Ties That Bind by Rain
Chapter #4 - 4

Thanks to everyone who took the time to review, it’s so appreciated. Especially the people who review all the time, you know who you are. I look forward to hearing what you all think. Just a note here. I am butchering the Canon time line. I will follow a very loose version of Joss’s plot and will change things to suit my story. Just so you know. Despite the use of Glory and the Key this story should probably be considered AU. Thanks in advance for reading, let me know what you think

“Buffy Anne Summers!” Buffy blearily opened her eyes to see her very pissed off mother standing at the edge of her bed. Hands on hips, eyes blazing, she was the very image of righteous indignation. Busted. Buffy’s eyes flew to a very naked Spike, luckily they had the comforter over them. He had his blue eyes trained on her mother and if she didn’t know better she might think he looked sheepish.

“Mom, I can explain…”

“Is that Spike?” She shrieked. Than rushed on before Buffy could reply. “You have five minutes to be dressed and downstairs.” She pinned Spike with a lethal look. “Both of You.” The door slammed with an alarming click.

“I’ve said it before, you’re mum is just plain scary. She’d make a hell of a Vampire.”

Buffy gave him her own version of the death glare before jumping out of bed and running to her closet. “This is so not Funny Spike. My mother is going to kill me.” Spike swung his feet to the floor and fished around for his jeans. She spotted them on the floor and tossed them at him. He caught them inches from his face. Stupid Vampire Reflexes. Buffy shimmied into bra and panties and than selected a very modest dress that clung to her neck and fell to her ankles. She didn’t think she had ever worn it, it had been a gift and wasn’t at all her style. She turned to see Spike just standing there watching her, pants still unbuttoned, barefoot, and shirtless. “Come on Spike, Get dressed.” She crossed the five steps to him and reached for the button on his pants. “My mom is so not kidding about the five minutes.”

She snapped the button and looked up at him to tell him to hurry but was hushed by the look in his eyes as he stared down at her. Pure lust. She was beginning to get to know that look well. She ignored the sudden rush of wetness between her thighs and snatched her hands back away from the waistband of his jeans. She started trying to shimmy into the heavy dress but there were too many buttons so she had to undo about half of them just to get it on. She was about to get another outfit because the buttons up the back were too hard to reach when Spike brushed her hands aside and began to do them up himself.

Buffy shivered. There was just something so intimate about having a man dress her. It was just a little too old married couple like for her to be comfortable with. But she held her hair up anyway because they needed to get downstairs. He finished than slipped his hands around her waist and nuzzled her hair. She sighed and leaned back into him for a moment. Her mother of course found them like that. She sprang away from him expecting her mother to be furious. She was taken aback by the almost tender look on her mom’s face. “Spike, would you prefer tea or coffee?”

“You wouldn’t happen to have any hot coco, would you?”

Half an hour later found them in the living room. Buffy sat next to Spike and her mother sat across from them like the inquisitional squad. Buffy’s throat was raw from talking. Spike had sat there like a lump and said nothing except that the coco was good. Don’t know why he was even here anyway, if he wasn’t planning to contribute. Buffy had decided to go with complete honesty and had started the story with the night that Spike had showed up at Giles apartment. Buffy had censored most of the X-Rated material but her mother wasn’t an idiot, she had to at least touch on it. However her mother did not need to know that they had mad hot sex pressed up against a building on a main street with their clothes on.

“And I guess that’s it.” Buffy finished. Finally reaching for her juice and taking a long drink to slack her thirst. Her mom was silent for a long time, sipping her second cup of coco. Spike got up after a moment and went into the kitchen. She heard the microwave hum. Her mother didn’t say anything till Spike returned with a tall glass of blood. Her mom looked paler than she did normally but stayed silent until Spike placed an empty stained glass on the table. They could pretend it was tomato juice but everyone knew it was not. He lifted his hot coco to his mouth and took a sip.

“So Giles is researching it?” Buffy nodded. “And you’re stuck like this until he fixes it?” Buffy nodded again. Her mom’s features contorted into a stern frown. “That is no excuse for having sex in my house.”

Spike spewed his hot coco all over the coffee table.

“How goes the research?” Buffy asked as she breezed into the magic box. Spike was asleep again, this time properly ensconced in the basement. Giles looked up from a pile of musty old books and frowned.

“This is not good Buffy. All these portends point to a very big evil. There are references to an unstoppable power and a dimensional key.” Willow was buried behind books and popped up so Buffy could see her. “I’ve got Willow researching the dimensional key and I believe we have it narrowed down to a location. It’s protected by an ancient, very obscure group of monks. Perhaps we will be able to contact them somehow. Perhaps destroy this key and eliminate this threat. Than we would be able to concentrate on separating you and Spike.”

“Seems pretty simple, but won’t that just piss off the unstoppable evil?” Giles looked disgruntled.

“The evil itself is not unstoppable, just the power it wields.”

“What difference does it make?” Buffy asked as she picked up an apple and took a juicy bite. Giles made one of his many frustrated sounds and turned the page in his book. “Wills, you about ready, we’re going to be late for class.”

Willow gave her book a last caress that bordered on X rated and than got to her feet swiping up her car keys. Buffy finished her apple as she followed Willow out and than tossed the core before getting into the car. Willow carefully buckled her seatbelt, checked her mirrors and started the car. They made it out to the road before Willow pounced. “So what’s the up with Spike? Are you sleeping with him?”

“Yeah, my mom caught us in bed this morning.” The car swerved suddenly and Buffy dented the dash with her grip. The car screeched to a halt on the shoulder of the road and Wills faced her with a look of shock. “We were sleeping, she didn’t walk in on anything.” Buffy continued.

“You slept with Spike, apparently more than once and you didn’t tell me?” Willow screeched. Apparently Willow had been joking and had expected Buffy to say something entirely different. “Oh my Goddess Buffy! How could you not tell me something like this? I’m your best friend, that grants me certain unalienable privileges and a big one is being in with the sex secrets!” Slowly Willows face turned a brighter shade of red. “When did you first sleep with him?”

“It’s not that I didn’t want to tell you Wills, things have just been so crazy, there hasn’t really been time.” Buffy felt a twinge of guilt for not saying anything earlier. Willow had that effect on her.

“The first time Buffy.” Willow said, resolve face firmly in place.

“The first night I brought him home.” Willow looked beyond surprised. Her eyes as wide as they would go and her mouth slightly parted in astonishment. Buffy hastened to explain. “We needed it Willow, it was a side effect. And than it was just so good that we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.” Willow began to laugh uncontrollably. It was a good thing they were pulled over because her head was pressed up against the steering wheel and tears were leaking from her eyes. “This is not funny Willow; I’m sleeping with a Vampire!” Buffy finally shouted peeved.

Finally Willow sobered, pulling herself together. “It’s just that I was thinking about that morning and how Xander was going on about what a hellcat Drusilla must be and he would die if he knew that you left those scratches all over Spike.” She chuckled a few times and than pulled back onto the road. After a very small stretch of silence she said. “So good you can’t keep your hands off of each other? I want details.”

Thirty minutes later they sat in the courtyard under a tree. Their first class of the day forgotten. “I have a confession to make.” Willow said solemnly. Buffy braced herself for more teasing. “I have a secret too. I’m dating a girl named Tara.”

Buffy entered her house cheerful. And was greeted with scene so horrific and vile that she immediately wanted to boil her eyeballs in bleach. Spike and Dawn, casually sprawled on the sofa, sharing popcorn watching television.

Spike didn’t look up from his television program; he probably had sensed her coming long before she appeared on his vampire radar. Dawn did glance up but she just rolled her eyes and gave Buffy a horrid little sister glare. God sometimes she couldn’t stand that little brat. “How was school luv, learn the secrets to the universe?” Spike drawled in one of his more husky tones, giving her his I want you now look. Buffy couldn’t help an evil little smile.

”No.” She answered cheerfully. “We skipped class and discussed my sex life.” She flounced out of the room to the wonderful sound of Dawn’s eeeww and Spike’s Bloody Hell. Life was good.

Her mother was in the kitchen starting on dinner. Buffy took a barstool and watched her for a few. “Need some help?” She finally asked and her mother replied she had it under control. Another small silence. “Are you still mad at me?” A short no. It wasn’t like her mom to be so short with her. Finally Joyce turned and regarded her seriously.

“I was just surprised Buffy. I didn’t think you would ever disrespect me like that.” Buffy’s face crumpled and tears fell unbidden.

“Mom, I respect you, I do. This was out of our control. It’s It’s I don’t know, like we’re married or something. We need each other but please mom don’t think I don’t respect you I do I do.” Her mother was holding her and they were crying.

“Everything all right in here?” Spike asked from the door. She could feel those nice soothing feelings through the bond, overriding a thin stream of very deep concern. Her mom said something reassuring and Spike left. She could feel him hovering just outside the door.

“I’m sorry honey.” Her mother said. She helped Buffy dry her tears. “I jumped to conclusions, I didn’t realize how serious this was.”

“It is mom. It’s way serious and the thing is that there is some sort of big evil coming and Spike and I are supposed to stop it before we can break the bond so we might be like this for a while.” Her mother smiled wryly.

“So I guess this means that Spike probably won’t be sleeping in the basement after all.”

“Probably not.” Buffy whispered. “I guess I’d better go patrol.” She finished in a stronger voice.

“Have some spaghetti first.” Her mother replied.

Not fifteen minuets into patrol they were beset by a dozen vampires. It was obviously planned and had Buffy been alone she would have been a Vampire snack box. These were not fledglings. They were good and Buffy was a mess by the time it was all done. Her right arm was torn to the bone and her knee hurt like a mother. Spike was holding the last Vamp against a tree breaking ribs one at a time.

“Slayer luv, Would you be a doll and run to the car and fetch my railroad Spike’s. Their in the trunk under my Axe.” The Vamp sang like a canary.

“I’ll talk, I’ll talk.” He squeaked.

“Who sent you?” Demanded Spike in a low sinister tone.

“Glory sent us. We were supposed to kill the Slayer and capture the Vampire. We didn’t even know it was you Spike. She just said The Vampire. I swear.” Spike hit the Vamp again and there was a sickening sound of crushing bone.

“Who is this Glory?” Spike growled.

“A God. That’s all I know I swear. Adam is who talked to her and he’s dust now.”

“So are you mate.” Spike said softly as he plunged a stake into the Vampire’s black heart.

They went strait to Giles. The whole gang was there, even Anya, though she wasn’t technically part of the gang. Giles listened to her tale with interest. Asking some questions and digging out irrelevant details which surprisingly Spike knew. What Vampire family the one he had tortured belonged to and that the Vampires weren’t all from the same family. They were just about to get into researching God’s named Glory when the phone rang.

Giles paled visibly as the person on the other end spoke. “I understand, thank you for calling.” He turned to face them with a grim expression and Buffy held her breath fearing the worst. “Faith has woken up from her coma. Her bed was found empty just twenty minutes ago.”

“When it rains, it pours.” Said Xander softly and Buffy had to agree with him.


I am getting so many great reviews. They are so appreciated. FYI I know that this isn’t the way that Buffy found out about the monks in the show, but I am changing things to suit my purposes. I will probably steal some lines and plot parts but this is mostly AU. Thanks in advance for reading,


Buffy had a headache by the time she finally headed home with Spike. He insisted on taking his car since her knee still burned like hell…even packed with ice. She looked just awful too. She’d managed to fix her hair but she had a big bruise coming in on her cheek and she walked with an awful limp. Not to mention the broken rib that made her breathe in funny little hitches. It hadn’t been a good day.

Everything was piling up on her. She was being chased by assassins, apparently sent by a god. She needed to find a magic “key” that was being guarded by mysterious monks. Faith was loose and most likely plotting revenge of the most awful sort. And she was mated to an evil Vampire. Sadly the being mated part was the only source of comfort she had. She was being buried in baddies, but she wasn’t alone. She knew Spike would be there for her. Not that it would do them any good if this Glory person, eh God, decided to send twenty Vampires instead of twelve. Spike wasn’t doing so hot either. She tallied his injuries in her head. Two broken ribs, Sprained Wrist, Chest wound, Pierced lung, dislocated shoulder. She winced recalling the awful sound when she had helped him pull the damn thing into place. Even Xander had made a face.

What if this Glory Bitch decided to send an assassin to their home? She was in no condition to defend her mother and sister. And neither was Spike, though she wouldn’t say anything. Spike helped her limp into the house and she leaned slightly on his strength even though he was hurting too. She scooped up the portable phone on the way to the couch. She dialed Giles’s.

“Giles? I was just thinking, is there some sort of protection spell that Willow can do on the house? If were being hunted then that Bitch might send someone here.” Giles agreed with her and said he would send Willow over first thing in the morning. Buffy fretted but agreed and hung up the phone.

Spike sat down next to her and checked the binding around her ribs. “Don’t worry luv, I’ll be able to sense any baddies before they get into the house.”

“Like you sensed that assassin demon thingy?” She snapped at him.

He recoiled visibly. “You didn’t sense it either little miss perfect Slayer.” He growled at her and Buffy instantly felt contrite. She didn’t mean to take this out on him she just felt so frustrated. She didn’t even need to voice an apology; he could feel her remorse and pulled her into his arms. She winced when she had to reposition her body but she felt good pressed up against him and leaned into him. “What are you hungry for Buffy, I’ll cook.”

Buffy was too deep in thought to reply. If someone came to the house tonight at least one of them needed to be up to combat. She was out of commission for probably at least four days. She sat up and slid her left leg over Spike so that she was straddling him. She rested her head in the curve of his neck and brushed her hair to the side. She smiled faintly at the feel of the bulge in his pants. Even beaten and bloody he still wanted her. “What are you doing pet?” Spike’s voice was low and strained. She knew he was hungry.

“Drink.” She said simply. He kissed her neck, soft little butterfly kisses and nibbles from her ear to that wonderful spot where her neck met her shoulder. Then he stood with her, turned around, and sat her on the couch.

“No” He said just as simply and walked into the kitchen. Buffy sat in her seat for a few, peeved. What kind of Vampire turned down blood? A brief memory of Angel hovering over her flashed in her head and she pushed it out of her mind. Spike was no Angel. What the hell was wrong with her blood? She attempted to storm into the kitchen but it was more like a moaning hobble.

Spike had his back to her, bent over rummaging in the fridge. His duster was laid over a kitchen chair so she got to get an eyeful of his nice tight little behind wrapped in denim. “What sounds good to you?” He asked and Buffy bristled at his casual tone. He stood and turned, closing the fridge. Why did he have to be so good looking? She could hardly concentrate on how mad she was at him when he was in that tight black t-shirt and his muscles were all dancing under his skin. He was smirking. He knew it too. She sat down because she was tired, he had nothing to do with her suddenly unsteady legs.

“Soup, out of a can.” She snapped. “What the hell is wrong with my blood?” Laughing at her like that was not going to get him into her good graces. Stupid Vampire. If he didn’t stop it she was going to stake him proper and eliminate at least one of the problems on her growing list.

“Your blood is fucking marvelous. Nothing else like it pet. Bloody perfect.” He smiled at her and suddenly he was on his knees in front of her, cupping her face in his strong hands. “Don’t want to drain your batteries luv, can’t heal up if I’m sucking out all your power now can you?”

His hands felt wonderful to her, lightly calloused and finely boned. He could crush her head between them if he wanted to. She knew that he did not. “I need one of us to be in fighting form Spike, we couldn’t take on a housecat right now.”

“Piffle,” Spike exclaimed rising to his feet a little slower than normal. He liked to pretend he wasn’t hurting but she could feel an echo of his pain. “No one’s getting by us Buffy, you’re mum and sis are going to be just fine.” He dug in the cupboard for soup and Buffy frowned. It was unnerving how he just knew what she was thinking. That had nothing to do with the bond. Could he read mind’s like Drusilla? She was his sire after all. Was that one of the powers that transferred? Buffy shrugged it off and limped to the fridge for blood. She got out three bags. If he wouldn’t accept her blood she was going to make sure he had plenty.

They ate quickly, Spike stealing bites of her soup. She wanted a shower, her hair felt dirty. And there was blood under her nails. Spike was telling some bullshit story about chicken noodle soup and the sixty’s. “Spike, where do you suppose Drusilla is?” He paused and than drained the last of his third glass thoughtfully.

“Don’t rightly know Slayer. She could be anywhere.”

“Do you,” Buffy swallowed. “Do you want to look for her?” She didn’t know why she should care but she knew that Spike cared about the Vampiress and if he needed to know where she was, Buffy understood.

“No, I’m good.” He stood and took their dishes to the sink. She got the very distinct impression that he didn’t want to talk about it. Surly he must feel the relief she was feeling. And she was also feeling quite sad for Spike cause she got a faint echo of grief from him. He felt Drusilla was gone from him forever. The hobbled up the stairs together. Spike didn’t laugh at her or make snarky comments when she looked in on her mother and sister. She went to the bathroom and Spike followed her. She was alone in the mirror. She started trying to wiggle out of her top and Spike stopped her, pulling it over her head. She watched her expression change in the mirror, goose bumps breaking out over her arms and chest as Spike ran invisible hands over her shoulders and down her arms. She watched with fascination as her jeans seemed to unbutton themselves and slide down her hips. She wasn’t quite able to suppress a wince when the rough fabric brushed over her sore knee.

She stepped out of her pants and smiled as Spike ran his hands over her hips and rested his head on her shoulder. It was nice that he still wanted to touch her even though she was black and blue. She turned to help him out of his clothes so he wouldn’t have to strain his ribs. She pulled his t-shirt over his head, tossing the bloody ripped garment to the side. She let her hands run down his muscular chest. She loved touching him. She frowned when she reached the wide swath of bandage holding his broken ribs in place and lightly skimmed her hands to his jeans. She unbuttoned and unzipped them careful not to catch anything important in the zipper. Than she boldly pushed them down his hips, he toed off his big black Doc’s and stepped out of his jeans. As usual Spike was commando.

Spike reached around her and unhooked her bra, drawing the scrap of fabric down her arms. He hooked his hands in her panties and pulled them down carefully. He bent at the waist, careful to manipulate her silk underwear so they didn’t touch her knee. He trailed her fingers up the back of her calves and than the back of her thighs as he stood. He cupped her behind than kissed her softly. He carefully pulled her close to him, mindful of how sore she was. He rested his forehead on hers and flexed his hands on her bottom. They stood that way for a while before Spike finally spoke in a ragged whisper. “I thought that Vamp had you.”

“Yeah.” She whispered back. “Me too.” She clutched his arms a little tighter as she thought about her most recent near death experience. The Vampire that had knocked her knee out had leaped on her, fangs bared for the kill. She had just barely brought her stake up but she hadn’t been able to aim and had missed the heart. He’d exploded into dust in the split second before he killed her. Spike had been standing over her, stake in hand and than had been ambushed from the side by two of the remaining Vampires, and she had had her own battle to fight. There had been no time to stop and recuperate.

“I’m going to rip this Glory bitch’s bloody soddin head off.” Spike growled and Buffy gave one of her small smiles.

“How do we kill a God Spike? Her power is unstoppable.” Buffy didn’t mind admitting her fear to Spike, he could feel it anyway.

“She wants us dead or captured for a reason sweets, she’s just as afraid of us as we are of her.” He took a deep unneeded breath and stood up strait. “Let’s get washed up luv so you can get some sleep. You got classes tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” How wonky was the world when a Vampire made the Slayer feel better?

They soaped each other carefully, mindful of sore spots and bloody gashes. They were quite the pair. Thank God for super fast healing because three months recuperating would so not be fun. “My dorm mate probably thinks I dropped off the face of the earth.” Buffy said as she ran soap down Spike’s powerful back than she gave extra attention to his tight muscled behind. She liked the way he quivered under her hands; it made her feel confident and powerful.

He turned suddenly and kissed her soundly, tongue sweeping in her mouth overwhelming all her senses. He pulled back and answered her. “She probably just figures you’ve got some hot new boyfriend.” He carefully began to unwind her sopping wet bandages, first her knee than her ribs. She wasn’t looking forward to washing those parts.

“Are you fishing for compliments?” Buffy teased and got one of his Trademark smirks in return. Buffy realized suddenly that it might have been construed that she had just sort of called him her boyfriend. She couldn’t help the blush that stained her cheeks but she could change the subject. “So you were hanging with Dawnie today?”

Spike carefully wiped over her bruised skin. “I like your sis, she’s feisty. Takes after the rest of the Summers women.”

“She’s a pain.” Buffy whined. “She’s always in my way and she is super annoying.”

“Isn’t that a sister’s full time job?” Spike asked, running his hands up the insides of her thighs. Buffy caught her breath and tried to concentrate on the conversation. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of rendering her speechless. Even when he brushed his fingers over her damp curls.

“Did you have any siblings, I mean when you were alive?”

“Had a brother, he died of the pox when he was just a babe, mum took it hard.” Buffy let the subject lie. Buffy carefully began to undo Spike’s bandage around his taut waist. He winced slightly when she had to pull a bit and she cringed, hating hurting him. She carefully unwound the strip of cloth and than soaped his bruised and bloody skin. Looks like some Vamp had managed to get his fangs into Spike on his side. Buffy didn’t examine the rage she felt on Spike’s behalf too carefully. Best not to think about it. Buffy ghosted a soft kiss on the sensitive puckered skin where Spike had taken a stake, inches from his heart. She resisted the urge to clutch his body against her and cry. That would only hurt both of them. She took a deep breath and than let her hands travel lower, first to his hips and than she bit the bullet and let her hands close over Spike’s erection.

He was hard and thick in her slippery hands. He made some incoherent sound that let her know how much he liked it and so she began to use one hand to stroke him slowly and the other to cup his balls. She brushed her lips across his throat and he let out a moan and whispered her name. She was startled when he stopped her, removing her hands. For a moment she was devastated, he didn’t want her. He kissed her lips softly. “Lets bandage up these ribs before things get too serious, hmm Slayer.” She smiled like a loon.

Spike bandaged her ribs tightly than fretted over her knee. He tried to talk her into taking some painkillers, but she insisted she needed to keep a clear head. Than she returned the favor, wrapping Spike’s torso. She lightly brushed her fingers over the spot where he had been stabbed. He insisted it was on its way to healing and didn’t need a bandage.

They made love with slow rocking motions that didn’t jar their bodies too hard. Lying on their sides, Spike behind her buried to the hilt. They moved to the soft music of muffled moans and cries of pleasure. Buffy slept like the dead.

Morning came far too early. Buffy tried to sneak out of bed so as not to wake Spike but she found herself looking into cobalt eyes. “Sleep” She whispered and went to the bathroom. The sharp almost unbearable pain was fading as she began to heal. But she was sore in places she didn’t know she had. There would be no sex today that was for sure. Buffy fretted about leaving her mom and sister as she dressed. Dawn had to go to school and her mom would go to the gallery. She couldn’t put everyone’s lives on hold because of some vague fear. Every instinct was telling her to hold them all close, not let them out of her sight.

Jeans, silk top, hair in a high ponytail. Makeup carefully concealing her already fading bruise and the deep dark circles under her eyes. She looked like your average teenage California girl. She sat on the toilet stool and carefully trimmed and painted her fingernails and toenails. She carried her open toed shoes down the stairs. Spike was making pancakes. It never failed to trip her out watching him cook. Her mother and sister sat at the bar, both looking highly amused as well. Her mom had been telling Spike how she couldn’t remember the last time she didn’t have to cook breakfast.

Buffy sat down and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at her sister. Hand on chin, head tilted, and dreamy expression #27. Dawn was definitely crushing on the undead. Buffy preferred her goofy crush on Xander, at least that wouldn’t get her killed. Life would have been so much easier if her family had warmed to Angel this way but both mother and sister had never really liked him. It made no sense; at least Angel had been gentle and polite. At least Angel had a soul. Everything you would think a mother would want for her daughter. Of course she couldn’t really blame her sister either; Spike was waltzing around in black leather pants that were painted on his body. And a faded black t-shirt that hugged every muscle. Barefoot.

Willow knocked cheerfully on the door before walking it, Spike dodged to the side to avoid a flash of sunlight. It was un-nervy when Spike moved so fast. He always came off so human. The way he swaggered around and his expressive eyes and face. Than he would move in a flash, vamp, or drink blood and she would be reminded. In a way it made her sad. She wondered what human William had been like. Was he just a tamer version of Spike? “Sorry Spike.” Sang out Willow and sat at the table with Buffy. “Are those pancakes?”

The pancakes were really good, there was something about them that Buffy couldn’t put her finger on. Finally Buffy’s mom asked and Spike said “Honey and nutmeg.” In between bites. Buffy tried not to wince when Spike first put peanut butter on his cakes, and than blood. Willow kept giving Spike sidelong looks which he ignored. She had ended up giving her best friend more detail than she probably should have about what was going on between them. By the time Buffy had realized that she was telling too much, Willows cheeks had been bright red and her eyes had expanded to twice their normal size. She especially remembered going on about the size of Spike’s penis. Her poor friend.

Buffy got to her feet slowly. She really wanted to kiss Spike goodbye and that just disturbed her. So she ignored him instead. “Dawnie, you want a ride to school?” Her sister jumped up excited. Being seen with high school kids was good for her image. And bad for Buffy’s, but at least than she would know that her sister got to school safe. She gave her mom a small kiss on her cheek. “Please be careful today mom, something big is coming.” She hesitated, wondering just how much to tell. She locked eyes with Spike for a moment. “If it’s after dark when you’re ready to leave the gallery, call Spike before you go outside…it’s bad mom. I don’t want anyone outside after dark alone.”

Buffy wished she could have spared her mom that frightened look but she needed her to be careful. And she wouldn’t be if she didn’t know what was going on. She ran her fingers along Spike’s shoulders when she walked past him, but she didn’t kiss him. She was restraint girl.

Classes dragged by. Buffy had never been more assured that college was a waste of her time. She just wasn’t book girl like Willow. And she felt a strong sense of urgency to stop this Glory. She hadn’t even met the God yet and had already almost died twice. And they needed to find this “key” and destroy it or protect it or something. Not to mention the Faith problem. After her last class she was surprised by Riley in the hall. “Buffy, wait up.” He called. She couldn’t very well run because that would be beyond rude. So she stopped and smiled at him. Despite being in a big hurry.

He caught up to her, giving his charming boy next store smile that she liked so much. He really was very handsome in a wholesome sort of way. Kind of the Anti-Thesis of everything Spike. She imagined telling him that she spent her nights in cemeteries slaying demons and had to stop herself from laughing at Riley’s imaginary look of shock. “Listen, uh Buffy, uhm I was wondering if maybe we could go out sometime. I have a car; we could go for a drive.”

He was adorable, all stuttering on her behalf. She felt so bad. “Riley, I’m sorry. If you would have asked a few days ago I would have loved to but now I’m sorta seeing someone.”

His face fell and Buffy just wanted to give him a hug. “Sorta? So it’s not really serious then? You could surely go for a harmless little drive with me.” He gave her puppy dog eyes and a smile and Buffy laughed.

“Riley, I really am sorry, but I just wouldn’t feel right about that. Uhm, if things don’t work out you’ll be the first one I tell.” Buffy gave into the impulse and leaned in, standing on her tip toes to give him a soft peck on the cheek. He looked amazed. He really was very cute. She turned and walked away. Buffy thought she handled that really well; maybe she was finally becoming a mature grown up like Giles was always going on about. She decided she wouldn’t say anything to Giles, wouldn’t want to give him false hope. Willow met her in front of the school.

The magic box was hopping so Buffy headed to the training room to work out a bit. She changed into sweats and a tank and tried to take out her frustrations on the punching bag. She found that far too painful so she decided to meditate instead. Giles was always going on about how she needed to be in tune with both her mind and body. She wasn’t very good at meditating.

Finally Giles joined her. “I apologize, Buffy for keeping you. We actually have a rather urgent situation on our hands.” Buffy followed him out into the main room and took a seat at one of the tables. Giles remained standing. That was never a good sign. “I just got off the phone with one of my contacts in Tibet. Apparently the monks that we believe were responsible for the “key” were slaughtered. The only remaining monk was on his way to Sunnydale. My contact believes that he may have taken shelter at the old monastery outside of town.”

“Can it wait till sunset Giles? I’d like to take Spike with me.” Giles made a face but didn’t say anything bad about the Vampire.

“As much as I would like for you to have back up Buffy I’m afraid of Glory getting to the monk first. If she gets her hands on the “key” then we may have no course of stopping her.”

Hello, Love the reviews I’m getting. It’s so good to know that people are still enjoying my story even with more plot than smut. I didn’t do the whole body switching thing with Faith, hope on one’s too disappointed. But it really wouldn’t fit in with my story line. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for the reviews. I really look forward to hearing from everybody 

The monastery was deserted and eerily quiet. The door slightly ajar. Buffy had the disturbing feeling that Glory had beaten her to the punch. Buffy found herself fervently hoping that the Bitch was long gone, because Buffy was in no condition to take on a God. Give her a couple days to heal up and she would kick this girl’s godly butt. But today she was working on walking without a limp. In the foyer she found bodies, five clergy men. There would not be open caskets.

Buffy swallowed hard, trying to calm the bile rising in her throat. These were innocents. You didn’t get much more harmless than a bunch of monks. Buffy was about to leave when she heard a low moan coming from her left, up the stairs. She crept carefully up a dozen stairs and walked stealthily into the sanctuary. A monk, badly beaten and bruised, dressed in bloody maroon robes, was tied to a chair. His eyes were unfocused and his head was lolling to the side. Buffy quickly began to untie him; assuring him she had some experience in this kind of thing. “And best of all,” she told him brightly, spinning and grabbing a petite woman by the throat. “I’m not stupid.”

Faster than Buffy could blink the woman swiped her hand away like a fly than casually backhanded her. Buffy flew across the room, landing hard against the wall and sliding to an ungraceful heap on the floor. Buffy struggled awkwardly to her feet. Ow, that so did not feel good. Yep, not up to taking on a God today. “You sure about that last part?” Glory asked smugly.

Buffy decided she didn’t like her. For starters she had no fashion sense. That had to be one of the worst perms she had ever seen, her nose needed extensive work, and that red scanky dress screamed five dollar whore. Buffy told her so too. This enraged the woman and she advanced on Buffy quick as spit, grabbing her arm and hurling her into another wall. Buffy was not feeling the love at this point. Buffy tried going on the offensive, peppering the skank with lightning fast punches that had no effect. The woman shot out and grabbed her arms suddenly pinning them to her sides. Oh fuck.

"I always wanted to try this. You know that thing with worms, where if you have one, you rip it in half, and you get two worms?" she smiles at Buffy, "Do you think that'll work with you?" Buffy desperately head butted her in the face and the blond perm God reacted with shocked indignation, demanding to know if Buffy's crazy. As Buffy continues to smack her head into the God’s all she can think about is the monster headache she is going to have. Glory is furious and shouts "You can't go around hitting people! What, were you born in a barn?!" She grabs Buffy's next punch and says, "Fine! Be that way!" Glory swings her against a concrete column and punches two large chunks out of it in her efforts to smash Buffy's face. She succeeds in grabbing Buffy by the throat. "Just noticed something. You have superpowers. That is so cool! Can you fly?" Glory sends her flying across the chamber and she hits the floor, sliding past the monk. Not a good day today.

Buffy considers briefly flying back into battle but knows she hasn’t got a chance in…wherever this Bitch is from. So instead she scoops up the monk. There’s no way she is getting past that crazy lady to the door. Buffy dashes for the window, half dragging the poor monk. “Hey!” Shouted Glory. “Hand’s off my holy man!” Buffy braced herself for impact and flew through the window. All she could think as she struggled to get her body on the bottom to absorb the impact was how much this was going to hurt. The ground came up to meet her fast and hard and Buffy actually bounced. She stared at the skyline and wondered if she could just lie there and wait for sunset. She could feel Spike coming. He was furious and terrified. But he wouldn’t be able to get out of his car to help her. Sunlight and all. Maybe he would have sense enough to call Giles. Somehow she couldn’t picture Spike using the telephone.

The God was screeching and stomping in the monastery, obviously mad as hell. The whole building started shaking and Buffy was trying really hard to find the strength to get up. The building began to crumble in on itself just as Spike’s Desoto came screeching up beside her. She pulled herself up and pried open the back door, shoving the monk inside none too gently. She crawled in over him and slammed the door. Spike threw the blanket he was using to shield himself aside, and floored the accelerator. Buffy looked through the scratches in the back window to see Glory clawing her way out of the wreckage. Her attention was brought forcefully back to the monk when he gripped her arm in a surprisingly steal grip.

"My journey is done, I think." He whispered brokenly. “You must protect the “key”. Many more will die if you don’t keep it safe.” He rasped.

“What is the “key”?” Buffy asked desperately. She hated to pump a dying man for information but he may not have much longer and she needed to know how to stop that crazy loon back there. She brushed his hair back from his eyes and cupped his face with gentle hands. He was so pale. She knew instinctively that he wasn’t going to make it.

“Its energy.” He replied weakly. “It’s a portal that opens the “door” For centuries it had no form at all. My brethren, its only keepers . . . then The Abomination found us. We had to hide the “key”. Gave it form... molded it flesh... made it human and sent it to you." Oh God, Oh God. Someone she knew was the key. But she hadn’t just met someone. Spike? That made no sense, she had known Spike for years. "Dawn." He whispered “Dawn is the key. We knew you would keep it safe. You are our only hope.”

"You put that in my house," Buffy says, accusingly. "My memories, my mom's?"

“We built them.” He says so softly that she almost can’t hear him.

“Well un-build them!” Buffy snapped. She felt violated. Her sister wasn’t real. They had fucked with her memories and her life. How much of her life was real, and how much was fabricated. Her anger faded as the man begins to cough violently, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

"You cannot abandon..." he tries to say.

"I didn't ask for this!" Buffy says, "I don't even know— what is she?"

With a peaceful expression, the monk replies, "Human. Now, human... and helpless." He coughs again. “Dawn is an innocent, she needs you now.”

"She's not my sister?"

"She doesn't know that," he said, just before he died. Spike squealed to a stop in front of the hospital, under the overhang, and turned to her. Buffy tried to fight the tears in her eyes. She had seen so much death; she was so tired of death. Spike came around to the back door and she helped slide the monk into his arms. She leaned on him heavily and they limped into the hospital.

Spike stayed by her side as she was treated. A nurse tried to tell him he had to wait in the waiting room but he vamped at her and she carefully stayed on the other side of the bed after that. Buffy was in so much pain she didn’t even care. No one else questioned his presence by her side. The painkillers brought wonderful bliss, but also triggered her emotions. When the doctor’s and nurses finally left her side she began to cry great heaping tears that shook her body. Spike crawled up the bed to lay along side her and carefully held her, stroking her hair. She clung to him like the lost child she was and bawled. Later the police woke her with questions. She stuck mostly to the truth, giving a pretty good description of Glory and her insanity.

They of course seemed doubtful, but no one could question that she had leapt from a second story window. Or the dead monk. But Buffy could admit that her story of going to the monastery to seek spiritual guidance seemed a little far fetched. But hey she was pumped up on massive amounts of morphine and all was good with the world tonight. She was vaguely aware of Spike growling and snapping at someone over visiting hours being over as she drifted in and out of consciousness. He never left her side.

At some point the next day she was visited by her mother and sister, and later her friends. Buffy found she really couldn’t be bothered with things like smiling or keeping her eyes open. But by that evening Buffy was ready to leave the hospital. Her bones were mending nicely and the horrible rocking sensation that had plagued her had finally tapered off. Mental note to self, do not use head as a weapon against all powerful God’s. So she wasn’t a hundred percent yet, she had a God to defeat and no time to sit around tripping on morphine. The doctor’s made her mother sign un-recommended discharge forms. She should have been in the hospital for weeks. So sorry to disappoint your billing department.

Scooby central that evening was Buffy’s living room. Spike was furious, pacing restlessly back and forth. He was almost healed, his shoulder giving him almost no pain. He rubbed his ribs absently through the fabric of his shirt. Spike had yet to say anything to her about how foolish it had been to go alone. But she knew it was coming. Spike wasn’t one to keep his mouth shut about anything. Judging by the nervous look Giles wore Spike had already torn into him. She would have to talk to him about leaving her friends alone. But if he was angry at her and the Scooby’s, nothing compared to the blind violent rage he felt towards Glory. Every time her name was mentioned he let out a low growl and she felt a flood of rage through the bond.

Giles listened to her story with his usual respect. He did not look pleased. Not that she could complain. She had just had her ass thoroughly kicked, and she couldn’t blame it completely on her injuries. Nothing she had tried had even fazed Glory. The building had crashed down on her and it barely slowed her down. She was frightened that Spike would try to find her, take her down. She knew his strength but he was no match for her. She would have to make him promise. Spike had yet to lie to her. She didn’t think it was in his nature.

Buffy looked at Spike and he tilted his head and listened. It was remarkable the way he was so in sync with her. She didn’t even need to ask. “Snack Size is in her room, door’s shut. Your mum’s in the bath. Jasmine bubble bath.” Buffy smiled at him and he smirked back at her. She wondered what Dawn would think of being called Snack Size by a Vampire. How did he know the door was shut, she’d have to ask him. She relayed to the group in hushed whispers what she had learned about the “key”. To say they were shocked was an understatement. Except Giles who seemed fascinated by his memories.

Just as they were moving onto the Faith problem, the doorbell rang. Buffy got to her feet nervously and shuffled to the door. Would a God ring the doorbell? Spike shadowed her like an overgrown watch dog, but she was grateful for his presence behind her. She would have to get over this whole leaning on Spike thing. She was just fine before he came along. Stupid Vampire. She mentally braced herself before opening the door. She would have rather seen Glory. Faith was leaned up against the doorjamb in a pose very much like Spike’s the week before.

Before Buffy could say a word Faith dropped into a fighting Stance hissing “Vampire”. Not a good idea with the way Spike was itching for a fight. Spike immediately vamped, “Slayer” rolling off his tongue like honey. He gave Faith his most cocky grin and opened his mouth for some snarky comment. But Faith gave him no time; she whipped out a stake and pounced. Spike darted past her out the door to meet Faith head on. As much as Buffy would like to watch Spike kick Faith’s bony butt, he still wasn’t healed yet. And Bitch or not, Faith was human.

Spike flew into the dark haired girl, knocking her stake aside, gripping her arm and sending her flying against a wall. Buffy winced with sympathy, having been thrown into a couple of walls herself recently. She hobbled into the yard, trying to get between them. But needless to say compared to the fighters she was moving at a crawl. And all the shouting in the world wasn’t doing any good. Spike was in full protection mode. Faith stumbled a few steps before straitening up to meet the Vampire flying at her full speed.

They were a blur of fists and fangs. Spike wearing that crazy grin of his that let the whole world how much he was enjoying the violence. Faith managed to produce a knife from somewhere and got a jab in. Buffy felt the sharp echo of pain. Spike retaliated by gripping her wrist and twisting brutally until she dropped the bloodstained blade. Than he smashed his fist into her face, hard. She finally managed to pull Spike back enough to get between them and narrowly missed Faith’s punch that was aiming for Spike. She so did not need this right now. Spike was literally bouncing on the balls of his feet behind her. It gave her a sick twisted sense of satisfaction to know that she could say the word and Spike would rip Faiths throat out. Not that she would ever allow such a thing. But it was nice to know that the option was available.

“B! What are you doing? Hello Vampire!” Faith exclaimed, obviously puzzled. And people called her blond. Buffy rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Did it ever occur to you to wonder why this Vampire might have an invitation to my house, ya know, all hanging with he Scooby’s?” Faith looked flabbergasted. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times. “Spike you might as well quit dancing around because unless she threatens one of us you are not going to fight her.”

Spike moved into her personal space, slipping one hand around her waist and nuzzling her neck. He calmed instantly. “Doesn’t threatening me count?” He muttered and she repressed a grin. On one hand she was embarrassed that Spike was cuddling up to her in front of God and Everybody. On the other hand she was absurdly pleased by the look on Faith’s face. Faith was always going on and on about her adventure’s, sexual and otherwise. But Buffy was willing to bet Dollars to Donuts that she had never even come close to truces with Vampire’s that ended up with them in her bed. But Faith could never keep her mouth shut.

“God B, what is it with you and the undead. Not that you don’t have excellent taste in Vampire’s.” Faith struck one of her 984 sexy poses and let her eyes travel suggestively from Spike’s toes to his head. Buffy stiffened visibly.

“Let me eat her luv,” Spike purred in her ear. So not helping. Faith heard him and wiggled suggestively. Buffy snapped. Later she would classify this as one of her insane moments.

“The only Slayer you’ll be eating is me!” Buffy turned and stormed into the house, leaving a yard of very surprised people and un-people, as they were. Spike could take that amusement she was feeling through the bond and shove it where the sun didn’t shine. Which was pretty much everywhere for Vampire’s. Arhg! Well he could stuff it somewhere unpleasant that was for sure.

They didn’t give her much respite; it was only a few minutes before everyone followed her inside. Her mom was hovering on the staircase, in her grey bathrobe. “Is everything all right honey?” She asked anxiously.

“I’m sorry for bothering you mom. Go ahead and finish your bath, everything’s fine.” She waited as her mom walked up the stairs and returned to the bathroom before whirling to face Faith. “Want to tell me what you’re doing here, Faith.” Buffy snarled.

Spike stood by the door, blocking retreat. Buffy let her eyes flicker to his abdomen where he had been stabbed. He would be fine, but she could tell that the wound hurt like a bitch. Other than the dark spreading mass on his black tee, he gave no indication that he was wounded. Faith stretched her body up like a cat might and rolled her hips in a purely indecent way. “Oh, no good to see you Faith, How was the coma?”

Buffy took a threatening step towards her sister Slayer. She really was in no condition to fight her but she would not show weakness in front of Faith. She cursed the slight limp she couldn’t hide. “Relax, B! I’m thinking of going all white hat now, or maybe grey. Point is I’m here to help you.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “And I should believe you why?” She didn’t even try to keep the venom out of her voice.

“Because, I was hired to kill you.” Faith gloated and let her words sink into gasps and silence. “Some crazy Bitch with a bad perm fixed my coma and told me the price was to kill you and capture your pet Vampire. I thought she must be talking Angel but apparently…” Faith let her voice trail off giving Spike a lusty look. Spike curled his tongue under his teeth and stared back. Buffy felt sick


know that you've already seen this chapter but it was lost so I had to re-post. I will give you a real update soon :) I’ve had such great support from everyone. This chapter was difficult to write. I didn’t want the whole Buffy/Faith thing to be about hate. I wanted more of an estranged sisters relationship with lots of jealously on both sides, and clashing personality’s. Let me know what you think. I’m not sure I made Faith very believable, let me know.

Spike watched the other Slayer with a predatory gleam in his crystal blue eyes. She paced. Not the fast restless pace that Spike often resorted to when he was all keyed up with energy. No Faith waltzed around the room swaying her hips and rocking her body. Like sex on legs. Buffy fumed. If Spike didn’t put his eyes back in his head she was going to rip it clear off. Faith told her story top to bottom for the third time. It didn’t make any sense. She just couldn’t believe that Faith had suddenly decided to turn a new leaf and really wanted to help them. She had to have an ulterior motive, some hidden plan. Faith didn’t know how to play nice.

“Wish Dru was here.” Spike sighed, stubbed out his cigarette in a white bowl and strolled over to her. He sprawled next to her on the couch and seemed genuinely confused by her death stare. “What?” He lifted an eyebrow, feeling her cutting jealousy. He had some nerve. Staring at Faith like an overripe piece of fruit. Thinking fondly about his ex. She had felt so close to him. She was an idiot. She turned her face away from him and he gripped her chin turning her back. He leaned his forehead on hers and spoke softly. “Dru can always tell if someone is lying, it’s one of her talents.”

Buffy didn’t even want to think about her other talents. She had held onto Spike for over a hundred years, and he adored her without reason. What was it about her? And Faith? How could he stare at Faith with her standing right there? It was bad enough that Xander was drooling and that Giles was stuttering. But Spike? He was the epitome of cool. True he wasn’t noticeably giving her the satisfaction that he wanted her. But he hadn’t taken his eyes off her since she got here. And he was aroused. Not visibly, but she could feel his excitement through the bond. Buffy pulled away from him and leaned back into the couch resting her sore muscles. She wanted to check Spike’s stab wound but she knew it would bother him to have her look in front of everyone.

“Maybe we could do a truth spell?” Willow said from the corner. Giles concurred with her while Faith protested that there really wasn’t time for that. Giles and Willow ignored her. So she turned to them instead. She sprawled in the arm chair in what Buffy was sure was a deliberately lewd pose.

“So what got you all banged up B?” She asked bluntly.

“Oh, just the usual. Hell God named Glory, trying to take over the world.” Spike’s hand slipped onto her thigh and her breath hitched at the end. Faith gave her a lecherous grin and opened her mouth to say something snarky. Buffy was about to get up when Faith’s facial expression shifted into something softer, vulnerable.

“She scared me Buffy.” Faith whispered. “I don’t want to owe her anything.” Buffy was completely shell shocked and Faith looked down, suddenly shy. This was so completely out of character for her sister Slayer. She must be really scared.

“Well, we’re already working on how to kill her, or stop her, or whatever you do with God’s.” Buffy smiled at her reassuringly, berating herself for being a soft fool. “There is a prophecy and everything. And don’t feel bad, you are the third assassination attempt we’ve had this week.”

Buffy got up and limped into the kitchen. Willow had cast a healing spell and Buffy already felt ten times better, but she was far from in top form. Faith was wigging her out. She frowned when Spike followed. She couldn’t decide what was worse, leaving him in there to gape and stare like the others or having him follow her. The minute the door swung shut Spike slipped his arms around her and pulled her into his body, bending his head and nibbling her neck. For a moment Buffy leaned into him, completely taken over by how good he was making her feel. But then she remembered how pissed off she was at him and pulled away sharply.

“What is your problem Ducks? I am going out of my way to be nice to you despite your blinding stupidity and all I’m getting is the cold shoulder.”

Buffy spun too fast for her painful condition but ignored the protests that her body sent up to her brain. “Stupid, I’m stupid? You have so much room to talk Blood Breath. At least I don’t have a hundred years of screwing up every single plan I ever put into motion.”

Spike’s face tightened causing his cheeks to hollow and he rocked back on his heels. “I may not be the best planner, but I know what I can and can’t handle. I don’t foolishly walk into fights I can’t win.”

“Oh really? Just how many times have I kicked your ass?” Buffy put her hands on her hips and fumed. How dare he call her stupid.

“First off I’m not dust. Second off I’d have killed you off the bat if your mum hadn’t stepped in. We wouldn’t be in this mess and I’d have three Slayers to my name.”

“Oh that’s right. The Big Bad’s Reputation! Maybe we should change your title to Layer of Slayers.” He swooped into her space so that they were standing nose to nose.

“Well I knew the only thing better than killing a Slayer, would be Fucking one.” Buffy hit him in the nose. The look of shock on his face was gratifying, if only for the split second before pulled her close and kissed her. She’d forgotten, Violence was like third base to the undead. But Buffy was having none of that. She wasn’t about to have him get all hot and bothered with the tart out there and than work his frustrations off on her. She ripped herself out of his arms and glared.

“That’s what this is about, Doing a Slayer? Well this is the end of this freak show. I’m sure Faith will find ways to help you!” Buffy turned sharply so she wouldn’t have to face him. She didn’t want him to see the tears that stung at her eyes. He pressed himself up against her. His legs against hers, his chest against her back, his face buried in her hair.

“That’s what got you all hot and bothered Buffy? You think I want candy lips out there?” His voice was low and sexy, and compared to the shouting they had been doing a moment before seemed very quiet. “She’d burn like whiskey going down, but she’s got nothing on you.” Buffy elbowed him sharply and pushed away from him, enjoying his grunt of pain. She tried to walk away but he spun her roughly and pushed her against the pantry, shielding her escape with his body.

His body was solid against hers. His scent surrounding her and tickling her senses. She gripped his steal forearms to push him away but he wasn’t budging. “Why would I want Candy and Whiskey? Not when I’ve got Blood and Chocolate right here.” He brushed his lips against hers and she turned her head stubbornly. She couldn’t control her wildly beating heart, the betraying blush of her cheeks, her rapid breathing. But she could still look away from his piercing blue eyes. “You’ve ruined me for other women, you know that don’t you?” He whispered against her neck, kissing and sucking. She found herself melting against his hard body, no longer pushing him away from her.

“You’re all I bloody think about.” He whispered between soft wet kisses, along her collarbone. “Dream about.” He moved up her neck. “You’re in my gut, my throat…” He kissed up her jaw. Buffy had to remind herself to breath. “I’m drowning in you, Summers, I’m drowning in you.” He kissed her mouth, taking over her senses and her body. Slipping his tongue inside and plundering her mouth, rocking his body in that slow rhythm that was pure Spike.

She wanted him. She wanted to rip his clothing off his body and make him hers again. She wanted to make damn sure he knew just who he belonged to. She wanted to hear him call her name brokenly while he climaxed. She wanted him. But want and have were two different things. Faith came waltzing into the kitchen. “Lo all.” She sang out cheerfully. Spike pulled away from her mouth and buried his head in her neck breathing in time with her. “Sorry to interrupt the grope fest but all the screaming made the little people nervous and I drew short straw.”

Buffy glared at her as Faith pulled herself up to sit on the countertop. Buffy wondered if she should tell the other Slayer that she and Spike had had steamy sex in that very spot. Probably wouldn’t bother her. Suddenly what Faith had said penetrated Buffy’s fog of lust and she gasped. Oh God, What had everyone heard? Buffy tried to remember just what had been shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. Faith seemed to read her mind. “Last thing we all heard was something about “Doing a Slayer” and than things got quiet. I said you were probably fucking on the table but Giles and Xander seemed to think that you might have killed one another.”

Buffy pulled away from Spike, took a deep breath, and walked into the living room to face the music. She counted to twelve before Spike followed her. If she had reached twenty she would have staked him, prophecy be damned. Faith swaggered in behind him, entirely too close to her lover in Buffy’s opinion. Her mate. Her mother looked relieved and stood up from the couch. She brushed Buffy with a kiss on her way into the kitchen. Willow was busying herself with Spike’s coat, the leather draped over her lap as she examined the damage. Anya, Xander, and Giles didn’t bother to pretend to do anything but stare at them.

Buffy shifted on her feet uncomfortably in the silence. She had never seen Xander and Giles look at her in such a disapproving way, and that was saying something. There was no longer any doubt what was going on behind closed doors. Even Xander, as blind as he could be sometimes, knew. Anya broke the silence. “So were they making out on the table?” she asked bluntly. A roomful of voices sang out her name and she yelled “What?” Anya would never understand etiquette in any shape of form. But her blunt question did take the edge off the tension.

Willow stood hesitantly, “Spike, I think I’ve repaired your coat, you can barely tell it was ever ripped.” Spike crossed the room, cigarette dangling out of his mouth and took his coat, swinging it around his body and sliding his arms in the sleeves. Covered in a heap of humiliation and embarrassment, Buffy still couldn’t help but watch him. The sure cocky stride, the precise way he used his hands, his fluid muscles rippling under his skin. She was hopeless, and definitely without a boyfriend too long.

“Red, it’s like new. Really appreciate it. This duster’s got a bit of history to it, it does. Would have hated to give it up.” He gave Willow one of his rare genuine smiles, without snark or smirk. She seemed surprised by it and gave him back one of her Willow wattage grins. “My Slayer’s tired, I think you lot ought to clear out. We can put the other Slayer on the couch.” Giles bristled and finally snapped.

“Buffy is not your Slayer. You’re opinion of what we ought to do is irrelevant. I’m beginning to concur with Buffy’s original idea of chaining you up in the basement.” Giles removed his glasses to clean them and continued to rant. Buffy didn’t think she had ever seen him so rattled. “Despite my divulging just how important total honesty was you deliberately mislead me about the nature of your relationship with Buffy. Knowledge of the, eh, situation as it were, would have influenced my decisions regarding this matter. I certainly would have never allowed…” Spike had finally heard enough. Giles cut off abruptly when he found Spike in his face, inches apart, eye to eye.

“Listen here Rupert.” Spike hissed in a low menacing tone. “Buffy is mine, until this bond is broken make no mistake about it, she belongs to me. I did not mislead you about the sex. The need to consummate the mating was a temporary side effect. Since then it has been uninfluenced by the bond. As in between us. As for misleading, Buffy and I were told that there was no alternative to this situation until this mess with Glory was resolved. I would hate to think you were lying to me.”

“Enough!” Buffy yelled loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the room. “Spike, go upstairs. Giles, Go home. Faith you’re sleeping on the couch. Everyone clear out. I’ve fought enough battles today.”

Giles head whipped around. “Joyce, you’re letting him sleep upstairs!” Buffy opened her mouth to repeat her orders. Spike mirrored her. But her mom spoke first.

“Giles, Buffy is an adult. I don’t make these kinds of decisions for her. I believe she told you to leave. I’m sure everyone will be much calmer in the morning.” Giles opened his mouth and Spike let out a low growl. “Giles, in the morning.” Her mother repeated firmly and Giles looked at a loss. His English manners were demanding that he leave that moment. He looked at Buffy at last, a desperate silent plea with her. Buffy gave Spike a look and he kicked the couch on the way to the stairs. But he went. Wasn’t like he wouldn’t be able to hear every word said. She crossed to her watcher and gave him the firmest hug she could manage with broken ribs and a sore body.

“It’s not as bad as you think Giles. And arguing about it tonight isn’t going to change anything. Spike is right, I am exhausted, and I need to sleep so that I can heal. We really need to focus on Glory and you need to focus on what to do about the “key”. We’ll worry about the thing with Spike later. It’s time to save the world again; the rest of the drama is going to have to be put on hiatus.”

Giles gave her a kind smile and squeezed her shoulders. “When did you get so smart?” He asked teasingly and she teased back.

“I’ve always been this smart, you’ve just all been distracted by my blondness. Now go, I need to rest.” Xander, Willow, and Anya were hovering by the door. Anya looked as though she wanted to stay but Xander kept hushing her every time she opened her mouth. She probably wanted to ask about the quality of orgasms or something. Finally the group cleared out. Buffy had to hand out a few more painful hugs but she didn’t say anything. Her friends had been frightened for her too. Her mom got blankets for Faith and gave her a soft kiss before heading upstairs herself, ordering Dawn to bed from the landing. She had no doubt her sister had crouched just out of site listening to every word said. Not her sister, some sort of creepy energy “key” thingy.

She faced Faith across the room. The last time she had seen her they had fought hard, pulling no punches. Buffy had stabbed her and she had fallen right out the window. Buffy had wept for days with grief and guilt and no one had understood. Faith was family. She was the only one in the whole world who could possibly understand the pressure and stress of being a Slayer. And it hadn’t been about duty, not completely, it had been about Angel. She had been willing to sacrifice a human to save him. In that moment she had been no better than the Vampire’s that she fought. And she couldn’t explain this to anyone. No one could possibly understand what she was feeling and thinking. Except Faith, who lay in a coma. Faith understood about crossing that line, for love.

Buffy didn’t know what to say. Should she apologize, should she offer her condolences? Faith must know the mayor was dead. He had been like a father to her. Should she just go upstairs and pretend she didn’t care. “It’s all right B.” Faith finally said. “I’m five by five. And you and yours will be safe as houses while I’m here. I’m not about to fuck up my only safe haven. I’m here for the good fight until this thing is over; I’m not taking that God thing on alone.”

“I’m glad you’re OK Faith. I…I want things to be Ok, I mean, with us.” Buffy stared at her hands.

“Go to bed Buffy, sleep, I’ll be on watch tonight.” Buffy gave her sister Slayer a teary smile and limped up the stairs. She hollered at Dawn to go to bed and her bedroom door shut with a click. Spike’s stab wound was still hurting him badly and he was going to let her bandage it or he was going to find out just how violent she could be. Just thinking of him gave her warm shivers and she scolded herself. Bad Buffy.



So Sorry about the long wait for an update. I’m having trouble writing Angel in character. I finally decided to cut this chapter in half so you guys could have an update while I perfect my Angel. Cheers! Review’s loved and adored.

Buffy woke slowly. The haze of sleep clung to the edge of her mind and she was safe and warm under the covers. Spike was spooned against her, one arm draped over her waist. It was weird; Buffy had never really spent the night with anyone except that one time with Angel. That night had been filled with tossing and turning, touching and cuddles. It had been hard to sleep with another body in her space. But with Spike it was different. After only a few days it was as if he had always been in her bed. Despite being half asleep there was no surprise or unease to find him there. He belonged next to her.

Buffy lay in her warm cocoon, enjoying the way that Spike’s body pressed up against hers and thought over the events of the day before. She felt the hot burn of tears and blinked rapidly to keep them from coming. Dawn wasn’t real. All those memories of her were just a bunch of monks toying with her emotions. When Dawn had made that ashtray for Buffy’s 14th birthday. She had teased her for two days because she didn’t smoke until Dawn burst into tears and shouted that Buffy hated her. They had gone to the movies and bonded to make up for it. That was a lie. Or the time that Dawn had shown naked baby pictures to Buffy’s first steady boyfriend Dave and Buffy had gotten back at her by putting orange dye in her shampoo bottle, but her mom had used it first, Buffy got grounded for a month and had to miss a big dance. Dave had broken up with her. But now she didn’t know why because the whole Dawn fiasco was a lie. Did she ever put dye in the shampoo? How many of her memories were real, and how many were lies? How long had Dawn been here?

Buffy became aware that Spike was stroking her arm, the sensation was soothing. “Dawn’s not real.” She whispered softly, he ghosted a kiss to the back of her head and Buffy felt the first tears slip past her defenses and slip wet and slow down her cheeks. “She’s a complete lie, and I love her just as much as I did. Maybe more. That Glory wants her and I can’t lose her Spike.” Buffy wiped her eyes, frustrated. Spike probably thought she was a weepy cry baby. “They had no right to toy with my emotions like that.” Anger was easier to cope with.

“She’s here now luv.” He said softly. “Just because she just got here doesn’t mean she’s not your sister.” Spike kissed her neck, more of a gentle nuzzle and Buffy’s lips curved up in a small smile despite herself. He was obsessed with her neck. Or maybe he just knew it was her hot spot. “And she is real, She reeks of humanity, can smell it all over her.” Ugh! Buffy elbowed him sharply for his roundabout slur and climbed stiffly out of bed. His hand darted out and snagged her wrist. “Where are you going?”

His voice was sharp with reprimand and she would have bristled and snapped at him if she hadn’t felt his concern and a sharp current of fear fizzle through him. There hadn’t been any sex last night. Despite willingness on both sides, Able left a lot to be desired. Buffy had been all systems go despite her bodies protest but Spike had put her off. Telling her it could wait until she was better. After he was all bandaged up and she had fussed over him till he snapped at her, he had held her. He had clung to her body, stroking her back and breathing in time with her. Occasional broken words of promise that he would protect her; spoken so low she didn’t think that she was supposed to have heard.

“I’ll be right back.” She said, gently pulling her wrist from his grasp and walked out the door, closing the door behind her. It was still freakishly early, dawn just around the bend. Buffy took care of her bathroom necessities as quietly as possible. So as not to wake the house. Her sleeping schedule had never been concrete but her odd hours lately had her all turned around. Not to mention the way this whole thing was fucking with Spike’s schedule. She paused while brushing her teeth to really look at herself in the mirror. The bruises on her face were all almost gone. The people at school probably thought she had an abusive parent, or boyfriend, or something.

Buffy smiled at Spike when she came back to her room. He was up pacing with his usual restless air, she had only been gone a few minutes and yet he was already impatient. The second the door swung shut he was on her. He hauled her up against him by grabbing her arms and smashed his mouth on to hers. He kissed her hard, his tongue demanded entrance, and then plundered her mouth desperately. Buffy clung to him, finding herself just as desperate for his touch. How had she become addicted to him so quickly? Later she would care, later it would mater that one touch from him made her head spin and her body sing. But right now she relished the way she lost herself in hot wet kisses and slow rocking motions.

Spike was like a whirlwind. Shedding her clothing, kissing her body frantically, rocking against her with an intensity that screamed devotion. If she didn’t know better she could fall under the spell this bond had woven over them. She could feel his deep affection for her. But it was all a lie. Just like the monks with Dawn. A stupid spell had brought her contentment and partnership but it wasn’t real. They were living the dream, and that’s all it was. Spike didn’t really care for her. She didn’t realize that she was crying until Spike kissed tears from her eyes and made soothing noises. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him slow and deep.

She felt a surge of tenderness and affection overwhelmed her for this man, this Vampire. She clawed at his faded black shirt, whipping it over his head. She loved the way he felt under her hands and tongue. All sleek hard muscle and smooth alabaster skin. She loved the way he tasted. Skin and salt and Spike. So what if it wasn’t real. Right now he was hers. Right now at this moment he was completely devoted to her. And if she was honest with herself she was completely devoted to him. She loved the way he whispered in her ear about her taste, and what her hands felt like, and what he wanted to do to her. She could pretend, just for now, that this between them was real. She fumbled with the fastening on his leather pants, it was one of those eye and hook numbers and was refusing to give. He reached down and undid the clasp for her and Buffy sighed in satisfaction.

Just for now she would pretend that she would never have to give this up. She pushed him backwards onto the bed and didn’t even flinch when the headboard banged against the wall harshly. Let them listen. She pulled his shoes off one by one and then worked his leather pants down and off. The damn things were tight. Spike sucked in air and let out a ragged sound when she swept her hands up his legs to his thighs. That was another thing she loved about sex with him. He always let her know that she felt good. Spike gave her a good tug that sent her sprawling on top of him and she laughed. “Evil!” She accused. And he agreed with her before kissing her again.

She pulled herself up so that she straddled him and he slipped inside of her. Every time they connected like this it was amazing. Spike filled her to bursting. His hands went to her hips and then caressed her bare back. Buffy threw her head back and concentrated on the way he felt inside her, delicious pressure and pleasure building and rising. Buffy’s orgasm washed over her in gentle waves, soft little spasms of pleasure rocketing through her body to her fingertips. But Spike wasn’t finished and rolled her to her back, pushing her into the pillows. He pulled one leg up over his elbow, spreading her wide and pushed into her deeply, hitting that spot on the inside that made her back arch and her body spasm.

Buffy clawed at him but he was relentless. He moved in slow smooth strokes, refusing to give into her frantic rocking. Slow torturous pleasure that bordered on pain begged to be released but Spike just kept pushing her higher. She didn’t care that she was begging for relief in cracked sobbing sentences. Spike just kept the pleasure building until she was writhing and scratching like a mad woman. Buffy kissed his neck ardently, giving little nips, and sucking hard. Every time she bit him he would slide into her just a little harder, a little faster. Finally Buffy peaked, pleasure spiraling around her like a tidal wave. Great heaping spasms that left her shaking and clutching at Spike while he gave into his own release.

Buffy gave into the desire to curl up with him on the bed. He reached down and pulled the comforter over them and wrapped her in his arms. It was odd the way that Buffy felt no embarrassment about being pressed up against him, naked skin on naked skin. It was the most natural thing in the world to lay here with him, her body draped over his, one leg between his. Despite being wide awake just minutes ago Buffy almost immediately drifted off, completely content.

Spike hadn’t wanted her to go. They had argued, and they had kissed…right in front of everyone. Then they had argued some more. Apparently the passion they shared in the bedroom spilled right over into their arguments. Spike was being an overbearing ass. He argued that this Glory God woman wanted to separate them because she couldn’t win against both of them. So they should stick together like glue till she was good and dead. Buffy argued that she was going with Faith, Xander, and Willow, to the magic shop. Giles would be there and they needed to research. She was already skipping out of school and she didn’t want to give this Glory Bitch time to figure out about the key. He of course had wanted to go. But Buffy had talked her mom and sister into staying home and she needed Spike to stay and protect them.

Finally she had stormed out the door without resolving a damn thing. When Xander started to tease her she had lashed out at him too, resulting in a silent drive to the magic box. She could see where Spike was coming from; they did need to stick together as much as possible. She would not be going patrolling, or to check anything else out, without him. But she needed him to stay with her mom and Dawn. She couldn’t leave them alone. And she trusted Spike more than anyone else right now, as crazy as that was. She knew he would protect her family.

Destroying the key was out of the question now. If Dawn was ever going to be safe they needed to figure out how to kill Glory, strip her of her power, send her to another dimension. Whatever you did to God’s. Giles hadn’t been able to find her in any of his books. Willow had tried scouring the internet. This Glory was an unidentified enemy. So they had moved onto plan B and were now trying to find references to other God’s and how to defeat them. The outcome did not look good. Apparently God’s were immortal, and without weakness. Wonderful. Willow had decided to research possible powers of the mating bond thingy, since there were so many prophecies about it.

Spike was still angry at her, and worried. He was sitting, most likely watching TV. For an evil Vampire he sure watched a lot of the boob tube. He floated in the back of her head. Buffy smiled at Xander when he leaned back, complaining loudly about the crick in his neck. Anya immediately made noises of comfort and began to massage his shoulders. Buffy was trying to get to know Tara, Willow’s new girlfriend. She seemed really nice, if a little shy. But she was a witch too, and smart. Buffy thought they made a nice couple and was glad that Willow had found someone who obviously made her deliriously happy. Suddenly she felt alarm course through her body and realized belatedly that she was it was Spike’s emotion.

She jumped up and screamed that they needed to go. Giles and Xander were asking her what was wrong but she could barely talk because of the huge adrenaline rush she was feeling. Then she felt a strong echo of pain. He was fighting. That’s why she was coursing with adrenaline. “It’s Spike, he’s hurting, and fighting. We have to get home right now.” She hauled Xander out of his chair and pulled him out the door, they were almost to the car when she focused enough to realize he was trying to get away from her because his keys were on the table. Buffy was frantic, her body jerked with each pain Spike had. His stomach, his right arm, a sharp twist to his knee. And she was only feeling an echo. They had to hurry.

They sped down the road like mad people and Buffy didn’t care. She was out of the car and up the steps before the car even stopped. Even though she knew Spike wasn’t there. She needed to check on her mom, and Dawn. He was West of the house, and moving farther away. “Mom!” She shouted at the top of her lungs. “Dawn!” Her heart was beating so fast that she thought it might burst from her chest. Spike wouldn’t let anything happen to them. She heard her mom respond and appeared at the top of the stairs.

“Buffy, what’s going on? Spike told us to hide and then there was all this crashing around downstairs.”

“Are you both ok?” Buffy asked, raking her eyes over her mother and sister critically.

“Yes Buffy, we’re fine. Where’s Spike?” There was a wrenching pain in his shoulders and Buffy raced for the door desperately. Whoever had him was going to pay big.

“Stay with my mom!” She shouted even as she ran past the startled faces of her friends and down the road like a mad woman. He was like her personal compass. She sped down the street with big loping strokes, using every ounce of her supernatural speed. When suddenly she couldn’t tell what direction Spike was in. She could still feel him in her head just as strongly as before, but for the life of her she couldn’t point out his position in relation to her. It was as if a part of their bond had vanished. Buffy stumbled to a halt, suddenly lost. She had to find him. She ran a little further before deciding to have Willow cast a location spell.

The location spell didn’t work. Willow said that any number of cloaking spells could hide his location. Giles had no idea if a cloaking spell could hide him from her. Buffy paced back and forth. No one had the nerve to tell her that she was taking on a Spike characteristic. She could feel every echo of pain he was feeling and knew how bad he was hurting. She didn’t even know where to begin looking for him. She was desperate and frightened. Suddenly an idea occurred to her and she raced to the phone. She dialed information and waited impatiently to be connected to Angel Investigations.

Cordelia answered the phone with a professional air. And Buffy felt a very small pang of regret for her rudeness when she asked for Angel without a word for her former, sort of friend.

“May I ask who’s calling?” Cordelia asked, and Buffy knew damn good and well that she knew who was on the phone.

“PUT ANGEL ON THE FUCKING PHONE!” She screamed. Someone was cutting him, that Bitch was cutting him. With a knife. Oh God, Glory was so gonna die, slow and painful. After a moment of silence, Angel’s soothing voice comes on the line. “Can you find Spike?”

She blurts it out without any sense of decorum. Way to sugar coat there Buffy.

“Buffy?” He asked, confusion in his voice. She can almost picture his concerned face, the phone held up to his ear.

“Yes, Spike’s in trouble Angel. She’s hiding him from me.” Buffy didn’t realize she was crying until she heard the tears in her voice. She had to find him. “Some how she’s cloaked him, he’s hurting and I can’t find him. I need your help.”

“Someone’s hurting Spike? Buffy what’s going on?” Buffy broke down into incoherent sobs. She tried desperately to explain what was going on but with all the wailing and hiccupping she might as well have been speaking Greek. Finally Angel interrupted her. “Buffy, if I pull a William I can be there in forty five minutes. Can you hold it together for that long?” Pull a William? Forty Five minutes? She must have wailed out some sort of consent because the phone line went dead in her hand and Willow gently took it from her and placed it on the cradle.

Buffy waited anxiously by the window, jumped up and paced for a while, then perched at the window again. Repeat. Her mom tried to get her to eat something but she would never have been able to hold anything down. Her stomach was twisted in knots of fear and anxiety. She tortured herself imagining what might be causing all the horrible pain Spike was in. Were they cutting him again, were they hitting him? Faith popped off with “If they were planning on dusting him they probably would have already.” She now had a bruise on her cheek. Buffy ignored everyone’s prattling and worried, and paced, and perched. Forty five minutes had never crawled by so slow.
