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Feb 15 2008 05:21 am   #1Guest
Did anyone ever read any essay published in the seven seasons of Buffy by a woman named Sherrilyn Kenyon called 'The Search for Spike's Balls?' I was reading a book by her and looked up to see if she had anymore written and came across that information and am curious what exactly it is about.
Feb 15 2008 05:40 am   #2Guest
Well, other Guest, I just looked it up and found a book with a couple essays that mentions the one you're talking about. 

It says: "Sherrilyn Kenyon, sticking with gender issues, leads "The Search for Spike's Balls" and exposes the reasons why Buffy herself is a type of vampire -- leeching the testosterone out of every male who came her way."

A few of the other essays sounded interesting and now I'm thinking about getting the book, so thanks for posting about it.  I haven't read the essay, though, so maybe someone else could fill you in from personal experience.
Feb 15 2008 07:27 am   #3nmcil
I have the book and have read that essay, very good, and in retrospect, Buffy can readily be interpreted as consuming all her men - she takes a great deal of their strength and dissolves away much of how they saw themselves -  I like all the essays

Here is an small excerpt from the essay you mention:

My belief is that Buffy is, in fact, her own special breed of vampire.  Whereas traditional vampires suck the blood from their victims, Buffy drains the testosterone from the characters she is involved with - this appears to be the true source of the Slayer's power.  Nowhere is this better illustrated than with the Spike character.
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Feb 15 2008 07:46 am   #4Nika
Has anyone ever read the essay 'Queering the Bitch: Spike, Transgression and Erotic Empowerment' by Dee Amy-Chinn or knows where I can find it to read it?
"Perhaps a great love is never returned."

-Dag Hammersjold