Whose Torment Is This, Anyway? by Rebcake
Chapter: Epilogue: Bumps in the road (or, Oh no he di'int)

08/31/2013 06:53 pm
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know!

06/25/2013 10:22 pm
Just as wonderful and them on a reread!  Yay for recs for old fics. :)
I'm happy you enjoyed it a second time! Thanks for letting me know!

10/13/2012 03:49 pm
Can you just keep adding chapters to this story, for like....forever!?!  Loved it  :)
Awww. That's so sweet! After I put this up, I did realize that there were a few dangling ends (Angel!), so maybe there could be more. I'm such a tease!

Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed this little romp.

timeof change
10/09/2012 11:02 pm
Ahhhh!  Love, love, love this.  Thank you so much for writing.
Aw, thanks! I'm happy that you're happy!