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Mar 17 2008 07:18 am   #1ghost writer
has anyone else noticed that our sites are disappearing?  i came here in the beginning because the Slayer's Fanfic Archive (where I originally posted) stopped working and just a few minutes ago i tried to get onto Sinister Attraction only to find a message saying that the site no longer exsists.  Also, when I go to several of my site lists, over half of the links no longer work.  What gives?  Are Buffy fic sites becoming endangered?  What other places does everyone else post at?  because finding open sites is difficult as well.
Please help,

~Ghost Writer
Mar 17 2008 11:20 am   #2Kimmyadams
I have been afraid of the same thing and so many stories get left unfinished and that drives me nuts. The sites I visit are Elysian Fields, this one, Just Rewards, Buffy and Spike diaries, Vampires kiss and I found another one that isn't updated anymore but has great stories on it called Impish Eyes which has an author's archive on it. I have bookmarked quite a few author's sites, like Hollydb's, Dreamsofspike, Jackofspikes, and visit them just about daily. I go to Seeking_spike when I need to know the name of a story I have forgotten and they have always helped. Sinister attraction infected my computer and maybe it had too many problems or something and had to be taken down to be fixed. I also occasionally go to the Spuffy Realm and it is still working. It will be hard to kill the fandom altogether because new people will discover Spike thru videos of the series. Does any of this help at all?

I also visit the journals of my fave authors because they sometimes post new fics there as well. I will be brokenhearted if or when the fandom does start dying as the years from the show's ending get bigger so I make it a policy to keep my absolute fave stories stored on my harddrive and keep everything well protected on backup. Sorry to babble so much. Check out the sites I mentioned and enjoy and let me know back what you think, k?
Mar 17 2008 01:20 pm   #3Guest
Sinister attraction is back and as far as I know virus free. Though I think ther's a note on the front page about reporting to her if your virus software catches anything she missed.

Plus Buffy/Spike Diaries is going again but there's converting it into a finished stories archive and the latest version of Buffy Spike central is up and running . Not to mention that is still going even though it's not taking any new updates (i think it's taking any updates to existing stories).

The Sandlot is showing a fobidden message  and One Good Lay is still on hiatus.Plus a lot of the fandom has moved to livejournal , greatestjournal and insanejournal.

Mar 17 2008 06:48 pm   #4ghost writer
okay, call me computer illiterate but what is livejournal?  i've heard of it but have no idea what it actually is.
Mar 17 2008 07:24 pm   #5FetchingMadScientist
I wouldn't worry about the fandom.  I, for one, am not quitting.  And, many of us have our own cyber-journals where we can continue to post---I'm sure your favorite writers will find a way to get their stories out to you. :fic:
"Never a fetching mad scientist about when you need one." -Spike
Mar 17 2008 10:06 pm   #6slaymesoftly
Ghost writer - Live Journal is an on-line community - more or less a blog-type thing, I guess. Or somewhere between that and a Facebook/MySpace page?  Anyway, you just open your account (the free ones may be going away), and then let others who know you "friend" you.  Many people have theirs just for reading fic, as so many people now post on Live Journal and to LJ communities like Seasonal Spuffy, Good__Evil, lateseasonlove, and so forth.    You can post or not, as you see fit, but you will have the ability to comment and read.  You can just go there and read, if you know the url, but your posts will be anonymous and some people don't accept anonymous comments.  You can go here to see mine, if you'd like.   That's my "user page", which tells you about me, shows who my "friends" are and is where you click to "friend" me.  If you click on my name (where it says "user") it takes you to my journal entries and you can see what they look like.
I am not a minion of Evil...
I am upper management.
Mar 18 2008 09:33 am   #7nmcil
Funny that I just went to the Spikespotting yahoo site and found that it was infested with tons of sex addy messages - It must still be active since the site image is of JM as Capt Hart in Torchwood -

I have actually been thinking of starting a site for Series and Sagas  only - and as much as I like LJ - as a reader I still much prefer the Fan Fiction sites.  In some ways, ( I continued to be shocked at how fast the years have added up since Buffy series left our weekly screens)  having the groups drop off and leaving only the present day readers and writers is probably best - the site owners and their writers will have many more visitors and fans that are still very interested in The Buffyverse.  The fans that are left will be grateful and supportive of the sites that remain active.  I know that I have kept up my gallery site for several years, even with the very few visitors, I sometimes feel like my only fan, I still so much love doing digital art and original artwork from Buffy and Angel, that I plan to keep my site active. 

With the comic book seasons, there is an added excitement in all the Whedonverse fandom   -  One thing that has happened with me, is that I appreciate more than ever this site and the Spuffy sites, particularly as Spike has now been separated from the Buffy Season 8 and with this development of  Satsu and Buffy, my little Spuffy heart is really happy that some writers continue to  pay homage to Spike and Buffy as a couple. 

One thing that I do know is an important part of keeping the interest in the fan fiction sites going is for the readers to send their feedback notes, even a simple Thanks for this story" is one great way to help keep the writers and fanart creators excited about their efforts -  it is always great to see that people are reading at looking at your work -

” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.