Blood Red Moon by Gillypod
Chapter #1 - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

AN* This story is the sequel to ‘The Last Encounter’ which is also archived at this site. Please read and review, all comments welcome.

A prophecy concerning Dawn brings Spike back to Sunnydale. Will he still love Buffy, and will she still have feelings for him – read on to find out.

There has been no Glory and Joyce is still alive – mainly because I like her. Tall dark and forehead might make an appearance, but I will see where the story takes me first.

And a special thanks to my muffin smudgiboo for the banner


It had been three years since he had last set foot in Sunnydale. Three years in which he had found his peace and acceptance of his fate. Too long to carry a torch for a woman, no matter how wonderful she happened to be.

Fate had not brought him back; it had been something as simple as an e-mail from Dawn. She had kept in contact with him through the power of the internet, and now that she was in danger he had come back to help her. He had only come back for Dawn.

What Buffy thought of his return was no longer his concern.

He had taken his time in settling in to the crypt. Clem had offered to find new digs, but Spike had insisted he stayed. Once Dawn was out of danger he would be on his way home. The crypt now belonged to Clem; he had no need for it now.

Two days had passed since his return. It was more than enough time to catch up with the events of the past three years, and the lives of the Scoobies. Clem had spent hours telling him of all apocalypses averted, and the various ups and downs of the Scoobies lives.
He never mentioned Buffy.

Satisfied that he was safe, he sent a text to Dawn asking her to meet him at the crypt. He wanted to hear first hand about the prophecy that mentioned her death. His nibblet was not going to die, not on his watch. Dawn had always treated him as a man, and that was something he treasured.

He would willingly die for her.

Handing a pile of cash to Clem, he asked him to make himself scarce for a few hours. He wanted to speak to Dawn alone and listen to what she had to say. If he was in a position to help her, he would. If he could not, he would find someone who could. As a last resort, he would take her home with him to Iceland. He could protect her there much better than he could on the Hellmouth.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, he realised she would be here in ten minutes. Clem had disappeared an hour ago, promising not to be back till very late. He had given Clem enough cash to play poker for days, and Spike hoped he would manage to win some hands.

Clem had made big changes to the inside of the crypt. Leather sofas were artfully placed in the upper level. Small tables had been carefully placed at each end displaying the artefacts Spike had sent him from his travels in the last few years.

The walls, now free from damp, were covered in prints depicting mountains and lakes. A small kitchen had been built in the corner of the room, where his refrigerator had once stood, the latest appliances installed for Clem’s comfort. After all, Clem did like to eat.

The best addition to the crypt was the huge flat screen TV proudly sitting against one of the pillars. Clem had managed to snag cable from somewhere, and there was even a phone. The latest home cinema equipment had been discretely wired into the room, and a DVD recorder had replaced his old VCR.

Changed days from local dump cast-offs and stolen rugs.

The biggest transformation had been the lower level. The old coffins had been removed and the floor levelled with concrete. A large four-poster bed now stood proudly against one wall covered in pillows and quilts.

Clem liked his comforts, and he did not grudge him. All the transformations had been paid for by the money he had sent Clem on a monthly basis. Spike was glad to see his money had not all been spent in the back room of Willy’s.

Glancing at the clock again, he realised that Dawn would be here at any moment. A small frisson of excitement grew inside him.

Soon he would see his girl.


Bedlam raged at 1630 Revello Drive. Buffy, anxious not to let Dawn out of her sight, was arguing loudly with her sister.

“We have had this discussion over and over again Dawn, you are not going out on your own.” Buffy’s voice had grown loud in the room, desperate to make her point.

Dawn, arms folded and foot tapping, stared back at her sister in disgust. “And didn’t you hear me say that I’ll be safe where I’m going. Are you deaf these days, Buffy?”

Calm, calm, calm. The words were like a mantra in Buffy’s head. If she lost it she would end up hurting Dawn, and she would not allow that to happen. If her sister was determined to go out, then she would go with her. It was as simple as that.

“Okay, if you won’t tell where you’re going, then I’ll come with.” Buffy announced proudly, pleased at her plan.

Shaking her head wildly, Dawn refused her offer. “No way, Buffy. I’m seventeen years old, not three. If I want to go out, I don’t see the problem.”

“You know what the problem is, Dawn,” Buffy screamed at her sister. “The prophecy said you were going to die. We don’t know how, all we know is that it’ll happen at the next Blood Red Moon, whatever the hell that is. I can’t let you go out on your own. It’s just not safe.”

Dawn knew she had to win this argument. Spike was waiting at the crypt, and he had come half way round the world to help her. Buffy could not be allowed to stand in her way.

“Buffy,” she calmly said. “I won’t be far. You can keep in contact by cell if you want; but I am going out alone.”

Joyce stood silently in the kitchen drying the dishes from dinner. She had heard this argument so many times since they had found the prophecy, and she wished Dawn would see the sense of Buffy’s argument. For once, she agreed that Buffy should accompany Dawn wherever she wanted to go. Until they knew more about the danger her daughter was in, she did not want her to be alone.

As the last cup was placed into the cabinets, Joyce decided to intervene. Walking into the living room she was assailed by the sight of her two girls standing in the middle of the room arguing calmly. Their voices had lessened in volume as each tried to make their point. It was Dawn’s turn to keep the argument going.

“Buffy, I can’t take you with me and that’s that.” Cross-armed and shaking with suppressed rage, Dawn railed at her sister.

Buffy, not to be outdone, calmly asked, “Give me one good reason why I should let you out on your own, and I’ll let you go, Dawn. Just one reason and I’ll happily open the door and watch you leave.”

Dawn was almost vibrating in temper. She had to leave soon to meet Spike, but could not think of a reason to be out on her own. What could she say to convince Buffy she would be safe? Noticing for the first time that her mother had entered the room and was silently watching both of them, she knew her reason had to be good. Since Buffy had told her about the prophecy, her mother had been as protective as her sister. Deciding to say nothing and make a dash for freedom, she started to sprint for the door.

As Buffy tackled her to the floor, she remembered that her sister was the slayer and was too quick for her. Held securely by Buffy’s weight on her back, she resorted to the little sister ploy of bursting into tears.

Immediately Joyce went down on her knees beside her daughters. “Dawn, please stop crying and listen.” Turning to Buffy, she gestured for her to let her sister go. As Buffy started to rise, Joyce held on to Dawn’s arm to stop her jumping up and running for the door. “Honey, I have to agree with Buffy on this one. Until we know what’s out there the only protection you have is your sister.”

Dawn turned tear-wet eyes on her mother. She knew she could not fight both of them, but she still had to get away. Spike had been insistent that she come on her own, and she was determined to meet him at the crypt.

“Mom, please” she hiccupped, trying to stop the tears. “I have to go alone. Please trust me, mom, I have to be there in a few minutes.”

Joyce continued to hold on to her daughter’s arm. She was as suspicious as Buffy as to where Dawn needed to go, and she was determined that Dawn would not leave the house without the protection of her sister.

“It’s starting to get dark, Dawn. Please try to understand that neither of us will let you go out alone.”

Crying in earnest, Dawn knew she was defeated. She should have just snuck out after dinner instead of dressing up to meet Spike, but she had wanted to look her best for her friend. Stupid, stupid mistake. Now she was stuck in the house with no way of escape and little chance of one. If she told Buffy the truth, she would never be allowed to leave the house again.

“Please, I have to go.” Dawn pleaded. “He won’t be here for long, and I need to see him.”

Brows pleating together in a frown, Buffy stood over her sister. “Who won’t be here for long, Dawn? Tell us who you want to meet tonight. Do you have a boyfriend we don’t know about, ‘cos I think we would have noticed a guy hanging round.”

Dawn knew she had made a mistake. Now her mother and sister would never let her go. She had to think of something fast.

“I’m just going to see Clem.” She quickly said, hoping the lie would be believed.

Buffy held out her hand to help her sister rise from the floor. As Dawn placed her hand in hers, Buffy held on tightly. As Dawn rose from the floor to stand between her mother and sister, Buffy never let go of her grip on her hand. Joyce took hold of her free hand between both of hers, and asked her gently.

“If you’re going to visit Clem, honey, why are you so against Buffy going with you?”

This was going to be tricky. She and Buffy usually visited Clem every few weeks, and had even helped decorate the crypt. Buffy had come to like the loose-skinned demon very much, and even Joyce had invited him to dinner now and then. In fact it was not unknown for Buffy to drop in to see Clem at the end of patrol for a chat and to watch a movie.

“Clem wants me to sit with him for a while ‘cos he trying to stop playing poker.” Poor excuse, she knew, but she hoped it would sound credible.

Staring at her in disbelief, Buffy put in her tuppence worth. “Really,” she said; voice incredulous at such a poor excuse. “Since when did Clem need your company to stop him playing poker? He knows about the prophecy Dawn, and there is no way he would ask you to go see him on your own just now.” Buffy moved until she stood directly in front of Dawn, her face close to her sister. “Tell me the truth Dawn. Who are you going to meet?”

There was no way out, she would have to tell them the truth. If they did not let her go, she would text Spike to come to her. Her mother would welcome him, even if Buffy said he could not come in. Looking down at her sister’s boots, she mumbled towards the floor.

“I’m going to Clem’s crypt to meet someone.”

Before she could continue, Buffy felt her anger rise again. “Who, Dawn?” she asked. “Who is so important that you have to meet them on your own when you KNOW how dangerous it is for you right now?”

Dawn continued to look at the floor. This was so difficult to say, and the words were sticking in her throat. Only the truth would help her now.

“Spike,” she whispered at the floor. “I’m going to meet Spike.”

AN* - Well that’s the first chapter. Will Buffy let her go alone, or will she go with her? Will Joyce go too, or will Spike come to meet them.

The next chapter will be up soon, my friends. Please review – it makes the fingers go tap, tap, tap. The more I write, the quicker we get to Spuffy – hint hint.


Chapter #2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

AN* Sorry it has taken so long to post the second chapter – real life got in the way.

Check out the banner guys - smudgiboo is just the best


Buffy stood still and stared at her sister. “Spike?” she asked. “You’re going to meet Spike?”

Dawn, tears in her eyes, just nodded her head. Angry at herself for betraying Spike to her family, she knew she had been left with no choice.

Joyce, anxious to stop her eldest from losing her temper, spoke quietly to Dawn. “Why did you think you had to keep his return a secret, Dawn? You know he’s welcome here anytime he wants.”

“I know, mom.” Dawn replied. “It’s just…..I wanted to see him on my own first.”

“Why?” her mother asked simply.

“He’s been gone so long mom, and he was always my friend.” Dawn moved her eyes to the floor, finding the floorboards beneath her feet suddenly fascinating. Her voice was quiet as she continued. “He came back because I told him a little about the prophecy. I asked him to help me fight it and he agreed. He’s come half way round the world to help me and I don’t want to let him down.”

Joyce stared at the top of her daughter’s bent head. “Why would you think you were letting him down by not telling us he was back? I’m just a little confused, honey. Doesn’t he want to see us too?”

Dawn knew that what she had to say was going to hurt both her mother and her sister, but if they were going to let her see Spike alone she had to tell them. “He wants to see you mom, but he said he didn’t want to see Buffy unless he had to.”

Before Joyce could say anything, Buffy moved her hand under Dawn’s chin to lift her head. Manoeuvring her sister’s head until she could look into her eyes, she asked calmly. “Why does he not want to see me, Dawn?”

Silent tears were rolling down Dawn’s face now. She could see the hurt and disappointment in her sister’s eyes, and wondered why Buffy was not as angry as she had expected her to be.

“He said that you and he didn’t part on good terms, Buffy. He thought you might not want to see him too.”

Buffy’s mouth opened in astonishment. She could not believe that Spike would not want to see her, considering their last encounter. Surely he would at least want to talk to her about it. After all, Spike was not known for his silence at the best of times. All sort of emotions whirled inside her. There were questions she wanted to ask him, and answers she desperately needed to hear. Fighting an angry response, she spoke quietly to Dawn.

“If you called him, do you think he would come here to see you?” she asked.

Dawn looked quickly between her sister and her mother. Encouraged by the expression on both their faces, she knew that they had missed him as much as she. “I don’t know, Buffy. I could always call him on his cell and ask him. I don’t think he’ll answer Clem’s phone in case someone finds out he’s back.”

Joyce thought over Dawn’s statement for a few seconds before making the suggestion that she, rather than Dawn, should call Spike and ask him over. She thought that if she made the call, then he would know that he was welcome and might visit. Nodding her head in agreement, Dawn left the room to look for her cell.

While she was gone, Joyce spoke firmly to Buffy. “If he agrees to come here Buffy, you will make him welcome. Do you understand me? I will not have him feel uncomfortable in this house.”

Buffy nodded her acceptance while she waited for her sister’s return. “Good,” her mother continued. “If you argue with him, hit him, or do anything that makes him leave again Buffy, then you and I will have words.”

Looking at her mother, Buffy again nodded. She was lost for words. Finally, after three years absence, she was going to see him again. Tumbled thoughts ran through her mind. Would he look the same? Would he smell the same? Would he still fight at her side like he used to?

Did he still love her?

Banishing the last thought from her mind, she prepared herself for her mother’s call. She had told no one of their few hours of passion, or how it had affected her. Her biggest regret had been that she had not run after him when he walked away. She had lived with heartbreak for so long in her young life, she had started to believe she deserved it.

If she was honest with herself, she had not believed that he had gone after their time in the graveyard. She had convinced herself that he only needed some space, and would turn up a few days later at The Magic Box for a Scooby meeting, but he never did. As the days turned into weeks, she knew she had lost him, and it felt like her heart had broken into a thousand pieces.

As the weeks turned months, and the months turned into years, she convinced herself that he had been dusted and tried to carry on with her life. She had went out with a few guys over the years, but none of them had understood her the way Spike had. None of her boyfriends could make her feel glory of letting her passion run free during sex. Too afraid to break them, she had always held her passion back.

Only Spike had let that part of her free, and now he was back in their lives.

Watching her mother place the call to Spike, she could feel her heart start to race. Convinced he would visit now that her mother had asked him, she made quickly for the stairs. She wanted to look nice for him when he arrived, and she ran into her bedroom to find something to wear he might like. As she quickly scanned her closet, her eyes fell on his red shirt. Every night she wore it to bed, letting the memories of their short time together race through her mind. She realised her hands were shaking as she pulled out various tops and jeans.

Sexy, she thought to herself. I have to make myself look sexy. Deciding on a pair of hipster jeans and a short filmy top, she hurriedly changed. Looking at her reflection in the dresser mirror, she picked up her brush and ran it quickly through her hair. Her hair was longer than when they had last met, and she secretly hoped Spike would like it. Makeup was quickly reapplied, and she took extra care with her lipstick. She wanted him to notice her lips, glossed and ready to be kissed. I have to make them kissable, she thought as she applied the red gloss to her lips.

Looking in the mirror for a few seconds, she smiled at her reflection and nodded her head. He would like her in this outfit, she was sure. He had to like her again, she had missed him too much and for too long. He just had to care. Giving her reflection one last tentative smile, she turned and made her way back to the living room, excitement filling her breast.

Noticing her mother and sister sitting side by side on the sofa, she asked brightly. “Well, is he coming?”

Joyce turned her head and looked thoughtfully at her daughter. Buffy had obviously made an effort with her appearance for Spike’s visit, which made what she had to say even harder than she thought.

“Spike’s agreed to come Buffy, but only if you’re not in the house.”

Buffy stared at her mother in disbelief.

“What?” she asked, confused by her mother’s words.

Joyce had always suspected that Buffy had felt something for the vampire other than hate, and seeing the trouble she had gone to in order to look nice for him, hurt her. Spike had been adamant that he did not want to see Buffy, and Joyce had promised him that she would not be in the house when he arrived. It was the only thing that would convince him to come.

Taking a deep breath before she continued, Joyce took the bull by the horns and spelled out Spike’s terms. “He says he’s not willing to talk to you just now, honey.”

Flouncing further into the room, Buffy dropped heavily into one of the armchairs. “Did he say why?” she whispered, all her plans falling apart at the seams.

“Not really, honey.” At the look of hurt on her daughter’s face, she almost relented and let her stay, but both she and Dawn needed to talk to Spike. “He just said he wasn’t in the mood for fighting with you. He was here to help Dawn and he would talk to you if he had to.”

Joyce watched her daughter’s face carefully. As Buffy’s eyes misted with tears, she could feel her own heart break at her daughter’s distress. If she had been in any doubt that Buffy held strong feelings for Spike, they had been banished by the broken look on her face. Quickly deciding that she would need to do something, she stood up from the sofa and walked over to Buffy’s slumped form. Crouching down in front of her, she took Buffy’s tightly clasped hands between her own.

“Buffy,” she quietly said. “Let him talk to Dawn and me first. He’s been gone so long and surely you can understand why he thinks you might hurt him again.”

As Buffy turned a grief stricken look at her mother, Joyce’s heart melted a little more. “Let me convince him that you won’t hurt him anymore, honey. Do you think you can let me do that?”

Words failed her. Spike did not want to see her, and she could not understand why. After all this time of pining for him, it was obvious that he didn’t care anymore.

“I’ll go visit Willow and Tara for a while,” she told them, her emotions making her voice sound strained. “I’ll take my cell and you can call me when he’s gone.”

Rising from her crouched position on the floor, Joyce pulled Buffy into her arms for a hug.

“That’s a great idea, Buffy. We’ll both talk to Spike and ask him if you can visit him tomorrow.”

Holding her mother tightly, Buffy nodded against her mother’s shoulder. “Tell him I won’t hit him mom please” she begged. “Tell him I just want to talk to him about the prophecy and how he could help.” Looking up at her mother with pleading eyes, she continued. “It’s been so long, I just want to see him.”

Joyce held her tighter in her embrace. “I know, honey. I promise I’ll make him understand.”

“Okay mom. I’ll go visit Wills.” As she moved from her mother’s embrace towards the door, she looked back over her shoulder. “You will tell him I need to see him, mom”

Nodding and smiling at her daughter, Joyce agreed.


Standing under his old stalking tree in the yard, Spike waited patiently for Buffy to leave. He knew that Joyce would convince her to go, and he was glad he had made that condition. Moodily smoking a cigarette, he stared up at the quarter moon wondering what this prophecy was all about. Even Clem had not had all the details, but at least he had confirmed that a prophecy did exist and that it concerned Dawn.

He had not asked himself why he had returned so quickly to Sunnydale after one frantic phone call from Dawn. He did not want to examine his reasons for such a hasty return to the town he hated so much. He knew he would not like the answers.

When he heard the sound of the Summer’s door opening, he ducked behind the tree and stomped out his cigarette. He did not want the glow to alert her to his presence. He hoped that her spidy sense was on low power tonight and would not alert her to a vampire close by.

As he stood in the shadows, a scent never to be forgotten wafted across the porch. The mixture of vanilla and slayer musk brought memories back that he had tried so hard to suppress. When her powerful scent reached him, he felt his cock rise to attention within the confines of his jeans, and he was angry with himself.

Three years he had kept away from Sunnydale trying to forget her; and their last encounter. He thought he had succeeded in his quest for a life without her after all that time. Whole weeks would go by before the image of her face as she came apart in his arms would intrude into his mind. He had banished the memories by fighting demons all over the planet and losing himself in the bottom of a bottle, but he knew now it had been a wasted effort.

All he had to do was smell her unique scent, and he was Love’s Bitch once again.

Angry at his folly in coming here, he stood stock still and waited for her to leave. Not really able to comprehend the depth of feeling inside him, he prayed to a God he did not believe in to make her go. Once he had talked with Joyce and Dawn, he would return to the crypt and make plans. If he could get through this without meeting her, he just might be able to leave with his sanity.

If he spoke to her again, he knew he would stay forever.

Listening carefully for the sound of her footsteps as she made her way down the garden path to the sidewalk, he took a deep breath. Mistake, he thought as he inhaled her scent deep into his lungs, big mistake. He had thought to calm his emotions, but the strong scent of Buffy felt like holy water on his skin. Painful, burning, unwelcome, and such sweet torture to his heart.

As the sound of her footsteps faded into the night, Spike found the courage to knock on the Summer’s door. Within seconds his arms were full of a much grown Dawn and a tearful Joyce. It was a welcome like he had never had since he had been turned, and he could feel his heart swell with emotion.

This was worth the heartache of being so close to Buffy. This was worth travelling thousand of miles across the world.

This was where he belonged.

Chapter #3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

AN* Thanks to everyone for the wonderful reviews. I promise they will meet up soon – maybe this chapter, maybe the next.

huggles for smudgiboo for my gorgeous banner

Read on to find out……


A Summers woman under each arm holding tightly to his sides, Spike felt himself dragged into the living room. It was not an unpleasant feeling, and the love he felt from both Joyce and Dawn helped to ease the pain of being so close to Buffy. He was in her home, sitting on her sofa being cuddled by her sister, whilst her mother made him hot chocolate just the way he liked.

Contentment poured through his being, making him feel totally calm.

As Joyce handed him his chocolate, he noticed that she had used his ‘Kiss the Librarian’ mug he had stolen from the watcher. A smile at her thoughtfulness brightened his face as he sipped the delicious brew. The best whiskey money could buy had never tasted so good.

With Dawn to his left and Joyce to his right, he waited for the questions to begin. He had never hidden his feelings for Buffy from Joyce, and he hoped she would not ask the questions he was not ready to answer. Sipping his warm chocolaty beverage, he turned questioning eyes on Joyce.

A thousand questions ran through Joyce’s mind, but she started with the simplest one he could answer.

“Spike, it’s so good to see you again after all this time. You left without saying goodbye, and I felt kind of hurt. After all the times we had talked and shared things, I really thought you would have waited and let us know where you were going. We worried about you for three years. Where have you been?”

Staring down at the now empty mug, Spike thought about telling her a lie. He could say he had lived the high life anywhere in the world, but this gentle woman deserved only the truth.

“I had to leave, Joyce,” he said in a small voice, his answer directed at the empty mug he held in his hands. “I loved Buffy with all my heart, but all she ever did was treat me as her punching bag when she needed to vent some spiel. I told her again and again how I felt, and she just laughed in my face telling me that I didn’t know how to love because I didn’t have a soul.”

Looking up at Joyce’s compassionate face, he halted in his tale to put his mug on the coffee table in front of him. As he sat back, he turned his eyes to the ceiling, not able to stand the look of pity in her eyes.

“I left here and went to see Peaches in LA for a while. Don’t even ask me why, because I don’t understand myself what made me want to see him. Maybe it’s a family thing, I don’t know, but I just know I had to talk to him. We talked for days and days and got a lot of things straightened out between us.” Turning his eyes to Joyce, he smiled as he continued. “Did you know he has a son called Connor, and he’s living with Cordelia?”

At Joyce’s shocked look, Spike laughed. “Yeah, I bet he’s kept that quiet from the slayer. I won’t go into the details of how he became a father, ‘cos that’s even too much for me. Suffice to say, they live a happy little life taking care of his son and acting so much like a married couple it almost makes you sick.”

Joyce, loathe to interrupt him, felt compelled to ask. “If he’s happy with Cordelia, why does he still have a soul?”

Now that was a question he could easily answer. “They found a grand wizard in South America that was able to do a spell to anchor his soul for eternity. No matter how happy he gets, he will still have the soul.” Looking thoughtfully at the coffee table, as if it held all the answers, he continued. “I’ve heard over the years that he’s lost it now and again thanks to some demon witchcraft, but Cordy usually finds a way to get it back before too much harm’s done.”

Mouth open in astonishment, Joyce stared at Spike. “Buffy knows nothing of this, Spike. Are you sure?”

“As sure as I am that I’m a vampire, Joyce. I’ve never seen him so happy.”

Dawn, who had said not a word since Spike had entered their home, could hardly contain her excitement at the news. “So,” she started. “Tall, dark and forehead will never come back into our lives again?”

“Dawn Summers” her mother exclaimed. “There’s no need to talk about Angel like that.”

Dawn smiled benignly at both her mother and Spike. “Yes there is, mom. I never liked him, and he was soooo bad for Buffy.”

Joyce could only laugh at her daughter’s statement. Although true, it was strange hearing her daughter refer to Angel by the names Spike had often called him.

“I have to agree Dawn, but don’t let Buffy hear you call him that,” her mother smiled in reply.

Spiked winced internally at Joyce’s words. It was as he thought, Buffy still held a candle for Peaches and always would. He would get the job done with Dawn and leave this place forever.

Noticing the deflated look on Spike’s face, Joyce knew she had said the wrong thing. She was worried he would think Buffy still had feelings for Angel; she had to fix this quickly.

“You can’t call him tall, dark and forehead when all she calls him is pompous, self-righteous ass.”

Spike visibly brightened at her words. “She does?” he asked, a smile in her voice.

“All the god-damned time.” Dawn agreed before ducking her head at her mother’s evil look. Profanity was not allowed in the Summers’ home.

Laughing out loud with joy, Spike cuddled the two women towards his shoulders. “You have now idea how happy that makes me, nibblet. No idea at all.”

Dawn snuggled closer to her best friend, holding him tightly. He had always been so charming and handsome in her eyes, but she knew that he only had room in his heart for Buffy. She believed he loved her as a sister, otherwise he would not have come back to Sunnydale to help her fight the prophecy, but she also knew that his life belonged to Buffy.

Her stupid sister was just too stubborn to admit that she had missed him too.

Cuddled up against her favourite vampire, Joyce resumed her gentle questioning. “Dawn told me you travelled half way across the world to come back, Spike. Where do you live now?”

“Iceland, Joyce.” Extricating herself from his arm, Joyce sat up and stared at him

“Iceland?” Incredulity in her voice. “Why Iceland?”

Smiling at her, Spike said simply. “It’s dark there for six months of the year, Joyce. That appeals to someone like me; and there are plenty of demons to kill. It’s the perfect place for a vampire to live.” As his smile faded, he continued. “When the daylight comes, I have to move on for a while. Sometimes I go back to England, other times I just roam the planet killing demons and fighting the good fight.”

Joyce felt she had to ask the burning question. “Do you still have feelings for Buffy, Spike?”

Spike let his girls go. As his hands returned to his lap, he pondered how he was going to answer that difficult question. If she had asked him two hours ago he would have said that he thought of her fondly, but no longer loved her. His reaction to her scent and her closeness just a short time ago had both stunned and shocked him. All kinds of thoughts rolled around his head as he tried to formulate a reply. He had never been able to lie to Joyce, but he thought he was going to have to start.

“You’re taking a long time to answer, Spike.” Joyce said softly. “I take it that you do still love her but don’t want her to know.”

Sometimes he hated how perceptive this woman could be. Yet other times he relished in her way of stating the obvious. Only the truth would help him now.

“I don’t think I ever stopped loving her Joyce, I’ve just managed to control it over the years.” Spike looked pleadingly at Joyce as he continued. She deserved to hear everything. “I had to move on, no matter how much it hurt. She would never see me as anything but a monster, and I think I deserve better than that. I kept up the fighting all over the world, and helped rid this sorry planet of some of the nasties that would hurt her if they ever found their way to Sunnydale. I even got in touch with the Council of Wankers and offered my services as a freelance demon fighter for a while.”

He paused in his rhetoric for a moment, memories of Traver’s face as he had laid out his terms passing through his mind.

“Eventually they agreed, and I spent a year in London ridding it of demons.” Smiling at both Joyce and Dawn, he winked and carried on. “There were some good times to be had ‘round the East End of London, I can tell you.”

Dawn, unable to keep silent any longer, interspersed his tale with some questions she wanted to ask. “Is that why you kept changing your cell number, so I couldn’t track you down?”

Giving her a quick hug, Spike dropped his hands to his lap and carried on with his tale. “I couldn’t tell you where I was nibblet, in case you let it slip to Buffy. I had to make this journey on my own, and I didn’t want her to know what I was up to.”

Joyce looked pointedly at her youngest. “Don’t think we won’t be talking about that later, Dawn. You knew how to get in touch with Spike, yet you didn’t trust me enough to tell me.”

Spike, knowing his nibblet was in deep trouble with her mother, spoke up in her defence. “I asked her not to, Joyce. I’m sorry you feel a little betrayed, but if I asked you to keep a secret, would you have told Buffy or Dawn?”

Staring at Spike for a few seconds, Joyce thought about his words. Finally she shook her head as she answered. “No, Spike. I don’t think I would have told them.”

Inwardly sighing with relief that he had saved his nibblet from a lecture, he smiled at Joyce. “I know you wouldn’t Joyce, and I had put all my trust in Dawn. I knew she wouldn’t betray me, or judge why I didn’t come back.”

Joyce could see the point of his argument, but she still felt that they both could have trusted her more. Spike, noticing the look of consternation on her face, thought it best to continue.

“Anyway,” he sighed. “While I was in London, a demon friend of mine told me about Iceland. The pleasure of living in the dark for a few months of the year really held some appeal, so I moved there about eighteen months ago.”

Dawn, desperate to find out more, asked another question. “Do you live in a crypt there Spike, or do you have an apartment or something?”

Laughing, Spike cuddled Dawn towards him and gently stroked her hair. The next part of his life history might not go down well, and he wanted the comfort of his friend.

“I live in a house in Reykjavik. The house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a great big basement I can work out in.” Squeezing her tighter to his side, his lips brushed the top of her head. “I like it there, nibblet. I saw no reason to come back before now.”

Joyce watched the show of affection the blonde vampire bestowed on her daughter. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him how much Buffy had wanted to see him tonight before she had been banished from the house, when Spike started to speak again.

“There’s something else I need to tell you both.” Pausing slightly to take an un-needed breath, Spike seemed to draw himself up as he continued.

“I have a wife.”

Chapter #4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

AN* I know you hate me now, but please stick with it. I will make it better – after all, we are all about the Spuffy.

I am leaving for the joys of the Scottish Coast so there will be no updates for a week, but when I return there will be plenty to catch up on


“You’re WHAT!” screeched Dawn, as she propelled herself from his side. “You can’t be married Spike, you’re a vampire, or did you forget that little fact while you were gone.”

Joyce was still sitting beside him, her face turned to his in astonishment. “I have to agree with Dawn Spike, how can a vampire get married?”

“It’s not a marriage the way humans do it,” Spike calmly told them. “All vamps have to do is find someone they want to be with for eternity, and they claim each other.”

Anger radiated from Dawn like a cloud; the atmosphere around her thick with tension. “I’ve kept in touch with you for three years, and you tell me this now? God, I could slap you in to next week, Spike.”

Laughing at her comment, Spike smiled as he continued. “Well it would make a change from your sister punching me, bit. I doubt you could break my nose as good as she can.”

“Don’t bet on it, Spike. Have you any idea how much this will hurt Buffy?” Dawn’s voice rose in distress as she continued. “Buffy couldn’t wait to see you tonight, you moron, and we made her leave ‘cos you wanted it. We asked her to go ‘cos YOU said you didn’t want to see her. I put you first, you asshole, and I wanna really, really stake you right now.”

Joyce moved from the couch, and placed herself between Spike and Dawn. With her back to Spike, she gently chided her daughter. “You can’t blame Spike, Dawnie. You know how Buffy used to treat him when he lived in Sunnydale. How was he to know that she wouldn’t treat him the same way she always did?”

In her anger, Dawn forgot Spike was in the room. “Mom, this is ridiculous. I asked him to come home to help me, and he sits there and blurts out he has a WIFE, for God’s sake.”

“Dawn,” Joyce spoke, in a calming voice. “Try to understand. None of us can tell Spike how to live his life, or who to love. Buffy hasn’t sat still and waited on him coming back, she’s had relationships too.”

With her back to Spike, and Dawn’s attention fully on her mother, neither saw his wince of pain at Joyce’s words.

“Yeah, maybe,” Dawn answered, her voice still high with emotion. “But she never got further than the fourth date before there was always a reason why she couldn’t see them any more. Christ Mom, you know she’s not had a date for nearly a year.”

Brows knitting together at Dawn’s language, Joyce continued to try and calm her daughter down. “You think this is easy for Spike?” she asked. “Do you think it was easy for him to leave his wife and come here to help us? Stop being so selfish, Dawn. Spike came back to help a friend, nothing more.”

Tears filled Dawn’s eyes. She had asked him to come back to help her, but a part of her had wanted Spike to still care for Buffy. Loving her sister as she did, all she wanted for her was to have someone to love her with all their heart. Spike had loved her to distraction before he walked away, she could not understand how he could transfer those feelings to someone else.

As the tears started to run down her cheeks, Joyce pulled her into her arms for a hug. Knowing that her daughter had been hiding a hidden agenda in asking for Spike’s help, she too was feeling Dawn’s pain. Still holding tightly to a sobbing Dawn, Joyce turned her head to look at Spike.

“I think you better leave now Spike, and come back tomorrow.”

Spike felt like shit. He had hurt his nibblet terribly, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Taking a deep breath, he looked at two of the most important women in his life holding each other in comfort because of him.

“I can’t leave yet, Joyce.” He said softly. “We still need to talk about the prophecy and what it means.”

“I don’t want your help now.” Dawn screeched, petulantly. “You can go back to your wife with a clear conscience. Buffy will fix it, she always does.”

“Too bad, Nibblet.” Spike told her in a firm voice. “I’m here now and we will beat this together.”

Joyce smiled at him, her eyes softening with gratitude. “Thank you, Spike.”

Pulling away from her mother, Dawn walked quickly towards the kitchen. When her mother asked where she was going, she simply turned around and smiled at her. “I going to call Buffy and ask her to come home.” Looking directly at Spike, her eyes still narrowed in anger, she spoke directly to him. “If you’re so happy with your new life you won’t mind talking to Buffy now, will you Spike?”

Backed into a corner by his own actions, Spike could only nod his head in acceptance. He knew he would have to talk to Buffy at some point in his visit, he had just hoped it would not be for some time. He put on his best don’t-give-a-damn face, and agreed with Dawn.

“Maybe it’s time for us to talk, Dawn. She can tell me about the prophecy and we can start to make some plans.”

Turning on her heel, she continued on her way to the phone. If he wanted to play ‘Stupid Vampire’ then she would let him.

The sparks would fly when Buffy got home.


An opened can of Diet Coke sat fizzing softly on the coffee table in Willow and Tara’s apartment. The Wiccans were sitting silently either side of the friend, watching intently as she stared at the condensation running down the sides of the can. The three women had talked for a long time about the return of Spike, and now there was silence in the room.

Willow and Tara had asked endless questions, but Buffy could answer few of them. She had managed to explain why Dawn had asked him to come back, but she had said nothing of how she felt about the situation. As her best friend, Willow knew that Buffy was upset, but could not understand why she seemed to be so down. Buffy’s anger at his return, she expected. A maudlin, quiet Buffy baffled her.

Buffy continued to stare at the dew-covered can as she thought of something to say. Her friends had been wonderful, listening quietly as she explained things. Thoughts of Spike enjoying himself with Dawn and her mother clouded her thoughts, and she was desperate to go home. She was sure he had been in the garden when she left the house, and was disappointed that he had not shown himself. Her instinct had told her to walk up to his tree and pull him out to face her.

It had taken every ounce of will-power she possessed to walk away from him.

Willow gently laid her hand on her friend’s knee as she spoke to her. “Buffy, what’s worrying you about Spike coming back? Do you think he’s maybe got the chip out and turned all grrr again?”

Buffy let out a small laugh that sounded strangled to her own ears. “No, Will” she said as she turned her head to look at her friend. “I can handle Spike with or without the chip. That’s not the problem.”

Still perplexed by her answer, Willow spoke again. “Then why are you acting all moody and depressed? Surely some extra muscle will help us fight whatever is trying harm Dawn?”

Buffy rolled her eyes towards the ceiling. The next few sentences would be easy to say if she didn’t see the pity in her friend’s eyes. Calmly she told the Wiccans of her last encounter with Spike, and how wonderful he had made her feel. Tears ran in rivulets down her face as she spoke of their passionate coupling, and the way he had ran from her.

Before Willow could admonish her for having sex with Spike, Tara’s gentle voice filled the room. “None of us chose who we fall in love with, Buffy. If you love him you should tell him.”

Shaking her head, her eyes returned to the can on the table. “He won’t believe me. Not after all this time.”

“Maybe not,” Tara replied. “It’s up to you how you show him you’re serious. I don’t know Spike well, but he’s seems to be a man who’s ruled by his emotions. He truly loved you Buffy, and all you did was hurt and humiliate him. It’s time to set the record straight.”

Turning her head, Buffy smiled a watery smile. “I know, Tara. I just don’t know how to begin. He doesn’t want to see me, or talk to me, and mom made me leave before he would go and see them.” Hiccupping through her sobs, she turned towards Willow. “Why would he do that, Will?”

Willow’s original idea to rail at her friend for her foolishness at falling for yet another vampire, died a death at Buffy’s obvious sadness. Although she could not understand how Buffy seemed to fall in love with vampires, she knew better than to comment. What her friend needed now was support, not criticism.

“I agree with Tara, Buff. I think you need to talk to him and explain how you feel. I’m sure Spike will still love you as he always did.” As she spoke, she moved her arm around her friend’s shoulder and drew her close to her side.

“Go home, Buffy” Willow whispered against her hair. “Talk to him before he goes back to Clem’s.”

Buffy lifted her head and smiled widely at the acceptance she saw in Willow’s eyes. Before she could say a word, her cell phone started to ring. Shifting in her seat, Buffy managed to remove the phone from her purse; when she saw her home number displayed her heart started to race. Quickly flipping it open, she breathed a ‘hello’.

Willow and Tara looked at one another, silent messages passing between the couple. Tara knew that her lover was not happy over Buffy’s choice, but she was determined that they would support her as a couple. She would have a long talk with Willow once Buffy was gone.

Flipping the phone closed, Buffy’s smile lit up her face. Grabbing her purse from the floor, she ran to the door. Both Willow and Tara stared at her in astonishment as they watched their friend hurry towards the door.

“That was Dawn.” Buffy informed them as ran to the door. “He wants to see me.”


Using full slayer stamina, Buffy ran all the way to Revello Drive. Slowing down to a jog as her house came into view, she suddenly stopped. Standing still, staring at the light reflected on the lawn from her living room window, she felt the butterflies in her stomach do the Bosa Nova.

Telling herself she had nothing to worry about, she walked slowly towards the porch. Climbing the steps, she hesitated outside the door, unsure of her reaction when she saw him. Gathering the courage to turn the handle, she took a deep breath and walked in the door.

Tingles. Strong vampire tingles ran slowly up her spine. Only Spike had ever produced tingles like these.

As her head turned towards him, the breath stopped in her throat. He had not changed at all. Even his clothes looked the same ones he had worn the last time they met. His unique scent carried across the room assailing her nostrils with his presence.

He had come home.

Cool, she told herself. You need to play it cool. Don’t let him know you missed him just yet. Find out how he feels before you hang your heart out to dry.

Their eyes met, and she could not tear her eyes from his. Ocean blue clashing with green. Standing transfixed at the sight of him, she stood still as he slowly rose from the sofa. As he turned towards her, she could no longer keep still. Dropping her purse on the floor, she ran towards him.

His arms were suddenly full of affectionate slayer. Strong tanned legs were wrapped around his waist, and she was peppering kisses all over his face. She was babbling in his ear, but he heard nothing.

All he could do was feel.

Her warm strong body held him tightly in its grip. The scent of her, so strong now she was so close, brought tears to his eyes. She had missed him almost as much as he had missed her. He knew that now, even though Dawn had tried to tell him earlier that evening. Her mouth was on his neck as she made her way to his jaw. Closer and closer to his lips her mouth moved. Turning his head slightly to accept her kiss, he felt bereft when she was pulled from his arms.

“Leave him alone, Buffy” Dawn spoke with authority. “You can’t kiss Spike.”

Struggling in her sister’s grip, Buffy looked at Dawn in wonder. “Why not?”

“’Cos he’s got something to tell you.” Turning a sarcastic smile on Spike, she continued. “Don’t you, Spike?”

Chapter #5 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

AN* I know it’s been a long time since the last update – please don’t hate me anymore. I WILL make it all better – and soon.


“What?” Buffy asked as she pulled herself form Dawn’s grasp and turned towards Spike. “What have you got to tell me, Spike?”

Spike could not help but stare at his slayer. She had lost weight and looked like a stranded waif. Her hair and skin were still golden, but there was a sunken look to her face. Dark circles hung under her eyes, and she looked as though she had been crying.

Mistake! His inner voice scolded him. Big Mistake! He should never have come back to Sunnyhell; he should have researched this ‘Blood Red Moon’ thing before leaving Iceland. His plan to come here, fix the problem and leave was slowly going up in smoke as he looked at the slayer.

“Answer me, Spike” Buffy barked at him in frustration.

She may look different, but the snark was till there. Smiling at her, he wondered how he would tell her of his ‘marriage’ when Dawn decided to tell her for him.

“Spike’s got a mate, Buffy.”

Mouth open and fresh tears in her eyes, Buffy turned to her sister. Dawn, still angry as hell, stood with her arms crossed over her chest and her foot tapping quickly on the wooden floor. “Yeah Buffy, Spike upped and got himself a mate while he was gone.”

Turning back towards him, Buffy’s voice sounded small in the room. “You’ve got a mate?” she asked.

What was he to do? Now that the nibblet had told her he had no choice but to confirm her statement. “Yes slayer. I’ve been mated for almost six months now.”

Anger welled up inside her. Anger at herself for hoping he still loved her, anger at him for his fickle words of devotion and humiliation for jumping straight into his arms. She reacted the only way she knew how.

“My God” she exclaimed. “Didn’t take you long to get over your great all-consuming love for me, did it?”

How dare she, he thought. She had given him just one crumb the last time they met, yet she expected him to still beg at her feet.

“Looks that way, don’t it pet.” The sarcasm in his voice evident to all. “I’m not the brooding poof. I have better things to do with my unlife than wait on crumbs from your table.”

Hurt at his words, Buffy reacted before she could think about her actions. Taking a long stride towards him, she lifted her hand high to slap his face. His reactions were swift as his left hand rose and grabbed her wrist before she could connect with his face.

“No Buffy,” his voice cold with fury. “You will never touch me in anger again. Do you hear me, slayer?” Never again.”

Buffy took a step back from him, staring at the cold look in his eyes. Just minutes before he had looked at her with love in his eyes, she was sure of it, yet now he looked at her as though she was nothing. His hand was still around her wrist, but she knew she could break his hold easily. Out of choice she left her wrist in his grasp, his cool fingers warming on her skin. As she looked down to where their skin connected, Spike followed her gaze and gently let her go.

“Let’s get something straight right from the start, slayer.” Spike voice was still cold. “I’m here to help the nibblet fight this prophecy, not for you. Our time passed three years ago and we’ve both moved on.”

She knew she had not moved on. Her love for him had grown over the years. He had been the only man she had ever been with who had made her feel special during sex. In fact she had realised almost as soon as he had gone that they had not had sex, he had made love to her. She had not allowed him to say the words, but he had tried to tell her with his body how much he loved her. Her stupid pride had let him go, and now he had moved on.

As he said, their time had been three years in the past.

Mustering every ounce of inner strength she possessed, she let a smile hover on her lips.

“You’re right, Spike” she calmly spoke. “I shouldn’t have hit out like that. I was just surprised and a bit shocked. I mean, what type of vamp is willing to take you on as a mate for life. Found another Drusilla somewhere in your travels?”

If it had not been for the danger his nibblet was in, he would have walked out then, determined never to return. How dare she talk to him like this, when all he wanted do was protect her sodding family. How fucking dare she. Bitch!

Ignoring her completely, Spike turned towards Joyce. “Could you do me favour, Joyce? Ask the watcher to stop by Clem’s tomorrow with the prophecy and we’ll work on it together. When we work out how to fix this, I’ll be in touch.”

In blur of black leather, he left the house.


Back in the crypt Spike ripped the seal from the bottle of Jack he had bought on the way from Revello Drive. Lifting the bottle to his lips, he felt the strong liquor pour down his throat. Enjoying the burn for a few moments, he allowed the pain to replace the thoughts in his head.

She was still a fucking bitch, some things would never change. Three years he had been gone, and in all that time he had hardly touched a drink. Five fucking minutes in the bint’s company and he was back on the bottle.

He would not let her beat him. Pulling the bottle from his lips, he threw it at the wall and watched fascinated as it shattered into a thousand pieces. The smell of whiskey permeated his senses, and he shook his head laughing at his own folly. Losing the whiskey did not worry him; it was the fact that she had reduced him to this that galled.

Making his way to the kitchen, he quickly found a dustpan and brush. With deft movements, he cleaned away the glass; pouring the contents into the trash. He looked round for something to clean up the liquid. Grabbing a roll of paper towel, he finished the job he started.

He needed something to kill - now. If he stayed alone in the crypt much longer he would return to Revello Drive and have his one good day.

Opening the door of the crypt with full vampire strength, he marvelled that it stayed on the hinges. His anger was too great to suppress and he needed to vent it somewhere. Head down, he made his way from the crypt to stalk his cemetery. There had to be some big bad somewhere that needed to die, and he was determined to find it.

He had hardly gone twenty feet before he ran into Clem returning from the poker tables. “Gotta kill something, Clem” he muttered as he passed his friend. The fact that Clem had returned hours before he was expected, never registered with the furious vampire.

Dawn had phoned Clem on his cell in a panic. Spike had stormed out of the house and she was scared he would disappear again. She had calmed down quickly when faced with Spike’s anger, realising that her plan had backfired badly. Buffy had attacked him once she knew that he did not love her anymore, and she was sure Spike would not help them. Tearfully she had told Clem of how everything had went wrong. Clem had promised her that he would get back to the crypt as soon as he could and talk to his friend.

Clem wished he possessed vampire speed. Spike was quickly disappearing in the distance, and he needed to get him back. Screaming at the top of his lungs for his friend to stop, he breathed a sigh of relief when Spike stopped in his tracks. Hurrying as quickly as he could, he caught up with Spike and laid his hand on his arm.

“Come back to the crypt, Spike, please.” Clem stuttered through his rapid breathing. “Dawn called on my cell, and told me what happened.” His grip tightened on Spike’s arm as he tried to make his point. “Don’t you think you owe me a few answers too, Spike? Dawn said you’re mated and the slayer went nuts. What the hell happened tonight; and just when did you get mated?”

Spike lifted his head and stared at the quarter moon bright in the cloudless sky. Suddenly it all seemed so useless. For the hundredth time he asked himself why he had come back to Sunnyhell. He had a great life killing demons all over the planet. His mercenary talents had been sought after by the Council of Wankers, once they knew what he could do.

His bank balance was so huge that he didn’t know how to spend it all. Wolfram and Hart, his demon bankers for over a century, had invested his money well. Millions upon millions sat idling away while he chose to wallow in this hellhole of a town.

But he couldn’t leave, not while his nibblet needed him.

“Let’s go back to the crypt Clem,” he said on a sigh. “I’ll explain everything over a cup of coffee, okay?”

Chapter #6 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

AN* Right then, you have all been far too patient with me – time to sort a lot of things out – don’t you think?

By the way, I love you ALL, and I *heart* smudgiboo for the banner


Buffy sat, cold and numb, on the couch between her mother and sister. Once again she had been abandoned by someone who professed to love her above all else. His leaving had torn her apart at the seams; his confession to being mated almost killed her. Three years she had kept her heart intact for him, and this was how she was repaid.

The fact that she had tried to hit him again never entered her mind. That small aberration had conveniently removed itself from her recent memory. However, the look on his face as he had spoken to her would be etched there forever.

Gradually her mother’s calm voice penetrated her thoughts. What was her mother saying her, she wondered, as she sat there in her misery. Pulling her stray thoughts back into focus, she turned to look into her mother’s eyes.

“Buffy, you have to talk to him and find out about this ‘mate’ business.”

“No, mom, I really don’t.” Buffy venomously replied. “He came back to help Dawn and once we fix that he can go back to his bitch.”

Both Joyce and Buffy were suddenly conscious of Dawn sniggering behind them. Turning an angry look on her sister, Buffy’s eyebrows flew into her hairline in inquiry.

“Sorry, Buffy, but that is just too funny. Spike going back to his bitch. Jealous much?” she asked blithely. “And how can you be so sure it’s a woman? From all the research I’ve done over the past few years, vampires don’t really care who they sleep with.”

Anger rose quickly inside Buffy as she continued to stare at her sister. Of course she wasn’t jealous, what a ridiculous notion. She was just……disappointed. Yes, that’s what she felt, disappointment.

Finally she found her voice, even though it sounded scratchy to her own ears. “Don’t be stupid, Dawn. How can I be jealous of Spike’s bitch, or boy, or whatever? I’m sure they are very happy together in their land of volcanoes, darkness and bitey claimy shit.”

Dawn’s whoops of laughter broke the tension in the room, and even Buffy started to smile. Small smiles played on Joyce’s lips as she listened to her girls discuss Spike and his mate.

Joyce’s instinct told her there was something very wrong in Spike’s ‘mate’ declaration, and she was determined to find out the truth. Making an instant decision, she rose from the couch and walked calmly into the kitchen to make a telephone call. Punching a well-known number into the phone, she waited impatiently for Giles to pick up. A sigh of relief passed her lips when she heard his voice say ‘Hello’ Quickly she began to recount Spike’s tales of working for the Watcher’s Council, and his new found mate.

As Giles replaced the receiver on the woman who had become his friend, he removed the glasses from his face and started to polish them. He had known for over two years of Spike’s role within the Council, but had chosen not to relate the facts to his slayer.

The fact that Spike had told the Summers’ family he was mated concerned him. He knew Buffy held strong feelings for Spike, though she had never confided them to him. Knowing her as he did, he could not help notice the change in her since his departure. Her slaying had become more aggressive, and on occasion, downright foolhardy. Often she would sit at the research table in the Magic Shop staring at nothing, her thoughts obviously somewhere else.

There was only one thing he could do to try and right this situation. With trepidation, he lifted the receiver to his ear ready to make one of the hardest telephone calls of his life.

The Council would have the answers he needed.


Two demons, one as pale as the moonlight, and one with far too much skin, sat side by side on the plush leather sofa in the crypt. Steam rising from the untouched coffee mugs placed carefully on coasters on the low table in front of them, held their attention. Neither seemed to be able to start the conversation that each knew was long overdue.

Spike lifted his eyes to the ceiling as he flopped back. Long legs stretched in front of him, tension holding his body rigid. He did not want to do this, but his friend deserved the truth. Telling the truth wasn’t the issue, it was dealing with Clem’s disappointment in him that did.

“Well, Spike.” Clem’s voice finally broke the silence. “When did you get mated? And why did I hear it from Dawn and not you.”

“Oh Clem,” Spike smiled at the ceiling. He was not ready to look his friend in the eye just yet. “There is no mate, and you damn well know it.” Closing his eyes, Spike sat up straight on the sofa; he dared not open his eyes just yet. “I blurted that out before Joyce and Dawn tried to persuade me to stay on after we defeat the prophecy.”

Clem looked at his friend in bewilderment. “Why would they ask you to stay?” he asked simply.

How was he to answer that? How could he explain to Clem the love he had felt from both Joyce and Dawn? He had just known that they would try and persuade him to stay on after the prophecy.

And he couldn’t do that.

His silence lasted too long for Clem. “I asked a question, Spike. What makes you think they would ask you to stay?”

Finally opening his eyes, Spike turned his head and smiled. “I could sense how much they missed me, old friend. It’s hard to explain in words, ‘cos it was just a feeling, you know?”

“Would that be such a bad thing? I mean, I do get a bit lonely sometimes and we would make great roomies.”

Spike laughed and fixed his attention back on his un-touched coffee. “I can’t live in the same town as HER and not try to make her mine. I left ‘cos I just couldn’t be near her anymore while she continued to reject me and kick me in the head every chance she got.” He turned his head towards his concerned friend before he continued. “I love her with everything I am, Clem, but there will never be any room in her heart for me. Peaches saw to that years ago when he left her for her own good.”

Before he could carry on, Clem interrupted him vehemently. “And you did exactly the same thing, you stupid lug.”

An astonished look came over Spike’s face as he stared back at his friend. “No, that’s not true. I left ‘cos she would never love me.”

Annoyed at his friend’s stupidity, Clem continued to rail at him. “So sure of that are you? “ Suddenly Clem rose from the sofa and started to pace across the crypt. “For someone as clever as you, Spike, you can be SO stupid at times.”

Spike stared open-mouthed at Clem as he paced the floor. He had never heard his friend raise his voice before, and it fascinated him. “What do you mean, Clem?” he asked softly, afraid to anger his friend further.

Stopping in his tracks, Clem turned his large brown eyes on Spike. “For three years the slayer has talked about you, asked about you and missed you.” At look of disbelief on his friend’s face, he knew he had to try and make him understand. “You weren’t here, Spike, I was. It was me she talked to, and me she cried with.”

“Don’t believe she cried over me, Clem.”

“No, Spike, I don’t believe you do.” Exasperated at his friend’s inability to face some home truths, he continued none the less. “While you were travelling all over the world killing demons for money, Buffy stayed here fighting whatever the hellmouth threw at her. She did it all without you, waiting every day for you to come back.” Taking a deep breath to calm his emotions, Clem continued his tirade. “She talked about you all the time when she came to visit. Where you were? Were you alive? Did I know how to contact you? Do you KNOW how much it took me NOT to tell her? Do you, Spike?”

Spike’s eyes had never left Clem’s face. “I can imagine. I’m sorry, Clem.”

“It’s not me you need to say ‘sorry’ to, Spike.” Clem’s temper had cooled, but it still sat close to the surface ready to pounce. “I asked and asked you to come home, but you and your stubborn pride stayed as far away as you could.” Suddenly Clem laughed out loud. “Do you know, Buffy never asked me where I got the money to do up the crypt? Dawn guessed, I think, but she never said a thing. Joyce once said that some of the art you sent me suited you more than me. She never mentioned your name to me again.”

Head in hands at Clem’s declarations, Spike stared at the flagged floor between his booted feet. “I’ve fucked it all up, haven’t I Clem?” he asked softly.

“Oh yes, my friend.” Clem replied. “You have fucked up so royally that it will take more than sweet talk to get out of this.”

A huge sigh left Spike’s lips as he sat back against the sofa. “What do you suggest I do, Clem, ‘cos I’ve no fucking clue?”

Clem could see the torment on his friend’s face, and all anger left to be replaced by compassion. “That’s really simple, Spike. Kill whatever is trying to kill Dawn, then take Buffy in your arms and tell her you love her.”

Spike laughed at his friend’s naïve outlook on his dilemma. “Buffy will break my balls if I try that, Clem, and I wouldn’t blame her. She won’t believe me after I dropped the bombshell about a mate.” His face turned serious as he remembered her trying to slap him. “She tried to hit me when Dawn told her I was mated, and I stopped her. I’ve never seen her look so hurt, yet all I could do was demand she never touch me again.”

“Well the sex will be interesting if you never touch each other again.” Clem observed idly.

Immediately all tension broke, and both demons sat back laughing heartily on the couch.


Deep down in the bowels of the hellmouth, the return of the master vampire was causing concern. His return had not been mentioned in the prophecy; the slayer would fight them alone. The pack of demons gathered there had been preparing for three years for the Blood Red Moon.

It was due in three days, at the next full moon.

At first they had decided to take out the slayer, but once they had watched her fight, their reasoning changed. This Buffy Summers was, without doubt, the strongest slayer any of them had seen, and some of the brethren were almost older than time. This girl, their sworn enemy, seemed to have harnessed the first slayer’s power better than any other slayer before her.

It was with this in mind that their council had decided to attack her family instead. One of their kindred had spoken of the prophecy in the past, and they had all decided that fate had brought it to them.

The rituals had been researched and carefully carried out. They had lost some brethren to the slayer during the gathering of supplies, but they were easily replaced. An army of demons resided beneath the town of Sunnydale, each waiting for their one good day.

They would destroy the slayer by destroying what she loved.
Chapter #7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

AN* Sorry it’s been so long, some RL got in the way of the writing. I almost split this into two chapters – cos you know I love the cliff-hangers, but you have all waited long enough. As you have all been SO patient, this is a nice long chapter.

*Huggles* to smudgiboo for the absolutely fantastic banner. Is it not just gorgeous?


Giles dropped the phone receiver back into its cradle with a feeling of trepidation. The Council could neither confirm nor deny Spike’s claim of having a mate, and he had promised Joyce he would find out the truth. There was nothing else for it, he would have to go to the crypt and ask the bleached idiot himself.

Glancing quickly at the watch on his wrist, he decided that time was of the essence. He needed answers tonight, and there was only one way he would get them. As he made his way to the door of his apartment, he patted his pockets for his car keys determined to make his way to Restfield by the quickest route possible.

As he locked his car at the gates of the cemetery, Giles pondered on how he would broach the subject of Spike’s mate. Now that he was standing within yards of the gates, the idea struck him to talk about the prophecy and work his way up to the claiming. Yes, he decided, that is what he would do.

Now that he had a purpose, Giles walked quickly through the cemetery. Within minutes he was standing outside the crypt door, gathering the courage to knock. Taking a deep breath, he knocked loudly, and stood impatiently waiting on an answer.

Inside the crypt, Spike and Clem were sitting side by side on the large sofa watching ‘Passions’. Clem had the last ten episodes recorded on DVD, and Spike was in his element catching up on his favourite soap. In the years he had been away, Clem had copied his programme faithfully for him, sending the discs to him in batches of twelve. So far they were on the second episode when a knock on the crypt door disturbed them

Looking blankly at one another, both demons shrugged. Neither felt like opening the door, yet the insistent knocking would not go away. With another shrug of his shoulders, Spike hit pause on the remote, and made his way to the door. Opening it wide, he smiled his most sarcastic smile at their late night visitor.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the Watcher come to call.” Spike watched the obvious discomfort of the man in front of him; and a little bit of him rejoiced at the man’s distress. He had always believed that this man held too much influence over Buffy’s life. The fact that Giles’ job description WAS to influence Buffy did not enter his head.

“Spike,” Giles’ contempt for the vampire could be clearly heard in his voice. “May I come in?”

The irony of the situation was not lost on Spike. Here before him stood the Watcher, hand-picked by the Council of Wankers to look after the slayer, asking a master vampire permission to enter his home. He could not help a bubble of mirth rising to his lips.

Giles’ temper was close to the surface, and the cocky smile on Spike’s lips did not help. Smug bastard, thought the watcher as he waited out the vampire. Knowing he had taken this little confrontation as far as he dared, Spike opened the door further and waved Giles into the crypt.

Clem, ever the gracious host, immediately rose from the couch to offer his visitor his favourite tea. Without waiting on a reply, Clem walked to the kitchen area, switching off the DVD player as he passed. With deft movements he filled the kettle and set out the mugs.

Spike decided to break the uneasy silence that had descended over the crypt. “Right then, watcher, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

Determined not to be under-mined by the vampire, Giles moved further into the room and seated himself calmly on the large sofa. Spike, not to be outdone, sat at the opposite end turning slightly towards the watcher.

Giles decided to come directly to the point. “Joyce called me tonight, Spike. It would appear you have returned to help with the prophecy concerning Dawn.”

Spike’s eyes narrowed slightly at the watcher’s tone, but he only nodded his head in reply.

“And once we defeat whatever is trying to harm Dawn you will be returning to Iceland, and your mate? Is that correct?”

“Two questions there, watcher.” Spike sneered. “Which one do you want me to answer first?”

Giles watched the vampire closely. He seemed unperturbed by his questions. “Have you come back to help defeat the Blood Red Moon prophecy?”

“Yes,” Spike replied. “Next question, watcher.”

“Will you be returning to your mate, Spike?”

Spike lips rose in a half smile as his head tilted slightly to one side. “News travels fast in good old Sunnyhell. Is that what brought you to my door so quickly, Giles? Were you determined to find out if I still wanted to shag your slayer? Or did you want to know if I had got over my little obsession and moved on.”

“Something like that, Spike.” Giles replied calmly.

Clem, who had been listening intently as the two men talked, walked through from the kitchen with the tea-filled mugs. Placing them carefully on the table in front of the sofa, he lifted his eyes to Spike trying to catch his attention. This conversation was becoming dangerous for his friend. As the mugs clattered down on the table, the occupants of the sofa turned their attention to him.

“Tea, guys.” Clem said brightly, hoping to break the tension in the room.

Spike almost laughed at Clem’s attempt to stop the confrontation between him and the watcher. Giles, the soul of British politeness, thanked Clem as he raised his mug to his lips; his eyes never left the vampire seated at the opposite end of the sofa.

“Calm down, Giles,” Spike sighed. “I have every intention of leaving Sunnyhell as soon as Dawn is safe.”

Giles relaxed, and the tension left his body. His biggest fear since Joyce had told him of Spike’s return had been that the vampire was here to stay.

“So you will be returning to your mate?” Giles asked blandly asked.

Spike decided to tell Giles the truth. “There is no mate, Giles, and you damn well know it. I said that to stop Joyce and Dawn asking me to stay on in Sunnyhell when this was over. I have no intention of living here ever again. Don’t tell me you know nothing of how I’ve lived for the last few years. I don’t care what Buffy thinks she knows about you, Giles, I KNOW you’re still in touch with the Council of Wankers.”

Giles contemplated Spike’s answer as he studied the vampire over the rim of his mug. “Do you want to discuss the prophecy now? “

Laughing at Giles’ refusal to rebut his accusation, Spike just shook his head before he replied.

“Right, watcher, let’s get on with it.”

Clearing a space on the table in front of them, Clem watched as Spike moved closer to Giles on the sofa. Deciding that he wanted to be in on this too, he sat in the space left by Spike.

Giles withdrew a piece of paper from the inside pocket of his jacket. It looked crumpled and well used as he smoothed it out on the table. Moving one the lamps closer to the paper, Giles started to read.

“When the Blood Red Moon rises, over the mouth of Hell
The slayer of the damned reprises, the life she cannot tell.

Her life will not be forfeit while the sun and moon align
The time will be reserved for one who shares her line
The bringer of her life must live to tell the tale
And the one who shares her blood must travel to the vale

The slayer of the damned must watch her loved one die
To feel the pain of death, and know that she must try
To save the one she loves to end her heartfelt pain
And know that for forever, she will never love again

The life of one she loves, shall be forfeit on that night
The blood that will be spilled, shall make the perfect site
To bring forth all the demons, that she has put to death
May they lay claim to their killer, and take her final breath.”

Spike sat staring at the piece of paper laid out before him. Its meaning was quite clear. The slayer must lose someone she loves, and who shared her blood, but it could not be her mother. Pondering over the words, he thought deeply of their meaning. Dawn had not been mentioned by name, but these prophecies rarely did.

The answer to their dilemma was staring him in the face.

“Giles,” Spike said softly. “I know how we can beat this.”

“You do?” Giles asked; his eyes trained on the vampire sitting beside him.

“The Blood Red Moon refers to an eclipse of the moon.” Lifting his eyes from the paper on the table, he looked Giles in the eye. “Check the calendar, Giles, there must be an eclipse due in the next few days. Once the sun passes the moon, it will leave a red moon behind.”

Giles nodded at the vampire while he removed his notebook from his pocket and started to write. “You said you know how to stop the prophecy, Spike. Just how do we do that?”

Taking a deep un-needed breath, Spike continued to look at the watcher as he spoke. “Do you think the slayer has feelings for me, Giles? I want an honest answer, as I think this is the only way to save Dawn’s life.”

Every instinct inside Giles wanted him to answer in the negative, but he knew it would be a lie. Since Spike had left three years before, he was convinced that his slayer had missed the vampire very much. Her slaying had become reckless at times, and Joyce had often spoken of her daughter’s pre-occupation with the vampire’s whereabouts. It was because of this that he had never told them that he had known for two years exactly where Spike had been.

“If I’m honest, I believe that she does,” the admission was almost torn from his throat.

Spike gave the watcher a small smile before he continued.

“The prophecy says that she must lose someone who shares her blood, and who is part of her line.” Spike paused for a few moments, determined to let his words sink in. “I need to talk to Buffy and make her understand that to save Dawn’s life I have to claim her as my mate.”

Giles was confused, how would claiming Buffy save Dawn’s life. At the look of confusion on the watcher’s face, Spike knew he would have to continue with his explanation.

“Once I claim her, Giles, I will have her blood running through my veins. That will make me part of her line.”

Giles was still confused. “And how will this help Dawn, Spike, or are you looking for an excuse to be with Buffy?”

A tortured laugh escaped Spike as he continued to look at Giles.

“It’s quite simple, watcher, I’ll take Dawn’s place.”

Staring open-mouthed at the vampire sitting before him as he calmly announced that he was willing to die for Dawn; Giles did not know what to say. As he let Spike’s words sink in, he could see that he could have found the answer to their problems. He wondered if Spike realised just what he was saying. Finally finding his voice, Giles could hardly keep the amazement out of his voice as he answered.

“I can see the logic behind your reasoning, Spike, but we have a small problem.”

Spike knew just what Giles was going to say before he had chance to voice it.

“How are you going to convince Buffy to let you claim her when she thinks you already have a mate?”

“Now that, watcher, is the question that I don’t have an answer for. Right now I think she hates me and wants to stake me for hurting her.” Spike paused in his rhetoric for effect. “You are going to have to talk to her and tell her about our plan, and while you’re at it, you can tell her I was lying.”

Giles rose quickly from the sofa, and stood over Spike. “No, Spike, I will tell her nothing. If you are so convinced that your plan will work, we will go to her house now and explain it. I won’t do your dirty work for you. You tell Buffy you told her lies, I want nothing to do with it.”

Spike knew the watcher was right. He would have to face her sometime and tell her the truth, and he could not put it off much longer. The moon was on the rise and the eclipse would happen within the next few days. He had to convince her that his plan would save Dawn. One the advantages of being a master vampire, was to know when to admit defeat. Giles was right they needed to speak to Buffy tonight.

Rising from the sofa, Spike quickly found his leather duster and slid his arms through the sleeves. As he shrugged his well-worn coat over his shoulders, he looked back at Giles.

“Right then, Giles. Let’s get this over with, and you better pray that she doesn’t stake me on sight.”

“To be honest, Spike, part of me would be glad she finally staked you.”

Spike laughed at the watcher’s comment as they made their way to the door.


The three Summers’ women were showered and ready for bed. Sitting together on the sofa sipping cocoa, there was a comfortable silence over the room. Dawn still vibrated slightly with anger at her friend, and Buffy had allowed her grief to overtake her while she showered. Joyce had heard her daughter crying in the bathroom as she had changed for the night, but had wisely left her alone. She still had her doubts about Spike’s ‘being mated’ statement, and she kept looking at the phone hoping Rupert would call.

When the sound of the knocker banging loudly broke the silence, all three women jumped slightly on the sofa. Without thinking, Buffy rose to answer the door. Anything that banged at your door this late at night in Sunnydale could not be a welcome visitor. Stake in hand, she opened the door.

The comforting face of Giles smiled at her from the doorway. Spike stood beside him, his head bent slightly to avoid her eyes. Giles quickly stepped between Buffy and Spike when he spotted the stake in her hand; killing Spike would not help them beat the prophecy.

“Buffy,” Giles spoke before she could react. “We need to talk to you. Spike has found a way to beat the prophecy and save Dawn, and I would advise you to listen.”

Staring at the man she regarded as a surrogate father, Buffy felt disappointment rise in her chest. “We’ve known about the prophecy for weeks, and he’s back in town two minutes and knows how to beat it. Colour me a bit confused here, Giles.”

When she made no move to allow them to enter the house, Giles knew he would need to make her understand. “Spike looked at it with a fresh pair of eyes, Buffy. Maybe that was what we needed.”

“Oh really,” she sarcastically replied. “His eyes are almost two hundred years old Giles, I doubt they’re very fresh.”

Exasperated, Giles felt his temper rise. He did not want to be here trying to convince Buffy to let Spike explain. If there was any other way to stop this prophecy, they would have found it by now.

“Buffy, just let us in to talk to you. Spike’s suggestion will work, but we need to go through some of the details.”

Still smarting from his comments earlier, Buffy found it hard to welcome him into her home. She simply held the door open wider and nodded for them to enter.

As Spike passed within inches of Buffy, he could smell her. She had recently showered, and the smell of her vanilla shampoo invaded his senses. Standing at the door in her yummy sushi pyjamas with fluffy slippers on her feet, she looked like any other young woman ready for bed. All her power and strength were hidden from sight.

As the two men entered the lounge, Joyce and Dawn stood. Arms folded over her chest, and right foot tapping out a rhythm on the wooden floor, Dawn stared at the vampire she thought of as a friend.

Spike noticed her stance, and smiled inwardly. His Little Bit may have grown into a beautiful young woman, but inside she was still a wilful girl. The little speech he was about to give would either make her hate him more, or allow her to forgive him. He really hoped that she would chose to forgive.

Buffy moved around the men and went to stand next to her sister. Unconsciously she mirrored her stance, and Spike was struck by just how alike they were. They may not look much like each other, but their personalities were so similar that it was frightening. The sudden thought that Dawn could be a potential slayer strayed into his thoughts.

While his mind was processing his musings, Giles and Joyce had moved into the kitchen, ostensibly to make fresh cocoa. Spike found himself standing in the middle of Summers’ lounge facing the love of his life, and her little sis.

The stretched out silence was too much for Buffy. She was too raw from his admission earlier, and although she didn’t want to stake him, she didn’t want him to see her in pain because of him.

“Okay, Spike. You have our attention now. Just how are we going to save Dawn, Mister know-it-all?”

Her tone was belligerent, and he desperately tried to find the words that would make her understand. He had not come here to fight with her, but he would if he had to. Dawn was the most important issue here, not their feelings for each other.

“This is going to take a while, slayer, why don’t we sit all comfy like on the couch while I tell you what we need to do.”

Buffy sneered at Spike as she replied. “No, we won’t sit ‘comfy like on the couch’ Spike. Spit out whatever it is you need to say; then leave.” All her hurt welled up inside her as she spoke. His words about his mate rattled around her head making it ache. “In fact, I don’t even want you in the house; but Giles says you know how to beat the prophecy so it better be good.”

Spike knew of old that there was no way to reason with her. Making an instant decision, he knew he would have to be blunt and tell her the truth.

“I lied earlier.”

Silence greeted his statement. He had expected a reaction, but none came. Deciding he would have to soldier on regardless, he opened his mouth to speak when Buffy raised her hand to stop him.

“I think mom and Giles should listen to this, don’t you Spike?” she said coolly. “MOM, GILES” she called into the kitchen. “You gotta hear this.”

Giles was dreading this moment. He had no idea how Buffy would react to Spike’s news about his fake mate. As he walked into the room with Joyce, his eyes were drawn to the stake she still had in her hand, and he wondered how he could remove it before Spike began to speak. Joyce, the epitome of common sense, calmly walked up to Buffy and took the stake from her hand.

Bereft of a weapon, Buffy felt vulnerable. She did not know what Spike was going to say, but she had a feeling it would be life-changing. Why did he have to invade her life like this? At least when he was gone from her life she could turn to slaying to help her cope. Having him so close, yet unattainable, hurt so much.

The five adults stood almost in a circle in the middle of room. Giles asked them all to be seated before he returned to the kitchen to fetch the cocoa. The surreal nature of the situation was not lost on him. Here they were, all sitting comfortably, waiting for the vampire to free them. This was definitely a glass-polishing moment.

As Spike waited to speak, he smiled as he watched Giles clean his glasses. He wondered if the man realised he did that every time he felt nervous or threatened. When Giles replaced his glasses on his face, Spike knew it was his cue to begin.

Every eye in the room was trained on him, as he began to speak.

“I’ve been over the prophecy with the watcher here, and I think I’ve found a way to beat it.” He waited on a reaction, but there was none. Nothing else for it, he thought, he was going to have to admit his lie and take whatever Buffy threw at him.

“The prophecy says that someone the slayer loves, and who is part of her blood, must die at the Blood Red Moon.”

Buffy could not keep patient and let him speak. “Yeah, we already know that, Spike. We’re all sitting here with bated breath to see what wonders your stupid mind can bring to the table.”

Clenching his teeth together, Spike took a deep breath. He really wanted to hit her at that moment, but he realised doing that would achieve nothing. It was more important that she listen.

“What we need to do,” he continued, “is transfer the bloodline from Dawn to someone else.”

Joyce answered him this time. “And just how do we do that, Spike?”

Spike turned to look at Joyce as he continued. “I need to claim Buffy as a mate. Once I take some of her blood during the claiming ritual, then I become part of her bloodline.”

Dawn’s laughter rang around the room. “And just how are you going to do that, Spike, when you already have a mate in Greenland?”

“I live in Iceland, Dawn, and that’s where the lies come in.” Spike turned his blue eyes on Buffy. “I don’t have a mate in Iceland or anywhere else in the world, I lied.” Sitting back in his chair, he waited on the explosion. It did not take long.

Green eyes, full of ice, glared at him from across the room. “You don’t have a mate?”

“No, Buffy, I don’t have a mate”

She rose from her seat on the couch and flew at him. Before her fist could connect with his face, Spike had grabbed her arm and twisted it up her back. Ferociously he whispered in her ear, “I warned you earlier, pet. You will never lay a hand on me in anger again. Now promise you’ll be a good girl, and I’ll let you go.”

Buffy was not in the mood to compliant. She dropped her head forward on her chest before throwing it back against his face. Spike anticipated her move and ducked below her shoulder. Enough was enough; it was time to end this now. Wrapping his free arm around her waist, he lifted her bodily from the floor.

“Excuse us, Joyce, but Buffy and I need to talk……alone.” With a wriggling slayer under his arm, Spike made his way to the door.

Out in the garden, he unceremoniously dropped his burden on the lawn. Stepping back quickly, he waited for her to strike. Buffy stood up slowly and stared at Spike in alarm.

“What happened to your chip?”

Chapter #8 - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

AN* I know I’m evil, but thank you all for reminding me - LOL. I got this chapter ready quicker than usual as I won’t be around to post next week, and I don’t want to lose you all by leaving the story too long. Plus you all want to know what happened to the chip…….


Standing barely a few feet from the slayer, Spike could feel her anger radiate towards him. He may have been gone three years, but he could still sense most of her emotions.

“You want to know about the chip?” he asked blithely.

Buffy’s eyes narrowed, and her stance became defensive. Even in her fluffy slippers and sushi pyjamas, she looked dangerous. A cobra ready to strike.

“Yeah, Spike” she replied, her eyes flashing at him. “What happened to the chip?”

Sighing in resignation, Spike reached inside his pocket for his smokes. This explanation he had hoped to stave off for a few days, but when she had attacked him, he had no option but to defend himself. As he lit his cigarette, taking the smoke deep into his lungs, he made a decision.

“This is going to take a while, slayer, so why don’t you go back inside and get dressed. We’ll take a wander to the crypt and we can talk about this.” He smiled at her then. “You can even bring a stake or two if you want.”

She continued to stare at him, legs apart and hands spread on her hips. He could see her conflicting emotions written clearly on her face. Part of her wanted to stake him on sight, while the curious woman beneath the slayer façade wanted answers.

They stood staring at one another for several moments as she fought a war with own thoughts. “Okay,” she finally said. “But you have to come back inside. I don’t want you wandering about my town on your own.”

He almost laughed at her, but knew it just set her off. “Fine, slayer” he agreed. “I’ll go sit with the watcher while you pretty yourself up.”

Smiling sardonically at him, she nodded for him to precede her. “You go in first, Spike. I don’t want to turn my back on an un-chipped, soulless vampire tonight.”

Hurt at her blatant disregard for his integrity, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he nodded his ascent, Buffy stood back slightly allowing him to pass.

As they entered the lounge, Giles stood and stared at the couple. They had been gone less than two minutes, he had not expected them to return so soon. In fact, he had expected to find that Buffy had ripped Spike’s head off, leaving a big pile of dust behind.

Spike walked calmly back to his seat while Buffy made for the stairs. She was but three steps up then she called to Giles. “Keep that stake handy Giles, while I change.” Looking directly at Spike, she continued. “He’s all chip-less now, which means he can eat people. If he makes one wrong move, stake him.” And with that she continued to climb the stairs to her room

Giles left the stake lying just where Joyce had left it. He already knew the chip had been removed a year ago by the Council, one of the payments he had insisted upon for his demon killing work.

“Just what are you going to tell her, Spike?” Giles asked.

Turning his eyes to the watcher, he shrugged. “The truth, I suppose.”

“Well, that’ll be a first.” Dawn’s whine rattled around the room. “You’ve done nothing but lie since you came back, Spike. What the hell makes you think she’ll believe a word you say now?”

Spike did not know how to answer that question. Dawn was right. How the hell was he going to convince the slayer that he was reformed? He anticipated an interesting evening.

“Well, bit” he started.

“Don’t call me ‘bit’ anymore, Spike. You lost that right when you lied and lied to us.” Tears of disappointment sat like diamonds on the edge of her lashes, and Spike felt his heart contract in pain.

Joyce took hold of her daughter’s hand, and squeezed it gently. “I’m sure Spike had his reasons, Dawn, but just now he needs to give his explanation to Buffy. When she hears what he has to say, then Spike will come and talk to us.” Turning a warm smile on the vampire she classed as a friend, she continued. “Won’t you, Spike?”

Thankful that Joyce, at least, had not turned on him, he nodded. “I definitely had my reasons, Joyce, but Buffy and I need to talk things through first.” He gave a small laugh before he continued. “I had it all worked out, you know. I was going to come back to Sunnyhell, save Dawn from the prophecy, and just leave.”

Nodding her head in understanding, Joyce returned his smile. “We won’t wait up for Buffy, Spike. Come back tomorrow and we can talk then.” Turning to Giles, she gave him a knowing smile. “Do you know the story, Rupert?”

Giles felt uncomfortable under her gaze. Spike knew that he was aware of all the details of Spike’s years away, and he could hardly lie. Removing his glasses to polish them with his handkerchief, he simply nodded his head.

Both Summers women stared at him. Finally Joyce spoke. “Well when Buffy and Spike leave, you can bring Dawn and me up to date. Can’t you, Giles?”

The faint threat in her voice was not lost on Giles, and he squirmed slightly in his seat. “Yes, yes, of course Joyce. I will tell you everything I know.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will, Giles.”

As Joyce left that statement hanging in the room, Buffy descended the stairs. She was dressed simply in jeans and a high necked shirt, her feet encased in dark brown boots. Face devoid of makeup and her hair pulled back into a simple pony-tail, she looked beautiful. As she made her entrance into the lounge, she made sure her eyes never left Spike as she strategically placed a stake into the back of her jeans.

“Shall we go, Spike?” she questioned. He simply nodded and rose from the chair.

Turning to her mother, Buffy made herself smile. “Don’t wait up, mom. According to Spike, here, he has lots to tell me.” Joyce, smiling back, nodded. Dawn mouth was opening and closing like a fish. It was obvious that the teen wanted to say something, but was valiantly trying to keep quiet.

Without hesitation, Spike led the way from the house. If Buffy was happier walking behind him, then he wouldn’t say anything. She followed about six feet behind him as he made his way to the crypt, and it made him feel strange. Her eyes were boring into his back, and he was sure that she wanted to stake him with every step.

At last the crypt door came into view, and Spike exhaled the breath he had held in his chest all the way from Revello drive. At least he still had his existence; he was just not sure for how much longer.

Clem, who had sensed the approach of his friend, had moved to open the door in welcome. Smiling at the approaching Spike, he missed the slayer marching behind him.

“Hi Spike,” he called to his friend. “You’re back quick, I thought you and Giles were going to talk to Buffy.”

Spike almost groaned as Buffy moved slightly to the side and into Clem’s line of sight. The look of shock on his face was almost priceless; he was all big eyes and sagging skin.

“Clem,” Spike started, not willing to let Buffy take her temper out on Clem. “Can you take yourself off for the night somewhere? Me and the slayer here need to talk, and we need to do it alone.”

Staring open-mouthed at Spike, Clem simply nodded his head. Within moments he had found his voice. “I still have some money left, so I’ll make my way over to Willy’s for some poker. Don’t worry about me; I’ll just crash with a buddy till tomorrow,”

Nodding his head in thanks, Spike pressed some money into his hand as Clem left the crypt. He felt guilty about almost throwing out his friend, but he knew that Buffy and he needed to be alone. Clem’s well-meaning interference would not be welcome by either of them.

As the door of the crypt closed behind his friend, Spike took his time removing his duster and placing it carefully over a chair. Once he was sure his precious coat was neatly folded, he moved into the kitchen to make himself a mug of warm blood. Buffy had not moved from the position she had taken up in front of the crypt door. Her eyes, watchful and resentful, followed his movements around the crypt.

Deliberately taking his time, Spike drank his blood while standing at the entry way to the kitchen. His eyes never left hers as she stared back at him, watching him drink. As he drained the last remnants of blood from the mug, he smiled and asked her if would like coffee.

“Coffee?” she barked. “You have the cheek to stand there and ask me if I want a coffee. Christ, you are a piece of work Spike.”

“Yep, slayer, I am that.”

Her temper rose, and Spike sensed she was about to leap at him…..again!

“Before you get your knickers in a royal twist, slayer, remember I don’t have the chip so I will fight you back. So calm the fuck down, and sit your arse on the couch while we have a little chat.”

Bristling with the need to hit out at him, she took some deep calming breaths. She knew he was right, there was too much unsaid between them. Hearing him out would not take all that much time…….then she would stake him.

“Fine,” she snipped. “Let’s sit down like adults, shall we?”

Spike smiled. She was all fire and power when she was angry, and he really did hope he would be able to calm her down. He could sense that she was willing to stake him on the spot. Nodding his head towards the far end of the sofa, inviting her to sit, he took his place at the other end.

He knew he would have to start the conversation. She was too angry to speak, but he hoped she was not too angry to listen. As she seated herself stiffly at the opposite end of the couch, he breathed a sigh of relief. The empty seat between them, barely two foot long, felt like a mile.

“Right then, pet, what do you want to know first?”

For the first time since his return, he called her ‘pet’. How many times in the last three years had she dreamed of that endearment on his lips? The small three-letter word rang in her ears, and a feeling of calm swept over her. Suddenly a smile parted her lips as she turned her body slightly to look at him.

Noticing the smile, Spike returned it. Suddenly the tension in both their bodies dissipated. Both knew, without a word spoken, that they would be able to talk like adults.

“What happened to the chip, Spike?” she asked; no trace of anger in her voice.

The truth Spike said to himself, tell her the god-damned truth.

“I spent the first year roaming round the planet, just spending money and getting pissed.” When she opened her mouth to speak, he lifted his hand. “Please, Buffy, do me a favour luv, and just let me talk. Okay?”

Nodding, Buffy made a motion of buttoning her lips and throwing away the key. Spike could not help himself, he let out a burst of mirth and a warm feeling passed over him when he saw her smile at him.

“I have money, Buffy. Serious money. When I died I was worth about a million pounds, and that was in 1880. Before anyone realised I was dead, I moved the money from the Bank of England and left it with a firm called Wolfram and Hart to invest.”

Buffy could not help herself, she did not want to interrupt him, but she had to ask about Wolfram and Hart.

“Who are they?”

“It’s like a demon legal firm. They have offices all over the world. In fact the closest is in L.A. They’ve been in business for as long as there have been demons on the planet, luv, and everyone in the demon world knows about them. Peaches has investments there too; that’s how he got the money for that old Hotel he lives in now.”

Stunned, Buffy just stared at him. “Does the Council know this? And Giles?”

“Yes,” he said simply.

Still shocked, she continued to stare at him. “Why have we never tried to take them down, if they are some evil, demon loving law firm?”

He smiled at her naivety. “’Cos in my world, pet, they are bigger than the Council of Wankers, and they know it. The Council like to keep their slayers on a short leash. They figure you’ll die soon enough without Wolfram and Hart getting their hands on you.”

As she winced at his comment about her death, he felt a tightness roll in his gut. He should never have said anything about the short shelf-life of a slayer. Inwardly, he kicked himself for his stupidity. His need to give her comfort over-rode his common sense, and he moved closer to her on the couch and took gentle hold of her hand. When she didn’t pull away, he clasped her hand, keeping it enfolded in his grasp.

“I’m sorry, luv” he whispered.

Buffy, staring down at their enclosed fingers, just nodded. He took it as his cue to continue.

“Before I bummed around the world for a while, I made arrangements with Wolfram and Hart to send money on a regular basis to Clem. I had already given him the crypt, and I knew a little money would help him set it up nice.”

His eyes roamed the room at his comment. He knew he had done the right thing. The inside of the crypt looked like an expensive penthouse in L.A. His money had not been wasted on gambling and drink. He was glad.

Buffy’s eyes had followed his as they had travelled around the crypt. “Dawnie and me helped him fix the place up. I never asked where the money came from. I thought he was winning money at poker and wanted to have a nice home.”

Spike revelled in the feel of her hand in his, and returned his attention to her face. “Buffy, luv, Clem never plays for money. It’s all about the kittens.”

When her face scrunched up in disgust, he had never thought her so adorable. It took all the willpower he possessed not the pull her towards him and kiss her senseless….maybe later. No! his inner voice preached to him. Don’t break this fragile truce by giving in to desire, he told himself fiercely.

“Anyway,” he continued. “About a year after I left, I ended up in London. Your precious Council of Wankers tried to send an assassin to kill me off…..bad move.” He smiled in remembrance of that encounter. Every bit of pain the chip had handed out had been worth it. “I got really mad, sweetheart. So mad that I couldn’t think straight.”

Buffy wondered if he realised how many times in their conversation that he had used endearments, or how tightly he held on to her hand.

“What did you do, Spike?” she asked in trepidation.

“I waited until it was dark. It was winter in London and dark by four in the afternoon. I just walked into their offices and demanded to speak to the Chief Wanker.”

She couldn’t help it. Her laughter bubbled to the surface. She could so see him doing just that.

When she had calmed down, he continued. “Eventually I got in to see some guy called Travers. Right ponce he is, pet. Anyway we came to an agreement. I would kill demons all over the planet, while you watched over the hellmouth.”

He stopped then and waited for her to ask questions. He did not have to wait long.

“Are you trying to tell me that you were a free-lance demon fighter for the Council?”

Nodding, Spike held her hand tighter. If she had been human, the bones of her fingers would have crushed long ago. As it was, they sat in companionable silence as he answered her.

“Yes, luv. That’s exactly what I was.”

Buffy was confused. Why had she never heard of this? Had Giles known for two years what Spike had been doing? She had a sneaking suspicion he did. She was SO gonna have words with him when she got home.

“Did they pay you, Spike?” she asked, not sure if she wanted to hear his answer.

Taking a deep breath, Spike made himself continue. “They used to, luv. I was paid a certain amount of money for each demon I put to death.” He paused for a few seconds. The next part of his story held painful memories for him, but she deserved to hear everything. “One night I was chasing a pack of demons through a cemetery in the East End of London. I didn’t realise it was a trap, and they led me straight to a bunch of humans armed to the teeth with almost everything except guns.”

She could feel his distress, and his hand clasped tighter to hers. Just as he had felt the need to comfort her, she felt she need to comfort him. Lifting her free arm, she gently ran her hand down his soft cheek.

“What did they do to you, Spike?” she asked quietly.

He turned his face into her palm and closed his eyes. He could smell the faint scent of vanilla that clung to her skin from her recent shower, and he wanted to bury his nose into her neck. Not now, he told himself sternly. Finish the story.

“What didn’t they do, luv. I was lucky they left me alive. The Council found me spread out on a grave, waiting for the sunrise. They had beaten me to a pulp, and had staked my hands and feet to the ground. The bastards had left me lying there in the shape of Christ on the cross. I was too weak to move and I was unconscious when some watchers found me. They got a tip off that I was a target, and they managed to find me in time.”

Her hand had continued its gentle stoking while he talked. As the images of a battered and broken Spike filtered through her head, she knew what he needed. Closing the distance between them, she gently placed her closed lips on his. A soft, gentle kiss passed between them. It was not a kiss of passion, but a kiss of solace and understanding. As their lips slowly drew apart, their bodies unconsciously moved closer together until her face was buried against his chest and his arms were closed around her.

Neither spoke for a few moments; the feeling of closeness they shared did not need words.

“What happened then, Spike?” she asked, her voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt.

Spike rubbed his cheek against her hair. Three years he had forced himself to live without her in his arms. He must have been mad.

“It took me three months to get back on my feet. The Council knew I needed blood to heal, but the bastards just kept filling me with pigswill. I was healing, but it was too slow for them. They needed me out on the street killing the demons, so they started to feed me human blood.” He deliberately did not mention that some of the blood had been pure slayer. Nothing healed a broken vampire quicker than pure slayer blood. Just where the Council managed to get packets of her blood, he never knew, but he suspected Giles might.

He could never tell her that he had tasted her blood, and revelled in his recovery. It was the closest he thought he would every be to her again, and he had savoured every last drop. He had known as soon as he had taken his first sip of the special chalice the Wankers had brought him that it was her blood. Nectar of the Gods.

“Once I was back on my feet, I made them a deal. Remove the chip, forever, or I would never kill another demon for them.”

Buffy had absently started to stroke his chest through the thin material of his shirt as he had told her of his struggle. Suddenly her hand stopped, and she took a long indrawn breath.

“I take it they agreed, ‘cos we both know it’s gone.”

Spike tightened his arms around her. “Yes, they took it out, but not before I agreed to something that only they could give me.”

Lifting her head slightly from his chest, she lifted her eyes to his. “What was that?”

“My soul.”

Chapter #9 - Chapter 9
Chapter 9

AN* Just a little something to tide you over while I work my fingers to the bone in London.

Dum de dum de dum……….


Buffy pulled herself sharply out of his arms to stand facing him still seated on the couch.

“Are you seriously trying to tell me that the Council gave you a soul in return for the chip?”

Spike stared up at her and smiled. “They didn’t just GIVE me my soul, pet. I had to earn it.”

Folding her arms across her chest, she continued to stare at him. He knew it was his cue to continue. “I had to go through some trials, luv. I had to prove I was worthy of the soul before they would let me have it back.”

Questions she needed answers to burned in her brain. “Is it permanent? You know, no ‘happiness’ clause, or something?”

A sudden burst of anger rose in his chest at her implied comparison to Angel. Words spat from his mouth as he railed at her. “I am NOT, nor will I ever be, Peaches. Don’t kid yourself, slayer, Peaches knows what he needs to do to anchor his soul. He just chose to live with the misery, ‘cos he’s a fucking wanker.” Taking a deep breath, he continued venomously. “Peaches always knew how to keep his soul. All vampires know how to do it, it just take guts and determination. Your precious Angel prefers to live with his ‘look at the tortured vampire, he deserves to be loved’ attitude.”

He could not keep his temper in much longer. Rising quickly from the couch, he started to pace the crypt as he continued to rant. He never once looked at Buffy as he spoke.

“Angel, Angel, Angel. That’s all I ever hear. Angel is good, Angelus is bad. Doesn’t anyone understand that they are both the same person? No, that would be too much like reason. Angel gets all the credit for fighting the ‘good fight’ in L.A., while all I get is punched in the mouth for doing exactly the same thing.”

Buffy stood transfixed as he kept up his diatribe. She could feel a smile steal over her lips as he continued to speak.

“Oh, and let’s not forget that even Giles likes Angel. Christ, Angelus killed his fucking lover, but that doesn’t matter ‘cos he didn’t have his soul. Did I kill anyone close to the slayer? No, I didn’t. But do I get treated with respect? DO I FUCK. I leave good old Sunnyhell because I couldn’t stand being so close to her without showing how much I loved her, but what do I get as soon I get back…..more fucking punches, and another round of ‘Kick the Spike’.”

The smile died on Buffy’s face as she listened to him spout off; she doubted that he remembered she was in the room. His pacing back and forth was giving her a headache, but she could think of nothing to say to stop him. Tears came unbidden to her eyes as she listened to his words.

He was right; none of them showed him any respect no matter how much he did for them. Her mother and sister were the exception to the rule, and she suddenly understood what had brought him back to Sunnydale.

His love and respect for her family.

Her tears were drying quickly on her face as she listened to him talk. What was he saying about Angel?

“And does Angel even care? No fucking way. He knows Dawn’s in danger, and what does he decide to do? Sit on his fat fucking arse in L.A. playing Mommy’s and Daddy’s with the prom queen. ‘You go and fix it if you can, Spike,’ he said. ‘I have other things more important in my life just now.’ MORE IMPORTANT! What the fuck is more important than saving Dawn? NOTHING….that’s what. But NOOOOO….can’t leave the prom queen, gotta save the world from behind a fucking desk.”

Buffy knew she had to stop him, and soon. He was working himself up into a state, and she smiled softly. With his pacing, and his arm waving and his talking to the ceiling and the walls, he reminded her of a small child not allowed a treat. He was just adorable.

“Spike,” she whispered, hoping he would hear her. Difficult, when he was now in a middle of a rant about, what was it he called them? Oh yes – the Council of Wankers.

“And as for those Council bastards making me jump through hoops of fire to get a fucking soul. ‘We cannot let you loose in public, vampire, unless there is a means to control you.’ Fucking bastards. Tried to tell them I didn’t need a soul, but no they said, if I wanted to be able to defend myself against fucking humans I had to have a soul. ‘You are a Master Vampire, William. We cannot allow you free reign with the general populace when we remove the chip. Either accept that you are defenceless against humans or accept our terms’.”

He stopped his pacing, and turned his head to stare at Buffy. The remnants of her tears were streaked on her face, but her mouth and eyes were smiling.

“Welcome home, Spike.”

She opened her arms and he was across the room in less than a second. Holding her tightly to him, he buried his face into her hair. Buffy held him tightly to her, revelling in his smoky leather scent. Gently she stroked her hand up and down his spine, and she could feel his anger leave his body. When she felt his hand trace her spine, his movement mimicking hers, she relaxed further into his embrace.

“I’ve missed you so much, Buffy” he murmured against the shell of her ear. “So bloody much.”

“I’ve missed you too, Spike” she answered against his neck. “So bloody much.”

Laughing, they gently disengaged themselves from their tight embrace. Their arms still around each other, their bodies softly touching.

Buffy looked up at him, her eyes boring into his. “Why did you leave, Spike?”

“Because you were killing me, pet.”

She scowled at his answer. With her brows drawn and her mouth pouting, he looked just adorable to him. “How was I killing you? I hardly talked to you, except when you came out with the stupid comments. I used to hit you a lot, but I didn’t think it bothered you that much.”

He laughed, and pulled her back into his arms as he spoke. “You were killing me because I loved you, pet. I loved you with everything that I was, but you just kept on insulting me and hurting me. I couldn’t stay around you any longer, sweetheart, and not tell you how I felt. You would have staked me on the spot, and sometimes I wanted you to do just that.”

Moving back slightly, he stared down into her eyes. “Did you know that Angel has set up home with Cordelia?”

Wondering at his sudden change of topic, she frowned at him. “No, but I don’t see what that has to do with your leaving, Spike?”

“When I left you were all cosy with Captain Cardboard. I could smell him all over you, pet. Every time we went on patrol, or you came to the crypt to break my nose, I could smell him. It tortured me more than Dru or Angelus ever could, and they were the masters of pain.”

Buffy looked up at him, her confusion still evident on her face. “I still don’t understand how Angel and Cordelia could have anything to do with Riley?”

“No, pet, I don’t suppose you do.” He smiled at her then. “How would you have felt, luv, if Angel and Cordelia had set up a happy home right here in Sunnyhell within weeks of him telling you he didn’t want to be with you anymore. Could you see them every day and not be affected by how happy they were together? Would it not have eaten at your soul, making you so miserable you wanted to die?”

She looked at him then, understanding displayed in her eyes. “Yes, it would, Spike. I don’t think I would have been able to stand it.”

“Now you know why I left, pet. I couldn’t be around you and him any longer without losing my fucking mind. I thought the only thing that would keep me sane was to leave and let you get on with your life.” His voice dropped even deeper, and a smile lit his eyes. “Have you ANY idea how hard it was to leave you once I had tasted that glorious pussy of yours? Christ, if I concentrate really hard, I can still taste you on my tongue. And as for the feel of what it’s like to be inside you; God, woman, it’s like nothing I’ve ever had in my life.”

Unconsciously, she moved closer to him, their bodies melting together almost as one.

“I finished with Riley the night you left. According to Giles he went back to the army and married some demon hunting army gal.” Her head dropped to his chest as she continued to mumble into his shirt. “I didn’t think you would leave. Not after what we’d done. I thought you were just sulking in your crypt for a few days, and then you would join me one night on patrol. But you never did. It took me weeks to believe you had really gone and I wouldn’t see you again. I used to come here every few days to visit Clem, but I only ever talked about you.” Her voice seemed to get smaller as she continued. “I didn’t know Dawnie kept in touch with you, she didn’t tell me or mom. I missed you so much, Spike.”

He believed her. His slayer never said anything she didn’t mean, but his insecurities about her made him say stupid things. His next statement was no exception. “Did you miss me, or the mind-blowing sex, slayer?”

She pushed herself away from, almost falling over the coffee table as she did.

“You heartless piece of shit.” She screamed at him. “Here I am, finally telling you how I felt about you, and you have to drag it down to the level of the gutter.”

Reaching for her, he pulled her back into his arms. “I’m sorry, luv. Please, I’m a bad rude man. I’m sorry, Buffy, I didn’t mean it.” He covered her hair in kisses as he spoke. He had put his foot in it big time again, and he wasn’t sure if she would believe his apology.

She struggled briefly in his embrace, before giving herself up to the sensation of his mouth in her hair.

“Just kiss me, Spike”

Needing no further encouragement he covered her mouth with his. Her mouth opened like a flower greeting the sun as he pushed his tongue inside to tangle with hers. They tasted each other over and over, only stopping now and again to let Buffy breathe. Finally, they let their mouths drift apart.

“Have you any idea what you do to me, Buffy?” he whispered against her lips.

Moving her hand to the bulge at the front of his jeans, she ran her nails along its length.

“I have a rough idea.”

Not to be out-done, Spike moved his hands to the juncture of legs and rubbed softly. Her heat was scorching, and the crotch was slightly damp. As his fingers continued their gentle stroking, he whispered in her ear.

“I want to make love to you in a bed, sweetheart. I want to look at you in candlelight and watch you move beneath me. I want to taste you all over, and have you melt on my tongue.”

Her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed as sensation took over. She wanted this more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. She needed him inside her, filling her with his cool length as she pulsated around him.

Spike stopped the movement of his hand, and smiled when she whimpered in protest.

“Please, baby” she cooed at him. “Please, God, don’t leave me like this.”

“Come with me, sweetheart. Let’s christen that nice big bed downstairs.”

The reality of what she was about to do hit her like an express train. Once she made love with Spike, there would be no going back to what she was. He only had to touch her and she went up like a firecracker, yet some part of her wanted to hold back.

“Do you still love me, Spike” she asked, her eyes begging him to say yes.

“I could never stop loving you, Goldilocks.” He smilingly replied.

A huge grin lit up her face. “Then what are we waiting for, vampire. Let’s christen that bed.”

She was lifted high into his arms almost before she had finished her words. Holding her tightly to him to keep her safe, Spike lifted the manhole cover with his foot, and dropped down to the level below. Letting her slide sensuously down his aroused body, he pulled her in for a long, loving kiss.

Her eyes were still closed in passion as he lifted his lips from hers. She might want him right at this moment, but would she want him in the morning. Would she fly from him, virtue fluttering, guilt-ridden that she had succumbed to him. He had to know before this went any further. His heart was too fragile to let her use him again.

Gently he nipped at her neck with his blunt teeth. “I need to know how you feel about me, luv. I can’t do the ‘shag you and leave’ thing again. Please tell me you feel something for me, pet. Even if you lie.”

Lifting her hands into his hair, she gently pulled him back so that she could look into his eyes.

“When you left, I didn’t want to live. I thought I hated you, but you showed me what love really was. We didn’t just ‘shag’ as you so nicely put it; we made love. I wanted to run after you and tell you I loved you, but you were gone. I wanted to look for you, but another apocalypse kicked off, and I was stuck here.”

As the tears shone in her eyes, she dashed them away.

“I was so sure you would come back, Spike. So sure that you wouldn’t be able to stay away. I tried so hard to be my usual snarky self, but I didn’t realise till you’d gone, how much I enjoyed being with you, talking to you and even fighting with you. Even with the chip, you would find ways to hurt me.”

Tracing his lower lip with her finger, she smiled as he drew it into his mouth. The sensation of his tongue licking her fingertip made her knees weak, but she was determined to continue. “You usually hurt me with that smart mouth of yours, mister. All the comments about sagging asses and droopy tits.”

They both laughed then, and closed the distance between them for a soft kiss.

“But I didn’t realise how much you affected me till you were gone.” She whispered against his mouth. “I imagined all sorts of things had happened to you. I used to dream that I would find your ashes in a casket on my doorstep, or I would wake up hoping you were out at your stalking tree waiting to meet me on patrol.”

He drew her into his embrace, and placed her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He whispered against her hair, it was all he could think of to say.

“I’ve never been with anyone since you left, Spike.” She confessed quietly. “I just couldn’t bear to have anyone touch me with their hot hands. I need your cool touch in the night. I love you, Spike”

Christ, he was done for. He knew it as soon as she said she loved him. His golden goddess loved him, and that was all he needed to know. Lifting her in his arms, he walked to the bed and placed her gently in the centre. Moving away from his slayer was harder than he thought, but last time he had taken her in the dark; this time he wanted to see her in the light. As he moved around the room lighting candles, she smiled up at him coquettishly. His kitten wanted him, and that was all he needed to know.

With the candles lit, and the room bathed in light, he crawled up the bed to lie beside her. Smiling up at him, he could see that she was nervous and he wondered why. With infinite care, he drew her into his arms to kiss her thoroughly.

She melted into his embrace. Her thoughts were only of him, and she hoped she would be able to please him. No one in her short life had made her feel as special as Spike the last time they had made love. As he started to nibble softly at her neck, she moaned low in her throat. His soft lips were playing with the lobe of her ear, un-needed breaths heating her skin. He covered her body with his, his hands holding her head still for his assault.

Moving slowly down her body, he kissed every bare piece of flesh exposed to him. Once he had tasted all within his reach, he gently moved to her side and knelt beside her. Tilting his head to one side, he looked with awe at his Goddess. His hands shook slightly as he gently opened the buttons of her shirt exposing her lace clad breasts to his gaze. Her nipples, raised in arousal, peaked through the lace begging for his touch. With infinite care, he palmed one breast then the other through the material, and smiled in satisfaction as she arched into his touch.

“I’m going to take this slow, Buffy.” He whispered, close to her ear, as he continued to palm her breasts. “Last time we took each other in lust, this time I want to take you with love.”

Buffy’s eyes were closed as she continued to arch towards him. “Do you understand me, pet?” He asked gently. “I’m going to torture you with pleasure, till you beg for me. I’m going to take you so high you’ll never want to come down again.” Lovingly he licked the shell of her ear before mouthing against it. “Would you like that, sweetheart? Would you like me to worship you for the goddess you are?”

Words failed her as he continued to whisper what he intended to do with her body. She was mindless in passion, and she could feel her wetness pool between her legs. Restlessly, she started to rub her legs together as she lifted her hips in silent supplication. He had hardly begun, yet she was ready to beg for him to touch her.

“Please, Spike” she agonised. “Oh God, please touch me.”

Spike smiled against her neck as his hands moved to the clasp at the front of her bra. As the cool air of the crypt whispered across her breasts, Buffy let out a strangled moan. When his tongue softly caressed her aching nipples, she dug her hands into his hair and held him to her like a babe. He played her like a violin. Each swipe of his tongue brought her closer and closer to the edge of her sanity. Somewhere, in a part of her brain that could still comprehend; she wondered if she could come from just his voice and his mouth at her breast.

And suddenly she found that she could. Shudders of pleasure racked her body as it climbed higher and higher in ecstasy. Amazed that she had come so quickly, Spike removed his mouth from her breast, and smiled into her dazed eyes.

“Enjoy that, did you luv?” he asked, his smug smile lighting his face.

“No,” she grumbled; then smiled at his forlorn expression. “I wanted to come when you were inside me.”

Spike smiled at her and gently kissed her on the lips. “There’s a lot more I want to do to you, pet, before I fuck that sweet pussy of yours.”

Grabbing his face between her hands, she pulled his mouth back to hers. Her eyes were wide pools of green as she stared up at him before pulling him down for a hard kiss.

“Is that right, Spike” she whispered. “Well you’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn.”

Before he could say a word, she had reversed their position on the bed, and he found himself flat on his back with a bare-breasted slayer lying on top of him. Moving her knees to either side of his waist, she manoeuvred herself to sit on top of his lower stomach, her hands keeping his still on each side of his head.

He gazed up at her, his deep blue eyes filled with lust. “Whatcha got planned for me, luv?” he asked sweetly before curling his tongue behind his teeth.

Bending low from the waist, she brushed the tips of her nipples against his shirt. As his eyes fluttered shut at the sweet sensation of her body rubbing against his chest, his hips rise from the bed.

“Do you want me, pet?” she murmured against his mouth, using his own endearment deliberately. “Do you want to feel my cunt strangle your dick into submission?”

Words she had never used in her life poured from her mouth as she whispered against his mouth. “Do you want me to lick you nipples, just the way you licked mine? Do you want me to take your dick in my mouth and suck you dry? Do you want me?”

Spike was beyond speech. The mental pictures her words brought to his mind could be easily read in his eyes.

“Last time you tasted me, Spike. This time I want to taste you.”

As her words infiltrated into his lust-hazed mind, he felt her small powerful hands rip his shirt down the front of his chest. Buffy continued to sit on top of him, as she lowered her mouth to his chest. Slowly, just as he had done to her, she mouthed his nipples till they peaked in her mouth. She caressed them with small gentle nips, till he was moaning his delight. His erection was poking against her ass, and she moved slowly down his body until she sat astride him fully.

Jean-clad crotch met jean-clad crotch as they writhed against each other. Spike could feel the heat of her through two layers of thick denim, and he realised that he had never been so hard in his life. The smell of her arousal, thickly perfumed with her previous orgasm, assailed his senses making his dick twitch in response. She was right, if they did not have each other soon, there would be more damp patches on their clothes than a pair of horny teenagers.

Buffy was as mindless as he as she rubbed her swollen pussy against his hardness. She wanted him inside her, but the sensation of his hard length rubbing against her was just too pleasurable. As they rubbed furiously together, each lost in their own pleasure, they rubbed harder and harder against one another, searching for a mutual release.

And suddenly, there it was. Mind-blowing in its intensity, the result of their foreplay spilled out between them. Replete, Buffy fell forward, her arms cradling the man she loved. Spike held her in the cradle of his arms, her face buried in his neck.

It was bliss.

As he lay still, holding his slayer close to his unbeating heart, a frown speared between his eyes. He had not yet told her about the claim, or the need to take Dawn’s place. If his plan worked, then he would be leaving her life forever at the next lunar eclipse. They only had three days together before he died for the final time.

He knew his slayer. He knew if he told her that he intended to die in place of Dawn, she would try to find another way to beat the prophecy. They did not have time for that. Losing Dawn would hurt her forever, his loss she would grieve for a while and then move on. Wouldn’t she?

He held her tighter to his chest as his errant thoughts raced around his head. Would he dare ask her to let him claim her without explaining the prophecy? In that instant he came to a decision. He was sure that she loved him, but he was just as sure she would not let him claim her while there was a chance he would die because of it. He would just have to lie by omission.

“Buffy……sweetheart.” He gently shook her as he spoke her name. Now was his best chance to get her to agree to the claim.

“Uh-huh” she grunted into his chest.

Smiling at her sweet reply, he moved his mouth over her hair. “Got something to ask you, kitten.”

“Uh-huh” she retorted.

Her reply might have been only two syllables, but Spike could hear the love in her voice. “Are you listening, goldilocks? I want to ask you something important.”

“If it means I have to move, then the answer is NO” she mumbled.

“Oh pet, I could lie like this for an eternity, but I really need to talk to you.”

Ruffled at the seriousness in his voice, she decided to try some humour. “Now would not be a good time to tell me you really do have a mate, Spikey.”

Spike’s deep chuckle vibrated through her body as she curled on top of him. Lifting her head slightly, she looked with concern into his eyes. Although he had laughed at her comment, she really was concerned over what he had to say.

With all the bravado of a seasoned slayer, she put on her best bored voice. “Come on then bleach boy, what is so important right now that we need to talk about it.” Sliding her body sensuously against him, she purred in his ear. “Unless it involves taking off the rest of our clothes and shagging each other into the mattress, I’m not that interested.”

Spike’s head flew back against the pillows at the feel of her strong, yet soft, body yield against his. Ask her, he told himself sternly, ask her now.

“Do you love me, Buffy?” he asked, the sincerity shining from is eyes.

Startled slightly at his tone, Buffy lifted her head and looked down at him. She was sure she could detect a faint sheen of tears in his eyes, and had never felt so humbled. He really must love her with all his heart to ask that question.

“Yes, Spike.” She replied. “I really do love you.”

Grabbing her to him, his lips found hers in a frenzy of want. He kissed her till their lips were almost frayed at the edges, and then he kissed her some more. On and on the kiss built between them, till they finally parted and stared into each other’s eyes.

“Marry me, Buffy” he asked. “Let me claim you as mine forever.” When he noticed the slight frown between her eyes, he panicked. This was too important to all their futures, and he could not contemplate a refusal.

He begged her to say yes with his eyes. When she still didn’t answer, he knew he would have to persuade her.

“Please, sweetheart.” He begged. “I love you so much, and I can’t bear another day without you. I’ll worship you every day of my life, and I promise never to hurt you. Please, Buffy, please say yes.”

She continued to say nothing, the frown deepening between her eyes. He was conscious that he was holding a breath he did not need, and silently counted the seconds she was silent. This was not going well. He had hoped that her love for him would make her want the claim, but he could see her inner conflict written in her eyes.

Finally she spoke. “Will it hurt?” Three simple words that rolled from her tongue. His inner poet rejoiced, she had not said no, she just wanted to know what would happen.

“Not if I do it right, kitten.” He smiled at her. “All we have to do is make love. When the time is right, I bite down on your neck and taste some of your blood. When I take a few pulls, I’ll say ‘MINE’ and stop the flow. You have to return the claim by biting me until you draw blood. Once you do, all you say is ‘YOURS’, and that will be it.”

Tilting her head in a Spike-like manner, she stared down at him. “Is that it?” she asked incredulously.

“Yes, Buffy, that’s all there is to it.”

She continued to look at him with her head on a tilt. “And you won’t leave me?”

Oh Christ, he thought. How was he to answer this one?

“I won’t leave you till I’m dust, Buffy. I promise.”

Her face broke into the biggest smile he had ever seen her bestow on him.

“Then what are we waiting for, Spike?” she continued to grin. “Let’s get these fucking clothes off and get married.”

Spike grinned back at her. She was going to do it. She was going to let him claim her as his mate.
Dawn would be safe.

“Right then, the future Mrs. Bloody” he declared. “Let’s get these fucking clothes off and get so married we’ll be joined at the hip.”

Smiling at him with love, she whispered to him. “I want to be joined at more than the hip, Mr. Bloody.”

The two lovers rose from the bed in a blur. Clothes were torn from skin and strewn around the crypt in their haste to be close to each other, skin against skin. In mutual agreement, they fell back to the bed, their limbs tangled together like knotted twine. Hands crawling over each other in their haste to sense and touch. Small biting kisses reigned on necks, nipples, stomachs and thighs.

“I gotta taste you, luv” Spike purred against her thighs.

She lifted herself from her place on the bed at his words and pushed him back against the mattress. Smiling at him, she placed her pussy over his mouth and wiggled it enticingly in his face as she bent forward to take him fully into her mouth.

When her hot little mouth engulfed him, and her sweet tongue traced up and down his dick, Spike almost lost it. Burying his face in her lemon scented pussy, he used his tongue for all it was worth. Not only was he about to claim the most beautiful woman in the world, he was about to claim the best fucking cock-sucker he had ever had in his life.

Her small powerful hand was gently cradling his balls as she relaxed her throat muscles around his dick. He wanted to push his hips high off the bed and fuck her throat, but he held himself back. Bring his own hands into play he gently pushed two fingers into her hole, as he sucked hard on her clit. When his fingers were coated with her juices, he gently pushed his index finger into her little puckered hole, and rejoiced in the shudders it produced in her body.

Buffy had never felt anything like it. He was slowly stretching her ass with his fingers, and she was surprised how much she liked it. Up until that moment, she had always considered her ass as a ‘one-way system’, but the ripples of pleasure that coursed through her as he continued to move his fingers in and out of her were almost too much to bear.

Payback, she decided. If he could pleasure her so much, then she had to return the favour. She was wondering what she could do to increase his pleasure, when she felt him stick his tongue where his fingers had been. Shock ran through her system at the feel of his long cool tongue invade her most private place, and her head lifted from his dick.

Spike felt her body pulse as he continued to tongue her. His fingers were moving in and out of her sopping cunt, his thumb brushing her clit. She was almost sobbing with pleasure and he felt his heart swell in his chest. It may not beat, but he was sure that in that second it did.

She was so close to coming, he could feel it in the way her muscles contracted around his tongue and fingers. Lifting her gently from his face, he placed her down on the bed and moved between her thighs. As he bent his head to kiss her, she moved quickly to the side and he caught her cheek.

“I might love you, Spike, but I’m dammed sure I’ll let you put your tongue in my mouth after where it’s just been.”

Spike laughed softly at her, and continued to nibble her neck. “Tastes of ambrosia, pet. Like lemon and peach with just a hint of strawberry.”

“Maybe to you, Spike.” She laughed up at him. “But I don’t think I want to try it for myself.”

Shrugging his shoulders in compliance, he again started to kiss her neck. Moving slowly down to her breast, he licked her rose-tinted nipples till they shone in the candlelight. His hand moved back to her clean-shaven pussy, and he moved his fingers in and out gently. He did not want her to come just yet; he wanted to claim her as her body pulsated with pleasure.

Finally he replaced his fingers with the tip of his dick. Rubbing it up and down her crack, he made sure to rub the head in circles over her clit. She was so close to coming now, and he could not hold himself back any longer. With a triumphant cry he pushed into her, hard.

He had used almost all the tricks he knew to take Buffy to the edge, but he had not realised just how much being back inside her tight wet hole would affect him. Her muscles wrapped around him like a vice, and he thought he would die from the heat of her essence. When he was buried to the hilt, he tried to stay perfectly still and not move. If he did, this would be over before it had even begun.

“Christ, pet” he babbled into her neck. “So tight. So hot. Made for me you were.”

As he felt himself once again gain control, he started to move within her. Lifting her hips towards him, Buffy met him stroke for stroke. Slow and easy they moved against one another, each allowing the sensation of being joined to wash over them.

Staring each other in the eye, their movements started to speed up. They were two supernatural beings, their strengths matched to each other. Faster and faster their coupling continued, until each knew the other was close to the edge.

Spike entreated her with his eyes to let him claim her. He did not say a word, yet she knew what he was trying to say. With a slight nod of her head, almost imperceptible in the candlelit room, she tilted her head to the side to give him access.

He stared down at the mark left by Angel, and his demon rejoiced in the chance to eradicate the mark of his grand-sire. As the demon burst forth, Buffy could not believe what was happening to his body. His face had changed into his familiar demon features, but what surprised her most was the sudden increase in girth and length of his dick. Spike was not poorly made in that department as a man, but as a demon he was phenomenal.

Her back arched involuntarily as he pounded into her as a demon. She felt stretched beyond anything in her experience, and she felt totally filled. His talon extended fingers drove themselves into her hair, as his fangs descended towards her throat. With a gentleness she did not expect, she felt his fangs pierce her neck.

From nowhere, the biggest orgasm of her young life racked through her system. Her body pulsed and pulsed in time to the pull of Spike’s mouth against her neck. After what seemed like hours, he gently withdrew his fangs and spoke the word that would bind them for eternity.


Buffy could not believe it. Her body was in the throes of another orgasm, her cum soaking the sheets beneath them. She could not seem to help herself. Opening her mouth wide, she bit down as hard as she could over the mark Drusilla had made the night she turned him. Tasting his blood on her tongue, she was surprised that she enjoyed its smoky, coppery flavour.

“YOURS” she spoke against her bite.

With an animalistic roar, he came inside her. On and on it went until she felt his essence join hers on the sheet.

Finally he was spent. His features quickly returned to normal, the sound of the bones shifting back into place, loud in the quiet aftermath of their love-making. Purring loudly against his mark, Buffy felt his love and devotion to her through the bond of the claim. She had never felt so content in her life.

Her vampire loved her with all his being, and she loved him in return.

Chapter #10 - Chapter 10

To the wonderful reader who nominated this fic at the FL_AWARDS, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thank you for the nomination for best new author – YOU ALL ROCK

Chapter 10

AN* Well my friends, I hope you were all happy with the Spuffy in the last chapter.

Now it’s time to move the plot on a little. I know its evil, I know you want more Spuffy, and I know you want to kill me, but we need to sort out the prophecy.

Or do you want our man to die? No….I didn’t think so.

Now let’s get some things sorted, shall we?


Presiding over the gathering of demons, close to the mouth of hell, stood Janson of Salano. He had come far from his own dimension into this earth plane just to oversee the demise of the slayer. His personal interest in her death was known to few, and he preferred to keep it that way. It had been over two earth years since she had killed his wife, and he had waited that amount of time to avenge his beautiful Ilani’s death.

His brave, beautiful wife had travelled to this dimension to gather slaves. For two earth weeks she had walked the streets of the hellmouth town, picking the demons she wished to serve his household. It was while she was on this mission that the slayer found her. Each night her captives had been duly sent to his dimension, their will already broken by her torture. Then one day it had stopped. He had sent a trusted servant back to find his wife, and the demon had returned with the news that the slayer had killed her.

Now it would be her turn to suffer the torment of losing one that she loves.

Looking thoughtfully at his assorted gathering of demons, he smiled to himself. Hardly any had the brains, or the wit, to deal with one of the best slayers ever to walk the earth plane, yet they all wanted her dead. He had been told of the prophecy over one earth year before, and he had set his plans in motion since that time. Research had been the key to what would ultimately be the success of this adventure, and he had done his planning well.

Each line of the prophecy had been taken apart, and her close friends and family had been followed for months. The demons had studied her watcher first, but the bond between the slayer and he was not strong enough for vengeance. Her friends had been next on in line, but their association with partners meant that she was not close enough to them for their death to hurt her they way he wanted it to.

During their research on the slayer, the demons had discovered her association with the souled one in L.A. It would have been nice touch if she had still had strong feelings for the vampire, as his death would have been a great coup in their plans. But they had found that he had moved his affections to another female, and his death would not bring her down.

Her sister, Dawn, would do nicely.

He would have preferred to kill the slayer outright for the damage she had done to him. His advisors had assured him that the pain of watching a loved one die would be more punishment than she could bear. They believed, as he did himself, that she would sacrifice her own life to save that of someone she loved, and in doing so the prophecy would still be fulfilled. He felt no pang of conscious for what he intended to do on the night of the eclipse, and was impatient for it to begin.

High above the gathering where the humans walked the earth, his army were preparing for the ritual. The sacrificial altar had been made ready for the arrival of the slayer’s sister, and the robes she must wear had been perfumed and blessed. Graves had been robbed, and the candles made with human fat stood waiting to be lit. Rituals had been strictly adhered to, and the instruments of death had been sharpened to perfection.

Around the high altar, his subjects had scrubbed the floor clean. Each drop of their victim’s blood would ensure the success of their plan, and the sacred chalices had been polished to a shine; all the better to see the blood fall. Across from the altar, a set of manacles had been attached to the wall; their holding properties enhanced by the magic of the elders of his dimension.

Nothing must be left to chance.

Every demon under Janson’s command had been made aware of their role in the prophecy. Once he had dealt with the slayer’s sister, they could all have their one good day. It was his intention to use the chains to subdue the slayer while her sister was tortured to death; her head held still that she not look away. He had volunteered to do the torturing himself; in fact he would enjoy it. The demons could have slayer once he was sure her sister was dead.

His revenge would be complete when he broke the slayer’s heart, just as she had broken his.

There was still two nights of waiting before the hour of the Blood Red Moon. Before he retired, he selected one of his most trusted henchmen to him. “Find the loose-skinned demon that lives in the crypt. I want to know why there is a new vampire in town and why the slayer is not trying to kill him. If you don’t like his answers, bring him to me……I will make him talk.”

Bowing his head to acknowledge his master’s commands, the demon turned to leave the lair and complete his task.

Returning to his lair, well hidden in the bowels of the earth, Janson set himself to wait.


Joyce and Dawn sat open-mouthed as Giles finally told them all he knew of Spike’s life in the three years he had been gone. He told of his beating at the hands of the gang of human thugs, and the subsequent decision by the Council to remove his chip. When it came to describing how Spike had recovered, he conveniently forgot to mention his part in his healing.

Once a week, for six weeks, Giles had managed to persuade Buffy to allow him to take one pint of her blood. He had told her that he would freeze the supply to ensure that her blood was on hand should she be badly injured in a fight. Giles had wisely played on her aversion to hospitals as persuasion.

Buffy in her ignorance did not realise that blood, even frozen, did not have a long shelf life, and had readily agreed to his suggestion. The Council needed it fresh, and as soon as her blood had been removed, the bag had been carefully placed in a special container ready to be uplifted by a Council lackey.

How the packets of blood had journeyed to England, Giles neither knew nor cared. He was paid to do his duty by the Council, and if they wanted to keep William the Bloody alive, there had to be a reason.

Personally, he would have gladly let Spike die.

Joyce’s anger grew as Giles had relayed Spike’s story to full blown rage. How dare this stupid Englishman decide to keep secrets from her daughter when he professed to care for her. She could not less this pass.

“Are you seriously trying to tell me that you kept Spike’s whereabouts a secret for Buffy’s own good?” she spat at him from her seat on the couch. Dawn recoiled slightly from the anger in her mother’s voice, but inwardly she was proud of her for questioning Giles’ motives.

“Joyce,” Giles replied, his manner condescending. “I don’t think you quite understand the situation.”

Full blown rage now turned nuclear at his tone. “Don’t you dare speak to me in that manner in my own home. I am not one of your students, nor will I be lectured to by some jumped up pen-pusher who thinks he owns the world because he knows some magic words.”

Giles sat stunned at her assault. He had mistakenly thought that Joyce would be on his side when it came to dealing with Spike, but he realised quickly that he had misjudged her. Removing his glasses to polish them, as was his habit when nervous, he stared at the woman across from him.

“Giles,” her voice quiet, yet no less threatening. “Do you think that Buffy will do nothing when she finds out that you knew about Spike for at least two years? If she doesn’t kill you herself, then I just might.” Joyce ignored the watcher’s obvious discomforted reaction to her words, and continued to rant at him. “All you see when you look at Buffy is a killing machine created to do the bidding of that Council of yours. When I look at Buffy I see a girl missing someone she loves very much, and who can hardly sleep for worrying where he is. She has spent too many nights wondering if he is alive or dead, and you have the audacity to tell me you did it for her own good. Explain to me, Giles, just what good did you think it would do?”

Staring back at Joyce, Giles did not know what to say. How could he explain the dangers of consorting with demons when she liked Spike as much as she did.

“Joyce,” he started, careful to keep his voice neutral. “Please try to understand. Buffy may believe she has some feelings for Spike, but how can a mortal love a vampire. He may have a soul now, but he is still technically dead. What type of life can they have together when they….”

Joyce did not let him continue. “What type of life?” she sneered. “I’ll tell you what type of life she would have. She would be loved and protected as only Spike can. He would fight at her side every night, and be there for her every day. Spike would make sure my little girl came home every night……alive. Have you any idea what it’s like to lie in bed knowing that one day your child won’t come home? Do you, Giles?” Anger in full flow, Joyce stood and walked over to the watcher to continue her tirade. “Spike would lay down his life for her, and you have the audacity to tell me that he is not any good for her?”

Standing up quickly from his seat, Giles moved threateningly towards Joyce. His words may have sparked her temper, but her words had done the same to him. Dawn, quick to see the threat to her mother, stood quickly and moved to her side.

As Giles stood facing the two Summers women, his temper broke. “You make a big mistake when you treat Spike like a man, Joyce. He is a vampire, one of the undead. He is nothing but a monster and even with his soul, he will never be anything other than a monster.”

Dawn, unable to keep silent any longer, joined in the fray. “Spike’s more of a man than you will ever be, Giles. It took one phone call for him to come back, and even you admit that he knows how to fix the prophecy. Does that sound like the actions of someone who doesn’t care?”

Giles smiled at her, his ripper façade firmly in place.

“Oh, he knows how to fix the prophecy Dawn, and his idea might just work. If he has any sense he will be claiming your sister as his mate at this moment.”

He stopped speaking for a few moments, determined to let his words sink in.

“If he claims Buffy, as is his intention, then he will be part of her bloodline. Once the claim is complete, he will take your place. Spike will let what ever is out there looking for you go after him instead.”

Turning angry eyes on Joyce, Giles almost spat at her.

“Then you’ll see how close you are to the truth, Joyce. Spike WILL die for Buffy, and I can’t say that I’ll be sorry.”

Both Dawn and Joyce were struck dumb at his words. They knew that Giles was right. Spike would think nothing of laying his life down for Dawn in order to save Buffy pain.

Finally, Joyce found her voice. “Do you think he’ll tell her what he intends to do?”

His temper cooling at the sound of distress in Joyce’s voice, Giles was not sure what to reply.

“I honestly don’t know, Joyce. But if he doesn’t tell her when he makes his claim, then I think losing Spike will hurt her just as much as losing Dawn.” He sat back down as he spoke, his outburst of anger having drained him.

Polishing his glasses, he watched Joyce and Dawn return to their seats. They looked at him steadily waiting on an explanation.

“When a vampire claims a mate, whether they are human or demon, they become part of the person they have claimed. Spike will be able to feel everything Buffy is feeling, as she will feel everything about him. As the bond between them becomes stronger, they will be able to communicate through the claim no matter how great the distance.”

Dawn, her brows drawn down in confusion, tried to understand why Spike would go to such lengths to save her. When she had asked for his help, she thought that he would provide backup for Buffy, maybe some extra muscle. It never occurred to her that he would lay down his life to save her. She felt herself starting to cry. One of the reasons she had asked him to come back was the hope that her sister would finally admit she loved him.

Her plan might have worked too well.

Wiping away the drying tears that fell on her cheeks, she tried to concentrate on her mother’s voice as she spoke to Giles.

“If that’s the case Giles, then we need to find some other way to fix this. Buffy could not lose Spike a second time, and she certainly could not lose him forever. You’re the watcher who’s supposed to have all the answers; hit the books Giles, and fix this.”

Giles placed his head in his hands, and stared at the patch of floor between his feet. “We have been over and over the prophecy, Joyce, and it clearly states that the slayer must lose someone who is related to her by blood, but it cannot be her mother. That leaves only Dawn and now Spike.” Lifting his head to look at the women before him, he continued to explain the prophecy.

“Buffy has lived longer than any other slayer on record, including the first slayer. She has become a legend in the demon world, and their greatest triumph would be to kill her.” A weary sigh fell from his lips as he paused to take a breath. “Too many have tried, and too many have failed. Whatever is out there stalking your family are going to use the prophecy to destroy her. While she is weak with grief, they will attack. If we have translated the prophecy correctly, then they will attack as soon as the person she loves has died; her grief will be at its strongest making her vulnerable.”

Joyce looked at Giles in consternation. They had all read the prophecy over and over to try and find a way to beat it. She could see the truth in his words, yet she wondered why Buffy must die.

“Giles, according to the prophecy Buffy will not die. If I remember correctly, it states that she must watch the kill and the trauma will destroy her, but it will not kill her.”

Looking back at Joyce, Giles suddenly realised that although there was a chance he would lose his slayer, this woman faced losing both her children on the same night.

“Once they have broken her, Joyce, it will be a free for all for every demon on the planet.” Giles almost whispered. “Can you see her winning a fight against an army when she has been destroyed by grief?” Polishing his glasses once more, he continued. “She will let them kill her, and you know it. Either that or she will offer to take his place.”

Giles stared forlornly at Joyce and Dawn. “What ever the outcome, whoever the demons chose to kill, will destroy her.”

Joyce could hear his words, and knew they made sense. He was right, Buffy would make the ultimate sacrifice to save Dawn or Spike, it would not matter which. They had to stop this before it went much further.

The question was – how?


Clem was happily lying on the spare bed at his friend’s apartment. The grin on his face was wide, and his whole body seemed to shake with mirth. Finally Spike had come home, and he was sure that he and Buffy were cementing their relationship in the crypt.

He was sure once Spike realised just how much Buffy loved him, he would stay in Sunnydale. For three years he had missed his friend, and his heart had bled at the misery of the slayer. Why he had never told Spike of Buffy’s feelings, he did not know. He really thought his friend would not care.

As he lay with his thoughts, a loud pounding was heard on the door of the apartment. Rising quickly from the bed, Clem made his way into the hallway ready to back up his friend if there was trouble.

Opening the door slowly, his friend eyed the demon waiting patiently for entrance. He was not a species Clem recognised, but to be honest, he mainly had vamps as friends.

The demon at the doorway stood over six feet tall. He was human-like in appearance, but his skin was a sickly shade of pea-soup green. His hands were large, and the fingers thick and long. Dressed as he was in human garb, he could easily pass in a low-lit nightclub as human. Clem felt a frisson of apprehension trickle down his spine.

“Can we help you?” his friend, Aaron, asked.

The demon kept his eyes on Clem as he spoke. “I have come to speak to the loose-skinned one, and you distract me.” Pushing Aaron aside as if he were nothing, the demon pulled Clem towards him.

For the first time in years, Clem felt true fear. While Spike had been in Sunnydale, he had been protected by him. When he had gone, the slayer had kept all threats away. Conscious that neither would save him this time, he could feel tears well up in his eyes.

“Why do you cry, Clem?” the demon asked with a smile. “I only want to know the name of the vampire staying with you at the crypt.”

Why did this strange demon know his name, Clem wondered? Where could he have found out about him, and where to find him? Panic like he had never felt before started to set in. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was staring into the face of one the demons who wanted to hurt Dawn.

Finding courage from he knew not where, Clem decided that he would not back down from this threat. Spike was a legend in the demon community; his friend would have nothing to fear from this demon.

“Spike” he whispered.

The demon stared at him. “Spike?” he questioned. “Who is this Spike?”
Clem was taken aback that the demon did not know of Spike. He immediately knew that whatever was holding him and asking questions was not of this dimension. If they were, they would have known just who Spike was.

“Spike is a master vampire. You might know him better as ‘William the Bloody’.” Clem waited for a reaction to Spike’s full name. None came.

The demon let Clem go. Staggering back against the wall of the hallway, Clem stared at his foe, wondering just what it wanted.

“Tell him Janson of Salano will be in touch with him soon. My master desires to meet him.”

All Clem could think to do was nod his head in agreement.

Chapter #11 - Chapter 11

To the wonderful reader who nominated this fic at the FL_AWARDS, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thank you for the nomination for best new author – YOU ALL ROCK.

It has also been nominated at the Rogue Poet awards. YOU ALL STILL ROCK.

Chapter 11

Clem ran like a madman towards the crypt. His lungs felt as though they were filled with fire, and his legs had started to become painful. He had to get to Spike before the demons found him.

As he ran towards the crypt he now called ‘home’, he hoped that Spike was alone. If the slayer was still inside, there was going to be trouble, and lots of it. Clem knew her character well enough by now, that if he told her about the demon she would insist on looking for it.

If he could breathe a sigh of relief when the crypt came into view, he would have. As it was, all he could think of was warning Spike. Slowing his aching legs to a trot he approached the door and banged loudly enough to wake the dead.

To Spike and Buffy, wrapped closely together under the quilt, the noise from the crypt door was an unwelcome intrusion. They had renewed the claim over and over again, each time their bond becoming stronger. A joint sigh filled the lower level of the crypt as they slowly pulled apart.

“Think I’d better go and see who’s at the door, luv” Spike whispered against her lips before kissing her soundly. “It might be important.”

As he rose from the bed to find his jeans, Buffy lay back amongst the pillows to stare at his back. Fascinated by his beauty, she watched the play of muscles in his back and thighs as he pulled his jeans up his gorgeous legs. He was hers, she realised, this wonderful creature was hers.

“Don’t be long, Spike” she purred at him.

Turning his head, he looked at her lying on his gold silk sheets. Her hair was splayed across the pillows as she lay looking longingly at him.

“I won’t be, pet. Promise” he smiled.

With deft steps he mounted the ladder to the upper level and made his way to the door. Whoever was on the other side was pounding with a mighty force. Sensing it was Clem on the other side, Spike frowned, wondering why his friend would need to see them so much that he felt he had to interrupt them.

A feeling of dread stole through him, but he was not quick enough to block the claim.

In the lower level of the crypt, Buffy felt his trepidation like a tangible force. She rose quickly from the bed and scrambled around the room looking for her clothes. Ignoring the stickiness between her thighs, she rushed to dress and join her mate on the upper level of the crypt.

Spike could feel her distress through the claim as he opened the door to an obviously panicked Clem. Closing the door quickly behind Clem once he had stumbled into the crypt, Spike turned to find Buffy rising from the lower level. Whatever Clem had to tell him, would need to said in front of Buffy and he was not sure if he was ready for that yet.

Clem, breathless from his run to the crypt, walked quickly to the kitchen area to find something to drink. As he poured himself some cool water from the fridge, Buffy looked at Spike worriedly. When he smiled at her, she smiled back and slowly walked up to him to wrap herself in his embrace. Taking comfort from the love she felt through the claim, she cuddled close to his side.

They both waited for Clem to tell them his news.

When their friend returned to the living area, he looked at both of them. Instinctively he knew they had claimed each other, their joint power radiated from across the room. He knew they would not be happy about his news, but they needed to know what had happened tonight. Taking a deep breath, he asked them to sit down.

He watched them closely as they sat next to each other on the sofa. Spike’s arm was around Buffy’s shoulders, and she was almost sitting on his lap. Part of him was glad they had finally found each other like this, and another part of him dreaded how they would react to his tale.

“I had a visitor tonight while I was at Aaron’s” he started. “It was a demon. I didn’t recognise the species, but in poor light it would pass for human.”

Neither Spike nor Buffy passed comment; they waited for him to continue.

“It said it works for some guy called Janson of Salano” Turning his head, Clem deliberately spoke to Spike. “They want to speak to you, Spike. The guy said that his master would be in touch with you soon.”

Not as much as an eyelash moved on Spike’s face. His chance had come to save his Nibblet, and part of his was thankful.

Another part of him railed against what he knew he had to do.

Buffy, not moving from her place at Spike’s side looked at Clem as she asked. “Just why do they want to speak to Spike?”

Clem lifted his shoulders in a shrug as he answered. “I don’t know, Buffy. They just said they would be contacting him soon.”

Buffy said nothing as she fished in the pocket of her jeans for her cell phone. Speed dialling her mother’s number, she lifted the phone to her ear.

“Mom is Giles still there?” she asked when her mother’s answered.

When her mother confirmed that Giles was still in her home, Buffy told her mother to keep him there. Promising to be home within fifteen minutes, she moved from her lover’s embrace and spoke to him with typical slayer determination.

“Come on, Spike. We need to tell Giles about this.”

Nodding in agreement, Spike rose from the sofa and took her hand.

“Let’s go, luv. The quicker we get to your mum’s the better.”

She frowned slightly at his comment, but said nothing. With a sure tread, the newly mated couple made for the door closely followed by their loose-skinned friend.


Joyce, still angry at Giles, walked back into the lounge to tell him that Buffy and Spike were on their way back from the crypt.

“You better have your excuses ready, Giles, because Buffy and Spike are on their way back. If I know my daughter, she will be ready to tear you limb from limb for keeping secrets from her; and you know what, I will sit back and laugh.”

Giles lifted his head and stared directly into Joyce’s eyes. “I did what I thought was right in the circumstances, Joyce. I have nothing to fear.”

“We’ll see about that,” Dawn said to no one in particular. “Buffy is gonna freak, and I’m glad I won’t be the one she goes for.”

Joyce smiled her agreement, and seated herself next to Dawn.

All three in the room settled down to wait.


As Spike and Buffy walked hand in hand through the door, three heads turned in their direction. Smiles of understanding radiated from two of them, a deep frown was on the face of the other.

Rising quickly from the couch, Dawn ran towards them and hugged them close. “Everything all right now?” she whispered.

“Yes Dawnie,” Buffy reassured her. “Everything is just fine.”

Drawing slightly back from the couple, Dawn smiled happily. “Good, ‘cause Giles has lots to tell you, Buffy.”

“Well it can wait for a bit Dawn; we need to talk to him about a demon looking for Spike.” She said as she hugged her sister.

Giles, having heard Buffy’s statement, rose from his chair to approach the couple.

“What demon, Buffy?” he asked.

“The demon who wants my sister, of course” she answered, her eyes giving him the ‘duh’ look.

Spike laughed softly at her comment, and decided that he would take over the conversation. “Some minion paid Clem a social call this evening. Says he’s from some guy who calls himself Janson of Salano, and he wants to talk to me.”

Giles looked thoughtfully at the vampire. “Janson of Salano” he whispered, almost to himself. “I’ve never heard of him. Maybe we should go back to the Magic Box and do some research. We could call the others and ask them to join us.”

Joyce, determined to let Buffy know of her watcher’s duplicity, rose from the sofa to join them in the hallway.

“Before you start calling Willow, Xander and the others Giles, I think you need to let Buffy know everything you told us tonight.”

Turning angry eyes on Joyce, Giles tried to keep calm. “We don’t have time for that just now, Joyce. We need to find out all we can about Janson, and kill him before he can harm Dawn.” Sneering slightly, Giles continued. “Do you think there’s anything more important than that?”

Giles had picked on the wrong female to try and intimidate. Determined her daughter would hear her watcher out, Joyce quickly flung back at him. “Oh, I do think it’s very important Giles, but it’s also important that Buffy’s knows how much you hid from her for the past few years.”

Confused at her mother’s statement, Buffy turned troubled eyes on her watcher. “Hid from me, Giles?” she asked. “What have you hidden from me?”

Spike groaned inwardly at her side. Giles had obviously told Joyce and Dawn about his life for the past few years, and now he was going to pay for keeping his silence. His little spitfire would not take this lying down.

“Let’s all get comfy, Buffy” he uttered as he ushered them all back into the living room. “I think we better get this over with sooner rather than later. We won’t get any peace until we do.”

“Okay,” Buffy smiled at her mate. “But before we talk, I’ll call the guys and ask them to meet us at the Magic Box in about an hour. Is that okay?”

Dropping a light kiss on her nose, Spike replied. “You make the calls, luv, I’ll make sure everyone gets comfy.”

While Buffy was on the phone in the kitchen, everyone else took a seat. On the sofa sat Joyce, Dawn and Clem, while Giles and Spike each took an armchair.

Silently they waited on the return of the slayer.

Within minutes Buffy returned and promptly seated herself on Spike’s lap, her arms curled possessively around his neck.

“Right then, Giles” she said. “Let’s hear what you have to say.”

Twenty minutes later, Spike was holding his love tightly on his lap, determined not to let her hit her watcher. They had been through rounds of angry words as Giles had spoken of his knowledge of Spike’s whereabouts, and his determination to keep the knowledge to himself. Buffy had screamed at him for his duplicity, and at times Spike could feel her anger and disappointment reach him through the claim.

The watcher had hurt his slayer, and that was something she would find hard to forgive. When she focused on his beating at the hands of the human gang, he knew there was going to be trouble.

“Spike was hurt, and you didn’t even let me know” she screamed at the watcher. “You utter bastard, Giles. If I’d known he was in pain I would have been on the first plane to England, and you would have paid for it. I would have done everything I could to help him.”

Deciding to take pity on the watcher, Spike held her close to him. “But you did help me, Buffy.”

Turning her head to look at him in disbelief, she simply asked. “How?”

“I wouldn’t heal on the pigswill they were feeding me, pet. The Council of Wankers got your watcher here to send me some of your blood which they fed to me. A few pints of slayer blood and I was as right as rain.”

Buffy looked wildly around the room, before her eyes stopped at Giles. “You told me that blood would be frozen in case I was injured. You took my blood so the Council could feed it to Spike, and you lied to me about it.”

“I thought it was for the best, Buffy” Giles arrogantly replied.

Not even Spike’s strength could hold her to him as she rose from his lap in anger. “You though it was for the BEST. How dare you make decisions about my life. I would have GLADLY given my blood to Spike to save his life, but you never gave me that option, did you?” she accused. “You used me like a cow giving milk, and then lied to me about it.” Taking a deep breath to try and calm down, she continued. “What if it was some vampire I didn’t know that got my blood. Do you know how I would feel about that; do you Giles?”

Reeling from her accusation, Giles retaliated in the only way he could. “Well, it’s immaterial now, Buffy, because Spike has claimed you as his mate; or am I wrong?”

Proud of their claim, Buffy moved the collar of her shirt to display Spike’s mark. “Oh yes, Giles, he claimed me tonight; just as I’ve claimed him.”

A slow satisfied smile grew on Giles’ face. He was going to enjoy this.

“I’m pleased he has, Buffy, because now he can die in place of Dawn.”

Buffy, shocked and stunned by his statement, just stared at him. Rising quickly, Spike wrapped his arms around her as she stood still in the quiet room. Turning in his arms, she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

“What does he mean, Spike, when he says you can die instead of Dawn?” she whispered.

He wished he did not have to tell her like this, but why put off the inevitable. “What he means sweetheart, is that the prophecy says you have to lose someone you love and who is part of your bloodline. Now that we’re mated, I’m part of you and the demons can now come after me instead of Dawn.”

Stunned by his statement, Buffy just stared at him. Comprehension swept over her in waves. He didn’t love her at all, he just claimed her to save Dawn. Angry tears shone in her eyes like diamonds as she pulled herself from his embrace.

“You lied to me, you bastard” she spat at him. “You told me you loved me, yet all you wanted to do was claim me to save Dawn. I gave you EVERYTHING of me tonight, my love, my respect and my life, and this is how you repay me.” Tears of anger ran unchecked down her cheeks as she spoke. “I TOLD you I loved you, yet you still lied to me.”

Grabbing hold of her arms, Spike pulled her against him. Smashing his lips to hers he kissed her fiercely until she responded. All the love he felt for her he poured into her heart through the claim.

“You know I love you, Buffy. Don’t tell me you can’t feel it when we touch. I love you with everything I have.” Almost in a whisper he continued as he stared into her eyes. “I love you so much sweetheart, that I’m willing to die to make you happy.”

Buffy cuddled closer to him as she mumbled into his chest. “How can you dying make me happy, Spike? Please tell me ‘cause I don’t understand how losing you will make me do the happy dance.”

Chuckling softly, he held her tighter to him, and whispered in her ear. “If I die, luv, then Dawn will live. Once I worked out the only way to beat the prophecy was to give the demons something else to kill, then I knew Dawn would be safe.” Gently he lifted her face to his. “Please try and understand, Buffy. I need to do this for you.”

“Well, I don’t understand, Spike” she whispered back. “I don’t understand at all. I’ve just found you again, and earlier tonight I was the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Now you tell me that I have to lose you again, and this time it will be forever. I don’t know if I can do that.” Bursting into tears, she held on to him as if she would never let him go.

Wrapping her in his strong arms, he gently kissed the top of her head. “We’ll hit the books, pet, and see if we can find out more. Now we know who is trying to kill Dawn, we might find a way to stop him.”

Brightening at the thought, she smiled a watery smile at the man she loved. “You think so?” she asked hopefully.

“Well, all we can do is try and find out, luv.”

Smiling up at his handsome face, she nodded her head in agreement. “Right then, Spike” she answered. “Let’s hit the books.”

Spike smiled back at Buffy, his eyes full of tenderness. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get out of here and meet up with the Scoobies for a nice boring night of study. You up to that, Buffy?”

“I’m all research gal, Spike” she smiled at him. “See my face, this is my research face, as Willow would say.”

He laughed at the serious expression she had managed to pull. Taking her hand in his, they did not even wait for the others to join them as they made the way out of the room.

As they passed through the door, Buffy turned her head and looked at the other people in the room.

“Coming?” she asked brightly.

“We’ll be along shortly, Buffy” her mother replied. “I’ll make up some food to keep us all going, and Giles can bring us in his car.” Turning to Giles, Joyce looked at him with disdain. “Isn’t that right, Giles?”

Giles knew not to push his luck any further tonight. Rummaging in his pocket for the keys to the store, he pulled them out and handed them to Spike.

“You go on ahead and open up, we will join you shortly.”

Taking the keys from Giles, Spike threw them up in the air once before catching them and placing them in his duster pocket.

Buffy started to laugh loudly as they walked through the door. Puzzled, Spike frowned at her and asked. “What’s so funny, luv?”

“Xander is gonna have a cow when he hears he’s doing research on how to save your life.”

Giggling along with her, Spike pulled her close for a kiss.

“If he’s ‘gonna have a cow’ as you put it when he finds out why we’re hitting the books, just think what he’ll have when he finds out we’re mated.”

As suddenly as her laughter had started, it stopped and a serious look came into her eyes.

“I don’t care what he has when he finds out we’re mated. He’ll just have to deal, ‘cause there is no way I’m letting you die.” Grabbing his face between both hands, she pulled him close to kiss him. Through the claim, Spike could feel her love and devotion for him pour from her. He felt humbled and awed that she loved him the way he loved her.

“You’re mine, vampire. Forever.” She stated as she pulled back from his lips.

He replied simply to her bold statement


Chapter #12 - Chapter 12

To the wonderful reader who nominated this fic at the FL_AWARDS, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thank you for the nomination for best new author – YOU ALL ROCK. Please check out the website at

This fic has also been nominated at the Rogue Poet awards. Please check out the website at YOU ALL STILL ROCK.

This fic has also been nominated at Lost In Spike – YOU ALL ROCK EVEN MORE

Chapter 12

The journey from Revello Drive to the Magic Box had been relatively uneventful. Two fledglings and a Z’orath Demon had crossed their path, and similarly dispatched. The thrill of fighting together again had made them smile; it had been such a long time for both of them.

As Buffy removed the keys to the Magic Box from her pocket, Spike wrapped his arms around her from behind, and started to nuzzle his mark. Unable to resist him, she pushed her body back against his, her pert little behind moving rhythmically against his hardening erection.

“Open the door, pet” he whispered in her ear. “I’ve had this fantasy of shagging you over the research table for years.”

Buffy laughed softly before she answered. “So have I, Spike.”

She could not have spoken more encouraging words.

They fell through the door, giggling like teenagers, strong arms wrapped around each other, lips fused together in passion. The shop door was barely closed behind them before Spike had spun around, trapping Buffy’s body with his. Her hands threaded through his hair, holding his lips against hers.

Spike’s hands were busy on the fastening of her jeans, while Buffy was struggling to remove his duster. Laughing, they separated, and continued to remove their clothes in unison.

“I don’t believe we’re going to do this here, Spike” she smiled at him.

He curled his long tongue behind his top teeth, as he grinned back. “Oh, we are so doing this Buffy.” Pointedly looking down at his rock hard dick, already weeping with pre-cum, his grin became almost feral. “If you don’t take care of ‘Spike junior’ soon, luv, I might need to take him in hand.”

Buffy couldn’t help her reaction to his nickname for his dick. Her laughter filled the room as her small hand wrapped around him, stroking him gently. His eyes closed at her touch, and he thrust gently against her warm palm.

“God pet,” he whispered. “Do you know what you do to me?”

Her eyes drifted from his rapture-filled face to her small fist wrapped lovingly around him. Continuing her ministrations, she moved her lips against her mark on his neck. Sucking the bite hard enough to leave a bruise, her clit twitched in response to the increased sexual pleasure Spike transmitted through the claim.

Spike’s head fell forward against her shoulder. “We need to slow this down luv, before I shoot all over the door.”

“Ewwww,” she exclaimed. “I am so not cleaning that up.”

Holding her close to his hard body, he placed gentle kisses on her face. “Take me in your mouth, kitten” he begged. “Please Buffy; I want to feel your mouth around me.”

Green eyes widened in alarm and she found it hard to keep the trepidation from her voice. “I’ve….never…..” she stuttered.

Spike gently cupped her face in his hands. “Then we won’t do that until you’re ready, sweetheart.”

Grateful that he understood, she lifted her face for a kiss. His tongue was gentle against hers as he coaxed hers into play.

“Let me take care of you, kitten” he breathed against her still-open mouth. Taking her hand gently in his, he led her to the large round table in the centre of the shelves. “Lie back baby, and let Spike see his pretty cunny.”

As she lay back smiling, she had to comment.

“For one of the most romantic guys I’ve met, you can have such a potty mouth at times, Spike.”

Spike’s hands were kneading her breasts, the nipples hard beneath his palms. His mouth was on her belly, his tongue making love to her navel as if it were her mouth. Lifting his head, he grinned wolfishly at her before he replied.

“But you like my potty-mouth, don’t you baby. Especially when I do this.”

Dropping to his knees, he pulled her glistening sex to his mouth. His mouth attached itself to her clit, and he sucked it hard between his lips. Spike pushed his fingers deep inside her cunt as she rode his face. He could feel her legs tremble against his shoulders, and he knew her orgasm was near. Keeping his mouth in constant contact with her clit; he rose slowly from his knees.

“Gonna take you now, baby.” He mouthed against her clit. “I need to be inside you, luv, I can’t wait any longer.”

Buffy was incoherent with need. Her whole body quivered as he slowly pushed inside her. Spike felt her orgasm hold his dick tightly in its grip as he followed her into the abyss. He let his body weight fall on her as his fangs descended to bite hard into his mark. The walls of her sweet quim fluttered around him as she reinforced her own claim by biting his neck.

Slowly Spike withdrew from her cunt, and stood back to watch their mingled fluids flow from her. He thought he had never seen a sight so beautiful. Desperate to taste, Spike held her thighs apart as he licked her clean.

Buffy lay replete against the table. Her mate, lover, fighting partner and best friend, made her feel the most special woman in the world. His strength, love and devotion poured into her soul from the claim, and she knew she would never find his like again.

“I love you, Spike.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.” He held out his hand to help her from the table. “We better get some clothes on luv; don’t fancy showing my dangly bits to the whelp.”

Helpless laughter rose in her throat. Smiling, he held her close to him and softly kissed to top of her head. In silent agreement, they started to gather their clothes.

Watching her dress was as much a turn on as watching her undress. He wanted her again, and could feel his manhood rise. Buffy suddenly stopped dressing as he let the claim betray his feelings.

“Down buster” she warned without rancour. “The gang will be here any minute.” Without warning, she burst into laughter.

Staring at his love as the tears rolled down her face, he wondered what was so funny.

“What’s so funny, luv?” he asked, a small frown creasing his features.

Her laughter increased as she caught sight of his troubled look.

“The ‘whelp’ has a girlfriend” she chuckled. “And you are gonna just love her.”

Perplexed by her statement, he continued to frown at her. Why would he love anyone else, he loved her?

“Anya is an ex-vengeance demon, Spike. She’s human now, and just wait till you hear her conversation.”

Shaking his head slightly, he just smiled at her. “And why would that be, pet?”

She smiled cheekily at him as she replied. “I don’t wanna spoil the surprise.”

Spike tilted his head slightly and smiled at her. She was obviously hiding something from him about this Anya, and his curiosity was peaked. He almost couldn’t wait to meet her.

They quickly redressed and sat down to wait. Buffy kept staring at the table and giggling to herself. She would never be able to sit down to research again without thinking of making love to Spike. It would certainly take the boredom out of looking through dusty tomes with Giles.

Spike leaned slightly towards her and took hold of her hand. Lifting it to his lips, he gently kissed each knuckle as his eyes held hers in a thrall. He loved this woman with all his being, and she returned his love. He felt complete.

Noises in the street penetrated their reverie, and they looked at the door of the shop in anticipation of the Scooby invasion. Xander, the first to arrive, pushed the door inwards causing Buffy to burst into peals of laughter. Neither she nor Spike had locked the door when they had arrived, their need for each other taking precedence over anything else. If the Scoobies had arrived a few minutes earlier they would have been treated to the sight of Buffy and Spike fucking solidly on the table.

Anya entered in Xander’s wake, sniffing the air.

“Buffy,” she queried. “Have you been having sex with the vampire sitting next to you? Did he give you many orgasms?” Anya’s eyes looked their fill and she smiled. “He looks as though he knows how to please a woman.” She continued to talk, ignoring the open-mouthed look of the man at her side. “I said to Xander just tonight that you needed a man to give you orgasms instead of your hand.” Turning her head towards Xander, she smiled. “Vampires make fantastic lovers, Xander. They have tremendous stamina, and God, what they can do with their tongue.”

Spike stared in disbelief at Xander’s girl-friend. In all his unlife he had never heard such honesty or forth-rightness. This woman had instantly earned his respect.

He couldn’t help his nature, he just had to comment. “Had many vampire lovers pet?” He knew that he would receive and honest answer and he hoped her words would needle the whelp.

Anya’s smile almost lit the room. For the first time since she had been part of the group, someone was interested in what she had to say. “I’ve had several, including Dracula” she confided. “But I have to say the best was a vampire in 1358.” Spike watched fascinated as her eyes seemed to cloud with memory. “Cornelius could turn me over and I’d be half way to happy land with just a look.”

Xander finally found his voice. “Ahn!” he squealed.

Before Anya could reply, Willow and Tara walked through the door. The young Wiccans stood hand in hand just inside the open doorway, startled at the pitch of Xander’s voice.

Spike looked passed the warring couple, and smiled a sweet smile. “Hi Red, how’ve you been?”

Willow quickly assessed the situation. Spike and Buffy sat very close together and the beatific smile on her best friend’s face told its own story.

“Fine Spike, you?”

“I’m good Red, really good.”

Pulling Tara further into the shop, Willow smiled at the seated couple. “I’d like you to meet Tara, Spike. She’s my partner, and we’ve been together a few years now.”

Tara eyes were slightly downcast with shyness, and she peeked through her lashes at the famous Spike. She smiled at him and stammered a small “Hi”.

Spike, ever the gentleman, stood up and walked towards the shy blonde witch. Lifting her free hand to his lips, he executed a small bow as he kissed it. “Please to meet you Tara, I hope we can be friends.”

Overwhelmed at such beautiful manners, Tara blushed hotly as she smiled at the vampire holding her hand. Finally finding the courage to lift her eyes, she was struck dumb at the aura emanating from the slayer and the vampire. Their auras melded together, filling the room. Their combined power almost sparked with energy. Tara knew she was in the presence of something special.

Returning to Buffy’s side, Spike decided that Red had picked well. This lovely shy young woman obviously kept Willow grounded, and as he had held her hand he had felt her power.

Anya, determined not to be left out, looked directly at Spike. “So, I finally get to meet the famous Spike.” Holding out her hand across the table, Spike felt compelled to shake it in welcome. “I’m Anya, Xander’s girl-friend. Nice to meet you, Spike.”

“Nice to meet you, Anya” Spike smoothly replied.

Sitting back in his chair, Spike was slightly bewildered by the changes in the dynamics of the group he left behind. Tara and Anya had been accepted as partners of established Scoobies, maybe this was going to be easier than either he or Buffy anticipated.

Xander will still glaring in fury at Anya as the Scoobies assembled round the table. Finally he seemed to notice Spike’s presence and his eyes almost popped from his head when he spotted Buffy and Spike’s joined hands. Looking at no one in particular, he could not help but comment.

“Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture here?” His hand was moving back and forth trying to bring everyone’s attention to the closeness of Buffy and Spike.

Willow turned her eyes to Xander as she answered his question. “No, not really, Xander.”

Buffy giggled into her hand as Spike smirked at Xander. She already knew that Willow and Tara understood how she felt about Spike; the real threat to their fledging relationship was Xander.

Xander stared at Spike, hatred evident in his eyes. “Why are you back, Spike?”

“Well,” Spike drew out the word to prolong Xander’s agony. “I thought I’d come back; claim the Slayer; shag her senseless then kill whatever is trying to kill Dawn.” Smirking at the obviously angry man, he sat back in his chair with arms folded and waited for the reaction.

Buffy giggled at Spike’s statement. The lovers waited on the explosion that would surely come once Xander processed Spike’s words.

“You bastard,” Xander spat as he turned angry eyes on Buffy. “Are you just gonna sit there and let this moron talk about you like that?”

Buffy smiled at her friend before she replied. “Spike’s telling you the truth, Xand.” Turning her head, she shook her head belatedly at Spike’s statement. “He could have put it better, but he is being honest.”

Quickly deciding her friend needed more, she went on to explain Dawn’s part in Spike’s return. When she came to the part of how she and loved and missed her vampire for three years, Xander’s eyes almost popped from his head.

“You honestly mean to tell us that you LOVE HIM?” Xander’s voice rose in consternation.

“Love him, want him, need him and yes, Xander, I have become his mate.” Suddenly all playfulness was removed from her voice. “And for the record, Xander, if you want to stay my friend you will keep your mouth shut and say nothing. Spike is here to stay, and I won’t listen to you bad-mouth him.” Staring pointedly at Anya, she continued. “None of us object to your relationship with Anya, and she killed more men when she was a demon than Spike ever did.”

Listening to his mate berate Xander, made Spike proud. Glancing at Anya, he winked when he caught her eye. Smiling back at the blonde vampire, Anya gave him a small smirk. A bond of understanding passed between them at that moment, and Spike knew he had found an ally.


Outside the Magic Box, cloaked by an invisibility spell, stood one of Jansen’s minions. So, the slayer had mated with a master vampire had she? This was news that his master would be very interested in.

Returning to the lair, the minion spent a long time alone with his leader. As predicted, Jansen was very interested in what the minion had to say. Dismissing him, he sat back to think. To lose her sister would hurt the slayer, but to lose a mate would destroy her completely.

Their plans would have to change.

The capture of the vampire would be more difficult than abducting a mere human girl. The advantage they had was that the slayer and her friends were expending so much energy in trying to protect the girl, that they had forgotten the whole point of the prophecy.

She only had to lose someone who shared her blood, and whom she loved. The vampire would be a far better prospect, he would be able to stand more pain than the girl, and the torture could take a long, long time.

Rubbing his hands in glee, he called his most trusted acolytes to his side. Informing them the new developments, he asked for suggestions as to how they capture him. They would have to be careful considering the claim and the strength of an old vampire.

Some suggested that he just be staked rather than captured, but Jansen was determined to make the slayer watch. He realised that not only did they need to have the slayer’s bonds enhanced to keep her trussed while they tortured her mate, but he would need to enhance his bonds too.

What a pleasure this would be.

They did not have long, the Blood Red Moon would happen the following night. They must capture the vampire and the slayer as soon as possible, and ensure everything was prepared.

They would do it tonight.


While the Scoobies were discussing the slayer’s new relationship, Giles, Joyce and Dawn arrived at the Magic Shop to join them. After all the revelations of the last few hours, Giles felt exhausted and angry. His actions had been called into question, and his slayer had mated with a vampire.

The same bastard of a vampire who had turned his father over twenty years ago; and he had been forced to stake his own flesh and blood. Something he could neither forgive, nor forget.

Trying hard to keep his hatred from his face, he looked at the ensemble gathered in the shop. They were all talking at once, but his eyes were drawn to Xander. The boy seemed to vibrate with antagonism against Spike; a feeling he sympathised with. He knew he had found an ally.

If Spike wanted to replace Dawn, he was more than happy to let him. The effect Spike’s death would have on the slayer might be catastrophic, but he would deal with her grief once the bastard was out of her life forever.

He almost relished it.

He would bide his time tonight, and try to get Xander on his own. Between them, they would deliver the vampire to his future tormentors…………with pleasure.

How he would find them when the whole gang had been searching since the prophecy came to light was something he would have to consider carefully. It was then he remembered that they had contacted Clem; he would speak to him later.

He wondered if he would be allowed to watch the vampire die too. Now that would be a bonus.

Chapter #13 - Chapter 13

To the wonderful reader who nominated this fic at the FL_AWARDS, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thank you for the nomination for best new author.

This fic has also been nominated at the Rogue Poet awards.

This fic has also been nominated at Lost In Spike – YOU ALL ROCK

Chapter 13

Clem was pacing the crypt like a demon possessed. His hearing was excellent, and he knew when Jansen’s henchmen were outside his door. Spike and Buffy were still at the Magic Box, and he was afraid to leave. His eyes scanned the room, looking for the cell phone that Spike had deliberately left for his use. When his eyes caught sight of the elusive object lying on the coffee table, he quickly picked it up. Speed-dialling Spike, he waited impatiently for his friend to answer the phone.

Back in the Magic Box, Spike was glad his cell had started to ring. He really didn’t care what the whelp or the watcher thought about his relationship with Buffy, but their continual stares of hatred was starting to get on his nerves. Buffy’s distress had passed to him through the claim, and he really wanted to get her out of here. Giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, he pulled the phone from his inside pocket and flipped it open.

He didn’t even have time to speak before Clem’s anguished voice screamed at him through the earpiece. Listening carefully to Clem’s frightened ramblings he felt his gut tighten in response. He knew the time had come.

With all the drama of the claiming, the confessions and the interminable angst, they had all forgotten the most important thing.

The Blood Red Moon would happen the following night, and the demons had come to pick up their prize.

Buffy picked up on his unease and immediately knew what was happening. Giving him a small nod she stood up from the table, keeping her eyes locked with his. Closing the phone, they walked calmly to the door of the Magic Shop, seven pairs of eyes following in their wake.

“Just where do you think your going Buffy?” Giles asked; his patience at breaking point.

Buffy and Spike stopped in unison, barely inches from the open door. “The demons are waiting outside Spike’s crypt, Giles.” Turning her head to look at him over her shoulder, a feral gleam came into her eyes. “Your plan is working just fine, Giles. Now that Spike’s my mate, they are going to try and take him instead of Dawn.” Letting go of Spike’s hand, she turned her whole body round to stare at her watcher before she continued. “Does that make you happy, Giles” she spat. “Isn’t this what you wanted all along?”

Giles stared back at her with a small satisfied smile playing about his lips. “Would you not say that this would be a preferable solution to the prophecy Buffy?” he asked sweetly, the sarcasm not lost to the others in the room. “Or would you prefer your sister to die instead of your mate?”

Spike anticipated just how she would react and acted quickly. Before she could spring an attack upon her watcher, he banded his arms around her keeping her still.

“Better watch your mouth watcher,” snarled Spike as he used all the strength he had to keep his mate from attacking Giles. “I don’t think even you can come between us now.”

Looking directly at Spike, Giles sneered. “You honestly think that Buffy will choose you over her calling, Spike? She loved Angel and yet she still sacrificed him to save the world. You will be no different.”

Spike could no longer hold her. Her strength had always been greater than his, but this was one of the few times she used her full power against him. Launching herself full throttle at her startled watcher, she knocked him back against the table. A small smirk found its way to Spike’s lips, as he walked calmly back to the group to watch his beautiful mate in full flow.

Buffy had Giles pinned against the table top, her hands hard on his shoulders to keep him flat against the surface. Xander made an attempt to pull her back, and Spike just smirked more.

“If I can’t hold her back whelp, just what the fuck do you think you can do?”

Xander, frustrated the he could not help Giles, turned his anger on Spike. In his fury, his hand curled into a fist and he landed a reasonable right hook on Spike’s jaw.

“Thanks for that, Xander” Spike drawled. “Maybe you didn’t listen when the slayer told you that I don’t have a chip anymore.” Grabbing Xander’s fist, Spike threw him back against the stairs to the upper level of the store. Towering over him, Spike held him down with his left hand as the boy flailed beneath him. “I’ve wanted to kill you for years, whelp” Spike told the frightened Scooby. “For some reason, known only to herself, Buffy keeps you around. If it were up to me, I’d bite that sweaty neck of yours, turn you, and laugh when the slayer staked you. But, no, I have to keep my temper ‘cause she thinks you’re her friend.” Leaning further down, Spike almost spat his next words in the boy’s face. “You ever touch her again, or talk to her the way you did tonight, then claim be damned…….I WILL fucking kill you.”

Pulling the now frightened young man up to his feet by the front of his shirt, Spike kept hold of him as he continued. “She’s mine whelp, you got that through your thick skull now. She’s always been mine.”

Finally letting Xander go, Spike watched in glee as the boy struggled to stay upright. Walking away, Spike turned his eyes to his mate. Buffy was still sitting atop the watcher, her hands controlling his movements and her eyes burning into his.

“Giles,” she asked. “What the fuck have you got against Spike?”

Riled that she could treat him like this, Giles’ anger knew no bounds. Words he never thought he would ever utter started to pour from him mouth.

“He’s a vampire, Buffy. A ruthless killer that should not be allowed to live on the same planet as humans, and you know it.” Spittle started to pour from the side of his mouth to lye in pools on the table beneath him as he continued. “He killed my father over twenty years ago. I had to stake my own father when he rose from his grave. William the Bloody bragged about his kill all over London. He told everyone how he and Drusilla has feasted on a watcher and were just waiting to train him as a minion.”

Shocked at his words, Buffy loosened her grip on Giles. Slowly she rose from his prone body and moved to an empty seat at the table. Tears in her eyes, she looked up at Spike and sensed there was more to this story than just Giles’ version. Gesturing for him to sit beside her, Spike calmly took her hand in his.

Giles struggled from the table, his anger still wild in his breast, directed it all at Buffy.

“I tell you that he killed my father, and you still hold his hand?”

Buffy calmly looked at Giles before she replied. “He was a vampire without a soul then, Giles. He would have killed anyone he could.”

Giving her hand a tighter squeeze, Spike silently thanked her through the claim for her support.

“Can I ask a question, watcher?” Spike innocently asked. He continued before Giles could answer yay or nay. “If you hate me so much, why did you not stake me the minute you knew I was in Sunnydale?”

Staring back at the blonde vampire, Giles opened his mouth to speak. “Do you think I didn’t try? Christ, I roamed the streets of Sunnydale looking for you and your vampire whore. Then we had the debacle of Angelus losing his soul, and he became a far more dangerous vampire than you ever could be.”

Spike bristled at the watcher’s comment. How dare the old man suggest he wasn’t evil enough? He’d been stuck in a wheelchair, for God’s sake, why had the watcher not come looking for him then? Before he could ask Giles about that, Giles continued to rant.

“I gave you a ‘Get out of Jail’ card when you helped Buffy defeat Angelus. But there won’t be another one, Spike”

Spike sat back in his chair and tilted his head to one side. “Why not just finish me off when you had me chained to your bathtub?” He was sure there was more to the watcher’s story than Giles was telling them. A lot of things just didn’t add up. Why was the watcher determined to see the end of him now, when he had plenty opportunity in the past?

A look on unholy glee passed over Giles’ face. “Because I found that watching you suffer; writhing about in pain when you tried to attack a human, was almost beautiful to see.”

Buffy stared up at the man who had nurtured her for years in disbelief. Giles had never displayed this side of him before. The Scoobies had heard stories of Giles alter ego ‘Ripper’, but they had never seen it come to the fore like this. Xander’s mouth had dropped open in shock, and Willow held tightly to Tara’s hand.

Anya just looked at Giles and smiled before she commented. “It’s a pity Vengeance Demons are women, Giles. D’Hoffryn would have loved someone like you to join his little band.”

Buffy, Dawn and Joyce couldn’t help themselves; their laughter filled the room at Anya’s comment. Spike laughter broke free to join theirs when he glanced at the former vengeance demon, noticing that she wore a puzzled look. She obviously did not understand why everyone thought her comment funny. Willow and Tara joined in the laughter, but Xander stood near the counter, his face red with rage.

Xander could not keep it in any longer. “You find this funny?” his angry voice penetrated their reverie.

“Actually Xander” Joyce smiled at the angry young man. “I find it absolutely hilarious. Spike has been at Giles’ mercy so many times, but it’s not until Buffy decides she wants him as a mate then he decides to act. Don’t you think that’s just a little bit strange?”

Giles answered for him. “I could not kill a helpless creature, Joyce.”

“That’s just rubbish Giles, and you know it” she retorted. “There has to be another reason.”

Spike smirked at the assembled company, before looking directly at Giles.

“Oh, there’s a reason Joyce. You can be sure of that.”

Giles’ venomous look turned to the vampire. “Enlighten us all, Spike. Just why did I not kill you.”

“Why that’s simple, Giles” he replied. “I didn’t kill you father.”

A hush fell over the room as the watcher and the vampire stared at each other.

Spike broke the silence first. “Apart from the last few years, I haven’t been in dear Old Blighty for almost thirty years. There is no way that ‘William the Bloody’ killed your dear old dad.”

If it had not been so tragic, it would have been laughable. The look on Giles’ face was a picture of confusion. He had lived with this for years, and his belief in Spike’s guilt had held true for too long.

“Now,” Spike spoke, his voice contemplative. “Let’s look at the facts as the watcher has presented them, shall we? Fact one, Giles says his father was turned by a vampire calling himself by my moniker. Fact two, I was nowhere near England, never mind London, twenty years ago. Fact three, you would think he would scour the planet looking for me if he was sure I had killed his pater, wouldn’t you? Fact four, why did he tell the slayer, and Captain Forehead, that he had never heard of me when I turned up in Sunnyhell when I had done his family so much damage? Fact five, he had so many opportunities to kill me but never did.”

The assembled group looked questioningly at Giles waiting for answers. None came.

Spurred on by Giles’ silence, Spike continued to speak. “Shall I answer for you, Giles?” Looking each member of the group in eyes before he spoke, he sat back comfortably in his chair and smiled. “I don’t know why you keep telling yourself that I killed your father, but I can tell you now that it wasn’t me. I believe your father was turned, after all, if we vamps can’t kill the slayer then her watcher is a good target. I take it your father was a watcher too Giles, ‘cause I know the job runs in families.”

When Giles gave an almost imperceptible nod, Spike acknowledged it before he continued.

“Ask yourself who told you it was me, Giles. Find them and speak to them before you throw your accusations my way.”

Spike stood up and extended his hand to Buffy.

“Coming luv?” he asked. “We’ve got a date with some demons who want us dead.”

Smiling, Buffy stood and took his hand.

“Can I kill the leader, Spike?” she asked in a playful voice.

“I’m counting on it, luv” was his reply.
Chapter #14 - Chapter 14

For Carla. Your e-mail inspired this chapter my sweet, obrigada. P.S. – that’s the only Portuguese word I know – I hope I spelled it right.

I won runner up for Best New Author at the FL_AWARDS. What a wonderful feeling that is.

This fic has been nominated at Lost In Spike – YOU ALL ROCK

Chapter 14

“They’re at the crypt, luv. You have a plan?”

Holding his hand tighter, she turned slightly to look at him. “Apart from killing everything I see? Nope, not really.”

He couldn’t help himself, he laughed out loud at her comment. This was so like her, and if he was truthful, one of the reasons he loved her.

“We’ve fought worse, Spike. What we need is muscle, but we won’t get any from my so-called friends.” A black look formed on her face as she spoke. Her so-called friends had obviously sided with Giles and Xander, and she felt let down. After the heart to heart with Willow and Tara, she really thought they would have followed them.

Spike could sense her disappointment through the claim. Anger rose inside him as he thought of the number of times she had saved their sorry hides. When they got back from this apocalypse he would take her away from the hellmouth. Fuck her calling; a few months in Iceland would be just the break she needed. Pulling her towards him, he gently kissed her upturned mouth.

“We don’t need them, kitten.” He sounded confident, and she inwardly thanked him for that.

Smiling up at him from the cradle of his arms, she wondered how she had managed to live without him for the past three years. He was her life, and she was so proud of him.

For the first time in a long time, she felt real fear. If she lost him now she would be destroyed. Spike, sensing her distress, held her tighter to him. He didn’t care about anything else in this world except Buffy and her family, and he would do anything to protect them.

When he first started back to Sunnydale, he was willing to lay down his unlife to protect Dawn; but now he wanted nothing more than to survive this fight and be with the woman he loved forever. It was time to take charge.

“Right then, pet. Let’s get a move on and get this over with.” Kissing the top of her head, he pulled her into his full embrace. “I want to get home as quick as we can so I can show you how much you mean to me.”

Turning into his arms, she tightened her own around him. “I love you, Spike.”

“I know, goldilocks.” He kissed her briefly on the lips. “Now let’s go kill some beasties.”

Smiling up at him from the shelter of his arms, she smiled.

“Okay. But I get to kill the head honcho.”


Alone in the crypt, Clem started to panic. He knew Spike and Buffy would be on their way, but he didn’t know how many demons were outside waiting on them. Surely the Scoobies would be coming too, they wouldn’t leave Buffy to stand alone against a horde. At least he hoped not.

Lifting the cell phone from the coffee table, he hit the speed dial that would connect him with Dawn. She would tell him what was happening and help stop his fears. Nibblet wouldn’t lie to him.

Dawn didn’t answer. The phone rang and rang in his hand, but she didn’t answer. Closing the call, he quickly checked he had called the right number, and tried again. Panic and fear were rising inside him, and he didn’t know what to do. Had the demons already got her, he wondered in his agitated state.

His palms started to sweat, yet he felt cold and alone. His hearing picked up on the sounds of movement outside, and he was scared to look out. He had to warn Spike and tried his number on the cell.

This time he got an answer. Spike told him he and Buffy were on their way, and he thanked him for the warning but it wasn’t necessary. He and Buffy would take care of everything. As Spike closed the call, Clem stared at the cell screen for a few moments. It was then he realised that Spike said only he and Buffy were on their way. There was a demon army outside the crypt, and the Scoobies were letting his friend and Buffy walk into a trap.

He had to do something.

He continued to look at the phone for a few minutes longer. If the Scoobies were not willing to help, then who else could he call? Spike had been gone three years, and he had not kept in touch with anyone but Clem in all that time. Even if he still had friends close by, Clem was sure none of them would be willing to help.

Again and again he tried Dawn’s number. She was never without her cell, why did she not have it with her now? His panic rose with each attempt to contact her.


Back in the Magic Box a fierce argument was in progress. Dawn was screaming at Giles and Xander, while Joyce was talking quietly to Willow and Tara. Pandemonium reigned in the room as voices rose in anger.

Joyce held tightly to Willow’s hand as she spoke. “They are both going to die if we don’t help them, Willow. You do understand that?”

Willow turned tear-filled eyes to Joyce. “I don’t know what to do, Joyce? Giles and Xander won’t help and Tara and I can’t do it on our own.”

Staring directly into the red-headed witch’s eyes, Joyce smiled. “You are stronger than all of them Willow. You and Tara together are a force to be reckoned with.” Joyce took a deep breath before she continued. “One or both of them is going to die tonight Willow, and I can’t just sit here and let it happen without doing something. I don’t have superpowers like my daughter or you. I need you to help me.”

Tara squeezed her lover’s hand between her own. Trapped as she was between Joyce and Tara, Willow started to cry in earnest. Stroking Willow’s hair, Tara pulled her head towards her shoulder.

“We have to help her, sweetie. Even if it’s just a protection spell, we have to help Buffy and Spike.”

Lifting her head from Tara’s shoulder, Willow gave her a watery smile. “I know baby, but we need supplies and we don’t know where the demons will take them.”

Suddenly the seriousness of the situation hit Willow hard. “Oh Goddess, Tara. They’re out there alone with nothing to protect them. Why are we even talking about this, we need to get moving.”

Rising from her chair, Tara smiled her encouragement. “Come on, Willow. We’ll take everything we need from here and be on our way. I’ll use a transportation spell to get us to the crypt quickly, but we need to move now.”

Ignoring the sounds of the argument behind them, the two lovers made their way around the store gathering supplies.

Anya, ever the business-woman, noticed them and bristled. “Are you going to pay for that stuff?”

Fear for her friend’s safety made Willow angry. “Shut up, Anya. We’re going to help Buffy no matter what Giles and Xander think.”

Backing down, Anya just nodded her head. She did not like Xander’s attitude to Spike at all. If Buffy wanted to have orgasms with the vampire, it was none of their business.

Willow smiled an apology as she continued to gather the supplies she and Tara might need. Within minutes they had filled two bags, and were already in the process of chanting a transportation spell when Xander noticed they were no longer at the table.

“What the hell are you doing, Willow?” He screamed across the Magic Box. Turning to Anya, he asked her the same question. “What the hell are they doing, Anya?”

Rolling her eyes in exasperation at his clueless attitude, she told him. “They are going to help Buffy and Spike, Xander. And I don’t blame them one bit. You and Giles are so wrapped up in your hatred for Spike, that you’ve stopped seeing the full picture.” Standing up from the table, Anya moved towards the witches. “While you and Giles sit here and spit out bile, I’ll just go with Willow and Tara and help Buffy and Spike. I haven’t used magic for a long time, but I know demons better than any of you, and I know how to kill them.”

Xander, stung for something to say, merely opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. It occurred to him then that they had let Buffy walk out the door to almost certain death and all he was worried about was Spike’s claim. He really needed to help his friend.

“We’ll all go.” He rose from his chair, leaving a fuming Giles behind to deal with Dawn’s anger. The teen had berated them for almost thirty minutes, and they were losing valuable time. Walking to the weapons chest in the back of the room, he lifted various knives, swords and an axe. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Willow and Tara smiled at him. Anya had managed to get him to see reason, and although Willow did not really like her, she had to admire her loyalty to Buffy.

Dawn has stopped her tirade as she noticed that the Scoobies were gathering in force. She had been standing at the table while she screamed at Giles and Xander. Now, as the activity of the Scoobies caught her attention, she smiled a cold smile at Giles.

“You don’t call the shots anymore, Giles.” She taunted him with a smile. “They are all leaving to help her and Spike, and there is nothing you can do to stop them.”

Turning his head, Giles looked at the four young people standing on the upper level of the store. For the first time he noticed they were loaded with supplies and a bright light surrounded them. He knew enough magic to know that Tara had conjured a spell that would get them to the crypt quickly. Mutinously he turned back to the table as his voice resounded in the room.

“Go. All of you just go. You will too late by now, so why should I care. They will keep Buffy alive, and make for Spike. With any luck they will kill him before you get there.”

Four pairs of stunned eyes turned towards him. They had never heard him talk like this before. Even Xander, who hated Spike, was surprised by the venom in Giles’ voice. Taking the initiative, for once, he spoke for the group.

“Spike might not be our choice for a partner for Buffy, but we have to help her. We can’t let her die just so we feel better.” All the women in the room stared at him as he spoke. “Buffy’s our friend Giles, and right now she needs us to be there for her. We’ll deal with the claim thing when this is done.”

Turning to Willow and Tara, he shrugged and smiled. “Now ladies, don’t we have somewhere to be?”

Anya had never been so proud of her man. Even through his prejudice against the vampire, he was going to do the right thing. She leaned up and placed a loving kiss on his cheek.

A blinding light filled the room as the Scoobies disappeared.

Joyce turned angry eyes on Giles. “Call the Council now Giles, or I will. If Spike says he didn’t kill your father, then I believe him. Get the truth out of them tonight, or by God I will.”


Spike and Buffy were fighting for their lives. The more they killed, the more they had to fight. So far the couple had managed to keep the horde at bay, but they both knew it was useless. The demons were not trying to kill them; they were trying to wear them down.

And it was working.

On and on they fought them. They were both getting tired now, and their movements starting to get sluggish, and not all their moves were on target. Muscles in their arms and legs burned with the effort to keep fighting, but they knew they could not afford to stop.

Tears of frustration burned behind Buffy’s eyes as she killed yet another demon. She knew they would never win this fight; they were outnumbered on all sides. Part of her just wanted to give in and let them take her and Spike, but she knew that was their mission.

Inside the crypt, Clem was crying. He could hear the sound of the battle through the thick walls, but he was helpless. He was not a fighter and he knew Buffy and Spike did not need the distraction of trying to keep him safe.

It would be over soon, and his friends would be gone.

The battle raged on. Spike and Buffy were bleeding and badly bruised. Each manoeuvre hurt more than the last, but they were both determined not to give in.

The moon was bright in the darkness of the night. Full and round, its silver light radiated on the fight below. As if by unspoken command, the hordes stood still and stared up at its brightness.

Confused by their actions, Buffy and Spike lifted their eyes to the sky. It was at that moment they realised that tonight was the night of the Blood Red Moon. Already the bottom corner of the silver disc was beginning to turn pink.

Their respite was brief.

Looking quickly at one another, Buffy and Spike nodded in agreement. Through the claim, Spike had told her that now was their chance to run. If you can’t win, then retreat he silently told her. The couple put their bloody hands together, and braced themselves for flight.

Neither could move. They stood immobile, and Spike watched in alarm as Buffy’s eyes grew wide. Only their arms could move, their legs were frozen to the ground.

Paralysed they watched the demons part. Janson walked slowly towards them, his slow hand-clapping loud in the quiet of the night.

“You and your lover fought well slayer, I am pleased.”

“Glad you liked it.” She spat at him. “And just who the fuck are you?”

Janson smiled at her words, and raised a hand to beckon the demons behind him. “Bind them,” he commanded. “We only have a little time to complete the ritual.”

As they felt the chains surround them, Buffy opened her mouth to speak. “Hey, asshole. I asked a fucking question. Just who the fuck are you?”

Turning his attention to the slayer, Janson smiled showing his black teeth. “Why I am the one who is going to kill your mate, and then I’ll watch you die.”

Spike looked threateningly at the demon. “The slayer asked for a name, wanker. If I’m going to die, don’t you think she deserves that?”

“Why of course, vampire.” Continuing to smile at the bound pair before him, he proudly spoke. “I am Jansen of Salano, and your lover is going to pay for killing my wife.”


Clem’s ear was pressed to the crypt door. He had heard the fighting stop and he wondered what was happening. Scared to open the door, he stood still listening to every word that was said. Hoping that either Spike or Buffy would manage to get the demon to tell them where he was taking them, he silently prayed they would think to ask him.

Jansen of Salano. Clem would remember that name till the day he left this world. He had never heard of Jansen, but he had heard of Salano. The place was a byword for torture in the demon world. This did not look good.

As he heard the demons leave carrying Buffy and Spike into the darkness, he wondered what to do. It was obvious by now that the Scoobies had decided not to help, so who would listen to him. As he stood confused about his next move, the crypt filled with light.

Turning quickly, he stared at the sight before him. Standing in the middle of the crypt stood the Scoobies. They looked a little disorientated, but they were here. His heart turned over in his chest – the cavalry had arrived.

And they were too late. Buffy and Spike were gone and not a trace of the battle was in sight.

Collapsing amongst the weapons, they started to get it together. Traces of blood could be seen on Tara’s nose, and Clem knew she had been the one to bring them here. Smiling at her, he immediately told them all he knew.

As he mentioned Jansen’s name, Anya jumped slightly in fright.

“Clem, are you sure he said he was Jansen of Salano?” she asked.

Nodding his head in confirmation, Clem repeated what he had heard.

Anya looked at the rest of the Scoobies, her concern clearly showing on her face. “Salano is in the fourth dimension. It’s a world where torture is the norm, and kindness a sign of weakness that must be destroyed. Jansen is one of the Kings of Salano, and he is all powerful.”

Xander, Willow and Tara stared at her as she continued to speak. “That’s why we couldn’t find him. He is beyond earth magic, and he is powerful in his own right. What I don’t understand is why he has come to kill the slayer.”

“He said that Buffy was going to pay for killing his wife.” Clem said quietly.

Anya stared at him. “Buffy killed his wife? When did that happen, Clem?”

“He didn’t say, Anya. All he said was that Buffy was going to pay.”

Hands clasped together, she thought about what Clem said. Anya looked at the floor. “Jansen enjoys torture, and he is good at what he does. If he intends to hurt Spike and make Buffy suffer, then that is what he will do.”

Willow started forward until she felt Tara hold her arms. Every instinct Willow possessed made her want to vent her frustration on Anya, but the ex-demon was only telling the truth.

“So,” she spat. “Because we couldn’t decide whether to help Buffy or not, she and Spike are now under this Jansen’s power?”

“Looks that way, Willow” Anya replied, her voice devoid of emotion. “No location spell will find him, and he will have cloaked his lair so well that we won’t be able to find Spike and Buffy until it’s too late.”

Tara had to use every ounce of strength she had to stop Willow from striking Anya. It was not Anya’s fault they were too late, but Willow needed someone to blame. Frustration and anger made Willow strong, and Tara noticed that her lover’s eyes were turning black.

As quickly as her anger had risen it subsided. Willow realised that this was not the time to deal with emotions; they had to find Buffy and Spike.

“We will find them Anya, and we won’t be too late.” Willow said confidently. “We will find them and get them out of there, if it’s the last thing we ever do.”

Gently she eased out of Tara’s arms, and turned to her supplies.

“Now, let’s get this show on the road shall we?”


In the depths of the lair, Buffy was leaning against the cold wall. The chains binding her were strong and she was weak from the fight and loss of blood. Determined not to let this Jansen prick get to her, she kept her eyes on Spike.

Across the room, the screams of her lover tortured her soul. His ordeal had begun as soon as they had been brought here, and his blood covered the floor. Paler than usual with the lack of blood, he was slowly losing consciousness. Symbols had been carved into his beautiful chest, and he currently hung from the ceiling to let gravity draw the blood from his body.

Jansen was laughing at every scream he managed to get from Spike. It had taken an hour before Spike let his agony out. He had taunted the demon torturing him, and Jansen had increased his ministrations as a result. So far he had cut him, burned him with torches, painted him with holy water and rubbed him with a cross.

Buffy could feel every bit of pain through the claim. He had tried to block it from her, but he was too far gone now to stop it. Her body was twisting in time with his, but she kept her mouth closed.

She would not let Jansen win.


Tara and Willow were sitting cross-legged in the protective circle they had drawn around themselves. Black candles burned high, their scent filling the room. Anya was chanting outside the circle, and Xander was sitting on the sofa beside Clem.

“We need the G-man, Clem.”

Clem turned towards the young man beside him. “No, we don’t. He wants Spike dead no matter what it will do to Buffy. Even if he knew anything Xander, he would point us in the wrong direction just for spite.”

Xander let his head drop into his hands. “You’re right, Clem. He won’t help us with this.”

Putting a floppy-skinned arm around Xander’s shoulders, he spoke quietly. He did not want to disturb the witches. “We don’t need him. The girls will find her Xander, and then we will get them out of there.”

Turning tortured tear-filled eyes on Clem, Xander smiled a weak smile. “It’s all my fault, Clem. I didn’t want to help, and we stayed too long at the Magic Box. I agreed with Giles all the way. It was Anya that persuaded me I was an idiot and that we had to help.”

“Anya was right, Xander. You have a hell of a woman there, don’t ever let her go.”

Xander opened his mouth to speak, but the light from the candles burst into a high flame. Quickly his eyes were drawn to the sight of Willow floating in the air, her eyes shining black in the candlelight. Anya’s head was thrown back, words he did not understand pouring from her mouth. Tara had risen from her place on the floor, her eyes closed as she continued the incantation.

Suddenly a light broke over the sarcophagus at the edge of the crypt. As if a large screen TV had appeared out of nowhere, the Scoobies and Clem could see inside Jansen’s lair. With perfect clarity they could see Spike hanging from the ceiling. Buffy was bound to the wall, her eyes staring at their torturer as her mate’s wounds bled out on the floor.

A feeling of nausea rose in Xander’s throat. Spike was almost unrecognisable due to the number of injuries on his body. If it had not been for the peroxide hair, he would not have believed it was Spike. Clem made a noise beside him, and Xander looked at him.

“Spike’s lost too much blood. If we don’t get him out of there soon, he’ll dust.”

Xander could think of nothing to say, and his eyes strayed back to the vision above the sarcophagus. They might be able to see what was going on, but they still didn’t know where the hell they were.

The scene in the vision changed. Now they could see the entrance to the lair. Xander knew exactly where they were. They were in the caves near the beach, and they needed to get there fast.

As quickly as it appeared, the vision disappeared. It had done its job, now they had to move. Willow slowly descended to the floor, and the candles returned to their normal flame. Turning her head slowly towards Xander, she looked him in the eye.

“Did you see where they are, Xander?” she asked, her voice eerily calm.

It took a few seconds before he could answer her. Her eyes were still black, and there were streaks of black in her hair. Black lines radiated on her face, and she looked ready to kill. Shaking his head to clear it, he nodded a response.

Willow merely nodded back to him as she bent to pick up her supplies.

“Time to go” she told the occupants of the crypt.


Buffy didn’t know how much more of this Spike could take. She could feel his life ebb away through the claim, and she could not stop the tears filling her eyes. They had just found each other, and now they would be separated forever. Even the claim was ebbing away.

For the first time in her life, Buffy prayed. She prayed to God, to Allah, to anyone who would listen.

Their torturer had been right. Watching Spike die like this was killing her, and she didn’t want to live without him.

It was then she heard it; the soft whispers of voices, and the clink of weapons.

Jansen had dismissed his minions to enjoy themselves in Sunnydale while he held the slayer captive. The only sounds that had been heard in the last hours had been Spike’s screams and her sobs.

It was hard to hear just what it could be. She was sure that it wasn’t the sound of minions; they would not dare come back while their master was having so much fun. Had someone come to help them?

As the Scoobies approached the chamber, Willow leading them further into the caves, their eyes watched her closely. Since leaving the crypt, the blackness that had surrounded her appearance seemed to increase. By now her hair was completely black, and the lines on her face and neck were more pronounced. Only Anya and Tara knew what this meant, and they hoped they would be able to bring her back from the abyss.

Spike’s screams and Buffy sobs led them to the chamber. Stopping outside, Willow gathered her inner strength. Even with the blackness around her, she knew that the killing of Jansen was Buffy’s right.

Legs apart, black hair tickling her face, Willow lifted her arms into the air.


Suddenly the door opened wide, its heavy weight banging loudly against the wall. Slowly Willow lowered her arms to her sides, and she turned her open palms towards the chamber doorway. Rising from the floor, she floated into the room.

Jansen, taken aback at being disturbed, stared at the witch floating towards him. At first he laughed manically as he wondered just what power a human witch would have over him.


Flying back against the wall, Jansen stood frozen. His eyes grew wide in fear. This human witch was the most powerful he had ever seen, and he knew his life was over.

Still floating in the air, Willow turned towards Buffy.


Immediately the chains binding Buffy dropped away. Looking around her for a weapon, she suddenly found one thrust into her hands by Xander. Giving him a tight smile of gratitude, she walked slowly towards Jansen.

“You really thought you could kill me, did you?” Anger made her voice heavy, and her intention was written clearly in her eyes. “Better than you have tried that mister, and they are all dead.”

Lifting the sword high in both hands, she thrust sideways aiming for Jansen’s neck.

She did not miss.

As the demon King’s head rolled across the floor, Buffy did not even look at it. Instead she turned pleading eyes on Willow. Nodding her head in understanding, Willow repeated the word that would free Spike from his bindings. As he fell to the floor, Buffy ran forward to catch him.

Tears fell down her face in a steady stream. She was not sure how she would be able to save him without sacrificing herself. He needed so much blood to heal and she only had so much to give.

Willow could sense her friend’s distress, and knew how she could help. Slowly she descended to the floor, and closed her eyes.

“Caedes” she whispered into the quiet room.

Packets of blood floated through the air. More blood than they would ever need, but what the hell. Catching a packet as it floated by, Buffy used her sword to open it. Carefully she fed the blood mouthful my mouthful to Spike.

It took an hour. An hour of constantly feeding him, and ten packets of blood. He was not fully healed, but at least they could move him now. Buffy knew that once he had a taste of her slayer blood, he would be almost back to full strength.

And when she shared her blood with him, there would not be an audience.

Lifting her lover from the floor of the chamber, she held him tightly in her arms.

“Let’s go home, Spike” she whispered in his ear. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Spike was starting to take in his surroundings. While he had drunk the blood, all his demon wanted to do was slake its thirst. Now he was coming back to earth, and for the first time he noticed the witches standing next to the whelp and his girlfriend. He knew in the back of his mind that they had saved them, but he was too beat up to care.

Now he was standing up, using his mate for support. She was holding him tenderly and he could feel her love through the claim. As they walked out of the chamber, he kicked at Jansen’s severed head.

“So pet, you killed the big bad for me.”

Smiling up at her mate, she replied. “Told you I would.”

Holding her close to his side, Spike bent his head to her ear. “That you did, pet. That you did.”


Sorry for the long delay. To all the loyal readers who e-mailed and gave me hell for not updating, I apologise. To everyone else, I thank you for your patience, and I promise the last chapter will be up very soon.

Gillypod x x x

Chapter #15 - Chapter 15
Chapter 15

Back in the Magic Box, the argument between Giles and Joyce continued to escalate. Raised voices could be heard through the closed door, echoing loudly in the street. As Buffy and Spike approached, holding tightly to each other for support, their faces turned pale in panic. It really sounded as though Joyce was building up to kill Giles.

In spite of their injuries, they increased their pace. Enough blood had been spilled tonight, without Joyce and Giles adding to the mix. As they approached the door, they were surprised when it was opened wide by Dawn.

“I’ve been so worried about you,” she cried as she flung her arms about the couple. Her relief at the sight of their return, made her careless. Their injuries did not seem to register with her as she held them close. Buffy winced at the bear hug enfolding her, and she knew Spike was trying his best not to flinch in his nibblet’s tight hold.

“We’re glad to see you too, nibblet,” murmured Spike into her long brown hair. Tears of relief and joy poured from Dawn’s eyes, mixing with the blood covering his chest.

Looking up from his shoulder, she turned tear-filled eyes to his face. For the first time she noticed that Spike was badly injured. Panic turned her pale as she swung her head towards Buffy. Her sister was in a far more stable state than her friend, but she still looked in pain.

Smiling at Dawn, Buffy was quick to reassure her. “We just need to heal, Dawn. A couple of hours of rest, and we’ll both be good as new.”

Dawn looked in open-mouthed astonishment at her sister. “Have you seen what you look like, Buffy?” She cried, her distress unhidden in her voice. “You both look like hell, and you both need a shower.”

A small chuckle escaped from Spike. “You’re not wrong there, nibblet. I could do with washing the smell of that bloody cave out of my hair.”

Buffy turned to her mate, a huge grin lighting up her face. “Can I join you, Spike?” she asked innocently through her smile. “God,” he breathed. “I hope so.”

Laughing out loud, she tightened her grip on him. “Then let’s get moving lover.”

Spike had already decided that the best way to deal with the argument raging in the Magic Box was to ignore it. Striding through the door, Buffy’s hand held tightly in his, he did his best to ignore the pain raging through his limbs. Buffy could feel his intention through the claim, and decided to take her lead from him.

“Joyce,” Spike’s voice resonated around the room. “Buffy and I would like to go back to your house and clean up, if you don’t mind.”

Turning at the sound of his voice, Joyce felt all her anger at Giles dissipate. She had been so sure that neither of them would return, that she had vented all her frustration on Giles. Relief filled her heart as she stared at the bloody and broken couple in the doorway. While her head took in the sight of their bedraggled state, her anger at Giles returned. Whipping round she caught sight of Giles’ shocked face. It became obvious to her at that point he had expected Spike to die, and if Buffy had died too he wouldn’t have cared.

Buffy knew her mother was ready to argue with Giles, and she really wanted to get home.

“Mom,” she said. “Can we just go home?”

Joyce knew her anger with Giles could wait. Her baby needed her and that was all that mattered. Keeping silent was one of the hardest things she had ever done, as she simple nodded her head and made her way towards them. “The car’s just outside, Buffy. Let’s get you and Spike home.”

Smiling her gratitude, Buffy helped her mate walk towards the car. Looking over her shoulder at her friends, she smiled tightly at them. She was not ready to forgive them just yet, but she was prepared to acknowledge their help.

“We’ll talk later guys. Right now I just want to get home.”

Willow started to walk towards her, but Tara held her back. “Not now, sweetie” she whispered to her. “Let them be for now, they need to talk and we’d only be in the way.” Tears in her eyes, Willow nodded her agreement. She knew Buffy was angry with them, and she hoped they would be able to heal the breech. Maybe they could visit them tomorrow.

Buffy could almost see the thoughts churning in her friend’s head. She knew she would not be able to talk to any of them for some time yet, but she didn’t want to hurt them. “Willow, why don’t you just go home too? Spike and I will come and visit when we’re healed and we can have a nice long chat.”

Spike squeezed her tight into the crook of his arm. He knew that at this precise moment, she didn’t want to see any of them again, but he knew she would feel differently soon. Turning pleading eyes to Joyce, he silently asked for her help. Understanding immediately his silent message, Joyce decided to intervene.

“Willow, Tara, please go home. I need to get Buffy and Spike home as quickly as possible.” A coldness that none of her friends had ever heard before entered her tone as she continued to speak. “I’m sure you all understand that this has been a traumatic time for all of us, and we need some time alone.”

Hurt and confusion poured from the four friends as they watched in silence as Joyce helped Buffy and Spike into the car. Dawn walked by with her head high determined to ignore them all. Taking her place next to her mother in the passenger seat of the car, she turned her eyes to her sister and smiled.

“You do know you both of you smell like a sewer.”

Laughingly Buffy replied. “And you are such an expert on sewers, Dawnie.”

“Well it’s not like you haven’t brought that smell into the house before, Buffy.”

Joyce’s face broke into smiles. Her girls were safe and the danger was over. Spike was back, and Buffy was happy.

The journey home did not take long, but Spike could feel his pain increase. He needed blood, badly, and he needed to renew the claim on his mate. The loss of blood had weakened him and the claim had started to wane. Turning his face against her neck, he slowly licked his mark. As a shiver ran through her body, he smiled against her. She still wanted him, and his touch still turned her on.

For the first time in over twenty-four hours he felt happy and content.

As Joyce turned into the driveway, she noticed Clem sitting on the steps. He looked worried and upset and she smiled to herself. Now this was a real friend to her daughter, and he would always be welcome in her home.

As they alighted from the car, Dawn ran up to Clem and hugged him tight. “They’re alive, Clem. They’re a bit beat up, but they’ll be fine.” A huge smile of relief lit up his wrinkled face, and he held tightly to Dawn.

Finally disentangling himself from Buffy’s hold, he limped toward his friend his hand held out in gratitude.

“Thanks for being here Clem, Buffy and I really appreciate it.”

Clem quickly took in the extent of Spike’s injuries, and came to a decision. “You need blood, Spike. Gimme about half an hour, and I’ll be back with some.”

“That’ll be good, Clem” Spike agreed. “The witch managed to get me some in the cave, but I hate anything made from magic. A l’ll bit of A neg would go down a treat.”

Glad to finally be of use, Clem smiled his reply. Joyce and Dawn knew instinctively that Buffy and Spike needed to be alone, and Clem was pleased when Joyce offered to give him a ride.

Standing arm in arm on the porch, Buffy and Spike watched Joyce reverse down the driveway. Reluctantly Dawn had agreed to go with her, but the cheeky smile she sent their way let them know she had only put up a token resistance.

“Come on, Spike” Buffy whispered. “Let’s get these clothes off and have a shower.”

Leering lovingly at her, Spike whispered back. “I’ll let you take mine off if you let me take yours off.”

Playfully she hit him on the shoulder. “You’re such a pig, Spike”

“But I’m you’re pig, kitten, and don’t you forget it.”

A warm feeling passed through her as she looked into his eyes. Love and devotion shone from his eyes, and she felt her body clench in response.

“What are we waiting for, lover”

“Damned if I know, pet.”

In spite of their injuries, they made it to the bathroom in record time. Quickly turning on the taps to allow the water to heat, Buffy turned back to Spike and started to carefully remove his clothes. They may want to be naked as soon as possible, but the depth of his injuries meant that haste was not an option. Dried blood had crusted his clothes to his skin, and she could feel him wince as she pulled his tattered jeans down his legs.

Concentrating on removing his ruined clothing, she knelt on the floor at his feet as she drew his jeans past his long elegant feet. When she felt his hand on her shoulder to help steady himself, she looked up towards his eyes. They never made it that far. Directly in her line of vision, Spike’s cock stood large and proud. Smiling, she simply shook her head.

“You’ve lost blood, you’ve been beaten up by a demon till you almost died, and you can still get a hard-on?”

Spike moved his hand into her hair. Dirty and dishevelled, she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever met in his life. “I have the woman I love on her knees at my feet, and you wonder why I have a hard-on?” he laughingly asked.

Buffy’s eyes filled with love as she looked up at her mate. “I need to take care of that little problem.” Spike’s eyes filled with lust as he looked down at her shining eyes, and his cock hardened even more. He watched enthralled as her little pink tongue poked out between her lips. As the small pointed tip of her tongue made contact with the swollen head of his cock, he hissed in pleasure.

A quick flick of her tongue and a few deep sucks, and he was ready to lose his load there and then. Fighting hard to keep control, he pushed his hands further into her hair and yanked her up from the floor. Bringing her mouth under his, he plundered her soft, tender lips. Her mouth opened immediately against his, and he plunged his tongue into her depths.

Moments later, he pulled gently back from her. “Come on, goldilocks. Let’s get under that shower before there’s no hot water left.”

He quickly helped her shed her clothes, piles of laundry scattered across the floor, yet neither cared in their haste to wash the stink of the demon from their bodies. As the water cascaded down, it ran dark red with the mixture of filth and blood. As they gently washed the grime from each other, the extent of their injuries became apparent. Spike was covered in deep wounds, some still bleeding, while Buffy was badly bruised from almost head to toe.

They stayed under the water until it started to cool. Spike held her close against his chest as he turned off the taps. Happily they moved into each other arms, holding their love close between them.

“Let’s get you dry, pet” Spike whispered against her wet hair. “Don’t want you to catch a cold now do we?”

Smiling at him, Buffy simply nodded. A look of mischief in her eyes, she slowly wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. “You gonna dry me, Spike? You wanna dry me all over with a big fluffy towel till I’m pink and glowing?”

Spike stared at her for a few moments before he burst out laughing. “I’d prefer to dry you with my tongue pet, but we’re both cold and weak.” Wrapping the towel around her, he made sure her arms were closed inside the towel. “But I promise you this sweetheart, as soon I’m healed I’m gonna lick you from top to bottom.” His voice deepened as he continued. “Especially the bottom.”

Buffy’s face turned from pink to beetroot red. “You’re so predictable, vampire.”

“And don’t you just love it, pet”

Wriggling one of her hands free from the hold of the towel, she caressed his cheek. “That I do, Spike. I love you very much.”

Spike’s head moved against her hand as he smiled down at her. “Let get you into bed Buffy, before you change your mind.” Lifting her easily into his arms, he made his way to her room, her face cuddled against his shoulder in trust. He was still naked, and water sat in pools against his skin. Buffy snuggled closer, her mouth licking greedily at the clean water flavoured with his unique taste.

Totally distracted, Spike almost dropped her on the bed. This woman held his heart in her tiny strong hands, and he wouldn’t be anywhere else in the world. Standing her upright beside him, he pulled the covers back from the bed, and lifted her between the sheets.

“Now scoot over woman, so I can get under there with you.”

Smiling up at her mate, Buffy moved her body into a provocative pose as she pulled the covers back in welcome. Spike didn’t hesitate, and his body was under the covers in record time. He drew her into his embrace, just happy to hold her next to his skin.

His body absorbed her sighs of contentment as she snuggled closer to him. Her leg was thrown over his hips, and he could smell her arousal. He really wanted to be fully healed before he made love to her, but she was just too inviting. Suddenly, he could stand it no longer and he pulled her mouth to his.

Raw passion burned between them. Lips, teeth and tongues fought for dominance as they writhed against each other. Spike moved lithely down the bed to capture one distended nipple between his teeth. Buffy hissed her satisfaction as her body arched against his talented mouth. Her hands wandered over his tight body, desperately seeking his proud cock. Softly stroking him from base to tip, she could feel his body undulate in her hold. She was shocked when he suddenly removed himself from her grasp.

“What’s wrong, Spike?” she asked, tears forming in her eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”

Spike remembered at that moment just how inexperienced she was. Kissing her soundly to reassure her, he pulled her body against his. “You did nothing wrong, Buffy. In fact it was too good, another couple of strokes from you soft hand and this would have been over too soon.”

When her brightened into a huge smile, Spike knew he had said the right thing to reassure her.

“Really?” she asked in wonder.

“Yes, really.” He replied. “Now open those pretty legs for me, Buffy. I’ve not seen my pussy for hours and it’s time had a little chat with it.”

Giggling uncontrollably, Buffy moved the covers out of their way and open herself to his gaze.

The soft lamplight bathed her body in shadows, and Spike though he had never seen anything so beautiful. Legs wide, she bared herself to his gaze. Unable to resist her, slowly drew his fingers through the damp dew on her nether lips. Fascinated by the changes in colour of her pussy, he continued to stroke her gently as her lips swelled under his touch. Carefully he used his fingers to open her further to his gaze. Liquid, fragrant and sweet coated his fingers, and he knew he had to taste her. Dipping his head slowly, he kept his eyes on hers as his tongue made contact with her pulsating clit.

Pointing his tongue, he pushed the hard tip against her. Hard and fast he tongued her while her body thrashed beneath his mouth. This was his Goddess, his love and his life. He would do this forever if she asked him too.

Within moments he felt her body start to convulse. Stopping immediately, he moved slightly up her body and placed his chin on her mound. Chin shiny from her juices, and his face covered in smiles, he waited on her protests.

“Wha?” she cried, body shaking at being denied its orgasm. “Why have you stopped?” Frustration made her angry, and she tried to push his head back between her legs.

Spike laughed as he playfully resisted all her attempt to move his mouth back to her clit. “Now, now pet. No need for that. Spike’s gonna make you feel real good.”

“Spike would make me feel good in about two damned seconds if he put his mouth back where it should be.” She almost screamed at him.

Laughing hard at her outburst, he quickly covered her body with his. When she felt his large cocked poised at her entrance, she smiled at him and batted her eyes.

“Here I am looking forward to a nice licking, and what do I get in its place. A great big ‘thing’ that wants to be inside me.”

Pushing between her swollen lips, he relished in her answering movements against him. He knew she needed this connection as much as he did, and wanted to please her. A rhythm as old as time rocked them together.

Spike was in so deep he could feel the tip of his cock against her cervix. Angling her legs higher and wider, he changed his position slightly until he was pushing against her sweet spot.

Buffy’s eyes flew wide as each stroke took her higher and higher into heaven. She felt her legs start to weaken and the feeling of impending orgasm floated through her body. Spike could feel her vaginal walls flutter around him, and knew that the moment was right.

Game face slipping forward, he moved his mouth over his mark. Fangs descending, he bit gently into his mate. Her sweet blood poured over his tongue, flavoured with her love and devotion. Tears sprang to his yellowed eyes as he whispered around his fangs.


Her orgasm hit her like a freight train. She came hard in his embrace, and in some still working part of her brain she knew she had to renew the claim. Moving her mouth to her mark, she bit down hard till she felt the skin tear. His blood trickled into her mouth as she felt him come inside her.

“Yours,” she whispered against his throat.

His body dropped heavily against hers as exhaustion overcame him. He had used all his residual strength to see to his woman, and now he knew he needed time to heal. Her blood was zinging through his veins and he could feel some of his really bad wounds start to heal. He needed more blood to heal properly, but he was determined that his demon would only take a sip.

Languidly, he moved his sated body from the shelter of hers. Lying next to her, he pulled her into his embrace.

“Have you any idea how much I love you, Buffy?”

“Uh huh,” she answered, her brain too fried to speak.

Spike laughed softly at her reply. “Sleep now, pet. It’s been a long day and you need your rest.”

Eyes closed, she moved closer to him. “You’ll be here when I wake up?” she asked dreamily.

“You can count on it, sweetheart. I’ll never leave you again.”

“Love you, Spike” she dreamily mouthed as sleep took over.

Pulling her closer to him, he placed his cheek against the top of her head and revelled in the fact that the wonderful woman loved him as much as he loved her.

As sleep started to overtake him, he heard movement downstairs. Gently he moved from Buffy’s tight embrace, and slowly rose from the bed. He didn’t want her to wake, but he knew that Clem had returned with his badly needed blood. He knew he could pull on his badly stained and torn jeans, and he quietly made his way around Buffy’s room looking for something to wear. Finally he found a pair of baggy sweats and a rather large tee-shirt. Pulling them over his body, he reminded himself that he would ask her who originally owned them when she woke.

Softly he descended the stairs, careful not to wake her. Walking quietly into the kitchen area, he watched transfixed as Joyce happily packed the fridge with blood packets handed to her by Clem. Dawn, her smile brightening her face, waved cheekily at him as she spoke.

“Hi Spike. Is Buffy sleeping?”

“Yeah, nibblet. It’s been a bitch of a day and she needs her beauty sleep.”

Smiling mischievously, Dawn looked him in the eye. “Was she having a nightmare, Spike, ‘cause we heard the screaming down here?”

If a vampire could turn red, then Spike would have been the colour of tomato soup. He had not heard them enter the house, and he realised that Buffy and he had been too busy to notice anything other than their feelings for each other.

The look of consternation of Spike’s face was a sight to behold. Joyce decided to come to his rescue. None of the occupants in the kitchen had any doubt what had been happening upstairs when they entered the house. The sound of Buffy’s orgasm had been enough to wake the dead.

“Sit down Spike, while I heat some of this blood in the microwave.”

Spike could not meet her eyes. He was a vampire for goodness sake, nothing he did in his un-life should cause him embarrassment, but this loving woman made him feel like a child with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

“Thanks Joyce, you’re the best”

Dawn couldn’t resist teasing her friend. “Spike, how can Mom be the best? Not ten minutes ago we all heard your best.”

Joyce turned startled eyes on Dawn before bursting into gales of laughter. “Dawn, stop teasing Spike and let him drink.”

“’Kay Mom,”

Spike kept his eyes on his mug as he lifted it towards his mouth. Joyce had heated it to perfection, and he knew he needed it. Trying not to just open his mouth and swallow as he wanted to, he delicately sipped at the deep red liquid.

He could feel his body accept the sustenance with pleasure. Bones started to shift beneath his skin as they knitted together. Wounds closed and bruises started to melt away. Boosted by slayer blood, he knew he would be back to normal within hours.

As he finished his third mug, Joyce ushered him into the lounge. Motioning him to sit, she moved to the other side of the room to sit opposite him.

“We need to talk about Giles, Spike.”

He looked at her, his distaste at the sound of his enemy’s name clear on his face. “No, we really don’t Joyce.”

Joyce was not to be deterred. “Yes, we really do, Spike.” Taking a deep breath, she looked directly at him. “Tell me the truth Spike, did you kill his father.”

“Joyce,” he sighed. “I hadn’t set foot in England in over forty years until I went to the Council for help a few years back. There is no way I turned his father.”

“Well someone did Spike, and he really believes it was you.”

Spike sat back against the couch letting his head roll back. He looked thoughtfully at the ceiling before he replied.

“When did he start to say I was responsible for his father’s death?”

“He said nothing about it until you came back, Spike.”

Letting his head drop back, he looked thoughtfully at Joyce. “Someone has convinced him that I did it Joyce, and we need to find out who that was.”

“Have you any ideas, Spike?” Joyce asked.

“There’s only two that I can think of.” Lips curling in anger, Spike continued. “I think it’s either the Council of Wankers or Peaches.”

Joyce nodded her head in agreement. “It’s a bit obvious, but I came to the same conclusion.”

Suddenly Joyce stood up and paced the room. “Angel has nothing to gain from seeing you dead, Spike.” Catching the look of amusement on his face, she smiled. “Well let’s just say totally dead then. But the Council have a lot to gain from your demise.”

Spike could see the truth in her words. “The Council made sure I was neutered for life by giving me back my soul. They also didn’t like it when I told them I wasn’t working for them any more. Peaches knew I was on my way here to help Dawn, because I made the mistake of dropping in on the poof on my way here. He might be living the dream by playing happy families with Cordelia and his devil spawn, but he will always thought he had a claim on Buffy’s affection.”

Joyce continued to look at him with her full attention. “We need to sort this out before you take Buffy to Iceland.”

Shocked that she should guess he intended to take Buffy away from Sunnydale, he simply stared at her open-mouthed.

Smiling, Joyce continued to speak. “You need to get her away from the hellmouth for a while, and where better to take her than your own home. I’ll miss you both of course, but I understand.”

“How did you know I want to get her out of here, Joyce?”

“Well, that’s really simple Spike. You love her.”

“More than words can say, Joyce.”

“I know, Spike. I’ve always known you loved her.”

Spike smiled at the gentle woman across from him. “Was I that obvious, Joyce?”

“To a mother Spike, yes,” she replied simply.

Suddenly tired, Spike rose from the couch. “I’m going back to bed, Joyce. I’m just not up to discussing Giles right now, and to be honest I don’t think I will be tomorrow either; but I will do my best.”

“Goodnight Spike.” Joyce called to his retreating back. “Make sure the curtains are closed. We don’t want Buffy to wake up as Mr and Mrs ‘Big Pile of Dust’.”

Turning back, Spike smiled and walked towards her. Bending his head he placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “You are one helluva woman Joyce Summers.”

She laid a soft hand against his cheek, and smiled back at him. “And you will make my daughter one helluva mate, Spike what-ever-your-name-is.”

“Night Joyce, we’ll talk more in the morning once Buffy’s awake and we’re fully healed.”

Still smiling at the retreating back of the vampire, Joyce waited until he had climbed the stairs before returning to the kitchen. Dawn and Clem were sitting happily at the counter playing poker when she entered, and she promptly sat beside Dawn.

“Clem,” she said softly, determined not to wake Buffy or alert Spike.

“I need information, and I need it fast.” Determination made her voice hard, and Clem stared at her. “I want to know who has fed Giles this bullshit about Spike, and I don’t know where to start. I want you to help me find out.”

Clem continued to look at her, his eyes going wide. “I’m not really sure what you want me to do, Joyce?”

“I don’t want you to do anything, Clem. I just want to know how to get in touch with Angel and the Council of Watchers. Someone is going to pay for trying to take any chance of happiness away from my daughter.”

Rising from his place at the island, Clem nodded. “Getting hold of Angel won’t be too hard, Mrs Summers, but the Council of Watchers might be a bit more difficult.”

“Find a way for me, Clem” Joyce declared. “I am going to sort this out once and for all. I want no more threats to my family, particularly from people she regarded as her friends.”

Nodding his understanding, Clem turned to leave. Even if it took all the money he had, and all the friends he knew, he would find the information she wanted.

Spike and Buffy deserved it.

Chapter #16 - Chapter 16
Chapter 16

He was sore, but comfortable. His love was lying soft in his arms, her thick blonde mane caressing his torso like satin.

How he loved this woman.

Most of the wounds had healed now, but the more stubborn writing on his chest was taking its time to fade. Two days and three nights he had lain in her bed while she tended him. Mugs of wonderful warm blood seemed to appear from nowhere and he had drunk them down like a starving man.

Careful sips of her nourishing slayer blood had helped him heal in record time. Many times they had renewed the claim, not always biting over the marks on their necks. The inside of his love’s thighs were covered with his toothed kisses; and his ass cheeks felt slightly tender from her bites. She was no vampire, that was true, and to mark him she had had to tear his flesh. He did not care, her scars he would bear with pride.

Staring up at the darkened ceiling from the comfort of her bed, he pulled her closer to him as his thoughts turned to the problem of Giles. The man seriously thought his father had been turned by him, and he didn’t know how to disprove it. The Council of Wankers would know the truth, but they were unlikely to help him.

He lay in state of contemplation for some time. His body lay still as death while his mind worked overtime trying to find an answer to the riddle of Giles’ father’s death. Why would the Council do this to him when he had worked so hard on their behalf? Yes, he had retired from their active service, but he still killed demons on his travels. They should be bloody grateful for all he had done, not try to stop him helping Buffy.

It struck him then why they had done it. The Council wanted her dead, and this had been their last hope. They had thrown everything at her from the First to a Hell God and she had survived it all. Her rebellious nature had become too much for them, and they had been willing to sacrifice her family for their ends.

In all his years as a vampire, he had believed them to be fools corrupted by the power they had over a slip of a girl. Suddenly he saw them with clear eyes. They had waited years for her to fall and replace her with a more biddable champion, but she had outlived all slayers before her.

The best slayer they had ever had, and now they wanted to kill her. Why was he surprised? They had tried to kill on her 18th birthday and she had beaten them, even without her powers.

They had been very clever this time. The Council would have known of the prophecy for years and would have been happy to wait to see what life would throw at her. If she was still alive when the Blood Red Moon was high over Sunnydale, they would let it take its course. If she had already been dead, they would have stopped the demons before the prophecy could take effect.

The bastards had played everyone at their own game. They had known that Dawn would contact him, and just what his reaction would be. Telling Giles that he had killed and turned his father had been their Ace card. Knowing he would return to Sunnydale to try and save his Nibblet, they had poisoned Giles against him.

Their plan had been almost perfect, except that the demons had been defeated, and the slayer and her family were safe.

For now.

By now the Council would know they had failed. He had to wake her up; they had to plan how to stop them coming after her again.

Short of blowing up their London offices, he could think of nothing to help them. Angel would be of little use, and Giles was too far gone in his hatred to even contemplate asking him for help.

Their only hope was trying to convince Giles that he was wrong. He wondered if that were possible.

His thoughts were so deep he didn’t notice her stir at his side. Sleepily a small hand made its way slowly down his chest to tangle in the harsh curls covering his sex. Spike’s dick started to come to life and his thoughts turned from their dilemma to her soft hand now circling him. Kissing her softly on the top of her head, he gently disentangled her hand.

Confused at his actions, Buffy raised her head slightly to look at him. She pouted up at him in disappointment as he raised her hand to his lips to kiss her fingers.

“As much as I like you kissing my hand Spike, it really wants to play” she mumbled sleepily at him.

Laughing softly at her comment, he bent his head and kissed her soundly.

“I know, pet” he murmured softly against her lips. “But we have to get up and get dressed.”

When her lips became a full blown pout, he couldn’t resist kissing her again. Her free hand tangled in his hair as she held his mouth against hers. On and on the kiss continued, tongues and teeth battling for dominance. When Spike knew she needed to breathe, he gently moved his mouth to nibble at his mark on her neck.

Her arousal perfumed around him. Fighting his own urges was one of the hardest things he had ever done, but they needed to fix the Council. As her little kitten mewls reached his ears, he was lost.

The battle with the Council could wait another half hour or so.


While Spike had been healing, Joyce and Clem had been busy. They had confirmed that the Council was behind the lies fed to Giles, but they were unsure how to fix it. Giles was still almost mad with thoughts of revenge, and Joyce was starting to worry that the Watcher had become a bigger threat than anything they had ever faced before.

The Scoobies had kept in touch, especially Willow. She had called almost every few hours hoping she could talk to Buffy, but without success. Buffy wasn’t ready to talk to any of her friends just now, and Joyce had done a great job of heading them off. It was unfortunate, but Willow had almost turned against her and would take a long time for Buffy to cope with her betrayal.

Sitting calmly at the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee held between her hands, Joyce came to a decision. The Scoobies had rallied to Buffy’s aid eventually, now it was time they were more pro-active. Rising from the stool with resolution in her eyes, Joyce made her way to the phone.

Time for a Scooby meeting.


Replete from their latest bout of love-making, Spike and Buffy whispered together in the darkness. Telling his mate of his reasoning behind the Council’s plot to kill her was harder than he thought. She had looked on Giles as a father for years, and now he had turned against her because of him. He wondered if she had any regrets about what they might have to do.

“If it came to a battle between you and Giles, Spike, I will be on your side.”

Lightly he kissed her on the forehead. “I know luv, but I can’t just kill him. I have a soul now, sweetheart; the guilt would hurt me as good as any stake.”

“Maybe we can think of a way to convince him you didn’t do it?”

Lifting his scarred eyebrow, he didn’t feel the need to reply.

Turning her head into his chest, her grip tightened on his body. “I can’t lose you, Spike. We’ve been through too much together and I won’t let you leave me again.”

“Now pet” he whispered against her temple. “No need to talk like that. You won’t ever be able to get rid of me, Buffy.”

Turning soft green eyes upwards, she smiled at his confidence. This vampire, creature of the night, loved her with everything he had. He would never let her go.

“Let’s get up, Buffy. We need to get some sort of plan together and I can’t think straight with an armful of naked slayer.”

Swatting him playfully on the chest, she kissed him softly on the lips. “Okay, vampire. Let’s hit the shower and get dressed.”

Smirking down at the woman in his arms, Spike spoke softly in the quiet of the room. “You go first, luv. There is no way either of us will get clean if we end up in the shower together.”

When she pouted her disappointment, Spike gently swatted her backside. “Don’t gimme that lip, luv. I’m immune to it by now.”

Rising slowly from the circle of his arms, Buffy rose from the bed and stretched her body. She was glorious in her nudity, and Spike could feel himself start to rise to the occasion. Talking sternly to himself, he managed to control the urge to pull her back into bed.

“You do know I’ll use all the hot water so maybe you would be best to share it with me.”

“Minx,” came the answer from the bed. “Move your arse into that shower woman before I pull you back under the covers.”

“Promises, Promises” she replied lightly as she made her way to the shower.

As the door closed behind her, Spike let the smile fall from his lips. They had a lot to do, and not much time if his instincts were right. The Council would already be planning her demise.

They had to fix this.


Clean and dressed, the vampire and his slayer made their way downstairs. When they caught sight of the people sitting around Joyce’s lounge, the stopped dead and stared. All the Scoobies were sitting there calmly waiting on them, Joyce sitting in the centre of the sofa like a judge presiding over a court.

On either side sat Willow and Dawn. Tara had made herself comfortable at her lover’s feet, and Anya had perched herself on Xander’s knee on one of the chairs. The opposite chair was free, and the couple made their way to it slowly. They were still in shock at the presence of everyone in the room.

Once seated, Spike pulled Buffy down to his lap and cuddled her close. Her head fell naturally to his shoulder, and his arms wrapped her tightly to him. Blue eyes, alert to any danger to his mate, scanned the people in the room.

“And to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?” His voice encompassed them all.

Every eye in the room turned towards his voice. He noticed that they looked at him and then dropped their eyes. Guilt was a terrible feeling.

Joyce was determined to be the one who spoke first. “Spike, Clem has done some research and we now know that the Council are responsible for feeding those lies to Giles.”

Spike smiled softly over the top of Buffy’s head at Joyce. “I had already worked that one out Joyce, and I worked out why.”

All eyes once again turned towards him in eagerness. He could see their anticipation in their body language as they shifted positions to look at him. Without thought, he tightened his arms around Buffy as he told them his theory.

Twenty minutes later he watched them closely as they listened to his theories and explanations. Heads slowly nodded as if sense prevailed, and he noticed Willow had tears in her eyes.

Choking back her tears, Willow’s eyes turned to Buffy. “We almost helped them, Buffy. We listened to Giles before you, and we almost helped them kill you.”

Buffy could not speak and simply nodded. Her feelings were still too raw, but she tried to understand her friend’s actions. Maybe one day she would forgive them completely, but not just yet.

Looking directly at Spike, Joyce could not help but ask. “How do we deal with this, Spike?”

“Wish to hell I knew, Joyce” he answered. “I know what I want to do, and that’s get myself over the pond and kill every single one of the bastards.”

“Might not be a good idea,” Joyce smiled at him. “First I think we need to make a few phone calls to Angel and some of Clem’s friends.”

Bristling at the sound of the poof’s name, Spike narrowed his eyes. “Don’t see why we need Peaches for anything, Joyce.”

“Angel is the only one who can get through to Giles. He won’t listen to me or anyone else in this room, so we have no alternative but to ask for his help.”

Seeing the sense of her argument, Spike backed down. He really didn’t want to involve Peaches, but in this case he couldn’t see another way out. If the poof could convince Giles that the Council were feeding him bullshit, then maybe they had a chance of getting them off their backs.

Resigned to the fact that they had no choice, Spike sighed before he answered.

“Make the call, Joyce.”

Buffy had not moved from his lap, but she decided it was time she took action. Rising to a sitting position, she turned her body slightly to look him in the eye.

“I think I should call him, Spike.”

When she saw the jealousy he couldn’t hide creep into his eyes, she smiled. “There is nothing he could ever say that would take me away from you, Spike. I need to explain this to him myself.”

The look in his eyes did not diminish as she spoke to him.

“You said yourself he was happy in L.A. playing happy families with Cordy. He doesn’t want me any more, but he will be a friend to us.”

Although he could see the wisdom of her words, it did not stop the jealousy inside. She could feel his passion through the claim, and part of her felt good that he loved her so much.

“Come on, Spike. We’ll call him together.”

Rising from the chair, the couple made their way to the kitchen to make the call.


Angel arrived the following night, Cordelia and Conner in tow. He was surprised he needed an invitation into Buffy’s home, but Spike was glad to see him push against the barrier. His invitation had never been revoked, and it made him love Buffy just that little bit more.

Buffy could feel his pleasure through the claim, and she smiled at him. Smiling back, his eyes were full of promise of how he would reward her for blocking Angel once they were alone.

Once seated in the lounge, Angel asked for all the facts. Once Spike explained everything that had happened, and he was surprised that Angel agreed with his theory so quickly.

Standing up, Angel made for the door. “I’ll go and talk to Giles now.”

Spike walked up to him and shook his hand. “Thanks for doing this for us, Peaches.”

Angel’s eyes narrowed at the hated nickname. “I’m not doing it for you boy; I’m doing this for Buffy.”

Smiling at his grand-sire, Spike quickly replied. “I know, Angel.”

A look of understanding passed between them. Angel knew his Buffy had moved on, but so had he. There would always be some affection between them, but she was Spike’s woman now.

Nodding quickly, Angel made his way out the door.


Giles was pacing the floor of his apartment when Angel knocked at the door. He had been trying to think of a way to kill Spike once and for all, but ideas were not thick on the ground. Stopping in his tracks, he stared at the door for a few seconds before he made a move to answer.

Opening the door wide, his eyes rounded in disbelief at the sight of Angel standing on the threshold. A sense of comradeship passed through him. The vampire at his door hated Spike as much as he did; maybe he would know a way to kill him.

Angel quietly entered the room and sat down. Giles fussed around him offering him whisky, tea, blood….anything to keep the vampire sweet.

Feeling decidedly uncomfortable, Angel refused all offers of hospitality. He had a job to do, and he really wanted to get back to L.A. tonight. His son was his main priority now, and he didn’t want him anywhere near the hellmouth for long periods of time.

Finally Giles settled down on the chair next to the bookcase and stared at Angel.

“Why are you here?” he finally asked.

“I think you know why, Giles.”

“If you’ve come here to plead for Spike, then you can just leave. That bastard turned my father and I want him dead.”

Sighing, Angel slowly dropped his eyes to his feet. This was not going to be easy, but he had to try. The Council had done their job well.

Finally looking up, Angel was determined to convince the Watcher. “Spike didn’t kill your father, Giles.”

Standing up quickly from his chair, the watcher started to pace. “You don’t like Spike, Angel, so why are you lying for him?”

“I’m not lying, Giles. Please sit down and I’ll tell you a story.”

Stopping his pacing, Giles stared down at the vampire before him. He could see no threat in his eyes, only concern. Maybe he would listen to what he had to say. Sitting back down on the chair, Giles nodded his head and waited for Angel to continue.

In few words, Angel explained Spike’s theory. He also explained how Spike had not been in England when Giles Senior had been turned. Drusilla was his favoured childe; no matter where she and Spike had wandered on earth, he always knew where she was.

Giles had said nothing while Angel spoke. When the vampire had finished, he rose from his chair and poured himself a large whiskey. Finally turning back to Angel, he noticed he was fidgeting.

“You know who turned him don’t you Angel?” he asked quietly.

Angel dropped his head between his hands and sighed. He was not looking forward to telling Giles the truth, but the man deserved to know.

“Yes Giles, I know who killed him.”

Staring hard at the watcher, Angel smiled slightly before he spoke.

“The turning of a watcher is almost as good as killing a slayer. The vampire world in England dined for days on tales of his turning. The vampire who did it was revered and feted wherever he went. He lived on his accomplishment for years.”

Giles stared back at Angel in disbelief. His father’s death had been an accomplishment for some soulless being while he had grieved for years over having to kill him. Disgust at the whole vampire brotherhood swept through him.

“How do you know this, Angel?” Giles hissed between his teeth.

Throwing his body back against the watcher’s couch, Angel stretched his legs and stared blankly at the ceiling.

“I know because it was one of my childer that killed him.”

“But you only ever sired Drusilla, so was it her?” Giles demanded.

Angel finally looked the watcher in the eye. “I sired two others, Giles. You just never heard of them.”

“Who killed my father, Angel?” Giles asked; his voice quiet with restraint.

Sighing, Angel knew that he had to tell the truth. “It was a vampire called Penn.”

Giles could hardly believe the words Angel spoke. Here sat before him was one of the most documented vampires on the planet, yet it was thought he had only sired one childe. Minions didn’t count in the great scheme of things. Their purpose was to work for the clan and know their place. A childe was different, they were sired to succeed.

Who was this Penn, and more importantly, was he still around.

“Where is he now, Angel?”

“I killed him a couple of years ago.”

Seeing the look of disbelief in the watcher’s eyes, Angel felt a sadness creep over him.

“Penn came to L.A. a few years back to torment me. He was a Quaker preacher when I turned him, and at first he loved the blood and the mayhem. After a few years he went mad and I forced him to leave. One mad vampire in the group is more than enough, and Drusilla was useful from time to time.”

Slowly rocking back and forth in his chair, Giles tried to comprehend all that Angel had told him. So far he had found out that the vampire who killed his father was dead, and that the Council had tried to indirectly kill Buffy.

God, what a mess!!

“How am I going to put this right, Angel?” Giles asked.

“I don’t know, Giles” Angel replied. “I do know that Buffy and Spike are mated and intend to stay that way.” Seeing the disgust on the watcher’s face, Angel was determined to make him see sense. “They’re happy Giles. Accept it and move on.”

Distressed as he was, Giles relied on the familiar. “There has never been a known case of a slayer mating with a vampire. We don’t know what the repercussions of this might be.”

Relying on an old cliché, Angel snorted as he spoke. “There’s a first time for everything, Giles. You might make you name by being the first to record their life together.”

Angel watched Giles eyes light up with interest. What was meant to be a throwaway comment had actually turned the tide in Spike and Buffy’s favour. The thought of documenting a slayer/vampire mating definitely had its appeal for the watcher.

Angel saw the flaw in the watcher’s enthusiasm immediately. If the Council were determined to kill Buffy, then the fun had just begun. A sudden thought struck him, and he had to voice it.

“Giles, can a slayer retire?”

Staring at Angel, Giles immediately warmed to the theme. He had heard of it happening before, but he would need to consult the books to make sure. Nodding his head in agreement, he stood and started to scour his bookcase. Knowing that this would take some time, he asked Angel to leave and inform Buffy and Spike of his change of heart and what he was trying to do to help them.

With a much lighter heart and an even clearer conscience, Angel left and headed for Revello Drive.


His return was highly anticipated. He had been gone for a long time, and both Buffy and Spike had started to worry. What if Angel didn’t manage to convince him?

Where did they stand with the Council then?

Angel walked quietly through the Summers’ door and smiled at the group waiting for him. When his eyes scanned the room and found Cordelia cradling his son lovingly, he knew he had been right to intervene. All his instincts had told him to let Spike suffer, but his sense of family was too strong.

His grand-childe deserved some happiness.

Quietly and succinctly he told them of what had happened at Giles’ apartment. He told them of Penn and his part in the drama, and he told them that Giles was searching for a way for Buffy to retire.

Through the claim, Spike could feel her distress. He couldn’t understand it. Surely she could see that if she was no longer the slayer they could live happily together. While the others congratulated Angel on his work, Spike led Buffy quietly into the kitchen.

“Tell me what’s wrong, pet” he asked; his concern evident in his voice.

Buffy looked up at him with unshed tears in her eyes. “You love me BECAUSE I’m the slayer, Spike. If they take that away from me you might not love me anymore.”

Pulling her swiftly into his arms, Spike started to kiss her hair. “I will never stop loving you, sweetheart. I don’t care if you’re the slayer or a bag lady, you’re mine and you always will be.”

She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight. She loved this man, but she knew that part of him loved her strength. If they took that away, what would she be? She had never known anything but being the slayer, it was part of who she was.

He felt her uncertainty rise with each passing moment. His mate was in pain at the thought that he would stop loving her, but she needn’t have these doubts. He would love her with his last breath, and nothing would change that.

“Let’s not think about that now, pet” he soothed. “Let’s just take each day as it comes and move to Iceland. We’ll take your mum and the Nibblet with us, sweetheart. No one will bother us ever again.”

Soothed by his words, some of her panic subsided. She could feel the strength of his feelings through the claim, and she wondered if anyone could love as her vampire loved.

Totally, completely and forever.

“I’d like to move away from a hellmouth, Spike”

Relief ran through him at her words. She was willing to move to the other side of the world to be with him, and he was determined they leave soon. He would get her away from this if it finally killed him.


Back in Giles’ apartment, the telephone line to Council Headquarters ran hot with accusation. Travers had confirmed the Council plan to control Giles and Spike, and the reasoning behind it. Afraid that he would take the first available flight to London and kill Travers himself, he asked about slayer retirement.

There was a few seconds of silence on the London end of the phone line before Travers spoke.

“Are you telling me that Buffy Summers is willing to be retired?”

Giles breathed in deeply before he replied. “I have checked the books and I know it can be done.”

“It can be done Giles, but there have to be special circumstances before the Council will allow it.”

Taking the bull by the horns, Giles knew exactly what circumstances to use.

“She is mated to William the Bloody.” He said no more, just waited on the response.

It did not take long.

“Perform the ritual Giles. If you checked up on this, then you know what you have to do. You have two powerful witches working in Sunnydale, use them.”

Nodding silently into the telephone, Giles realised how stupid his actions looked. “The moon has waned now Travers, so I can’t do anything for a few weeks.” Suddenly Ripper came to the fore. “If anything happens to Buffy or Spike before I perform the ritual, I will come looking for you.”

A haughty laughed trickled down the phone line. “I have no doubt of that, Rupert. The Council will activate the next potential by tomorrow and send her to you by the end of the week.”

Smiling to himself, Giles knew he had won. Before he could start to congratulate himself, he heard Travers’ voice.

“The Council do not want another Buffy Summers, Giles. Train this one as she should be trained and hellmouth will be safe.”

Giles smiled as he replied.

“There will never be another Buffy Summers.”