The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Surprises

07/20/2009 10:39 am
Oh my goodness, my heart is aching for Spike and I am nervous for Riley.

04/17/2009 05:40 am

03/12/2009 12:25 am
there is no story here

01/24/2009 09:57 pm
great exchange among the three. enjoyed the change in mood with the last line. very good read, thank you.

11/06/2008 04:11 am
That was amazing. I love that Spike's the one to tell Riley. Seeing Spike in mourning over Buffy always breaks my heart and you wrote him beautifully. But even better is that I'm starting to sympathize with Riley in this story. I can't wait to see his reaction in the next chapter!
Wow, points for Riley! :-) Writing Spike in mourning is always a gut-wrenching experience and I'm glad it worked out okay here. Thanks for reading!

11/06/2008 04:04 am
Oh no - poor Buffybot.  Spike doesn't love her anymore.  Very sad and wonderful chapter.  Riley's no problem as a character.  As long as he doesn't get Buffy at the end.  :)
Hehe. What will she do with her time now? :-) Of course Riley's not going to get Buffy in the end... but that's not going to stop him trying ;-)

11/06/2008 03:25 am
Cool beans! This story is shaping up nicely. I like the interplay between Spike, Riley, and pretend Buffy. They all sound authentic.
Looking forward to more. Thank you so much for all the hard work and time you put into your wonderful stories. N
Thank you for this lovely feedback. Glad everyone sounds like themselves... especially Riley. I may have just embarked on an entire story featuring him as a main character, but I'm still figuring out how to write him :-) Maybe I should have thought of that first...

time of change
11/06/2008 01:50 am
This is an incredible start!
Thank you! :-)

11/06/2008 01:13 am
love it please update soon
More to come soon. Thanks for reading!

11/05/2008 11:29 pm
From amusing, with Riley mooning over how good the bot looks, to heart-breaking with Spike's mourning. Well done!
All in one chapter... what more could you ask for? :-) Thanks for reading!

11/05/2008 11:23 pm
Well done. Just the right amount of building tension and confusion on Riley's part.
Poor Riley - quite a bomb to drop on him. Glad you liked.

11/05/2008 10:52 pm
Great mood setting with can feel the agony of Spike being tormented not only by his loss but the Bot as his own personal torture device.   Riley is in for quite a lesson in love and duty.

Excellent.  You just keep getting better and better (and you were a bright talent from the start).

Awww, thank you! *blushes* You're the best.

Poor poor Spike. Having that awful thing walking around with Buffy's face must just make the pain ten times worse. More Spike agony to come, for sure... (Not that I enjoy torturing the poor man)

11/05/2008 09:56 pm
Amazing story thus far!  Can't wait for your next update! 
Thank you muchly! The next update will be along before you know it :-)

11/05/2008 09:24 pm
Awesome, this kind of plot has never been done before - to my knowledge. Good work.
I don't think so either. Yay for me! :-) Thanks for reading.

11/05/2008 09:22 pm
I'm so glad you updated so quickly - this looks so promising.  I can't wait for more.
When I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll... :-) Have to keep writing before the muse tries to run away again. Thanks for reading!