Distance by Herself
Chapter: Fifty-seven

04/27/2008 04:30 am
very good read, thank you.

04/04/2008 03:39 pm
Superb couple of chapters.  The solicitors?  A total gas.  And all that information, that poignant cache from his past, his human past and then Buffy's most perfect reaction to the jewellrey and his mother ..... with the added fillip of Xander's predictable yet benign (for him) reaction to the sex talk.  Old days and new.  Lovely.  This revised work is going from strength to strength.

04/04/2008 08:15 am
Awwwwww, so sweet, and another hurdle (hopefully the last) removed!

I love this story and will keep saying so!

04/04/2008 07:12 am
I've been a little out of the Spuffy loop recently so I was beyond excited to see that you've been updating again!  I am so completely in love with this fic again and could not be happier with the rewrites even if I had written them myself.  You started over at exactly the point I felt the story had derailed and entirely remade it.  It feels like this new direction really validates everything Buffy and Spike have been through and shows the progress they've both made.  I hope you are feeling much more satisfied with this work because it is truly great!

04/04/2008 07:10 am
I've been a little out of the Spuffy loop recently so I was beyond excited to see that you've been updating again!  I am so completely in love with this fic again and could not be happier with the rewrites even if I had written them myself.  You started over at exactly the point I felt the story had derailed and entirely remade it.  It feels like this new direction really validates everything Buffy and Spike have been through and shows the progress they've both made.  I hope you are feeling much more satisfied with this work because it is truly great!

04/04/2008 02:39 am
Lovely mix of funny, serious, sentimental and sad. 

04/04/2008 02:34 am
I'm still reading!  Just really, really busy with RL crap and not doing much in the way of leaving reviews for anybody ATM.   I like the way the Spike in this rewrite seems to be integrating all the parts we saw earlier on. 

04/04/2008 02:32 am
Lovely chapter, you gave Buffy just the right words!  I had time yesterday to go back and reread this story from the beginning and I have to say, it was only better the second go round.

04/04/2008 01:35 am
"Willow could forget, often, that Buffy was more than fighting chops and quips and occasional "blonde" remarks. She could also be incredibly sensitive, astute, and breathtakingly loving."

As you seem tio  be also and thanks for such a lovely dear moment with friends in a little out of the way bar.  Such sweetness you've written. 

04/04/2008 12:57 am
NICE - the chapter is as wonderful and lovely as their relationship is at this phase - lexcellent connect with the series and his family life.

04/04/2008 12:12 am
Their happiness is contagious - I'm all smiles.

Pam S
04/04/2008 12:09 am

Creating quite a picture here.. One I didn't think would be part of the storyline.. Kind of like the last love story .. and then putting it to rest..

Two chapters ago Spike was her monster in bed.. now he is the proper man thinking of doing the "right" thing.. setting her up financially, giving her his mother's wedding ring.. as an engagment present.. 

And snuggle is the last thing on her mind.. she finally has her man.. as you said.  Having what she always wanted.. to love and be loved


04/03/2008 11:57 pm
*sigh*; sometimes Buffy makes me want to slap her with the things she says, the way she acts, or the way she treats Spike.  Then sometimes, just sometimes, somebody writes a scene where Buffy is tender, and loving, and devoted, to Spike!, of all people, and yet they do it in a manner that is completely believable.  You've managed to do this beautifully.  So thank you very much, I can't wait to see more.