At It Like Rabbits by NautiBitz
Chapter: Something Huge

11/30/2007 04:02 am
LMAO Naughty - somehow these two don't seem quite mature enough to be parents.

11/29/2007 08:57 am
delightful read, as usual. thank you.

11/25/2007 07:16 am
Wheee... sequel! Hot and humorous - love it! Can hardly wait for more.
So glad you love! Hope you're enjoying the rest of it.

11/24/2007 03:33 pm
Yeah, definitely not your average couple. *G* New story. Yay!

11/24/2007 03:14 pm
Oh, great chapter, I giggled the whole way through; please update again soon, that was awesome! And very hot! *waggles eyebrows!*

11/24/2007 01:44 pm
Really, at this point, all I've got for you is "yay, new story!".

11/24/2007 01:10 pm
Yes! For the sake of pretty underwear and expensive camis!

And awww...another bun in the oven...

11/24/2007 09:37 am
Well, I had to stop and mentally check myself--totally forgot Spike was loaded (with cash, ahem), and that Buffy is only...32 in this fic, which leads tons of time for more bunnies. I eagerly await the rest of this fic :D

And should you find yourself with something that may or may not have been done before--who cares? You're a kick ass writer, so it'll be fantabulous anyway.
Thanks, hon! I still plan to send you the PWP bonus before I post it, though. :)