A Day In The Life by just_sue very good read, thank you. expanding on this story should make for a very enjoyable tale. Enjoying this alternate take on the key. Thank you! Glad you liked. Blood and Weetabix curry with chilli rice. LOL - this is DISGUSTING. Nooo! Not disgusting...if you're Spike! LOL All4Spike 11/25/2008 10:51 pm A Day In The Life Delightful. Deserves to be continued... {hint hint} Thank you! Is definitely pondering telling this from the beginning of S5. *ponder, ponder* sin_amatic 11/25/2008 01:31 pm A Day In The Life Lovely start... Me likey a lot! It's oh so heavenly to have peace or at least a cease fire with the brothers Grim. :) And to have Buffy having a real say in how she lives her "own" life. Brava! Also intriguing idea: starting off with a key being just a key and good ol' Glory in another city. It's all quite promising, so please don't keep us waiting too long for an update. Thanks ever so for sharing. Now I'm off to see if you've written anything else. Ta! Thank you! So glad you liked. This was supposed to be a one-shot but am toying with expanding it at some time. | |||
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