Catch by NautiBitz
Chapter: Catch

10/29/2009 10:35 pm
there is a big chunk a' me that doesn't think a girl from southern California could EVER deserve or understand a guy like Spike.
But maybe that's just jealousy on my part.

06/27/2008 04:56 am

06/18/2008 02:34 am
Yes I believe the mad cow tea pie was what finally won my heart--what a neato idea about their relationship--thanks for sharing their humor--it is the sexiest you know.

02/12/2008 12:37 am
So brilliant, I L.O.V.E.D. I.T!

02/03/2008 12:57 am
I liked it very much, you're a good author:-). Thank you for making this, i for one love the ep too, but hate the comics.. I think you could have made it a little moore emotional though, but that's probally just me... Go team you;-)!.

02/03/2008 12:52 am

11/10/2007 10:35 pm
awwwwwww that's so cute ='] lovely really , nice job .. plz keep up the awsome writting =D

11/04/2007 02:33 am
Oooo, the slippery coffee slope. Loved Spike, fumbling around, lying about his girlfriends.

11/04/2007 12:42 am
I do think that in time they would have to resolve the danglies left from their last face to face. This is so bloody hopeful and sweet I think I shall dub it canon in my mind. Yup, like baked Buffy very much and suspect Spike wil too.


11/03/2007 09:27 pm
OMG - I love it! I so wish!