As In 'Recent' by NautiBitz
Chapter: As In 'Recent'

Buffy Convert
03/28/2014 05:46 am
I hate those stupid "prove you're not a robot" screwy letters thingies! Is the whole internet oblivious to the fact that the world is TEEMING with Asperger & Add women who are, pretty much by definition, GEEKs? And we can't "see" fuzzy!!!!
Loved your one-shot here. To me, these little glimpses of Spuffy sex before the last battle are canon. I mean, seriously? Of course they had sex at the end.

Buffy Convert
10/29/2009 11:59 pm
I have gotten the idea, that 'boys' ( even those over 100 years old ) sometimes use derogatory slang words for "girly" men  whether or not they are actually homophobic. It's sort of like using the "f" word to mean anything from "Do you wanna?" to "I don't like the way you drive your car". In other words, it's not so much a matter of prejudice as a bankrupt vocabulary.
Not like I'm an expert. Everything I know about m/m sex I learned from Angelus. (What? I mean, yeah, he's evil, but he's very skilled and has good personal hygeine.)

10/14/2008 01:40 am
Makes you want to go "awww" doesn't it? :-)

*sigh* If only this was what happened in canon.

01/22/2008 07:17 pm
Love this!

11/02/2007 01:38 pm
Yep. They certainly looked like this was a given before they entered the room.

11/02/2007 11:54 am
Bliss - another of my all-time favourites. This one never fails to make me feel happy!

11/02/2007 02:40 am
you can always distract 'em with one of your 'Something's Coming But It Sure as Hell Ain't Me' speeches."

LOL Oh god I hated those speeches. Glad to know Spike got laid - continually. I'm sure it happened just that way.

11/02/2007 02:11 am
Really great; I like how you throw a bone to the Spuffy fans who prayed that they'd hop into bed together during S7; very well done and believable!!

11/02/2007 01:41 am
Ah - another oldie, but goodie. I love the playfulness and affection they share in this one. I've decided that I totally believe they were having those moments throughout the season. :)

11/02/2007 01:23 am
Tee hee...I'd prefer to believe this was going on and all the hurt and angst were a put on.

What doofus thought you were having Spike refer to Kennedy and Willow? Pffffttt Spike is no homophobe as you say. Often he uses words like nancy boy because it gets the goat of the person he's calling that. He's charmingly annoying not a bigot.

Great wee PWP, hon. Makes me smile.
