Second Youth by Ariel Dawn
Chapter #10 - The Return of Happy Buffy
Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy and Spike...sad but true.

“So everything is alright with you and Spike?“ asked Anya.

Buffy looked up from her cards and book and smiled. “Ya, I think so, crisis averted anyway.”

“That’s good, but you have to promise me that if you decide to get married, you know, the human way, you will do it after my wedding.”

“Sure Anya.”

“Do you think he’ll ask you?”

“No, not really, maybe, I don’t know. I kinda screwed up the whole thing. I’m just glad he’s talking to me again and that the yelling has stopped.”

“So are you going to be Happy Buffy again?”

“I’m trying.”

The two women turned as they heard the bell on the door ring. Nate casually strode into the room.

“Ahh Miss Summers,” he greeted.

Buffy cringed. “Mr Bradford, what have you got for me today?”

Nate walked forward with a new version of the contract.

“Giles isn’t here so give the other copy to Anya to read, it’ll be fun!” said Buffy with a twinkle in her eye.

The shop was filled with silence as Buffy and Anya read the new contract.

“No,” said Buffy and Anya at the same time.

They both laughed and compared points at which they disagreed with the contract.

“You can’t put a clause in that states I have to blindly follow the council’s orders,” said Buffy.

“You could change it to ‘perform duties as advised by the council,’” offered Anya .

Nate made a note of it, and waited for the women to finish reading the contract.

“Couldn’t I have a bonus each time I avert the apocalypse?” asked Buffy. “I think that’s fair.”

Nate made some more notes. “I can discuss it with the council for you Miss Summers.”

Buffy smiled sweetly. “That’s great Nate, you’re a peach.”

“You weren’t one of the one’s that came when the whole Glory thing was happening, were you?” asked Anya.

“No,” said Nate. “I’m not lucky enough to be in Mr Travers group of advisors,”

“So you aren’t a real watcher then? Just a Lawyer?” Anya was blunt and caused the watcher to blush.

“Don’t worry about it, Nate. You’ll get to be a proper watcher soon. I know you will be right up there and on the Board of Elders sooner than you think,” offered Buffy sweetly.

“Why thank you Miss Summers.”

“You can call me Buffy, you know.”

“Buffy then.” Nate smiled. “I should have this sorted out by tea time, could we meet then?”

“We could have tea,” agreed Buffy. “Of course I will be bringing one of my friends to review the contract with me,” Buffy added.

Nate’s smile fell from his face. Buffy felt sorry for him. She had this feeling that he really liked her and that he just wanted to spend some alone time with her, but every time he saw her, she had friends around. Friends were a good buffer between her and her ex husband.
“I want the wanker gone Slayer!”

Spike was mad, but this time not at her. Thank god.

“He’s just doing his job Spike.”

Spike had been standing in the training room of the Magic Box the entire time.

“He’s a bloody nancy boy who’s moving in on what’s mine!”

Spike had begun to pace the training room floor. Buffy smiled.

“You have nothing to worry about Spike!” she protested.

“He’s all ‘you want to come for tea’ and you are flirting back at him!”

Buffy rolled her eyes.

“He will be gone soon, Spike.”

“Not before the wanker tries to get into your pants.”


“I won’t have him after what’s mine.”

“Say that again,” she said happily.

“You are mine,” he said staring into her green eyes and moving closer towards her.

He grabbed her shoulders and began to lick his mark on her neck.

“That’s right Spike, I am yours, and only yours, not Nathaniel Bradford’s or William Blakely’s or any of the other gits I married. I am yours.”

“Mine,” he said forcefully, as he sunk his fangs back into his mark.

“Yours,” she murmured.

The two lovers sunk to the training room floor, and Buffy prayed that everyone else had the sense to not disturb them.

Tea time rolled around and Buffy and Anya walked into Sunnydale’s finest French restaurant. It was the same one that Wood had taken her to all those years ago, but she didn’t mention that. None of the Scoobies knew who Wood was...yet.

Nate was sitting at the table waiting for them, and Buffy saw his face light up when he saw her. She also could tell that he was pleased that she had brought Anya and not Spike or Giles. There was reason behind the madness of bringing Anya. Anya was a shrewd business woman, she understood Buffy’s plight and Spike would have ripped Nate’s head off.

“Ahh, Miss Summers and Miss Jenkins, delighted,” greeted Nate.

Buffy smiled and helped herself to a chair before Nate could pull one out for her.

“We can’t stay long,” said Buffy, “We have bridal stuff to do.”

“Yes, we can’t be wasting out time here, when I could be getting pampered and fawned over by my Maid of Honour,” said Anya.

Buffy smiled. She just wanted to hug the ex demon. She was so blunt and tactless. And she had finally convinced Anya that she wasn’t truly a Matron of Honour, as she hadn’t been married in a human wedding.

“Ahh, that is disappointing,” said Nate.

“Maybe for you, but I’m going to be sampling cake and picking out flowers.”

“Good times,” agreed Buffy. “Bring on the contract!”

Nate handed the women two copies of Buffy’s contract.

Buffy perused.

Anya perused.

Nate twiddled his thumbs.

Buffy tossed the paper down. “I can’t see anything wrong with it. Now that you’ve made the changes I’ve asked for. Get a copy to Giles, but the end of the night and I’ll sign it in the morning if he has no objections.”

Nate smiled. “I’m very glad to hear it. Won’t you ladies join me for desert perhaps, or a cup of coffee?”

“Hmmm, no,” said Buffy. “But you should try the brandies pears while you are here, they are to die for. You know I think I once said they were the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth. I was lying of course, but they are up there, number two definitely.”

“What’s the best thing you’ve had in your mouth, Buffy?” asked Anya innocently.

Three hours later and completely sick of floral arrangements, Buffy found her lover at Willy’s hammered.

“Slayer! My Slayer, not watcher boy’s slayer, Mine!” slurred Spike.

Buffy rolled her eyes.

“Yes, yours all yours no one else’s,” agreed Buffy.

Spike smiled sloppily and almost fell off his stool as he tried to kiss her.

“Ok, Big Bad, it’s time for you to go home.” Buffy hoisted Spike up and nearly dragged him from the bar, thanking Willy for his patience and a promise to come beat him up for information soon.

Throwing Spike in the back seat of the Desoto (which Spike had driven there for some unknown reason, a reason that only he could possibly understand) and closing the door, Buffy made to settle herself behind the wheel.

“Oh no you don’t!” came an irritated voice from the passenger. “You won’t be driving my baby, anywhere. I know your track record woman!”

Spike attempted to move into the front seat part of the car, but was so inebriated that he couldn’t manage it and instead fell onto the floor of the car.

“Relax Spike, I know how to drive.”

“I will not relax! Slayer and cars are *hic* unmixy things.”

Buffy giggled and turned the key, bringing the engine to life.

There was a moan from the back seat.

“Spike, do you honestly think that in 102 years, I didn’t learn how to drive?”

Buffy put the car into drive and stepped on the gas.
Buffy slammed her front door as soon as Spike had managed to get his sorry arse into the house. He was a terrible backseat driver, even when he couldn’t see anything (because of the paint on the windshield and the fact that he was lying on the floor of the car), and had been yelling at Buffy to “pull this contraption over before you run us into a bleedin’ tree woman!” Buffy had just rolled her eyes.

Now Spike had stumbled upstairs to be one with his bed, only to run into Dawn head first (cause he was watching his feet and not where he was going). The sound of Dawn shrieking and Spike giggling had brought Buffy out of the kitchen holding a can of whipped cream.

“Spike’s drunk,” stated Dawn.

“Naw...I didn’t noticed that when I picked him up off the floor in Willy’s or when he tried to use my breasts to steady himself, or how he thought he could drive nearly passed out on the floor of the Desoto.”

“Ewww, have you seen the garbage down there? Some of that stuff is old, like from the 80’s!”

“Ya, I know.”

“So what are you doing with the can of whipped cream?” asked Dawn curiously. “Are you making me hot chocolate?” she asked hopefully.

“Actually I thought I’d take advantage of Spike in his drunken state, and have wild sex with food.”

Dawn’s jaw hit the floor.

“Oh. My. God. TMI...T.M.I!!! Bad images are now forcing themselves on to my brain! Quick Dawn think of something else! Something else!”

“What?” asked Buffy innocently, holding the can of whipped cream as she watched her sister walk into the living room her fingers in her ears and talking very loudly to herself.

“Slayer! Get that loverly arse of yours up here!” slurred the drunken vampire.

Buffy smiled and shrugged, before squirting some of the dairy goodness into her mouth and proceeding up the stairs.