At It Like Rabbits by NautiBitz
Chapter: Abnormal Again

07/02/2014 02:42 pm
Well, that was fun.  Have to say.  really annoyed me that Buffy was so into the frickin' 'normal' thing.  I think that's why I didn't remember having read the sequel...  Good to know that the 'next generation' has their own specialness... seers, supergeniuses and super rabbit slayer people, yeah!


12/22/2008 11:25 am
Love what you did with the children - all of them, Giles, Joyce, Tara and the Original Scoobies -

03/16/2008 04:14 pm
 After a far too long absence from the world of Spuffy ficcy goodness I've just delved right back in and decided to check on Heart Don't Lie as my first port of call. What a damn good call it was! 

Looking forward to the bonus PWP ;)

02/10/2008 02:35 am
Bring on the bonus!

02/09/2008 02:40 am
Wicked wicked wicked.  Thank you for the awesome story.

02/08/2008 06:54 am
fantastic. thank you for the fun read.

02/05/2008 10:56 pm
Woman!!! You write the BEST stories!! I can not wait for the next installment!!

02/05/2008 06:54 am
Ain't nothin' like the real thang baby--Nautibitz you are one wonderful very sick very slick, is there even a word for how your fine, twisty, agile mind is housed?  What a screaming flying, flippin' cool pop treat was this little riff?  Thank you so very much for never failing to amuse and please, your smut is the smuttiest, cos it's funny.  tympS (thank you, more please Soon)--bless ya baby darlin' cos I liked it ever so much!!

02/04/2008 08:09 am
lol  I smell a sequel.... 

02/04/2008 08:05 am
Loved the conclusion!  After the earlier revelations I imagine it was therapeutic for Buffy and Spike to stake Angelus and Faith together.  Nice to see someone finally realizing that Chance is actually part rabbit.  And the addition of Dru just made it that much better.  Great addition to the 'verse!

02/04/2008 06:48 am
They've learned a BIG lesson about getting out of shape and lenient. Somebody's gotta kill Dru's babies now. Thing about heroes, they can never retire unless someone else takes the mantle.

Awesome Chance powers, by the way, and Anya screaming she was evil was just hilarious!

02/04/2008 03:50 am

02/04/2008 01:45 am
Very fun, thanks for sharing!

02/04/2008 01:40 am
ROFL - What a slam-bang wonderful ending!  Got to admit - this was NOT your average baby fic. :)  I'm glad I stuck with it to the end.

"Closure," Buffy said, breathless. "Kinda awesome. You?"   Loved it!

02/04/2008 01:30 am
LOL at you Nauti and your garlic cake.  Love the way Giles and the rest have grown rusty.

02/04/2008 01:14 am
Thanks for this; I laughed through the entire fic; awesome story, and your sense of humor is fantastic!

02/04/2008 12:05 am
Most execellent chapter. Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02/03/2008 11:52 pm
 Quite an ending, that. Dru really surprised me, you know, what with the being able to fly and all. And everyone pitching in in their own way to finish Angelus and Faith up once and for all? Great stuff.

Now bring on the PWP bonus!