Sapphire Haze by benslilbug
Chapter #5 - Hide and Go Seek
It was hours before Buffy could muster up the courage to walk down the basement stairs. Spike had vanished, unbeknownst to her until that moment, as soon as the sun set an hour earlier. Tears dropped from her eyes as she plopped down on a small workbench. A paper crinkled underneath her as she sat, so she jumped up, dramatically. She stared at the offending sheet, embarrassed.

Wow…I’ve really been out of practice if a piece of paper is scaring me.

The dirty paper was folded in half, and Buffy accordingly picked it up with fingers outstretched, so she didn’t risk sullying her good sweater. A quick gasp fell from her lips as she read the few words.

If you really want this, come find me. You’re the Slayer and can smell a vamp from a mile off, so you shouldn’t have any trouble sussing me out. If you don’t want this…for yourself and no one else, give my love to Callie.

Twenty minutes later, Buffy was hot on Spike’s heels, and Angel was helping Willow load Callie into her SUV. Andrew ran to the front passenger side door, nearly knocking Angel over.


Callie pouted in her mother’s practiced fashion as Angel strapped her into her car seat.

“Mummy promised me that she and Papa would take me today.”

Willow sighed and smiled, sadly at Callie.

“I know, honey, but they’ll have to take you another time. They had an emergency.”

“Oh. Well, why does he have to come,” Callie asked, frowning at Angel.

Willow shrugged at Angel, who sighed, and climbed into the SUV, sandwiched between Illyria and Callie’s car seat. Callie continued to frown at him until they arrived at the ballet.


Buffy walked cautiously through the cold graveyard. Distant bells clamored in the sea breeze, and she shivered as a gust of wind hit her back.

“God, I took Sunnydale for granted. This place is barely warmer than Antarctica.”

“It’s quite a bit warmer than Antarctica, pet, as you notice there are no penguins tromping about here. It’s just a bit nipply tonight.”

Her face flushed slightly when she noticed her perked nipples, before turning around to greet Spike.

“Spike, I….”

“Hush, pet. ‘s alright. Just wanted to know where you stood.”

“I know…I…I wanted to…I really did, I just…and everything with Callie…I mean, I would have told you…
I should have…I wanted to, I was just….”

“Just what, pet?”


“Of me?”

“Sort of.”


”I was afraid you’d reject me if I told you…or everything wouldn’t work if I told you and you just did it because you felt you had to….”

“Is that why you did it, Buffy? For Callie’s sake?”

“No…no…I don’t…uh! No. I just felt so guilty doing it without telling you. I think that’s why the whole ‘claim’ thing didn’t work.”

“Well, you told me now, yeah?”


“Right then.”

Spike’s face shifted into its vampiric mask, and he lunged at Buffy, who suppressed her Slayer instinct to duck and dust. She felt herself moisten as his teeth pierced into the wounds he had left the previous night. After a few gulps, he drew back.

“Mine,” he yelled his voice hoarse and shaking.

Buffy felt herself melt as she bit into him with great force, her blunt teeth drawing a few drops of blood.

“Mine,” she responded, her own hoarse voice surprising her.

Instantly, they knew that this moment was different. A bright, sapphire blue streak flashed through their corneas, and, as Buffy felt a cooling sensation pass through her being, Spike’s body received a warming sensation. He began to call out to her, but his voice was lost in his throat. The blue streaks now emanated through their bodies in a quick burst, giving each of them a momentary “Smurf-like” appearance. Buffy and Spike felt as if they were sinking into the ground as a medley of each other’s memories flooded through their minds.

A final flash of the sapphire light enveloped them before dissipating throughout the graveyard. Buffy and Spike stared at each other for a few moments, in silence. Sucking a deep breath of air in, Buffy broke through the quiet.

“That was….”

“I’m sorry, pet.”

“Sorry? For what?”

“You saw my past, yeah? I know I saw yours.”

“Oh…well, I’m sorry too then.”

“For what?”

”Probably the same things you are.”

“You never killed and ate an entire family, pet.”

“Well, no…but I was just as terrible to you. So I’m sorry.”

He shook his head, eyeing up his mate.

God, I don’t deserve her.

“Of course you deserve me…wait, how’d you do that? You’ve been taking ventriloquist lessons?”

“Buffy, pet, I…I thought that. How’d you hear me?”

“I dunno. I just…did,” she said, biting her lip. “Okay, you try!”

Buffy furrowed her brow in deep thought, and Spike stared at her. He grinned instantly, and picked her up, pressing her back to a large tombstone.

“That’s a filthy idea, Slayer. You’ve been hanging around sailors while I was gone?”

Buffy writhed free of her dampened panties, letting them fall to the ground, as Spike unzipped his trousers. As he thrust into her, the sapphire haze returned and filled them both. Though their trysts had always been passionate and satisfying, this experience was entirely different. From the instant Spike thrust into her, each felt as if they were having intense orgasms, though it didn’t hinder Spike’s passionate movements. He cupped her breasts in his hands, and gently pierced his sharp teeth into her throat, her blood tasting decidedly sweeter. Buffy arched at this new sensation, and latched onto Spike’s neck. Simultaneously, a rumbling hot orgasm pulsated through their bodies, almost knocking them both over.

Spike let Buffy gently down from his arms and they stood, staring into each other’s eyes. Their gazes would have remained locked forever if not for a sudden, and violent, gust of wind. Buffy shivered and clung to Spike, who was now staring, in awe, at the sapphire clouds circling above them. Bright flashes of lightning and loud eruptions of thunder made Buffy jump. The clouds suddenly, if by some design, swirled around, and blew northwards, toward Buffy’s home. Her eyes went wide with fear.

“Oh God, Callie!”
