Distance by Herself
Chapter: Forty-three

02/28/2008 02:32 am
this buffy is fantastic. and your spike superb. very good read, thank you.

01/30/2008 01:25 pm
I love this Spike - and even more so I love seeing this Buffy, a Buffy made whole and sane and so completely and mentally together for dealing with this lost, wayward Spike.  Having this momentous 'task' of saying and doing all the right things around this trigger-response vampire has grounded the girl; this is just as important to her, if more so, than any given apocalypse.  At any rate, she is exerted the same amount of resolve, except this time she must do so without brute force and a weapon in her hand.  As such, her deft touch and word are that much more astounding and wonderful, because this is Buffy - you know, the word-mangling, emotive coward, best runner-away from the truth, in all Sunnydale. 

This is just great.

01/30/2008 01:24 pm
I love all your wonderful, painful, brilliant fics, but I think this is becoming my favourite.

"The man in the video was no more the complete Spike she'd loved too late than the anguished version sitting beside her, but she'd stopped caring so much about such nuances; she loved him in all his states, even as she knew he needed to be restored before he could fully choose or reject her."

There are so many truths and such a pure kind of love in this passage, I can´t say how much I adore this. Simply the best.

01/30/2008 10:58 am
Well, Spike is feeling quite contrary.  But then again, he's love's bitch.  He will surely get around to trying Buffy out for her offer, as of course he's not an idjut.

01/30/2008 10:08 am
Phew that's one seriously edgy Spike - I love how you're showing his different aspects.  Thank god they'd done that video!

01/30/2008 07:57 am
God I love this! It's so... Spike! Whether William-esque or angry and fangy it is all him, and I love how Buffy is there through it all, patiently waiting for her lover to be returned to her!

LOVE this... now more, please? *bats eyelashes*


01/30/2008 07:34 am
I just love this story!  I get all excited when I see an up-date but then I'm so tense at the end of the chapter because you just keep laying on the angst and leave us hanging!!!!  Argh!  More soon, please!  

01/30/2008 06:39 am
Poor, confused Spike!  I feel like I keep repeating that, but I keep feeling so sorry for him.   He has Buffy but is too confused to really be happy about it.  It's all just so heartbreaking!  Hope Willow can do the spell again soon.

01/30/2008 06:31 am
His concern for his hair is a terrific touch.

01/30/2008 06:09 am
Well good morning, Herself, I'm staying up and checking this place twice to see what's next.  Myohmy, lions, tigers, and vamps OH MY.  Talk about running hot and cold!!  I'm worn out now--glad that Buffy made the little vid--off topic a bit, but remember the oscar show where there were all the flavors(history) of Madonna.  I feel like I'm getting re-introduced to all the Spikes--angry dangerous Spike is HOT!  Buffy is beyond restrained and grown up--a little payback all this pain.  Thank you--of course more please.

01/30/2008 04:42 am
I love her patience with him. Wondering what it will take for him.

01/30/2008 03:55 am
Poor Spike, every time you make it hurt so different that it keeps things interesting , deep and painful. I love it

01/30/2008 03:44 am
what a wonderful story you are creating -

01/30/2008 03:29 am
Ah - another chapter.  You make me ache for both of them.  Loved the image of him watching the video over and over - but still so suspicious. Thank you for posting again so quickly. :)

Pam S
01/30/2008 03:22 am
 Forgot about the video.. Smart Girl.  What a head .... this is for Spike. And let's get a bottle and forget about it for a while.. LOL  Don't blame him.

 . Now let's see what happens this time with Xander.. now that he knows the chip is out..


01/30/2008 03:04 am