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BtVS/ATS Time Game

Mar 11 2011 12:30 pm   #1Mo 
I stole this game  from another forum.

Look at the hour, minutes, color of your shirt, and then make a sentence with the options below.

Identify the hour on your computer's clock:

1h AM/PM → I punched
2h AM/PM → I dated
3h AM/PM → I called
4h AM/PM → I made love with
5h AM/PM → I seduced
6h AM/PM → I killed
7h AM/PM → I kicked
8h AM/PM → I bit
9h AM/PM → I cherished
10h AM/PM → I danced with
11h AM/PM → I slept with
12h AM/PM → I kissed

Identify the minutes on your computer's clock:

01 or 31 min → Xander
02 or 32 min → Dawn
03 or 33 min → Cordelia
04 or 34 min → Oz
05 or 35 min → Snyder
06 or 36 min → Willow
07 or 37 min → Spike
08 or 38 min → Anya
09 or 39 min → The Master
10 or 40 min → Tara
11 or 41 min → Giles
12 or 42 min → Andrew
13 or 43 min → Darla
14 or 44 min → Buffy
15 or 45 min → Wesley
16 or 46 min → Ethan
17 or 47 min → Glory
18 or 48 min → Riley
19 or 49 min → Fred
20 or 50 min → Angelus
21 or 51 min → Lorne
22 or 52 min → Faith
23 or 53 min → Harmony
24 or 54 min → Gunn
25 or 55 min → Joyce
26 or 56 min → Drusilla
27 or 57 min → Illyria
28 or 58 min → Lindsey
29 or 59 min → Lilah
30 or 00 min → Angel

Identify the color of  your shirt:

White = because i`m in love
Black = because i was drunk
Pink = because i`m nuts
Red = because Spike told me to
Blue = because i can`t control myself
Green = because i craved blood
Purple = because friends don`t manipulate each other
Grey = because i wanted to
Yellow = because i`m awesome
Orange = because i hate him/her
Brown = because i thought it`d be funny
Other = because he/she drank my blood
Shirtless = because he/she was hot

I`ll start:

I seduced Harmony because i`m in love+))))))))))))
Mar 11 2011 01:03 pm   #2Legen
 I punched Dawn because she drank my blood
Your heart will break, your tears will fall, but don't be suprised, if there is someone there, to catch you when you fall. Becuase you, yes you, are awesome.
Mar 11 2011 05:16 pm   #3maryperk
I danced with Wesley because I was drunk.   LOL
Mar 11 2011 06:37 pm   #4TammyDevil666
I kissed Spike because I can't control myself;)
When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you, and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
Mar 11 2011 08:08 pm   #5Euphoria
I bit Spike because I cant control myself :D
Mar 11 2011 09:21 pm   #6Ami
I called Angelus because I was drunk.LOL
Mar 11 2011 10:53 pm   #7Spikez_tart
I called faith because I can't control myself.  :)
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Mar 13 2011 06:02 pm   #8Joyce
I kissed Angel because I was drunk. (:
Mar 14 2011 08:24 pm   #9Mo 
I punched Angelus because i can`t control myself +))))))))
Mar 15 2011 12:44 am   #10Lurker 
I seduced Andrew because I thought it'd be funny. LAMO!!!
Mar 15 2011 05:17 am   #11Niori
I danced with Wesley because Spike told me to 
~ Niori ~
Mar 18 2011 04:37 am   #12Sensei
I danced with Snyder because I was drunk. ...and let me tell you, that is the only way you'd ever catch me dancing with Snyder!!!

This was fun.  Thanks for putting it on the forum!

Mar 18 2011 01:16 pm   #13All4Spike
I kissed Buffy because I was drunk.
I was probably fantasising I was with Spike though... ;)
Love's a funny thing...
Apr 11 2011 08:17 am   #14sosa lola

 I cherished Glory because I'm awesome!! LOL

Apr 20 2011 07:46 am   #15nmcil

I slept with Buffy because I love pretending that I'm a bad ass vamp just like Spike. 
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.