BSV Forum - General - The Bloodshedpub

Hey all!

May 25 2010 02:21 am   #1Rhiannastarfire
Hi there, been lurking about reading fics here and leaving feedback in them for a few months now, but haven't ventured into the actual forums yet, so I thought it a good time to delurk and just say hello.

A bit about me:

Names Rhaya, I'm a 32 year old wife, mom and, Spuffy fan. I wasn't able to watch the show regularly when it aired so since I've always had a love of Spuffy but only saw about half of their scenes, I had to go out and buy the box set and am now playing catch up on what I missed out on the first time round.

I write fanfic in my spare time but haven't ventured into writing BTVS yet because there's so much I don't know due to not having watched the full series yet. I mainly write stuff related to my favorite soap opera, General Hospital, but since joining up here and reading some of the wonderful fics here I've gotten loads of ideas I may put to use one day.

I also have never picked up a Buffy comic, mostly because of the distinct lack of Spike I'm told is pretty much the case throughout the majority. From what I've read on forums that seems to have changed or be soon to changing so I may or may not venture over to the comics eventually.

Aside from Spike my favorite character was Tara and to a lesser extent, Dawn.

Anywho, that's about it, hopefully I haven't bored you all senseless with my rambling and I'll get to know some of you around here!

Blessings, Rhaya
Angel: I was a man once.
The First: And what a man you were. A drunken, whoring layabout and a terrible disappointment to your parents.   
Angel: I was young. I never had a chance to.. 
The First: ...To die of syphilis? You were a worthless being before you were ever a monster.
May 25 2010 02:33 am   #2Spikez_tart
Hi Rhaya - I envy you seeing those Spike and Buffy scenes for the first time. 
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
May 25 2010 04:03 am   #3nmcil
It's great to have you finally start posting - a great big welcome and please join our discussion - feel free to ask question about the episodes since you will be seeing them for the first time -

What about Spike did you like about the character when you first saw him?  where are you now in the series - and have your first impressions about the character changed much yet?
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
May 25 2010 04:09 pm   #4dawnofme
Hi, Rhaya,

Welcome.  I came into the fandom late, myself.  I bought the DVDs and watched them over and over.  I hope you get inspired to write fanfic.  :)  I was a General Hospital fan way back in the day.  Starting when I was way too young to watch Soap Operas.  Luke and Laura, Frisco and Felicia.  I miss those days.  I still tune in once in a while and try to catch up.  The last character on the show that I loved was Rick Lansing.  Yes, I have a thing for the bad guys.  LOL! 
May 25 2010 07:25 pm   #5Abby
Welcome!  I hope to see fic from you eventually, and bravo for wanting to watch the entire series before starting to write!
May 26 2010 03:28 am   #6Spikez_tart
watch the entire series  - heh, don't let a little thing like that stop you.  :)
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?