Break You by TammyDevil666
Chapter #4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Buffy found some sweats to change into, but she was having a hard time actually getting to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see Angelus on top of her. The door to the mansion was thrown open and Buffy jumped, fearing that Angelus found her. She was relieved to see that it was Spike, gasping when she got a good look at him.

“What happened to you?” She helped him over to the couch, noticing that he was limping.

“Angelus was waiting there when I got back. Let’s just say he wasn’t very happy. I managed to sneak out after he finally went to bed.”

Spike sat down on the couch, wincing at the pain in his backside.

Buffy’s eyes widened when she realized what that could be from. “God, did he actually…?” She couldn’t finish the sentence, but Spike knew what she meant.

“That’s his idea of punishment.”

Buffy felt tears form in her eyes, but tried to hold them back. “He’s such a monster.”

Spike graced her with a sad smile. “That would make me a monster, too.”

She shook her head. “No, you’re nothing like him. A monster wouldn’t have helped me tonight. You could have killed me, but you didn’t.”

“No, all I did was let you get raped. Don’t make me out to be some kind of hero, love.”

Buffy thought about something. “When you said all those things about me, was that just to get him to hopefully let me go?”

He nodded. “Yeah, should have known it wouldn’t work.”

She sighed in relief. “So, you really didn’t believe any of it?”

Spike shook his head as well, smiling at the look on her face. “No, I definitely didn’t believe any of it. Shouldn’t you be sleeping right about now?” he asked, changing the subject.

“I can’t sleep. It’s like I’m still trapped in that warehouse with him every time I close my eyes. I can feel him on top of me, like he’s really here. Was I really there for three days? It felt so much longer.”

Spike gave her hand a firm squeeze. “I’ll be here now, so you should try and get some rest.”

Buffy was glad for that. “You should take the bed since you’re hurt.”

“I’ll be fine on the couch, don’t worry about me.”

For some reason, Buffy didn’t see that happening. She gave him one more look, then headed into the bedroom.

Spike watched her go and made himself comfortable, as much as he could. It wasn’t long before he was drifting off to slumber.

* * * * *

Willow got up after hearing a knock on her door, letting out a yawn and going to open it. She frowned at the sight of Riley Finn.

“Hey, have you heard anything from Buffy yet?”

She was really starting to get annoyed of all his pestering. They all missed Buffy, but she was getting tired of him constantly showing up at the dorm. “Not since the last time you asked me.”

Riley ran his fingers through his hair. “Where could she be? It’s almost been four days since her disappearance. She wouldn’t have just taken off, right? I’m sure she would have said something.”

Willow shrugged. “Buffy was stressing over her studies, but I know she wouldn’t have just left. The last time I saw her was at the Bronze, she left with some guy and never came back.” Her eyes widened, realizing what she said.

Riley took on a hurt expression. “She left with another guy?”

“I’m sure it wasn’t anything serious. They were dancing and the next thing I know, she’s leaving with him. I’m sure nothing happened.”

Riley wasn’t convinced. “What if this guy is responsible for her disappearance? She could have been kidnapped or something.”

Willow thought about it. “I don’t know. He didn’t seem like he wanted to hurt her.”

The more Riley heard, the more worried he felt. “What did he look like?”

“I didn’t get a very good look; only saw the back of his head. He had bleached hair, so it was hard to miss. And a long leather coat.”

Riley wondered why that sounded so familiar to him, but he just shook it off. “If you hear anything from Buffy, let me know.”

Willow agreed as Riley walked away. She shut the door and went over to the phone, picking it up to dial a number that she knew by heart.

* * * * *

Spike watched her sleep, not having the heart to wake her. It took her a while to finally stop tossing and turning, now she looked to be sleeping peacefully. The more he got to know her, the more he regretted letting Angelus get his hands on her. Spike didn’t know he could come to care about a woman that wasn’t Drusilla, but Buffy completely took him by surprise. He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of her soft moans, kneeling down by the bed to be closer to her. He wondered what she was dreaming about now, but hoped it wasn’t his grandsire.

“Spike,” she said in a whisper.

His eyes widened at the thought of her dreaming about him, but her expression of peace quickly changed to one of fear.

“No, don’t hurt him.”

Spike wondered if that had something to do with Angelus, but it was time to wake her up. “Come on, Buffy. Time to wake up, you’re just having a nightmare.” He shook her gently, relieved when she finally opened her eyes.

“Spike?” she wondered, as if seeing him for the first time.

He nodded. “You okay?”

Buffy nodded as well, then sat up in bed. “I feel disgusting,” she claimed suddenly.

Spike figured that she just wanted a shower, but she wasn’t finished.

“I can still feel him on me. I…I don’t want him on me anymore. I want to wipe his touch away, as if it was never there. Could you help me?”

He wasn’t sure what she was getting at, but was never expecting her next words.

“Make love to me, Spike. Please, get his touch off. I would rather feel you.”

Spike didn’t know what to do. Sure, he was extremely tempted. A beautiful woman was asking him to make love to her, but he knew it was only because of Angelus. She probably never would have said that otherwise, then there was Drusilla. He never even imagined being with anyone that wasn’t his dark princess, but she left him. She didn’t want anything to do with him and it was about time he accepted that.

Buffy saw the look on his face and couldn’t bear the rejection. She tried to get up, but he stopped her by placing a hand on her arm. She was confused at the expression on his face now, but didn’t have much time to think about it as his lips met hers.