five minuets with her would quiet this raging heat through his body. His demon would be satisfied and he could relax. No regular cream, he'd have to use sour cream. Wasn’t he a bleedin' ponce, in here cooking for the bloody Slayer. He tossed butter in the pan and put on the potatoes, and rummaged around for another pan, finding a bottle of red wine in the back. That would be good on the potatoes. She needed to eat, and he needed to care for her. It was as simple as his need for blood.

Wonder if the Watcher's found a cure yet. Dru would be up by now, wondering what the hell had gone wrong. Wonder if she had seen them last night. Either way she was going to smell the Slayer on him. There was going to be hell to pay. Ahh, the smell of the Slayer. He could still smell her in here, an old smell from days past and the smell of her coming through the door. But having her in his arms last night he had about drowned in her scent. Jasmine and Vanilla and Woman. He needed to be that close to her again. The kitchen table would work just as well as the counter. He flipped the omelet, popped down toast and pulled himself up to sit on the counter and buried his head in his hands. She was probably trying to decide how best to dust him right now. Good thing he had Slayer blood coursing through him and really didn't need to feed tonight, he could just imagine how well that would go over. "S'cuse me luv, but I've got to pop out for a few and scrounge up some college co-ed for a little snack. Feelin' a bit peckish." He reached over and stirred the potatoes and than got a plate out from behind him. He hopped off the counter and transferred the omelet to the plate, buttered the toast and went in search of silverware. Where would mortals keep a fork? Maybe in one of the drawers. Found. He scooped the potatoes on the plate and took a deep breath and shifted the bulge in his pants. Sucker was beginning to get uncomfortable. Should he just go ahead and wink off in here? Slayers food would get cold. Back into the den of dusty death. He was a brave soul, not that he had one. Just an expression. Fuck!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

What on earth was he doing in there? Slamming around what sounded like pots and pans, and the fridge had opened at least six times. Maybe she should go in there. She was starving; she could make a sandwich and check on him. But the thought of being alone with him made her blood run cold. She would probably lose control and throw him on the floor and have her way with him. Not that he would mind based on the emotions she was getting from him. And the way he kept looking at her. His casual, devil may care attitude was compromised. He was as stressed as she was. He couldn't quite pull off his usual air of nonchalance. No best to keep her friends between them until this Spell thingy was an unpleasant memory. She wondered if her friends had seen the way that she couldn't take her eyes off of him, how she had watched every move he made, every expression on his face. And she thanked God she couldn't read his mind every time he looked at her, because she was sure that his thoughts were much nastier than hers. If Giles hadn't been watching she probably would have let him "take care of her" right on the porch.

And that was the really freaky thing, because he should be giving her a harder time. Riding her ass about her wanting him, he wouldn't care who was listening. But she could feel his concern for her. She could deal with the overwhelming desire, he was a Vampire...he'd sleep with anything. But the concern, protectiveness, and jealousy were scary. And just who was he jealous of anyway? Those emotions crossed the line. When he had seen her bite mark, still raw and red, she swore her heart skipped a dozen beats from the swamping wave of possessiveness that she had almost drowned in. But what scared her the most was that she liked it. She felt almost like she belonged to him and he belonged to her and for that moment when his eyes met hers it had been the most natural feeling in the world. And just for a moment she was completely content. And that was more frightening than any demon or monster she had ever faced.

She was really having trouble thinking. Her sexual desire did not slack when Spike left the room. If anything his absence made the feelings she was having more intense. Even that would be bearable if she could just think strait but her head was a mess. She couldn't hold on to her thoughts, they kept slipping away from her and pushing her back towards sex with Spike. It was almost like she was drunk only ten times worse, and much hornier. Maybe she could just go into the bathroom for a minute, or go upstairs and change her clothes. Clear her head from this lust and than she could get something to eat. She shifted in her seat and was about to get up, she couldn't stay in her pajama's all day anyway when Spike came sweeping back into the room

With a Plate of Food

And gave it to her

He sauntered to the window and peered out again. Her eyes followed him and than dropped to her plate. An omelet and some potato square thingies and toast. Xander, Willow and even Giles were all watching her, and even Xander was rendered speechless. Spike had cooked, for her. She shrugged, picked up her fork and cut into her omelet. She was starving. And flavor exploded onto her tongue. She had expected something like you would get at Perkins’s, but this was amazing. This could quiet possibly be the best thing she had ever tasted. She had eaten three bites before she could spare a minute to talk. "Spike, where did you learn to cook like this? This is so good." She held out a fork full for Willow who leaned in and opened.

"Oh, Spike she's right, this is nummy goodness."

Spike ignored them, he reached out and shoved the window open. Then he fished his cigarettes out of his jean pocket and lit a smoke. He didn't have his duster on. Had she ever seen him without it? The potatoes were really good too; they had some odd spicy taste to them that was delicious. She was almost disappointed that her toast was just regular toast. She absently watched the muscles play across his back as he smoked; Willow and Xander resumed talking in a low tone so as not to disturb Giles who was in full Watcher mode, still perched in the armchair reading. She finished every bite, grateful for the distraction from her disturbing Spike cravings, and got up to take her plate in the kitchen. She could feel Spike watch her walk away and it gave her shivers up and down her spine and she tried not to sway her hips too much.

Buffy rinsed her plate and stared into the sink. He was silent as the grave when he entered the kitchen, but she felt him behind her. Her body hummed when he put his hand at her waist, strong fingers flexing. And she felt cool breath on her ear. Her body tingled knowing he was millimeters from being pressed up against her. "You smell like Vanilla and Sex." he whispered and his thumb moved in a lazy circle, brushing bare skin. She couldn't help her body's shiver. Then she felt soft lips on her neck and sprung away like a startled doe. Only with less grace because she slammed into the sink and than backed away along the counter.

"What are you doing?" She hated the way her voice sounded, breathless and girly and weak. She was the slayer, she should not be frightened. Oh God she wanted him to touch her again. But he didn't come after her.

"S'ok Slayer. It's the ritual, wasn't done properly. When we finish it my demon will calm and we'll have clear heads." He said, his voice low and soothing. He was using the link to calm her again, he had done it earlier. And she didn't like him playing with her emotions one bit! Anger flared and that was good, because she knew how to fight with him, she'd done it many times. Anger she was familiar with.

"What are you talking about?" Good, her voice came out strong and sharp, the way a Slayer should sound. He cocked his head to the side, and his eyes were so blue, and now she knew just how soft his lips were. Oh God, she could have gone her whole life without knowing that piece of information. He took a step towards her and she felt her anger waning. She tried desperately to hold on to it but it was slipping under the spell of lust and desire that she couldn't fight. And Oh Lord, he was coming closer. And than he turned his head sharply and thank God Giles was coming in the kitchen!

Giles had the rather small book that Spike had brought clutched to his chest. "We need to go to my apartment, all my books are there."

"Ok!" Her voice was entirely too chipper and she knew that her face was scarlet. But she didn't care, she was saved. She dashed past Spike into the living room and up the stairs. Throwing on jeans and a loose top in record speed. She dashed back down and grabbed her coat. Xander held the door for her and Willow and they went out. Xander got in the backseat passenger side and Buffy started to get in the front. But that would leave Willow to sit next to Spike, not good. So she slipped in the middle and patted the seat next to her for Wills. And it was just because Willow was afraid of Spike, in no way did she care if Spike sat next to another woman. Nope, no Sirie Bob. Spike had the nerve to smirk at her when he followed Giles out of the house, duster back in place, closing the door behind him like a gentleman instead of a Vampire.

Giles and Spike got into the car and her Watcher carefully buckled his seatbelt and checked his mirrors before backing out of the drive. "Tell me about these rituals." Giles said as he turned onto the street. How did he make driving look so easy, and how come she couldn't get the hang of it but Martial Arts was no problem? The paradox that was the Slayer. Spike cracked his window and lifted off the seat so he could pull out his cigarettes. Giles let him get the lighter halfway to his mouth before he said "There is no smoking in my car."

"Bloody Fucking Buggering Hell. Snoshed in a car with the Bleedin' Scooby’s and no cigarettes. Fuck!" But he tossed the unlit cigarette out the window and huffed like a three year old. "And now you want me to educate you on ancient Vampire rituals like your one of us and my Childe no less!"

Giles stiffened. He didn't like having to ask for help from a Vampire. "This is just as necessary to you as it is to us Vampire."

"I know that Watcher! What exactly is it you want to know? How to feed, How to Sire, Heritage rites, Bloodlines, Tradition, Laws. Be a little more specific you soddin' git!" He was shaking; Giles should have let him have that cigarette. Buffy's hands twitched on her lap, she wanted to reach out and stroke his shoulder, knead his neck, work out his tension. God this was insane!

"Vampires do not have Heritage, Tradition, or Laws. You only answer to yourselves!" Giles snapped. His hands were gripping the wheel so tight that his knuckles were white.

"It amazes me how little you nonce’s know about Vampires. You've been studying us for hundreds of years and have everything all bollixed up. Shouldn't surprise me though, as uptight as the lot of you are!"

"Will you just tell me about the Mating rituals? And perhaps you could make clear the extent of the side effects as well. Buffy tried to explain how it felt but she wasn't making much sense." They pulled into the Parking lot of Giles apartment building and everyone piled out of the car.

"After I smoke." Spike Spat and leaned up against the car pulling out his cigarettes again. Buffy very carefully did not look back as she followed the gang inside.

"I don't see why we don't just dust the bleached menace. I mean why are we keeping him alive, we don't need him anymore. And he said himself that Death was the cure to this Jedi link thing." Xander spit out the minute they were inside. Giles strode over and began to pull books off the shelves and Willow sat at the table and plugged in her laptop.

"And just how do you think that will affect Buffy?" Her Watcher replied absently.

"I don't know..." Xander began and Giles pinned him with a glare.

"Exactly, and until we know more Spike will be kept safe as a baby in a playpen. Do I make myself clear?" Buffy sat down on the end of the sofa and Xander plopped down next to Willow. She carefully adjusted her hair to make sure her bite mark didn't show. With her slayer healing it already didn't hurt anymore but looking at it would probably set Xander off again, and she didn't like the way that Spike reacted to it. He was coming towards them.

"Jeez, is it pick on Xander day or what?" Xander groused and Willow smiled at him. Spike didn't bother to knock he just walked in and began to pace. Getting more and more agitated with each step. The desire to touch him was overwhelming. If she could just run her fingers through his hair, touch his shoulders, wrap her arms around him just the way that she had last night. Buffy gripped the front of the couch and concentrated hard on the soothing breathing exercises that Giles had taught her.

"Spike," Giles began, he held a book open in front of him and began to pace as well. "Is this Mating Ritual derived from Siring?"

"No, more like Siring derived from this. Mating was more common when pure demon's walked the earth. The first Vampire of my kind was made by a pure demon who altered the Mating Bond. The difference is with Siring that you only Blend your essences long enough to transfer your demon, The demon kills the body and animates it. You know this?" Giles nodded, he wasn't even trying to hide his fascination. He had stopped pacing and his book was forgotten. "Siring borders on the same intimacy but it's only temporary, there is a weak bond that survives the severing but it's bloody nothing compared to this." Spike's pacing became more rapid and she could feel his body calling to her. He was perhaps even more tightly strung then her, and he kept glancing at her and his hands would twitch. "Most Vampires stick to simple claims, like when Angel claimed Buffy, minimal side effects. A Mating bond surrenders power to the other party. Buffy has power over me and I have power over her. S'why it's so fucking rare, not very many Vamps want a thing like that over them for all eternity." He looked at her again and began to stomp harder, flexing his hands and arms. God that Strut was so sexy.

"Wait, Angel claimed me? When did that happen, What does that mean?" Spike slowed down again and Buffy realized with a shock that her voice had soothed him. He gave her one of his wry smiles, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"When he bit you slayer, that was a stamp of ownership. A Claim. We could see his essence on you, knew that you belonged to him." Buffy was outraged. She belonged to no one. She jumped to her feet and clenched her fists and was seriously trying to figure out the quickest way to LA to rip Angel a new one. Owned her! Why hadn't he told her about this, keeping secrets, making decisions for her! Her temper was rising rapidly and she had to hit something anything and than Spike was in front of her. His hands slid down her arms and her anger evaporated immediately. She couldn't think of anything but how good his touch felt. And the world shrank to just the two of them. Her knees gave out and she sank back into the couch. And he sank to his knees in front of her his hands slid to her hips and he buried his head in her lap.

And the world evened out. The pulsing in her head slowed and suddenly she could think much clearer. She was still heavily aroused but she felt calm almost, at peace. His hands flexed on her hips and he turned his head, and oh God that felt good. And she couldn't help herself, she ran one hand lazily through his hair mussing his surprisingly soft locks, little curls springing out in her wake. Her other hand rested lightly on his shoulder and she couldn't help a small smile. And just that quickly their little bubble burst. Xander surged to his feet in outrage and Willow gaped like a fish and even Giles opened his mouth and than closed it, unable to think of what to say at the sight of the two of them...cuddling? He started to move away from her but she clutched convulsively at his shoulders. He looked up at her; his blue eyes were like pools of desire, his features sharp with wanting. She patted the couch next to her and he crawled up next to her like a panther. He stretched his body out lengthwise on the coach, pillowing his head in her lap again and snaking his arm behind her. He rested the other on her thigh under his head. Buffy couldn't help the little sigh of contentment that rolled out of her lips, and she trembled at the feel of soft worn leather as she ran her hand along the breath of his shoulders and down to the small of his back.

Giles recovered first. "These rituals you spoke of, for this bond. Perhaps we could work them in reverse? How exactly is this mating done?"

Spike turned his head so he could look at her Watcher. She felt him tense slightly under her hand and automatically began to rub soothing circles. She stopped when the hand behind her back slipped under her shirt and his thumb began to mimic her movements. But he didn't stop, and God! "Hello! Buffy! Evil undead in your Lap! Kick him in his head, Stake Him!" Willow grabbed Xander by the arm and led him into the other room. She could hear them talking in low tones in the hall but she thankfully did not have to reply because she had no idea what she was supposed to say to explain this.

"That wouldn't work, it doesn't work that way." Her Vampire's voice was low and content. She could spend all day just listening to his voice, his accent so close to Giles but yet so unfamiliar and sexy. It was the way he drew his words out. Each syllable was a caress on her senses. "The rituals are sexual and not at all precise." His hand flexed on her back again than he rose it to just his fingertips and trailed lazy circles. Her whole body was attuned to those small movements. Oh God, Sexual rituals? In the kitchen, when he was talking about finishing, oh God!

Giles whipped off his glasses and began to polish them; he hadn't seen that coming either. And how could Spike be so calm? He lay on her lap without a care in the world. She began to play with his hair, it was fun to muss it and he didn't seem to mind. "So you don't think these runes in this spell could have reproduced the um procedure?"

"Well they must have hmm, cause here we are." Completely unruffled, she could feel contentment rolling off of him. "My demon ain't too happy with the way things worked out though."

Giles replaced his glasses and the arguing from the other room got louder. "Yes I can imagine you are not too happy with being linked at a base level with the Slayer of all people; we will find a way to work this out of course."

"You misunderstand Watcher. Demon doesn't give a damn who the girl is, the ritual wasn't done correctly, There's been no...base linking." Xander and Willow walked in the room at just that moment. With a mind of its own her hand rose and popped Spike on the back of his head. He turned his head to glare at her, but didn't move. Then he snuggled back into her lap. She about swallowed her tongue. But Xander looked happier to have seen her do at least some damage to Spike.

"Well than, Ok, Yes. Buffy it's getting late, why don't you do a quick sweep and we'll meet back here in a couple of hours. Xander and Willow can help with the research and Spike too if he doesn't mind." Was Giles flustered? That was adorable.

Spike sat up abruptly and her lap seemed forlorn and empty. She sat on her hands so that she didn't pull him back close to her. "Uh, that's probably not such a good idea Watcher."

"Spike, Buffy must patrol, it's her job."

"Any Demon who sees her is going to know about this!" Spike sprung up and began to pace. "Bloody Hell, like a big neon sign that shouts OWNED BY SPIKE. We've got to fix this before she goes out. I'm going to be laying low somewhere too. I don't even want to think what this would do to my reputation. Not to mention her reputation. Jesus Christ."

Buffy jumped up too. "Owned by Spike, Owned by Spike! No one owns me Spike. So you can get that loopy idea out of your bleached brain!"

"Hey you think I like having Buffy the God damn Vampire Slayer's Property on my Fucking forehead? Works two ways Bitch!"

"Alright, let’s calm down. Perhaps you should skip patrol just for tonight. But there really isn't anything that you can do tonight. I guess the big question is what do we do with Spike?" They stood about four feet about. Her hands were on her hips and his head was cocked to the side. Owned her, he was gonna sing another tune when she ripped his arms clean off and beat him in the head with them.
Giles words finally penetrated Spike's head and he whipped around to look at him. "What do you mean Watcher? I don't need minding!" He sneered at Buffy. "When you decide you’re ready for me the Slayer here can just yank my chain like she did earlier."

"What are you talking about?" Buffy couldn't control the level of her voice. Of course that eyebrow shot up and he turned to her, taking a step in her direction. Buffy refused to take a step back. Despite the craziness she was feeling he was still just a Vampire and she wasn't backing away from a Vampire. Maybe she should just slay him. She ignored the gut wrenching pain that accompanied that thought and gave Spike her best glare.

"Hello, you woke me out of a dead sleep and I about gnawed my bleedin' arm off waiting for the sun to go down!"

"Gross! And I didn't do anything but wake up with you in my head!" He took another step closer and suddenly he looked...intimate. His voice lowered to that soft rumble he had used in the kitchen.

"I could feel how much you needed me Slayer, just like I can feel how much you need me now." Buffy's eyes darted to Giles, he looked annoyed but not as if he had picked up on the double meaning. She must have looked desperate because he stepped closer as well.

"Spike you said yourself that you would be keeping a low profile. We can't have you running loose until we have figured out how best to solve this problem. It would be best if you spent today with Buffy, you can sleep in her basement."

"What!" Buffy hated the high pitch of her tone but she grabbed Giles and dragged him to the side of the room. "Giles, I can't take him home with me. Why can't he stay here?" It was Giles turn to look astonished.

"Buffy, you want me to keep a known killer with one hundred times my strength on my couch?" Her mouth opened and closed. "He'll kill me the minute your out the door and drink all my scotch." They glanced at Spike. He stared at them, not even trying to pretend he couldn't hear every word they said. She felt his irritation but he was hiding it well. "That rules Xander and Willow out as well, your mom's not supposed to be back from New York until Tuesday and we will have fixed the situation by then and he will be out of your hair, or dust. Really Buffy, you seemed very comfortable with him a moment ago."

Buffy Sputtered and stomped her foot. She knew her face was bright red. She shouldn't have let him touch her; she should have kicked him in the head. "Touching calms him down, would you rather I throw down with him here in the living room to keep him from ripping Xander’s head off?" Spike snorted and moved back to the window.

"Don't blame your cuddle session with the undead on me missy, you’re the one who has sympathy for corpses!" Xander and Willow had joined the huddle. A low growl came from Spike and Xander's head whipped up, eyes frightened. But Spike was still looking out the window.

"It was not a cuddle session." Buffy squeaked. She felt those soft soothing feelings coming through the bond again and gave Spike the darkest look she could muster. It was wasted; he still was paying her no mind. "And I told you, I feel all connected to him. But it's not because I have sympathy for the dead. I dust Vamps every day; it's just this weird spell thingy. And I don't want him in my house, he'll kill me in my sleep." She gave Spike another look from hell, which he ignored and dragged Giles in the kitchen. Maybe he wouldn't be able to hear everything. There was no way she was bringing home a horny Vampire. They would just have to think of somewhere else to keep him.


The little witch suddenly realized that there was no Buffy between her and the evil Vampire and darted into the kitchen. Spike turned and watched as the boy's eyes followed her. He even took a step in that direction but than realized that wouldn't be the manliest thing to do and stayed put, as if he couldn't smell the fear all over the boy. No Slayer, time to teach this Whelp a little respect.

"So..." The kid started and Spike darted across the room with all his speed. Almost gently he lifted him by the neck and pushed him into the wall. Boy might not even bruise. "Ahh" He had to give him props for not screaming like a girl. He clawed at his hand.

"You are upsetting my Slayer, I don't like it." He about dropped the whelp when he heard himself. My Slayer. Instead he narrowed his eyes and let out a low threatening growl. "Understand?" The child squeaked out something that might have been an affirmative and Spike let him go. He dropped the foot to the floor and gasped for air like a fish. Please he hadn't even cut off his air supply. His Slayer said something about Chains in the other room and he growled again. The boy must have thought this last was directed at him because he gave him a dirty look, brave little thing, and darted into the kitchen.

He shuddered when he thought about the little scene on the couch. He had always been impulsive that way. He had touched her and couldn't stop. Fuck it, he was a Vampire and loved it. He took what he bloody wanted, and right now he wanted the Slayer and it didn't matter why. Her body was hot like a furnace and her blood sang to him. Her sweet little lap all small and soft, her little shivers and goose bumps that she tried to hide. The skin on her back was all smooth and soft and it made his body hum just to think about sweeping his hands over the rest of her. She was right brassed off now, didn't like having that type of response to him.

Might not be such a bad thing to go home with her, have her to himself for a couple hours, get the physical stuff out of the way so he could think strait. His demon was raging non stop and he let it come forward for a moment. Just to relieve his tension. His senses sharpened dramatically and he could hear every word in the kitchen distinctly. "Buffy, be reasonable. I wouldn't ask you to watch him if I didn't think it was necessary, and I don't think he would even agree to stay with any of us."

"We'll chain him up!"

"Buffy, he's vampire fast, catching him would destroy my apartment, not to mention the only place that might hold him would be my bathtub. And where do you propose we get chains this time of night?"

Spike chuckled and stretched. He was even more jittery than usual what with the mating bond not complete. His demon wasn't going to let it rest. He liked the Watcher, if he was younger he would have considered turning him. Right fearless he was. "Fine!" His slayer hissed, "But don't blame me when I'm a Spike snack box!"

Ridiculous excuse it was, anyone could see he had no intention of hurtin' her. She stomped out of the kitchen and he shoved his demon away before he turned to face her. Her mates followed her out and the boy gave him a dirty look. All righteous fury she was, eyes sparkling and limbs warm with blood. Like when they fought. He loved sparing with her, the soft thwack of flesh against flesh, scent of blood in the air, challenging eyes and words and looks. A good tussle she was, it was almost like dancing...only far more deadly. His eyes narrowed on the group piling out of the kitchen. He'd have killed her already if it wasn't for her Poncey little friends getting in his way. The smart thing to do would be to take the lot of them out, one at a time. The Watcher would probably his first target, than the Whelp. Perhaps he would turn the witch without her permission. Risky that.

But he couldn't kill her now, he'd rather saw off his left leg. And her friends were safe as houses. Bloody Hell, they needed fix this. It wasn't right, all these warm fuzzies for the Slayer. His own bleedin' fault for going to her in the first place, but she had helped him out before and he hadn't known what else to do. Right boring the world would be without people. And more than any other thing Spike couldn't abide boring. Then she had offered him her blood. Tilting her sweet soft neck, giving him access. He wondered what would have happened if he had just drained her dry. He had thought about it, but there had been some ominous feeling deep in his gut saying it wasn't a good idea. And Spike always went with his gut. Would those runes have just killed him?

"I'll give you all a ride home." The Watcher stated picking up his keys, his eyes darting to Spike to see if he would protest.

Spike rocked back on his heels and took an unnecessary breath. "I've got my Desoto stashed around the block."

"Fine," The slayer barked and grabbed her brown leather jacket. He liked his Slayer in leather, pure innocence she was, wrapped in badness. Maybe he'd get her a black one, or some leather pants that rode low on her hips. Or one of those wicked looking chokers to wrap around her neck. Jesus he was a ponce, wasn't going to be around long enough to steal her things, bring her trinkets. She wasn't Dru. "You heard every word, didn't you?"

He gave her the once over. "Didn't know you were so into bondage pet." She made some sort of high pitched, seething sound of frustration and stormed out the door. He shrugged and followed her, she was storming off in the wrong direction. He closed the door softly and called out. "Whirling off the wrong way luv, car's this way." She fell into step with him and he resisted the urge to touch her. It could wait. "You’re still living with your mum? Thought you were a college co-ed now."

"I stay home a lot of nights, especially on the weekends, Slaying you know." They turned the corner and approached his car. Her nose wrinkled up "It's not stolen is it, and how can you see out of it, the windows are all black."

"I stole it years ago Slayer; doubt there's an all points out on the bleedin' thing." He was beginning to get annoyed. There wasn't anything wrong with his fucking car; she didn't need to act like such a fucking princess. "Don't know why your so dainty all the sudden, you’re the bloody slayer!" He opened the door and she just stood there. "It's clean, Slayer." She frowned but she got in. He slammed the door behind her, he walked around the car, digging out his keys, and got in. He threw it into drive and took off. Had to be careful of Bloody people, his slayer would get all brassed if he hit one. He cracked the window before he lit a smoke. Not that she'd live long enough to get cancer; he just didn't want to listen to her hack her lungs out in his car. He was never going to get the smell of slayer out. Dru was going to howl.

"You need to leave Willow alone, what's with you being all polite to her anyway?" She spoke up. Jealousy. She knew he wanted the little strawberry. If only for her magic. But he'd admit that her shyness would be fun in the sheets, shocking her, teaching her. His job if he were her sire.

"She'd make a great Vampire. Can't really turn her without her permission." Buffy let out an outraged little sound. Despite his fag and the crack in the window, her scent was very strong in this enclosed space.

"What! You touch Wills and I will dust you, do you understand? Business end of a stake." She flourished one for show. "And what do you mean, permission, no one wants to be a Vampire Spike!" Spike sighed. Giving the kiddies quite an education tonight, wasn't he?

"We always kill Slayers, we don't turn them. It's a rule. Do you know why luv? Cause think how powerful she'd be," They pulled into the drive and they got out of the car. They hadn't locked the door so Spike held it open for her. She gave him a look but swept in.

"Slayer's got a power of her own and who knows how that would mix with the demon? How it would affect the Sire bond? Same goes with Witches and Psychics. It's a risk turning them. If they agree to the change, less of a chance they'll be brassed off and kill you first chance they get if the Sire bond doesn't take root the way it should." She took off her jacket and he watched, fascinated as tawny skin was revealed. She looked so fragile.

"Drusilla was psychic." She crossed into the kitchen and he followed her. She wrinkled her nose at the mess that he had made and got a glass of the shelf.

"Angelus shouldn't have turned her. S'why he made her insane, that an it was fun. But it could have gone either way, she could have hated 'im." He sprawled in a kitchen chair and Buffy poured some juice in her glass. She put it away before taking a small sip. She sat down on another chair, farthest one from him, but civilized like.

"Fun" Her voice was flat and she took another drink of juice. "This Sire bond you keep going on about, it's like us?" She moved her hand in a small circle. He jerked his eyes away from her fingers and met her eyes. They reminded him of the ocean at night, deep green currents, and flecks of gold.

"No, s'not as strong. And it only works one way. Never felt any bleedin' thing like this Slayer." She looked away and than took another drink. He watched as the liquid slid down her throat. He couldn't speak until she lowered her glass to the table. "But you can see what I mean. If you were soddin anyone else, you'd be in a puddle at my feet right now, with all that's swirling around inside you, but you've got that Slayerness that makes you strong on the inside. So you fight it, tooth and nail." She finished her juice and didn't comment. He thought about another smoke. He was about to go out on the porch when she got up.

"I'll show you to the basement, and get you some blankets. I think we have a roll away cart down there." She looked at him. She was nervous, and she should be. "You’re probably not tired, but I am. You can watch television if you want." She got to her feet and he followed her into the other room.

Spike followed her. She was aware of his every move. She pulled open the cupboard in the hall and grabbed some blankets. She would have to give him a pillow out of her room but she didn't say so out loud. Didn't want to mention her bedroom. "Or, you could sleep on the couch...I guess it would be more comfortable." She crossed to the living room and set the blankets on the couch. He was watching her from the hallway with hooded eyes. She met his eyes, he could probably sense her nervousness but she wasn't about to spell it out for him. She had been perfectly clear, he was sleeping on the couch. He started to walk towards her and she didn't even realize she was backing up until her back hit the wall. He was a prowler and he moved like one. She felt very much hunted. He leaned into her personal space and braced one arm above her head. "Spike, what are you doing?"

He tilted his head to the side and took a breath. "I want you Slayer." And then he kissed her. He demanded entrance to her mouth and she gasped. His tongue darted in immediately and then he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. She pushed hard on his shoulders but he gripped her waist with his hands and she lost her balance, falling into him. He let out a low grown and his hand slid down to cup her bottom, pulling her into his erection. And Oh God, he could kiss, and he tasted so good. And she couldn't think and she couldn't breathe, and this was so not of the good. She jerked her mouth away. He immediately bent his head to her neck and began to do wonderful things with his lips. He nibbled her collarbone and she lost all control over her knees. He pressed her back into the wall and his hand slid down her leg to her knee, pulling it up and over his hip, then he twisted his torso, and oh God. She was going to cum. Some wretched little moan found its way past her lips and she bucked her hips and then pushed against him hard with her hands.

He stumbled a step back and looked shocked. What? No one ever said no after he got his hands on them? Ego Much? Well deserved ego. "Spike, I am not sleeping with you! You’re a Vampire!" She may not be able to control her emotions or her body but she could control her head. She didn't like the predatory smirk he wore. Her body was tingling all over, screaming for release. And how the hell did he learn to kiss like that? The boys she had dated in high school were clumsy, as was to be expected. And Angel's kisses were always sweet and gentle. And Parker needed to not stick his tongue down her throat. But Spike! She raised a trembling hand to her lips. His kiss had taken over her whole body, firm and demanding and passionate. Nibbling and tugging and exploring. And his hands were never still. Roaming and touching with the same confidence.

"Not a very good excuse Slayer, you've been with Vampires before." He replied Sotto Voice and stepped back into her space. But he didn't kiss her again. He trailed his hand down her arm and linked with her fingers. She was breathing way too hard, she could feel her heart pounding. And she knew he knew it. He leaned in again and whispered in her ear. "I know you want me Slayer; I can feel it and I can smell it and I can see it." His tongue darted out and caressed her ear lobe. She couldn't help her little jump. "You taste so good Slayer."

She pushed him again and then swung at him, but he caught her hand. So she tried to hit him again and he caught that hand as well. Then he pushed her arms over her head and held them there. Aligning his whole hard body with hers. One knee shoved in between hers, his cock pressed up against her stomach. "I don't even like you!" She spat and he smiled.

"I don't like you either Slayer, enemies make the best lovers." And then he did kiss her again. Just brushing his lips over hers, once then twice and then she parted her lips to speak and he swept inside her mouth again. He pulled her bottom lip between his teeth and began to rotate his hips against her and when he let go of her to bury his hands in her hair, her traitorous hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer. He groaned low in his throat and she shivered. His leather was too thick so she pushed it off him and he let her go just long enough to let it fall to the ground. Then his hands were back on her. One hand found its way into her hair and he pulled sharply to expose her neck and then he was kissing her there. She began to tug at his red silk shirt and he let out another of those low growls and let her go. He pulled off his red shirt and then whipped his black t-shirt over his head.

He reached for her again. He looked her directly in her eyes and then lifted her arms over her head. Never looking away he tugged her shirt off and tossed it to the side. His hands slid to her hips and he pulled her close to kiss her again. His skin was cool against hers and hard as rocks. She let her hands run over his smooth skin and felt a surge of feminine power when he let out a soft little sound and shuddered. One hand slid up her back and unhooked her bra, and oh God, He was sliding it off down her arms and than kissing her neck again and his warm hands were sliding up her body. "This is wrong Spike, We have to stop!"

He pulled back and looked in her eyes. "Why Slayer? We both want it." His hands cupped her breasts and he rotated his hands letting his thumbs brush her nipples. "You feel so soft under my hands Slayer, like silk." Her body jerked at his touch and he smiled. "I can make you feel so good Slayer, take you places you haven’t ever been before." He leaned in close again, one hand sliding around her body to pull her in close. His other hand tugged on her breast gently and sent heat sweeping through her body. "Let me touch you Buffy." He purred in her ear and knee's buckled again but he was ready and swept her up in his arms. He walked the three steps to the couch and laid her there and pressed his body into hers. He bent his head and flicked his tongue over her right nipple and she arched into his touch letting out a little breathy sound. This should not feel this good. Her mind was screaming that this was wrong but her body was telling her to shut up. He pulled the tip of her breast into his mouth and sucked gently and she found her hands clutching at his shoulders and pulling him closer. His hands were cupping her waist and sweeping across her middle, thumbs putting just the right amount of pressure. And he was doing such wonderful things with his tongue. Flicking and sucking, and then he bit her gently with blunt human teeth and she about threw them both from the coach when her body reacted and a keen came out of her mouth. She hadn't even known she could make that sound.

Now he was nibbling down her body. Flicking his tongue and placing small wet kisses down her belly. Soon his hands were at the waistband of her jeans and he lifted his head and watched her face while he unbuttoned them, then he lowered the zipper. His hands dipped inside, sliding around her hips, long fingers caressing her skin. He hooked his thumbs in her waistband and she felt herself blushing but she didn't look away and he slid her jeans down her legs, fingers sweeping in their wake. His fingers slid into the heels of her shoes and he pushed them off along with her jeans. And now he was kneeling next to the couch and she was wearing nothing but White lace panties. She started to move but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "Let me look at you pet, you’re lovely. All tawny skin and muscle." His hand slid up her calf, stopping and caressing the backside of her knee. "Curves in all the right places, so soft." He placed a soft open mouthed kiss on her thigh and she twisted and moaned. "So Sexy" She didn't think anyone had ever called her sexy before and it turned her on.

His hand slid further up and she started to move her legs together in embarrassment but he locked eyes with her. "Open your legs Buffy." It was a command, and it should have made her angry. It didn't and she didn't even want to think of why. But she parted her legs slightly and his hand found its way to her inner thigh, he shifted higher on the floor. His hand slid to her hip, his other hand to the other hip and he began to slide her panties down her legs. She looked away and he stopped. "Look at me Slayer." And she couldn't help but look at him. Kneeling beside her, half naked, touching her. The muscles in his arms were tight and she shivered with want. He pulled her panties off, leaned in and kissed her ankle. He lifted her leg and placed a kiss on her calf and then the inside of her knee where he had touched her earlier. Suddenly she realized what he was thinking and there was no way that she was going to let him do that! She started to jerk away but he braced his hands on her legs again. "Let me please you." One leg was still held by his hand, he was between them, and then he touched her. Buffy jumped in surprise. She jerked when he slid one long finger inside and she let some little sound escape her lips, and then his thumb rotated over her clit and she pushed herself onto him and cried out. He added another finger, pressing up, and oh God! What was that! It felt so good. This was heaven. And it didn't matter that it was wrong so long as he didn't stop. She arched into his touch and than his tongue touched her. His fingers thrust slowly, touching that magical spot on every down stroke. He licked her softly several times before he closed his lips over her clit and sucked gently. This wasn't her. She was not the girl on the couch with her legs spread wide, thrashing and moaning. "Cum for me luv." he whispered against her heat and than pulled his clit into his mouth again. Buffy exploded inside, wave after wave of pleasure crashing all around her and she knew she was calling his name and breathless and it didn't matter.

She finally came down off her high and he was watching her, still kneeling between her legs just watching her. She blushed and sat up, pulling her legs together and looking away. But he didn’t let her look away gracefully. he grabbed her chin and turned her face towards him. "Don't do that" He said and then he kissed her again. He had another taste now and she realized with a shock that she tasted herself and that should not be erotic. But it was. He pulled her to her feet, standing with her. His hands slid down her body to her bottom, pulling her close, kissing her neck again, running one hand up her spine. She let her hands cup his neck, then slide over his shoulders and down his flat stomach to his belt. Where she stopped. He shuddered against her and trailed kisses down her shoulder and that did it. She undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants but hesitated again at his zipper. He kissed her on her mouth. Passionate and needy now, running his hands over her hips, up her back, cupping her face. Devouring her. So she unzipped his pants, he shifted his weight, toed off one shoe, then the other. She only hesitated a second before she slid the jeans down over his backside as far as her hands would reach. He kicked them off the rest of the way.

"Want you Slayer." he murmured between kisses. "Want to be inside you" He kissed her again. His hands were in her hair again. Her hands had minds of their own and slid up his legs and around to his bottom. "Fuck!" he whispered against her mouth and rotated his hips against her. "Need you now." He tumbled to the couch pulling her down on top of him. Her legs slid to either side of him and she felt his alarming large cock pressed up against one leg. "Lift up luv." And so she did and slid onto his cock. And Oh God, he stretched her in new ways and toched her in new places and if felt so Good. Amazing even. She braced her hands on his chest and took him into her all the way. They groaned together. And then his hands were at her hips and he was sliding her out and she followed him, finding her own rhythm. Sweet Friction. She was a bad bad girl, and she liked it.

"Arch your back pet," She did, rotating her hips as she rode him because that felt so good. "Lean back more Buffy." Oh god he had said her name again. So she braced her hands behind her and leaned back further and oh shit! His cock brushed her at a new angle and she cried out from the pleasure. He was surging up to meet her and she was making little sounds of pleasure and he was cussing. "Fuck Buffy, Shit, Just like that Pet. Oh God, your so hot!" His velvety voice pushed her over the edge, and her orgasm rushed over her so hard that she cried out his name. Just as her pleasure was beginning to ebb he sat up, pulling her up with him. He plunged deeply and she cried out loudly as another orgasm hit her violently, and then his thumb brushed her clit and another one hit. She held on to him for dear life, digging her nails into him. It was just seconds later that he called her name too and then she felt his cold seed rush up into her. She buried her head in the crook of his neck and shook. Her whole body trembled in aftershocks.

Finally she pulled back and looked at him. She had slept with Spike. She had let him touch her and lick her and she had liked it. Liked it so much that she had crawled on top of him and fucked him. This was soooo not of the Good. She scrambled off him backwards with a gasp. She snatched up one of the blankets that had been pushed on the floor at some point and wrapped it around herself. Oh God, Oh God! Contentment rolled off him in waves. He smirked at her and bent over to grab his jeans. But he didn't bother putting them on. Oh No not him. He just fished out his cigarettes. "You seduced me!" She accused. He just lit his cigarette, calmly peering up through his lashes. He sprawled back on the couch, completely nude and comfortable.

"Well yeah, s'not a crime." She sputtered angrily. But what could she say. She had let him. She had let him corner her and kiss her and touch her. And she could have kicked him in his head a hundred times. She leaned over and snatched his jeans and threw them at him. He just sighed and began to pull them on, one leg at a time. And oh God, she was watching him. She was watching the muscles rippling along his powerful legs. She spun around embarrassed. "Little late for embarrassment Slayer. Don't know why you’re all upset. S'not like you were a virgin." She listened as he stood and zipped his pants. "I'm decent" he announced. She turned. He was not decent. His bare chest gleamed at her, all smooth angles and hard muscles. And his hair was mussed, all curly and sexy. And his deep blue eyes were watching her, running up her body to her face. All she got through the bond was contentment. She felt better just like he said she would. No more screaming in her head. Right as Rain he'd said. This was a nightmare and she was going to wake any moment. The seconds passed and she did not wake.

"You will never speak of this again. It will never happen again. Ever." She turned and walked as quickly as she could up the stairs, away from his eyes that knew way too much.