The Path Less Traveled by DizzyB
Chapter #5 - Section V - Intermission

Author's Note: This section should have been posted 3 weeks ago, but I've been trying to force all kinds of stuff into this section that I finally had to admit fits in the next section instead. Damn that muse - she's always right. On the plus side, a good chunk of the next section is already complete. Enjoy!

The Path Less Traveled
(Section V)

by DizzyB


Location Unknown
Faith POV:

Damn! Look at all the fucking fog! You know those stupid sayings about fog being as thick as pea soup or how the fog comes in on little cat feet? Total and complete bullshit! I’m from Boston and I know fog. Now I’m not talking about the stuff Californians call fog. That’s more like a mist than anything else – you can still drive, still see, and it disappears as soon as the sun comes up – like a ghost, it just disappears. The fog I’m talking about definitely is thick, but it’s not a liquid like soup and it sure as hell doesn’t sneak up on “little cat feet!” And who the hell came up with that idiotic comparison anyway, I’d like to know. Real fog is thick and viscous. (Go me with the growing vocabulary!) It clings to you like a second skin that you think will never wash off. And it doesn’t sneak – it pounces. One minute you’re there, and the next you’re swallowed up in it. Completely surrounded. You could be the only person alive – it’s that isolating – and you’d never know it…because you wouldn’t be able to see or hear another living soul. Most of the people I knew in Boston hated the fog, but not me. I always felt alone, so this put everyone else on a level playing field as far as I was concerned.

So, I’m standing here in this fog, and while most people would be intimidated (another new vocabulary word)…I feel nostalgic for my childhood home for a brief moment. I quickly shake that off and take stock of my situation. Last thing I remember was lying down to sleep and cuddling up to My Wesley. Joyce was staying in Dawn’s room and Elke was in Spike’s room still, so I really didn’t have to give up my bed. But none of the others wanted to leave once Spike vanished and Joyce popped up in his place. I saw my opportunity and took it. I offered the others a place to stay overnight. Between my bed and the couch, we were able to fit everyone, which left me with the chance to sleep in Wes’s room. Stop with the catcalls already! We didn’t do anything…well, not much anyway…oh, all right already…we had fooled around a little bit before, but we hadn’t gone all the way yet…and we DIDN’T do so last night…but we might have made it to third base. Come to think of it, I wasn’t wearing this many clothes when I fell asleep with my head on Wes’s chest.

As I’m frowning down at my clothes and shaking my head, I wish there was a bit more light so I could see better. And, whadda ya know? I’m suddenly holding an old fashioned lantern and the soft glow lets me see a couple of feet around me. That gives me an idea, so I wish for Wes to be there with me, but nothing happens. Apparently the wish master has selective hearing. Oh, well, I’d better get a move on and figure out where I am. I’m not thick…I know I’d dreaming…although I’ve never had a dream this realistic before… Maybe this is one of those Slayer dreams I’ve heard so much about. I think I might have had one once before, a long time ago, but I was in a coma, so I don’t put too much faith in that one. Hah! Time to start moving before my wit continues to sink. I’m not sure which way to go, so I decide to just head in the direction I was facing when I opened my eyes.

Location Unknown
Buffy POV:

I can’t see a damn thing and this stupid fog is making my hair wet and heavy. I hate that sensation. I always dry my hair as soon as I get out of the shower, because I don’t like feeling like there’s a pile of cold wet spaghetti on my head. Ugh. Now it’s sticking to the back of my neck. Stupid Slayer dreams and their realistic sensations. Never have had a good Slayer dream yet. They either scare the shit out of me or leave me so confused that my head hurts. This one is different though. It’s just annoying the hell out of me, ya know? I’ve been trudging through this ridiculously thick fog – and whoever heard of fog this thick anyway? – for what feels like hours now and I’m cold and wet and irritable. Wish I could get somewhere and something would happen…anything to take my mind off the most recent turn of events.

I’m thrilled to have my mother back. Dawn and I both couldn’t stop smiling and my sister didn’t even pull away when I hugged her. Mommy’s home and maybe that will fix everything. Not really, I know it won’t. But my life was so much simpler when Mom was alive, and now that she’s back, I just feel more hopeful about getting myself together. I’m terrified though that it won’t last. We don’t know what happened. Mom was so dazed and Elke was so drained that no one could get a straight story from either one of them. We finally put them both to bed. And I guess that Wesley and Giles have some theories about what happened to Spike, but I didn’t hear any of them. Neither Dawn nor I could let Mom out of our sight. We ended up all three sleeping in Dawn’s bed with Mom between us. I stayed awake for some time just listening to the sound of her soft breathing. I still can’t believe this is happening. My arm will probably have marks in the morning from all the pinching I was doing. Dawn and I didn’t talk, but what’s new there? But it wasn’t as cold as it’s been between us…more like we were both lost in our own thoughts. Not that I think she would have opened up to me, but then again, I didn’t try. I was just so overwhelmed by everything.

I feel like I’ve been walking this narrow ledge and I’m close to falling off, but I can’t see where to step. Hmmph. Now that fits, because I can’t see where I’m walking in this stupid fog. Hope I don’t fall in a hole or something. But I trudge on and hope to get somewhere soon. Meantime, I don’t know what happened to Spike. Idiot vampire! How could you just disappear like that? Wonderful vampire! You brought my mother back to me. Frustrating moron. How am I supposed to apologize to you and try to make things right when you’re not here? Miraculous man! How can I ever thank you? More importantly, will I ever see you again so I can thank you? And will I ever be able to see anything in this stupid, annoying fog? Just as I’m thinking that, I trip over something and fall into a shallow puddle. Great, just great! I hate this fog!!

The Ethereal Plane
Spike POV:

I always thought that story about Rip Van Winkle was rot, ya know? A total crock full of shite! And what was the point of it anyway? Who wants to bloody sleep their life away? Not me! M’ whole life…I barely slept…afraid of missing out on something, I was. The last one to go to sleep – I’d stay awake reading or writing by candlelight – and the first one up – so many mornings I’d go out back to watch the sunrise and listen to the servants get up and go about their morning duties. That carried over into m’ unlife, only I’d be up late huntin’ or shaggin’ Dru senseless – couldn’t watch the sun rise – but I’d be up early anyway to see the sun sink over the horizon signaling the moon to take up it’s nightly path. Always had so much energy…kind of like my Niblet – the good witch Glinda once likened the two of us to a couple of hopped up meth addicts – too much energy for our own good – couldn’t sit still – had to be movin’ and doin’ somethin’. ‘Course, that was during the Bad Summer that I don’t like to think about even now, so it was important to stay movin’ about…’cause sittin’ still allowed too much time for thoughts to settle. Bad times, bad times indeed when Buffy was de- Shake it off, ol’ boy – no sense goin’ there. It was a dark time all right, but it’s past and done with now. Time to get settled in the present. Speakin’ o’ which… Let’s see…all limbs intact…no open wounds…no pool of blood around me. Hmmm. I ‘pear to have healed up nicely. Strange that is, but maybe that’s why I thought o’ Rip Van Winkle…feel like I slept for years, I do. And while ‘ve never wanted to do any such thing m’self, I can see the appeal now. I feel so rested and full of energy. Definitely not how I was feelin’ when I fell asleep…er, passed out actually.

I lie back now with m’ arms crossed behind m’ head and think back on those events. The imbrigatt was nothin’ like what I’d imagined…it was worse. Everyone I’d ever hurt or done wrong by in any way, shape or form was there. And one at a time, I got to experience first-hand what I’d put ‘em through. And while I had expected that, I wasn’t prepared to feel it for m’self. The fear, the pain…it was awful…but the worst was the sorrow and grief o’ the ones left behind…p’ticularly the ones who saw their loved ones die. Felt like this went on for years and years, but I don’t rightly know how that works up here…or down…or wherever this is. Don’t really have the words to express what it was like to go through that. After a while, you’d think it would all blend together and get kind of hazy, but it didn’t. Each new victim was a new pain and each was fresher than the previous. Only I didn’t get to let go of one…had to carry each one with me to the next trial…till it felt like all I knew was pain. Couldn’t remember a single good or happy thing…couldn’t think of Niblet or do any o’ those meditation exercises Rupes & Wes tried to teach me or anything…felt like all I knew was pain…all I was meant for was pain. I despaired more than once of makin’ it through, but somethin’ kept me goin’ and finally it all faded away and I was left here bruised ‘n bloodied ‘n barely conscious. Don’t know how long I was there, but then Joyce appeared again just like ’d seen her before entering the doorway into m’ own personal hell. And once again, there was a door behind her, but she told me that was the door to cross through to go home…that ‘d earned my reward and I’d done well. I remember just starin’ at her. Didn’t feel so good about all that or m’self at that point – just felt kind of hollow inside – and I guess that showed, because Joyce sat down with me and let me lean against her shoulder and cry for a spell. Like to be able to say it was manly tears, but it was more like childish sobs, t’ be honest…lettin’ out all sorts of emotion. After m’ tears eventually tapered off, I was able to speak, but my voice was so hoarse I could barely get out any clear words. So, Joyce explained that ‘d been successful on m’ quest.

You’d think that would have been a good feeling, but it really wasn’t. After all ‘d seen and done in my lifetime, seein’ it from the other side was a soberin’ experience. So what if I’d paid penance now? It didn’t change anythin’ I’d done…didn’t bring back any o’ those lives…didn’t cancel out any sufferin’ or pain ‘d caused. What was the point in goin’ through it anyhow? Didn’t feel any different. Didn’t feel cleansed or forgiven or any o’ that shite. Just felt tired and wrung out. Felt kind o’ hollow inside. Guess it must o’ showed in m’ face, ‘cause Joyce was all with the reassurin’ that I’d done the right thing, that I’d succeeded, that the reasons for this would become ‘parent later on, but now it was time to go home, ‘cause I was needed. Think I snorted or made some noise to express m’ disbelief at that point. What good was I with the way I felt now, and sure maybe it would all pass…time heals and all that…but all I could think was that at that point, I wasn’t much good to anyone, least o’ all m’self. I was starin’ at that door suspiciously and all this was runnin’ through m’ mind. Guess Joyce misunderstood what she saw in m’ face, ‘cause she’s suddenly explainin’ that this is a different door from the one I went through earlier…this one allows m’ spirit to reconnect with m’ body…takes me back to the mortal plane. That door was special and nobody was allowed to open it or go through it. It was warded against spirits getting’ through, but ‘d earned the right by passing the imbrigatt. Well, I didn’t wan’ to go through any more bloody doors at that point. Why couldn’t Elke just summon me back or they could zap me back to m’ body or somethin’? I was sulkin’ a bit, but so what? After all ‘d been through, I think I had the right to balk at blindly followin’ at this point. Joyce explained that it had to be this way, ‘cause I’d transcended the ethereal plane and been transformed along the way. M’ body and spirit were separate entities at this point. In order to be rejoined, I had to go through this doorway. It was the only way to go back…to be made whole again.

Don’ know exactly when the idea popped into m’ noggin, but I finally agreed to get up and open the door. Didn’t go through it right away though. Two of us just stood there for a bit lookin’ into it. Didn’t look so special to me and I said so. Joyce just smiled at me and urged me to go on and go home. I made it all the way to the threshold and paused again. Just stood there staring ‘till Joyce finally came up beside me and held my hand. Sweet lady, always so concerned about others, even now, worried about m’ peace of mind more ‘n anythin’ else. Wasn’t right that she was taken so early and someone like me got to live so long. I did so much that ‘m ashamed o’ now, and here’s a lady what never harmed anyone. Wasn’t right at all!! That thought kept rollin’ around and around in m’ head. Thought about how m’ girls both fell apart after Joyce died. I don’t think the Slayer would have been so quick to jump off that tower if Joyce had still been around. Lost her will to live along with her mum. Dawn was just as lost. And the rift between the two… Love m’ Niblet, but she never would have run away from home if Mum had still been there. Sometimes at night, the bit still has dreams about her mum – can hear her cryin’ in her sleep and it breaks m’ heart. Wish I could heal that hurt for her, for them both. That’s it. That’s when the gem started percolatin’…but I had to be smooth and pull this off carefully. I only had one chance, and I wasn’t even sure it would work. So, I started talkin’ again and askin’ questions about the door – played it off as not trustin’ the Powers that Fuck With You – which I don’t, mind you! But Joyce took it all in stride, quick with the answers, wantin’ to calm my fears and concerns. Soon as I had enough to go on, I made like it was time to stop puttin’ it off and get on with it. Turned to her for a hug and as she kissed m’ cheek, I whirled her around me and pushed her through the doorway. Don’t think ‘ve ever seen her so startled. Doorway slammed shut after that and disappeared. So here I was, lost in what appeared to be clouds, but nowhere to go anyway. Just kind of rolled in on m’self at that point and closed m’ eyes. Must’ve slept for years. But then again, what else am I goin’ to do with m’ time here anyway? Contemplate the clouds? Puhlease! I snorted at m’ own foolish thoughts then, but seriously, I’m bored. What happens next?

Inside a Slayer Dream
Faith POV:

Okay, seem to have run up against a wall at this point…literally! I can’t see it, but it’s there and it feels completely smooth. Not climbing that, thank you very much. So, I start walking to the right. No reason, just decided to head that direction. Feels like I’ve walked miles already, but I suddenly reach a spot where the fog seems to part and I’ve a clear view of what I thought was a wall. It looks like glass to me, but I take a tentative punch at it and all I do is bruise my knuckles, so I decide against tryin’ to get through. Ahead of and behind me are just more of the same, but right here…well, this spot along the wall remains clear on my side – still a bunch of fog on the other side – no apparent reason for it. But somethin’ makes me stop. This could be important, so I’m gonna wait here for a bit and see what happens next. Sure wish I had a comfy chair- Whoah! Seems like stayin’ here was right on the noggin’ because the wish master gave me a recliner nice as you please. One of those sweet leather Lazy Boy models, too. How cool is that? I plop my happy little ass down and kick back to relax. The lantern is off to the side and provides enough of a glow that it’s almost cozy here. How strange. All I need is some pretzels and a brewskie and I’d be set. Hot diggety damn…that’s good beer. And a six-pack in this cooler to boot. Wonder what else I could wish for? It escapes me at first, but then I realize that all this is apparently for my viewing pleasure as I’m situated directly in front of this section of wall like it was a big-screen TV. It hits me then what I need, and before the words are halfway out of my mouth, a remote control is in my hand. I click the power button and the wall in front of me starts to glow. This is so cool!!

Inside a Slayer Dream
Buffy POV:

This officially sucks. Simply the suckiest slayer dream ever! Seriously, getting bit by the Master – at least it was over quickly. The Harvest – scary and creepy, but that was it. Even the First Slayer – just a bitch when you get down to it, and who knows bitchy better than me? But this fog is driving me crazy. It never ends! I’ve been trudging for what feels like forever and I’m cold and wet and miserable. I wish someone would show me why I’m here. About that time, I trip again and land face-first against something solid. Now I’ll have a bruise, I’m sure! I still can’t see that well, but it feels like a wall once I manage to peel my face off of it and explore with my hands. So, I follow the wall running my hand along it to keep from getting lost in the fog. And, damn it! That was sharp and it poked me! I think my finger is bleeding. After I get done inspecting my admittedly shallow wound, I finally look up and notice that I just walked past an odd little patch of wall where the fog breaks and I walk back to check it out. It’s clear and shiny like glass. I try to rub my hand against it to see better, but the smokiness is on the other side of the glass. Then I try to push the fog away and make a larger spot on the glass, but it resists my efforts. Finally I get so frustrated that I stomp my foot and scream to whoever is listening that I’m not taking another step until I get some satisfaction. Nothing seems to happen at first, but then I notice that I can see a bit better. The light is coming from behind me where the wall is glowing. How odd is that? I hug myself and try to get warm, but it doesn’t really work, so I just stand there and wait to see what’s going to happen next.

The Ethereal Plane
Spike POV:

Not sure how long I’ve been awake and lying here now, but I’m officially bored beyond belief. How long are they going to leave me here anyway? The wankin’ powers surely know where I am and what I’ve done. Is this my eternal punishment then? To be alone AND bored. Well, that would be hell for me, so I guess it’s appropriate. But I always pictured hell with flames, ya know – not peaceful, quiet, boring clouds. I sit up and look around, but I’m alone as far as I can see. So I decide to try and change that and get someone’s attention. I start walkin’ and talkin’ LOUDLY…they can hear me, you better believe it…and I’m not exactly shy about my words either. When my thoughts on every topic imaginable fails to roust anyone’s attention, I decide to resort to torture. I open my mouth and start singing. After the 58th chorus of “Henry the Eighth” – yeah, I stole the idea from Ghost, so what? – I finally get a response. I smirk to myself when a throat clears and turn around prepared to let some wanker have it for ignorin’ me for so long. But I don’t see anyone at first. Confused, I turn around a few more times when there’s another noise. This time I close my eyes and pinpoint the sound. It’s coming from…aha, there…a pixie? They send me a friggin’ pixie? Sorry, mate, – o’ course, you’re not a pixie. What the hell are you then? No, sorry ‘bout that – didn’t mean to insult you at all… look, don’t sulk, ‘kay, I’m a right bugger to assume that about you…please let it go and talk to me. I’m goin’ out of m’ mind bein’ here all by m’self. Okay? Shake on it? That’s better. Fresh start and all that rot. You’re Jinx? Well, that’s different. I’m…well, o’ course you know who I am. So, what comes next? Why are you here? What’s goin’ on? What happens next? You get my drift? Yeah, I guess I did surprise everyone by sendin’ Joyce back in m’ place.

Have to admit the idea of pullin’ a fast one over the Bloody Powers is right appealin’ to me, but a sudden thought erases the smirk that’s formin’ and I whip back around to face my little 2 ½ foot high friend. They’re not going to undo it, are they? Take Joyce back out of the world? Or let her go back as a zombie or somethin’ equally hideous? I don’t think I could stand knowin’ that. Whew! They’re gonna let her stay with her girls as is? Seriously? You’re not pullin’ my leg are you? And she’s not going to suddenly die in a car accident or another tumor or anything? No, she’ll get to lead a long life now, really? I’m so relieved to hear that, I fall on my ass and decide to stay there. Puts me on eye level with m’ company anyway. Neither one of us speaks for a moment, till Jinx comments that no one anticipated me doin’ that and it threw them for a loop and messed up their plans. Well, that’s got me smirkin’ again for a moment, but then he asks me why I did it, and I’m not sure I should tell anythin’ to anyone who works for those wankers… But this little guy seems so sincere and interested that ‘m spillin’ m’ guts before I know it.

Outside the Wall
Faith POV:

This is fucking unbelievable. I can see Spike. The fog on the other side of the glass disappeared and I can see Spike lying down. I can’t tell at first if he’s alive or asleep or what. But then he sits up and starts talkin’ and most of what he says makes no sense to me at all. Guess it has to do with his trials or something, but when he starts singing…I can’t stop laughing. For the first couple of versus anyway, then it’s like a broken record. And I’m like some fan watching a race because I’m yelling at the TV – like he can actually hear me or something. Hey, that’s an idea. I wish for Spike to be able to hear me, but that one doesn’t fall under what I’m allowed or the wish master isn’t listening or something because nothing changes. Eventually I get bored listening to him sing, and I guess I should be eagerly alert and listening for any information to share with the others, but instead I’m resting my eyes…just for a minute…I swear I’m not falling asleep…zzzz

Outside the Wall
Buffy POV:

I cannot believe this. Seriously? Why is this crap happening to me? I can see Spike! Amazing and wonderful, sure…except that he can’t hear me and I cannot believe that he is STILL singing that stupid song. He did that once before, you know…well, I wasn’t actually there…but Dawn told me about it… she made him watch Ghost with her during the summer that I was dead. (What? I can say it even if the others can’t.) Anyway, he lost some bet with her and had to watch the movie, which he made fun of the whole way through. Afterward, he started the singing routine whenever Dawn was around until she got so sick of it that she promised to never make him watch another chick flick again. I remember her devious little smile when she told me that after that she limited all their viewing to boy band concerts until he gave in. I remember how she was giggling and happy to share that story with me, and I just sat there and listened without reacting. I didn’t smile or even say anything. I remember how her happy expression faded and she finally just walked away. Of course, that was not long after I first came back, so maybe it was understandable at the time, but I never said anything about it later on. Never acknowledged it or anything. I need to apologize for that tomorrow. I know there are bigger things to talk about and apologize for, but maybe if I start with something small…the rest will come in time. It’s a thought anyway. I come back to myself again, and now I’m smiling as the bleached wonder continues to sing the same stupid chorus over and over and over again. By now I’m humming along with him, and wishing that I had something to sit on. Heck a crate would be better than nothing. Hey, the fog’s clearing a bit right there…what’s that? Unbelievable. So, now I’m sitting on a crate, and while it’s uncomfortable, it’s a place to rest my feet. So, I sit there and wait for something to change.

Okay, something is happening, but what? Where’s that other voice coming from? Who is that little guy? Okay, so he’s not a pixie, but what is he? I don’t get an answer to that question. The two of them just kind of gloss over it, but then they’re talking about my mother and they definitely have my attention now. I’m crying before Spike even finishes his garbled explanation of why he sent her back in his place. I can’t help it. I was so relieved to hear that my mom was going to get to stay. What a relief. I feel lighter than I’ve felt in years just knowing that. Wait a minute…what was that?

The Ethereal Plane
Spike POV:

A job offer? Seriously? The Powers that Wank with You want ME to work for THEM? You have got to be kidding me! And I’m practically rolling on the floor in hysterics. I can’t stop laughing. After everything else, this is just too funny. Jinx just stands there patiently waiting for me to finish. I’m wiping the tears out of my eyes and still shaking with laughter when I ask him what he really wants. You’re serious, aren’t you? No, mate, Angel’s the one you want. He’s the guy with the future and the redemption and some prophecy or other… Seriously, I’m definitely not the guy you want to… What? A prophecy? About me? Now I know you’re full of it. I’m not in any prophecies. I’m not. I mean it. I’m not. Stop looking at me like that. I’m not. I refuse to be in any prophecies. I won’t do it – whatever they want, the answer’s no. No way. Nada! Nope. Not happenin’…what do you mean I’ve already made the first part come true? The imbrigatt? Seriously? THAT identified me as the key player in this prophecy? THAT? The most painful thing I’ve ever experienced qualified me for some prophecy? Why do I not think that’s a good thing? You mean it? Well, mate, I’ve never heard a good prophecy yet. They’re all full of doom and gloom and blood and sacrifice…and why am I explaining this to you anyway? Tell them my answer is NO WAY IN HELL!!! Find some other sucker. Count me out. I turn my back on the whole thing – literally. Stop staring at me, will you? I can feel your eyes boring a hole into my back. Stop it. I don’t want to be a part of this. Really, I don’t. What do you mean I haven’t even heard what the prophecy is yet? Well…okay…I haven’t…guess you’re right about that. Oh, all right, already. I’ll hear you out, but don’t think this means anything. Got it? Okay, go ahead and lay it on me.

Outside the Wall
Faith POV:

Wow! What a doozy of a prophecy. I didn’t understand half of it myself, except that there’s a big battle coming. Bigger than anything we’ve ever faced before. War I understand. Fighting I understand. Action I understand. That bit about the Sundestin Scrolls, not so much. I don’t even know if I’m saying it right, but I’m repeating it to myself even as I’m watching the show on the wall/screen. Because I need to remember it to share with Wes. Hey, what’s this? Looks like something’s happening in there. What’d I miss?

Outside the Wall
Buffy POV:

I’m practically holding my breath. I’m so keyed up and I’m scared that I’ll miss something crucial. I’ve got to get as many details as possible for Giles and the others. Spike listens to everything the little guy has to say, and then he just sits there real quiet like for a bit. I take that time to recite as many details back to myself as I can…big battle…some dusty scrolls…what are those anyway?…something about choices or choosing or chosen – I couldn’t quite hear that part clearly…and a time frame…what time frame?…when is all this happening? Wait a minute, Spike’s talking. What’s he saying?

The Ethereal Plane
Spike POV:

Serious business, huh? That battle sounds like a big deal, all right. And I’d be like the General or something? Not so sure about that part just yet, but it does sound like you guys need someone on your side all right. Just don’t know that ‘m the right guy for the job. Why? Whaddaya mean, why? I’m jus’ not, okay? I mean it. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not any great leader. Don’t know what I am anymore or what good I’d do anybody right now. What was that? How do I feel? How do I feel about what in p’ticular? Oh, that…well…I feel…wait a minute…I don’t feel…I should feel though…why don’t I feel…? I don’t get it. What’s that? Look inside? What is this – the metaphysical Dr. Phil show? Oh, all right already! I feel…okay, actually. I know what I’ve done in the past… it’s still there, but it’s not suffocatin’ me anymore or anythin’ like that. I can still see all those things and what I learned from them, but I don’t feel emotionally affected by them. Is that what you meant? Wasn’t that supposed to be the point of the imbrigatt or somethin’? Didn’t actually think anythin’ would come of it, to be honest. That it actually did kind of knocks me for a loop!

I’m still sittin’ there thinkin’ about that and what it means for me when somethin’ occurs to me. Hey! Just how long was I asleep for anyway? Don’t laugh…’m serious. How long have I been gone for? Time does move differently. Well, yeah, I expected that, Einstein, but it doesn’t really answer m’ question, does it? I’m not going to get an answer to that one, am I? Didn’t think so! So, ‘ve got a decision to make, it ‘pears. Hmmm.

Would I be able to go back at some point to see Dawn and the others? Yeah? Well, that’s okay then. And Joyce is really okay and gets to stay? What about Angel and Connor? This doesn’t mess with his Shanshu deal, does it? Well, yeah, I care a little bit, okay? It’s important to him, and it’s not like I want to be human again or anything. Just don’t go spreading it around, okay. All right, I’ll take the deal, but I have some conditions. You okay with that? I’m serious now. Anybody gets an idea to fuck with me on any of those points and the deal’s off. Got it? Okay then, let’s get a move on. I’m sick of looking at clouds. Hey, you got a ciggie, by any chance? Where are we headin’, Jinxie. Well, don’t call me Willie then, got it? No, Billy isn’t any better. Is it, Jinxana? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Spike & Jinx it is then. We’re goin’ to get along just fine, mate.

Sunnydale, CA
Rental House of Wes, Spike, Dawn & Faith
Dawn POV:

I’m drinking coffee and it’s never tasted better. It’s not Starbucks, although a white chocolate latte sure would rock right now. It’s just plain store bought coffee that I picked up the other day. But, see, my mom just brewed the pot and it’s the best I’ve ever tasted. Buffy was still sleeping when I woke up and I had a moment to panic when I looked and mom wasn’t there! But I flew down the stairs and there she was in the kitchen fixing breakfast with the coffee brewing. And it was so much like I remembered from so many mornings on Revello Drive that I felt my eyes tearing up. Then Mom looked up and smiled at me and I couldn’t do anything but run over and hug her hard. We both cried a little bit, and we’ve been sitting here drinking coffee and talking while the others sleep in. The pancake batter’s mixed though and everything else is ready to go, but for now I’m enjoying this time alone with my mom. Or at least, I was…until she brought up my lack of a relationship with my sister. Seems Mom saw and heard everything. Figures. I start to scowl, but I’m too happy to pull that off very well, so I end up with a grimace of sorts instead. And then Mom’s lecturing me on how Buffy may have screwed up, but she was barely out of her teens herself when Mom died and then was completely lost when she came back from the dead and so on… And I know this, but I’m… Mom! You can’t be serious! Well, okay…I see your point…and I get what you’re saying, but… Seriously, Mom, it’s not a matter of forgiveness. It’s really not. It’s a matter of trust. Why should I expose myself to getting hurt by her again? So what if she’s my sister. That sure didn’t seem to have any impact on how she treated me last year. Yeah…I hear you…okay, okay…you’re right… Okay, Mom…SERIOUSLY – I’ll think about it. That’s the best I can offer right now. I mean it. I can’t take any more of a chance with her at the moment, okay? But I will think about it…and I’ll try not to be a bitch, okay? Now, about those pancakes…any chance they could be chocolate chip?

Sunnydale, CA
Rental House of Wes, Spike, Dawn & Faith
Wes POV:

It’s a bit odd to walk downstairs and see Joyce Summers making pancakes, but then again I’ve worked with the living dead for some years now…so, why should the recently dead be all that unusual? I shake my head at my own ridiculous musings and help myself to some coffee. I take a moment to observe Dawn and it’s startling, the difference, really. She absolutely glows with happiness watching her mother. In that moment, I totally understand why Spike did whatever it was he managed to pull off to send Joyce back in his place. Not that I intend to leave him out there, wherever he might be, but I get it now and that helps me make peace with his absence…for the time being anyway. I figure that today will be full of discussion and planning once the others are up. Speaking of which, Giles and Anya have just stumbled in wearily and follow my lead by heading straight to the coffee pot. Giles is still staring at Joyce and obviously trying to reconcile her presence now with her absence. His thoughts and mine are interrupted by the thunder of two Slayers rushing down the staircase and into the kitchen where they both immediately begin shouting out the details of a Slayer Dream, each trying their best to be heard. I don’t know who’s more surprised when they realize they shared the same dream. As I reach for my always handy notepad and pen, I observe Giles doing the same thing and I tip an imaginary cap to him in deference. I expect him to take up his role as the leader, and am both surprised and gratified when he instead defers to my leadership. It’s a slightly larger group than I’m used to working with, but we’re all currently united in our goals, so it’s time to get to work figuring out what comes next.