The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Routine

01/24/2009 11:09 pm
very good read, thank you. enjoy the way spike and dawn team up on riley. and, i hate to admit this, rnjoy the way he lets them.

12/02/2008 05:00 pm
I like the twist your story has with Riley in it. I hope there will be Spuffy soon though ;) I'm wondering if your story will continue the same as the series has, with the Buffy/Spike relationship...
There will be Spuffy, eventually.... but not for a while yet, that's for sure. She's still dead at this time ;-) Hang on in there though. I'm so glad you like it.

Flames to dust
12/02/2008 11:08 am
Dawn and Spike together are so EVIL!! I like it.
It seems to me, or the environment is very calm at this point of the year?

Drinkers´s buddies!! (Shivers) O.O

Waiting for more!!
They are quite mean to poor Riley - but I love their dynamic so much. :-) More will come soon, promise.

12/02/2008 02:24 am
This is an interesting take on things. I  can't imagine how this dynamic is going to change when Buffy comes back!
Thank you, slayme! It means a lot. Things are definitely going to be thrown up in the air a bit when our Slayer gets brought back... but I won't give away any secrets yet ;-) Thanks for reading.

12/02/2008 01:16 am
Hopefully, most of you were too busy Thanksgiving-ing to notice! :-)
Ahh no sorry! I noticed but then I'm from Canada.Our Thanksgiving is Back in Oct....I took a while but hey well worth it. I have to say I think I might go as far as to say..I like Riley in this story.Odd as I have always hated him.You seem to have given him new life.Depth that her lacked in the show.He's grown as a person. Can't wait to see how this all turns out.
Damn! :-) I don't even have an excuse - I'm British!!

I'm so glad you like Riley. I'm starting to like him more and more - but that might be because I can make him do what I want ;-)

12/01/2008 10:37 pm
love it please update soon
Another update coming along shortly.

12/01/2008 10:33 pm
Love Spike & Dawn bonding and the deliberate winding up of Riley. Totally in character.
It seemed like something they would definitely do. And I just love showing how close they could be. Thanks for reading!

12/01/2008 10:02 pm
I like theis version of Riley. Much better than the AYW version.
Any version is better than AYW! Aww, yay for my Riley, gaining himself fans on a Spuffy site! ;-)

12/01/2008 08:01 pm
Misery loves company and loss make for strange bedfellows (and assorted other mixed metaphores LOL). 

Nice mood you set here...the grieving process is ongoing but they are not stuck in place.  There is gloom aplenty but also forward momentum.

I actually like the comradery (for lack of a better word) between Spike and Riley.  They have the loss to draw them together but only to that point.  Glad Riley is seeing Spike as other than just a demon and is acknowledging the genuineness of his emotions.  Oddly enough I think Riley of ALL of them (save Dawn) always DID see that Spike truly did love Buffy.  The rest always called it everything BUT love but Riley knew the truth (hence the plastic stake).

Comradery is about the best word for it. Not quite friendship, but something more than before. I agree with you - Riley seemed to have more of an idea than anyone else when it came to Spike's feelings. Well, it's nice to see all that Psych paying off... :-) Thank you for your lovely feedback as aways.