On the Dial of Time by just_sue Magda 01/03/2015 02:50 am 7 Great read! Long for more... momnesia@yahoo.com 12/08/2013 09:32 pm 7
Very good story! I sincerely hope you will be able to add to it, or write a sequel. Amazing story. You made me laugh and cry. I love the "new" Spike even though in most stories I always prefer our Spike over any other versions. I also like the new more mellow and mature version of Buffy. I want more. I want to learn about this Spike's dimension, and how he adjusts to Buffy's world. It would also be fitting to see that b**ch Kennedy get what she deserves. I realize that it has been years since you wrote this story, but it would be wonderful to see more written with these characters. Thank you for this beautiful story Amazing story. You made me laugh and cry. I love the "new" Spike even though in most stories I always prefer our Spike over any other versions. I also like the new more mellow and mature version of Buffy. I want more. I want to learn about this Spike's dimension, and how he adjusts to Buffy's world. It would also be fitting to see that b**ch Kennedy get what she deserves. I realize that it has been years since you wrote this story, but it would be wonderful to see more written with these characters. Thank you for this beautiful story Deffenitly one of the more interesting fics I've read in awhile/ Can't wait to read more. Can't think why I've never read this fic before, I just love it! It leaves so many plot points hanging it demands sequels - SO WHERE ARE THEY? I want to see Spike learn al about the 21st Century, I want Kennedy to get her come uppance, I want Giles to finally get a clue............ and I want happy Spuffiness! Varin 01/30/2008 04:48 am 7 Sweet. I really liked your new Spike. well done. Wow, that was an awesome and fabulous ride! I am excited that you have more planned for the characters in further stories...and I want to see Kennedy put down..I hated her in the show, too too arrogant if you ask me. After Tara I couldn't stand Willow seeing any one else. It is about time for Buffy to tell Spike it was time for her to seek him out and I love that you included that. Wonderful stuff here! Kimmy I'd like to see you spend more time on the Kennedy conspiracy. That was a good idea. “Did it never occur to you that for once it was up to me to make the first move?" Absolutely loved that line; I always thought it should have been Buffy to go to Spike; nice that you incorporated it!!! Hope there's a sequel; this was an awesome story, and I really enjoyed it! Thank you! I haven't watched AtS5 so only really get the gist of what went down from fanfic, so I'll take your word for it! LOL Very happy that you enjoyed and were nice enough to take the time to let me know. Very appreciated, hun. Don't hold your breath, but a prequel and a sequel are in various stages on my hard-drive. I couldn't say when they'll see the harsh light of day though. BFN! Kelsey 01/03/2008 06:47 pm 7 That was an amazing fic!!! I'm so glad you liked! Thank you! what a great read, thank you. and a wonderful birthday present. awww...what a lovely, sweet fic....bothered a bit by the fact that they're gonna have to just keep running...but on the other hand, that could be a lovely opening to a whole series of fics, couldn't it? ;) hint hint :) awesome job on this, looking forward to reading everythig else you write :) Thank you! Have got a sequel - and prequel - plotted. Just need the time to get all worded up! *hugs* Rose 09/29/2006 08:48 pm 7 This was perfect, well, except for it needs a sequel! Is in the pipeline - but the pipeline is pretty long! Thanks for reviewing. *hugs* great fic.. really hope you write the sequel Thank you! It will be a while yet but am planning to have sequel ready for pre Christmas. So glad you liked. Verda 06/11/2006 07:46 am 7 God bless you girl, a sequel! 3 chapters ago I didn't want it to end. So much more to learn. What's with the reflection having and how did he get his soul? and I want to watch when Buffy gets to unwrap her "gift"! I know I'm a baaad girl. Love this more than I can say! *squishes* ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/24/2006 04:12 pm 7 Forgive me for probably not reviewing when I found this on the LJ's. When I read the LJ's, a lot of times I hurry to the next post to find the story, and I forget to review. I can't wait to see the sequel. This one just screams out for a sequel to be written, and I look forward to seeing what your muse cmes up with. Excellent story all around. No problem about the reviews - I'd say you've more than made up for it here! Am so happy that you liked and there will be a sequel in the not too distant future. Thanks so much for your kind words. Hugs. xxx I'm interested in knowing about Spike's reflection and soul. You left so many holes. Don't rush on the sequel, but don't daudle either. I'm surely looking forward to it. Sorry about the holes. It was only meant to be a ficlet and sorta took on a life of its own - and then I realised I would never finished what could be in time for Schez's birthday. So, hopefully, there is enough meat left on the bone to bridge smoothly into another story from the moment the last finished. So happy that you want to read more, but must finish Buyer first (and I don't think that's gonna be short either!). Thanks for reviewing. JenxGeR 02/06/2006 12:20 pm 7 Lol! What a coincidence! I went to read the reviews after I added mine, and I was chuffed to see that some of the readers refer to the canon Spike as "our" Spike too. Lmao. Go us, go Spuffy! Rgds, Jen LOL! You are not alone! Thanks again. JenxGeR 02/06/2006 12:14 pm 7 Gosh, I was so worried Willow would still be living in her boxed-up little world. Giles treating Buffy like in LMPTM was rather expected too. Great characterisations, really interesting to see Spike of another dimension -- Tho I would still prefer 'our' canon Spike anytime! =P Thanks for sharing the fic :D I'm glad you enjoyed. This was written as a pressie and to the specification of a Boxer Rebellion Spike - I didn't think having a wildly elated Slayer Slayer in modern times would have worked - and that paradox thing would have reared its ugly head. 'Our' Spike is a more complex character I think and I adores him. Thanks for reviewing, Jen. Shippy 02/05/2006 12:08 pm 7 I really enjoyed this fic but I can't help this bitter aftertaste I have when I think this is not our Spike and she has moved on. Thank you, Shippy! Am glad you enjoyed but can quite understand why you feel a bit off about it. There were several reasons why my brain wandered off down this route. One of which being that I have not watched more than a snippet of AtS5 and have no real idea (other than that gleaned from fanfic) about the state of Spike's mind when he went out to NFA. So I don't know how many barriers need to be crossed to overcome their issues. This idea popped in my head and I was off. And this was written as a birthday fic for Schez. She asked for Boxer Spike and Buffy. This is what she got. Thanks for reviewing. Lou 02/05/2006 12:20 am 7 Terrific pacey finale for a very satisfying tale. A pleasure to read -- plus so many promising avenues to explore. Loved it. Thank you, Lou! Hope you enjoy the sequel too when it comes out. Thanks for the reviews. Oooh this is soo good I ate it up with a spoon and put on 20 pounds! Am dying for the sequel. I've always had the lustbunnies for ChinaSlayer era Spike but this one has so many other possibilities with the mystery of his soul, etc. I love, love, love this plot and don't think there's another like it out there. Well done! Part of me feels bad that "our" Spike isn't getting the love he deserved, but I like this Spike a lot as well. Too bad they can't merge. More please. Kathleen a rabid just_sue fan Awww, Kathleen! Are you weally wabid? LOL Seriously, one of the reasons it couldn't be 'our' Spike is 'cos I haven't watched more than a few moments of AtS5 - and am not sure I would apreciate being bogged in whatever mindset the writers had given Spike by that time. I'd have to watch and cogitate it to death before I could put any words down - and life's too short (that's my excuse anyway!). I'm cheating a bit as well by locating this fic, and sequel, on my home turf (well, before I moved up North) - so they're off to Cornwall next. Am so glad that you liked so much - I am trying to be patient about your next update and finding it very hard! just_sue Totally wabid pfeifferpack fan Carol 02/04/2006 04:00 am 7 Definitely lots of questions that need answering. An entertaining fic. I'll look forward to the sequel. Thank you, Carol! Happy to have entertained. Yep, lots of questions to be answered in sequel (and prequel). Thanks for reviewing. Irene 02/04/2006 01:52 am 7 Love, love, love, MUST have a sequel. Thank you that is all. Thank you, Irene! I'm glad that you loved it, bless! Will have a sequel - later. Thanks for reviewing. YOW!! This was a wonderful story about the PTB trying to fix things that got screwed up by Angelus, et al. I am eagerly looking forward to the sequel. Thank you, MarzBar! Really glad you enjoyed it. The sequel will come along in a while. Thank for the reviews. BFN. Irina 02/03/2006 07:25 pm 7 You told I wonderful story! It was a joy to read. I think you left the characters in a good place. It was a satisfying ending, but it definitely left me wanting to read more. I'll be keeping a look out for the sequel. In the meantime I think i'll go check out your other fic. Great job! :) Thank you, Irina! Am so glad that it pleased and I managed to make a break at a good time. The sequel will be out sometime in the future but the 'other' fic needs more attention first. Thanks for reviewing and see you on the 'other' side! BFN. Sylvia 02/03/2006 07:10 pm 7 This was an absolutely precious story! I loved it and you did such a wonderful job of expressing their emotions to the events and regarding one another. I even like the way you described the other characters like Willow, Giles, Andrew and Kennedy was true to life as a spoiled brat! I await the sequel with anxious anticipation. Thank you, Sylvia! Very happy that you liked it so much and my style too. Please don't have anxious anticipation until the sequel - I have to finish Buyer first! But it will be forthcoming in the not too distant future. Thanks for the review. Great "for now" ending lol. I'm so glad that Spike and Buffy have the gang on their side, too. Thank you, CopyKween! Am happy that you enjoyed and can see that more can be wrung from this tale! Hope you'll be back to read when it appears. Thanks for your reviews. BFN. Bridget 02/03/2006 03:36 pm 7 Lovely. It was a perfectly sweet ending and I am glad that Willow and Giles did not turn out to be interfering jerks. Great job! This is now one of my favorite stories. I hope there is a sequel but if not thank you. Thank you so much, Bridget! I am so glad you enjoyed and even more pleased to hear it has gained entry into your favourites. There will be a sequel - but not for a while as other fic need to be nurtured first. Thanks for your reviews - they meant a lot. BFN. Niamh 02/03/2006 02:52 pm 7 whew. . . . I was worried there for a minute about Willow and what she was going to do when faced with the replacement er, alternate Spike. . . . looks like there's going to be trouble and dark days ahead. Thanks, Niamh! Yep, I envisage a busy time ahead for our characters - what with a prophecy, Council kerfuffles, Spike and Buffy on the run, and who knows what Willow will be up to! LOL Thanks for the reviews - hope to see you when the sequel comes through. BFN. Max 02/03/2006 01:54 pm 7 It's over already? : ( Well, I'm glad you're doing a sequel. I can't wait to read it. You were spot on with how Buffy's friends constantly meddled in her life "for her own good." Grr. You don't know how many times I wanted Buffy to tell all of them to just sod off, and let her make her own decisions and live her own life. I hated how Buffy's friends always expected her to just "be happy" despite whatever her own feelings were. I'll be looking out for the sequel - I have no doubt that I will enjoy reading that story as much as I did this one. : ) Thank you, Max! Am very pleased that you enjoyed it so much - and you can see how it really needs more to complete the story. All those lovely loose ends to tie off! LOL Thanks for all the reviews and see you when the sequel is up - if not before! BFN. Lovely! And obviously much room for a sequel! Thank you! Really happy that you liked. Yep, certainly plenty of room for more - but had to finish somewhere in time for Schez's birthday. Need to complete Buyer first and then I'll come back to this for something a little lighter. Thanks for reviewing, Patti. DeanSamWinchesterfan 02/03/2006 01:38 pm 7 Good chapter.I can't wait until the sequel.I once again stayed home from school,but the headache's gone and I was happy to find the new chapter. Thank you. Am glad you are feeling better and hope you're not missing too much schooling. Glad you liked and will be a while before the sequel appears. Thanks for the reviews. BFN. messy 02/03/2006 01:35 pm 7 wow! I can't wait for the sequel. I literally devoured this one :P I really like the plot Thank you, messy! I'm glad that you liked it but it will be a while until the sequel comes along. Thanks for reviewing. Oh my! Can you please please write a sequal? I am dying to know what happens - how does the battle for the Council go - how do Buffy and Spike adjust to the fact that he is not the Spike she knew, what about Angrl and his mucking everything else, what about more Spuffy loving! hehe seriosuly - I adored this fic - it was really intersting, intriguing, sweet and simply fab! I would adore a sequal sometime! Thank you so much! I am chuffed to nuts that you enjoyed it. More will be forthcoming - but not until Buyer is finished (I have this real fear of having WIPs piling up all over the place and languishing from neglect as I flit off to something else!). The pooch also thanks you as he can now have his walk! Thanks for the reviews and see you around I hope. BFN. gaillee 02/03/2006 10:15 am 7 Thank you for a luscious story. This has been so wonderful. I've really liked this Buffy and Spike so much and will love a sequel. I hope, however, you'll finish Buyer Beware first--'cause it is so good,too. Thanks, again. Thank you, gaillee! I am very happy that you have enjoyed (and reviewed) so much! Be assured that I fully intend to finish Buyer before a sequel sees the light of day - harsh or otherwise! Will be hoping to see you again on the buyer side of things. Until then... bye. kim 02/03/2006 09:56 am 7 I was so worried! Glad to see all's right for now. Can't wait for the continuation. Lots of clean-up at the Council needed. Geeze, Willow was cold at first. I didn't think she'd be quite so cruel after Spike's sacrifice, or not know by now that Buffy loved him. You only needed eyes to see that. Thank you, kim! Very happy that you enjoyed and it will be a while before the sequel appears. Yep, Council is gonna need some spring cleaning and Willow (and others) have always found it convenient to dismiss Buffy's feelings at times. Thanks for popping in to review - hope to meet you again in time. BFN. Each of us deserves to be loved for who we actually are as opposed to someone's dream which becomes a barrier to knowing. Very insightful chapter! Hm- I'm thinking Buffy should have helped Spike with that first shower ... You're starting to scare me; I'm almost afraid to open the next chapter for fear of what's gonna happen!!! So...good story then!! lOL! LOL A little scare is not a bad thing! BFN. what does giles know exactly? *bites nails* now i'm nervous...i hope willow doesn't mess things up for them...this really could be a second chance for buffy :) Verda 06/11/2006 06:44 am 6 Sue, you're killing me here! Buffy said her final goodbye to "her" Spike, dressing his successor in bright colored clothes and looks for the possibilies her future now holds. Depending on how it ends, I will probably beg for a sequal! LOL ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/24/2006 04:10 pm 6 Very good build up to the finish for the next chapter. The storyline is very thorough and intriguing. You brought many different aspects, emotions, and settings into this piece. I really enjoyed it. Thank you! That's such a pleasure to know. neo_trinityknot 02/03/2006 01:18 pm 6 Go away Willow! LOL! That would have left a big blank in the story - but so know what you mean. Thanks for reviewing. the last chapter is next....nooooo... but I adore this story! Sniff ... okay on to the end~ Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying. Hope that sniff isn't a cold coming on! LOL Thanks for the salvo of reviews -most appreciated. Coquine 02/03/2006 06:46 am 6 Gah! It seems like there is way too much that still needs to happen for there to be only one more chapter! I know, you mentioned a sequel, but still! Sigh. Guess I'll just have to be patient and see how this one ends. I'll be sure to check for the update ASAP! Thank you for your email, Coquine. Your perspective has been very helpful (I'm still pondering it!). Last chapter is now up and I hope you will like it. Thanks for being such a consistent reviewer - you know it means a lot. BFN Niamh 02/03/2006 04:53 am 6 Goodbye, Spike. I’ll never ever forget you. Never stop praying to the – whatever – that you’re in a good place. Never stop being thankful for having known you, for having loved you. I am so, so sorry that it was too late. Silly, I sorta want to ask for your blessing. Which is all sorts of weird! I don’t love him, not yet. But there’s something there. Asking for his blessing. . . you made me cry. And yes, you've entertained me. Thank you, Niamh! Didn't mean to make you cry (but I seem to recall having the odd sniffle myself when writing that bit). I'm so gald that it entertained as well - all I can ever ask for. Thanks for reviewing and hope you enjoy the last (the one I'm now worrying about) chapter. BFN. gaillee 02/03/2006 03:28 am 6 You are a superb writer. I cannot begin to figure how you are going to wrap this up in one chapter...but, if anyone can,I sure it's you. This HAS been more than simply entertaining. It has been heart warming. And, I can hardly wait 'til tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you so much, gaillee! The flattery is very nice - but it does make me blush! It pleases me muchly that you have been entertained in a heart warming way. I thought it might be a bit too fluffy but couldn't help myself. Last chapter is up and I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for your lovely reviews - they mean a lot. BFN. kim 02/03/2006 03:26 am 6 Ohhh, cliffhanger... Thank goodness she gave the boy some hope. He's so fragile and tender. LOL! That was a cliffhanger? I'll try that more often then. Methinks you have a soft spot for the lad. Me too. Thanks for reviewing and hope the last bit meets with your approval. BFN. *is desperate for last chapter* How are you going to make this all work out in one chapter???? Last chapter up, Patti! I am now worrying like a mad thing that the last chapter will be a disappointment - but it's done now. Ho hum! Thanks for reviewing and am keeping fingers crossed that the last bit is okay for you. BFN. Irina 02/03/2006 01:23 am 6 I like the positive attitude Buffy has about the gift she's been given. I think it was a nice touch that she wrote her Spike a heartfelt goodbye. Wonderful chapter! Thank you, Irina! I'm pretty fond of this Buffy - so far. I just hope she remembers all her good intentions in the sequel! LOL Thank you for reviewing and I hope you like the last chapter too. BFN. Bridget 02/03/2006 12:25 am 6 Another great chapter. At first blush I thought the mean words said by Spike to Buffy would not be remedied so quickly. It is wonderful that you gave Buffy such insight. Unfortunately on the show they never portrayed Buffy as a deep thinker. This story is wonderful. I just hope that Willow's arrival won't ruin things. Thank you, Bridget! We'll never know if Buffy could have or would have developed in this way - or what her thoughts would have been if she learned that Spike was gone for good. Thanks for al your reviews and enthusiasm. I hope you enjoy the last chapter. DeanSamWinchesterfan 02/03/2006 12:23 am 6 Good chapter.I've been waiting all day for this as I missed school because I'm sick.The missing school part and staying home to play on the computer for ten hours is fun though.It's the stuffed up nose and the sinus headache that made the day bad. Update soon.I hope Spuffy finally get together. I do hope this finds you feeling better - sinus headaches are so not fun! Not to mention the bunged up nose! Hope you like the last bit. Thanks for reviewing. BFN. I can't believe that there is only one chapter left to go! I am loving this story and am dying to see what Buffy is writing to Giles and what Willow will find when she gets to the cottage! Tomorrow just seems so far away.............(sigh)....... I am now worrying that the last chapter will be a disappointment! But remember that there will be a sequel -and that it was written as a birhday pressie in under a month (shows you how slowly I type!). Do hope you enjoy the ending and that you come back one last time. BFN... I hope. Oh, that was heart breaking. “I’m not him. I’m not the one you loved.†Oh, my heart is breaking for poor Spike; cant' wait to see what happens next; you weave a beautiful story Thank you! And you say the kindest things. BFN! oh wow...how very intensely you've written this...poor spike...i wonder how they'll deal with this new development, and i honestly dont feel like that was the best way for her to break that to him...great chapter, ,btw :) Verda 06/11/2006 06:00 am 5 Oh, how heartbreaking. This sweet soul, that's already fallen in love with her, now understands where her affection for him comes from. Poor tender Spike. ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/24/2006 04:09 pm 5 Such torture that "this" Spike is enduring knowing how much Buffy loved "her" Spike. Excellent chapter. Thanks. There is no way that the 'new' Spike can go without knowing about the 'original' Spike. oh poor spikey - and just like rupert to send out wet ops teams without first finding out what the heck is going on... GRRR I am really enjoying this story and now anxiously racing to the next chappie! LOL! I should be walking the dog but feel it would be rude to disappear when you are reading so voraciously! Thank you for your kind reviews. OMG! Great update! I didn't expect that to be Spike's reaction to the journals but I am delighted to see another update so I am on to read as to how Buffy reacts to his admission! Thank you! I just poped on before going to bed and there you were! Am happy to have surprised you... but surprised that I did! Thanks for reviewing and am off to answer your next one now! BFN Irina 02/02/2006 08:30 pm 5 Fantastic chapter! It was an interesting twist that William visited the cottage as a boy. I feel so bad for Spike right now. I'm really looking forward to find out what Buffy has to say. Thank you, Irina! I have been so flattered by the response that I am gonna put another chapter up now. Then you'll find out what Buffy has - or has not - to say. Thanks for the review. BFN kim 02/02/2006 08:20 pm 5 Oh, poor William. He didn't need to know that much detail about Spike. He's only going to feel inferior. Buffy would have done better to read excerpts to him that she wanted him to hear about. Wow, the diamonds - that's a fortune! He's going to look very patriotic. :) Hi, kim! Perhaps this is a good example of too much honesty? There's the truth, and then there's the truth! I think Buffy was going too far overboard in light of her recent mourning and her determination to have everything up front. Trying to do the right thing, in the wrong way, is often the same thing as doing the wrong thing in the first place. And that made sense to me! D'ya like the diamonds? The ... ooops, nearly gave something away then. When he tells her about them all will become clear on where that came from! Thanks for reviewing, kim. Am gonna put another chapter up now. BFN Coquine 02/02/2006 07:53 pm 5 It took me a bit to get around to reading this story, after knowing from "Buyer Beware" that you are an awesome writer, and now that I finally have, I've found that I'm thoroughly captured. And after this exquisite cliffhanger, you simply MUST post more, and as soon as is humanly possible!!! Thank you very much! I think it has put off a few that look at Buyer. Now, if you're reading this I beg pardon for starting to ramble. It's that time of night when I've enjoyed a few bevvies of the grape variety and my waffle head comes on (I do a lot of writing at such different times of the day - but now is when I have my best ideas - go figure). I would be grateful if you could find the time to drop me an email and give me an honest opinion of why you think this fic has not had half the readers that Buyer has. I am merely curious and wondering if perhaps this is too fluffy. I did want to make it angsty but hopeful with a little upbeat thrown in. Anyway, as I'm asking a favour of you, I think it only fair that I obey your order and post some more (now, bearing in mind I have had a couple of drinks - this might take a while!) now! Thank you, Coquine. BFN. neo_trinityknot 02/02/2006 07:02 pm 5 I cant wait to hear what she says, and how they are going to get rid of scoobies, the council, and talk about treasure in two chapters! Yikes! Two chapters? You don't think I can? Should I have made it three... or four? I could be in trouble now! Although i do seem to recal the last chapter as being a bit on the robust size! (Phew! Glad I remembered that!!!). Thanks for reviewing. BFN. Max 02/02/2006 06:32 pm 5 Grr. Willow and Giles need some sense knocked into them. Why, Max! Did they annoy you? LOL Thanks you, for your few but very succinct words, my dear. ct114 02/02/2006 06:30 pm 5 great story so far. i like it. Thank you! I appreciate you popping in to let me know. cheryl 02/02/2006 05:57 pm 5 I am completely loving this story! It is wonderful and while I can't wait for the next chapter, I wish the story were going to be longer. Warmest regards, Cheryl LOL! Thank you, Cheryl! I see your New Year's resolution is holding up well on the reviewing front - yay, you! Will be doing a sequel at some point, so in a way it will be longer (that made perfect sense in my head!). But I do appeeciate the sentiment. Hope you will come back and review again - and like the next bits, of course! BFN. gaillee 02/02/2006 05:20 pm 5 I love this so much. I wish I was good at detailing what I like, but I am not. Therefore, I can only say: "Great job". Will be watching for next chapters. Thank you. Thank you, gaillee! Don't worry about picking out bits that you liked - that you like it at all and are kind enough to let me know is wonderful to me. I hope you will enjoy the last two chapters which will not be too long in coming. BFN. Now exactly how is this Spike knowledgable about the cottage?? HUMMMMMMMM... I just hope that they can figure this out before the Council comes calling. Great update. Thank you. letitia! It's that flukey thing that some things are the same in different realities. So William visited his Uncle Arthur's cottage as a kid and remembered just enough to grab the goodies. Mmmm. Nasty Council. I wouldn't want them to come calling. Thanks for reviewing and hope you like the last two chapters when they're up. BFN. Bridget 02/02/2006 04:41 pm 5 You are doing a great job with this story. The ending of this chapter is so sad. Can't wait to read more. Thank you, Bridget! Was a bit sad, wasn't it? And they were getting on so well too. Ho hum. Thanks for being such a regular reviewer. I might put up another chapter in a few hours - otherwise it'll be tomorrow. DeanSamWinchesterfan 02/02/2006 04:22 pm 5 Poor Spike!He thinks Buffy doesn't love him.I'm less confused.When I reviewed in chapter four,I had yet to read chapter three.I didn't realize I hadn't read it until after I had reviewed.Update soon. Ahh, that'll be my fault - the confusion - 'cos I put two chapters up yesterday and for some reason the older one gets caught up in the most recent (babbling now!). There are two more chapters to go and will possibly post another later or maybe two tomorrow. Thanks for reviewing and hope you give me your thoughts on the next chapters as well. BFN. Niamh 02/02/2006 04:19 pm 5 Why on earth is Rupert's first instinct to panic? And why do I want to strangle both him and Willow? And Rose? Grr. Poor William. .. not only is he a man out of time, but he's now believing he's a piss-poor substitute for another version of himself. . . Waiting to see how you resolve this without blodoshed. Yep, Rupert and Willow are both strangleworthy here (is that a word?). But Rose... I have to say I think you're being a bit harsh on the poor woman - she's between a rock and a hard place as far as her duty goes. I get the feeling that you are firmly on Spike's side in this - good for you! Me too! Only a couple of more chapters and will (or not!) be resolved. Thanks for reviewing, Niamh. Hope you come back again. Nice writing - now Willow and Giles will muck up everything. Oh, I so hope Buffy retains her lessons in the face of Willow's arrival! Although Willow alway sseemed to be one of the least judgemental of the Scoobies, so maybe it'll be ok??? Really enjoying this story; can't wait to go read more of your work! *pets* You already know the answer and thank you for the compliment. BFN! awww....you just ripped my heart out for poor spike...wonder what made his upbringing as a vamp so different this time around....hmmm...very intriguing...and i really hope giles and willow dont mess it all up... Verda 06/11/2006 05:37 am 4 Only a few more chapters left and I already hate to have it end. I love this story. A second chance for Buffy to get it right and Willow's about to come and muck it up. Great story! ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/24/2006 04:08 pm 4 If the demand is there? Oh, you betcha it is. This is a great story, and I'm glad to that I got to read it all in one setting originally. I would have gone crazy clamouring for each part. LOL! You're so kind! wonderful chappie Thank you! You are certainly glomping this down! LOL Now of course they don't follow directions. If Buffy wanted to talk to them she would have. And poor Mrs. Rose, she was just following her instincts to let someone know of the blood. I just hope that Buffy and Spike get a chance to talk before Willow busts in. And here is the hoping that Buffy sends her on her way as well. I bet you know someone who always thinks that they know what's best for everyone - but rarely takes advice themselves? I know I do. And it often seemed to me that Buffy's friends treated her like a commodity instead of a person (but that changes depending on the wind direction and whatever humour I happen to be in!). Rose is trying to do her best, poor woman. Are you getting that feeling that there just ain't enough time? LOL Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, letitia. Hope you will again. Michelle 02/02/2006 06:40 am 4 I have really enjoyed this story so far. I can't wait to find out what makes this Spike so different from the Spike that died, and how he has a reflection. Thank you, Michelle! The prequel will have a lot of answers (when I get it written) but some will be coming your way in this. Thanks for reviewing and hope you continue to enjoy. kim 02/02/2006 04:09 am 4 Question - why does he have a reflection? If he's a vamp, he shouldn't. Otherwise, good start. Ahh. Why does he have a reflection? Darned good question - but I'm not giving you an answer! LOL Thanks for reviewing and hope you will read on to maybe find out about the reflection - or not! Irina 02/02/2006 12:52 am 4 Loved the chapter! I'm really looking forward to find out what happens next. Thank you, Irina! Glad you're liking and there will be more soon. Thanks for taking the time to review. Oh no! The last thing that Buffy needs is for any of the Scoobies to show up! I just hope that it is only Willow that shows up and not the whole gang! I loved the update and the dream that Buffy had, I can't wait to see if she can actually follow thru and not let anyone come b/n them this time! Please update soon! Thank you! Yep, certainly don't need interference right now. Wonder what will happen next? LOL Thanks for reviewing and more up later - my later that is! Love this! Thanks, Patti! Am happy that you do and hope you will continue to like. Thanks for reviewing. Lou 02/01/2006 10:37 pm 4 Please don't let the others barge in and ruin everything. I'll cry! Not trying to make you cry (looks round for help!). So glad you are interested and taking the time to review. BFN. neo_trinityknot 02/01/2006 10:21 pm 4 Aww, your not dirty Spike! Yikes! Are you worried that he's clean - or that he's clean! LOL Thanks for leaving a few, poignant words, hun! Hope you come back tomorrow for more insights! Hugs, sweetie. xxx DeanSamWinchesterfan 02/01/2006 09:57 pm 4 I thought Spike got hit by the car.I'm still a little confused. Update soon. See, you should be able to look before I post to make sure that I'm not being too vague. Right. Buffy managed to push him out of the way at the end of chapter 3. Her dreams gave her the pointer that it could go either way. If you want send me an email and I'll be more than happy to fill in some of the big gaps that I'm sorta leaving folk to fill in. Okay? Glad that you reviewed and hope to hear from you again. BFN. Max 02/01/2006 09:43 pm 4 Hey two updates in one day - you're spoiling us: ) I like this Spike and I hope Willow and Giles don't cause too much trouble when they find out about him. Hi, Max! There have been some lovely reviewers on today and I've been overcome by a rush of sentimentality - and giving! Only have three more so will probably post two more tomorrow and one on Friday. This is my only complete fic so may as well give the darling folk who review what they ask for - may be my only chance! If you think I would let anything cause too much trouble with our favourite pairing... Not gonna happen - but it may be close! Thanks for leaving a line and hope you continue to do so. BFN. dihcar 02/01/2006 09:38 pm 4 You read me like an open book, i HATE drusilla. Good chapter, i'm defintly gonna keeping reading this story. But to be honest probaly not the prequel since i NEVER read submissve spike stories, wich it probaly would be if he's a fledgling around angelus in your AU. I will look forward to the sequel. Keep up the good work. seeya Thank you. Not exactly an open book but quite passionate in your response (passion's cool!). I'm a bit miffed that you would think I would deliver the expected! I like to imagine ('cos it's that time of night and I've started on the Sambuca) that I can sometimes think outside the box. But, if the prequel ain't your thing then just be sure to pop by for an ogle of the sequel. But give it a month or so, or so first. Hope you continue to read and review. BFN. I'm so happy that Buffy found a new Spike to love. However, if Giles and Willow arrive waving stakes and dogma around, Buffy will have to start fighting for him. More story please. LOL! I think two chapters today had been mighty okay of me! Will try to give two more tomorrow so that the last comes in on Friday to leave your weekend curiousity free. Howzat? Thanks for reviewing and be sure that I have my beady eye on the Council-connection. BFN. idk5743228 02/01/2006 08:53 pm 4 Great chapter. Now that I know that this one is here, I will certainly be looking for it. I love the different Spike. Thank you! Only three more chapters to go - but prequel and sequel planned for sometime in the future. Look for more soon and I hope that you continue to comment. BFN. cheryl 02/01/2006 07:48 pm 4 I haven't read this chapter yet (just copied it into a word doc). But I am eagerly following this fic and one of my new years resolutions was to let authors know when I like their work. Keep it coming, Cheryl LOL! Thank you, Cheryl! I find it a bit strange to hear that someone is saving my fic into Word! Very flattering. Please do keep up your New Year's resolution - reviews are the only currency that a fanfic writer can earn - says the very new-to-this peep! But already I am getting to recognise and appreciate those that bother to leave a little (or a lot!) to give something back to the writer. So whenever you read a single chapter that you have something to say about - say it. I will always be gald to hear from you (especially if it's nice!). BFN. Niamh 02/01/2006 06:50 pm 4 Wasn't certain about this, although the summary and title kept tugging at me. Really am enjoying this, your style is evocative and lyrical and flowing beautifully, and I really can't wait to see what the rest of the story is like. Very good. Thank you! You make me blush with your praise. Three more chapters to go and I hope you still feel the same way at the end. Thanks for taking the time to review - you will know how important this is! Bridget 02/01/2006 06:43 pm 4 Nice update. I can't believe that Buffy and Spike's time together will be so quickly interrupted. Can't wait to read more. Thanks for the quick update. LOL! The title should give you a bit of a clue - time is everything! You are so welcome about the quick update. Lovely and consistent reviews like yours are what makes it sweet. As I know I have this one in the bag I'm not gonna be against a bit of sweet talking. But Buyer is a WIP, so nothing will result from reviews except the encouragement to continue. Which is actually a big something if you think about it! LOL Thanks for your time. Hope you continue to enjoy. BFN. Kittenuno 02/01/2006 06:43 pm 4 Beautiful and unique setup. Love this post-Chosen alternative universe. I have fallen in l*** with this selfless, vulnerable Spike. And I hope you keep Buffy strong against her so-called friends. Next chapter please... Why thank you, Kittenuno. Am touched that you like so much. keep the faith - er, Buffy. Look for more very soon. Thanks for reviewing - it's nice to hear from you. I like your Spike, wonderful changes that you have created for him - Good chapter JS - how did Spike keep his reflection? Inquiring minds want to know. Is he going to lose it now that he's drinking human blood? *sniff* so happy!!! So confused, but so happy! Why does Spike have a reflection? Why won't he drink blood? See, confused! But happy that they've found each other somehow. *sniff!* LOL Sorry that you have been sniffing! When I eventually get the prequel done all your questions will be answered. *grins* BFN! so this is not quite past spike, not quite present spike..hmmm...curiouser and curiouser indeed :) off to more :) Verda 06/11/2006 05:00 am 3 How beautiful! and so many questions to be answered. A long haired Spike, how delicious! Lucky slayer! I'm so glad that this is finished so I don't have to wait long to see how it ends. Great story. ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/24/2006 04:07 pm 3 So tender and touching. You really write the emotions well. Thanks again, Tasha! Very intriguing... I am really enjoying trying to figure out what is going on.... so this spike has only had pig's blood... I am happily looking forward to the next chapter! Thank you! Happy that it is interesting you and that all the chapters are there for your perusal. Thanks for reviewing. kim 02/02/2006 02:48 pm 3 I realized I missed reading a chapter somehow. So, did this Spike never lose his soul when he was turned? Very curious about him still having a reflection. Poor thing's had a hard unlife. Hi, Kim. That'd probably be 'cos I updated twice yesterday. Love your guesses but you're just gonna have to read and see. Bung a list of quesions my way at the end if you still want to know stuff (email might be best). Thanks for reading and reviewing. Off to post more now. Carol 02/02/2006 03:16 am 3 Wow, this Spike is different. But I love him anyway! An interesting premise and it's well written. Keep up the good work. Thank you, Carol! Am happy that you are enjoying - and reviewing! Definitely a different Spike. More chapters up today (when RL stops nipping at my heels!). Lou 02/01/2006 10:30 pm 3 Oh how I love a mystery! Fabulous. Thank you, Lou. Am very pleased that you are enjoying. I know you have commented to the next chappie as well. Thank you, sweetie. gaillee 02/01/2006 05:41 pm 3 Wow! This has an emotional impact that is unbelievable. I can believe that he is already in love with her. It feels...sometimes I wish I could find the words to express myself! Thanks for another fine update. Damn! Another 'wow'! Thanks so much, gaillee! Your enthusiasm (and others) drives me to post this quickly - just as well it's already finished! I am so happy you are liking - Schehrezade chose a fine subject for her birthday fic. Thanks for reviewing and I hopw you will enjoy and review the next chapter too. Wow! Poor Spike, not drinking human blood must have driven Angelus crazy and would also explain why he lost to the Chinese slayer! I can't wait for the next update! You see, you just had to use that 'wow' word (OMG or Crikey work equally well for me!) - I'm just gonna have to put some more up now. Like in a minute or two. Thanks for reviewing and hope you enjoy the next bit. Please feel more than free to review that too! SpaceLord 02/01/2006 05:03 pm 3 Well now I'm more interested in what kind of "reality" this new Spike comes from. Since he don't seem like a normal vampire I wonder if it's just him that is different or all vampires. And if he doesn't like to kill humans why would he be after the slayer? Lots of questions in this chapter. Mmmmm. Some of your questions will not get answered this time round. Everything is gonna be moving too quickly for that. I have my own list of questions that need to be addressed in the prequel but am always happy to have more thrown my way - though can't promise to include the answers as I already have a pretty good idea what the 'new' Spike's reality/dimension is like. Thanks for reviewing and the emails. BFN. neo_trinityknot 02/01/2006 04:44 pm 3 So many new questions! Cant wait for explanations LOL! Don't expect everything to be explained as I have a prequel and sequel planned. Hopefully enough to make some sort of sense (fingers crossed!). Thanks for reviewing and hope the next bits don't raise too many unanswered questions! idk5743228 02/01/2006 04:13 pm 3 I had a little reading to catch up on, so I read all three chapters at once. This is a great story. I like that I haven't read anything quite like this before. I cannot wait to read more Thank you! Am pleased that this is entertaining you and will have more up later/tomorrow depending where you are located. Thanks for taking the time to review and hope you pop back again. Max 02/01/2006 03:51 pm 3 So this Spike doesn't feed on humans and has a reflection. You've definitely got yourself a unique version of Spike here - I'm looking forward to finding out this Spike's story. Thanks, Max. Have just started on the prequel but I won't be able to post it here (obviously no Buffy in it). But you should get enough (only just mind) information to give you an idea of his story. Thanks for the reviews. Hope they keep coming! Bridget 02/01/2006 03:50 pm 3 Beautifully written chapter. Is this the Spike who had just fought the Chinese slayer? Ooops! Looks like you had a firm mouse contact on the old submit button! LOL Bridget 02/01/2006 03:50 pm 3 Beautifully written chapter. Is this the Spike who had just fought the Chinese slayer? Thank you, Bridget! You are quite right, this is the Spike that was just about to lose to the Chinese slayer. Hope you continue to review. More soon. Great twist! Can't wait to find out why he doesn't feed on humans. I'm assuming soul but you know what they say about assumptions. Glad it has your interest, kimbclar! Assume away - answers will be on their way. Thanks for reviewing. Irina 02/01/2006 02:01 pm 3 I just read all three chapters. And i'm really enjoying this story. Can't wait to read more! Thank you, Irina! Happy that you're enjoying and there will be more tomorrow/later dependign on your location. Thanks for taking the time to cheer me with a review. lovely - so Buffy is getting the opportunity to make up for being such a bitch to "her" Spike. And, a reflection? Could there be a soul involved here? LOL. Redemption isn't just for gorgeous vampires - at least, I hope not! *grins* This Spike has some different attributes to 'our' Spike - hope you like! Thanks for reviewing, Patti. Weaver 02/01/2006 11:59 am 3 Really enjoying this - interest is sparked - please feed the flames! Thank you, Weaver! Very pleased you are enjoying and will feed more tomorrow - just hope those sparks don't die! Thanks for reviewing. dihcar 02/01/2006 10:48 am 3 I followed your story from the beginning and waited to see were it was going. This chapter convinced me to review, you have a very intresting concept. A spike who doesn't like his whore of a sire, who kinda of had a death wish(his thoughts during the fight while he was starting to lose). We've seen who he becomes after a 100y of repressing his human side,killing 2slayers and folowing that stupid bitch drusilla. He could become someone alot better,stronger, learning from buffy. Yikes! I'm getting a vibe here that you aren't a Dru fan! LOL Very happy that this little fic has caught your interest - only four more chapters to go. Then they'll be the prequel (not for BSV 'cos won't fit the rules) and a sequel. Thank you for reviewing and hope you will again. Read one of your ficlets at your LJ, very much enjoyed it, as I am enjoying this one as well - I like your style very much - has an elegant simplicity and excellent interpretation of the characters - JS - I always thought Spike enjoyed being a vampire - being thru with society's rules and all that. In the Buffy section, I think you're doing too much telling and not enough showing. The fight scenes are very good. Plenty of showing there. Awesome, awesome story! Anything that gives Buffy and Spike a chance for a happy ending is good in my books, and you've set this up in a great way!! I also love love love the fact that Buffy is for once being introspective; facing up to her faults and failings, and realizing the depth of love that Spike had for her; only hope that she continues on this new mature road as she realizes that this is not "her" Spike. Although from what has been said, it doesn't sound like this Spike is happy as a vampire, so maybe things will be good??? Still glad you're enjoying! I think we all have to take a good hard look at ourselves sometimes, and this was Buffy's. I couldn't think of a convincing way to bring 'real' Spike back so had to nick one from an alternate dimension. *grins* Hope you like him! BFN! thanks to random complete story i found i missed this fine tale. was only going to read all and then write a comment, your a/n caused me to go back and read the first chapter reviews. loved the responses and applaud the author's note. sorry should have typed a/n's, the ending one is as excellent as the first. love the tale and the way your mind works (what limited view i have.) oh this is fascinating stuff! can't wait to see how exactly the PTB have pulled this off, and what exactly they've done...off to read more :) Verda 06/11/2006 04:19 am 2 Yes, sweetie you are doing that...entertaining us with this wonderful story. Ta for now, must continue to read. ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/24/2006 04:07 pm 2 Such interesting twists to this story. Love it! You're very kind to review each chapter, Tasha. Thanks. Very interesting start to the story... I am very intrigued... Looking foward to the next chappie to see how this all turns out! Thank you, Athenwolfe! Hope your interest continues. Thanks for reviewing. Love introspective Buffy accepting her responsibility for Spike's being afraid to come to her, and can't wait to see where you go with this from here. And, Yay! Another Lizzerbeathan fan! Thank you, Patti! You're very kind. Have you read Lizzer's latest? I loved it to bits although did have to tell her that Spike is not a Geordie! LOL SpaceLord 02/01/2006 12:03 am 2 Well I like the characters and the way you have Buffy taking stock in her life. As for my comments about souls in my previous review I think you missunderstod my meaning. I will try and post on your LJ or send you an e-mail to try and clarify what I was thinking. Hi, SpaceLord. Thanks for your e-mail - I've sent a reply and hope we're on the same page now. Glad you like the characters and hope the next bits entertain you. Thanks for taking the time to review. Lou 01/31/2006 10:28 pm 2 Great sense of something impending and then POW! Can't wait for more - and I'm perfectly entertained, if that's any confort to you! Hi, Lou! That you are being entertained is a huge comfort to me - it's what it's all about really. More coming in a few minutes. Thanks for taking the time to review and hope it continues to amuse. DeanSamWinchesterfan 01/31/2006 09:18 pm 2 Good story so far.I'm a little confused,but that's expected. Update soon! Sorry that you're confused but at least it's only a little! More being posted in a few minutes. Thanks for taking the time to review. Most kind. Wow! Buffy has really grown up hasn't she? Now that she is taking responsibility for her actions and realized that people can change (or should I say vampires?) she is going to deal w/Spike pre-chip and pre-slayer of slayers, how come I think that things are just about to get fun? Please update soon! LOL! Please note that 'fun' isn't one of the warnings for this little fic! I am so glad that it is getting your interest and will be updating in a little while (when I finish responding to those kind enough to review). Hope you continue to read (and review!). neo_trinityknot 01/31/2006 06:23 pm 2 great, cant wait for the next chapter Thank you! You won't have to wait long - will tomorrow do? gaillee 01/31/2006 05:53 pm 2 And, thus far, it is certainly entertaining me. Thanks for the start of another fine story. (I am also reading Buyer Beware--which I absolutely adore!) Thanks, gaillee! Glad it is entertaining you - can't ask for more (except reviews of course!). Really good to know you are enjoying both stories. Long may it continue! More tomorrow. kim 01/31/2006 05:25 pm 2 Hmm. This is a Spike that's still totally enthralled with Dru, on top of being from the far past. Buffy will really have her work cut out for her. Kim, you confuse me - or rather, I've confused you. LOL Not enthralled by Dru at all - more will become clear as mud soon. This fic is very neat so far! Can't wait to see where you go with it :) Thanks, CopyKween! I actually know the answer to that. Five more chapters to come. Hope you still think it's neat at the end. Schehrezade 01/31/2006 04:34 pm 2 YES! :cheer: You updated here - am so glad you did - you know how much I love this fic and your Boxer Spike/William. *scurries back to cleaning shop in preperation for the bossman's return* HUGS XXX LOL. Have vision of featherduster in hand and scarf around hair! Hugs you back, sweetie. xxx Max 01/31/2006 04:06 pm 2 I like the alternate version of Spike (or should I say William) that you are using, especially since we won't have to deal with any of the feeling the original Spike of that time had for the "insane bint." Thinking back to all the flashbacks of human William, your version of the vampire is very possible. Again, very nice job describing the scenes you're writing (I want to vacation at that cottage : ) ) Thank you, Max! Am even now working on the prequel. Am so glad you're liking and, although the cottage does exist, I'm afraid it ain't mine (and really couldn't say what it looks like inside). Probably more tomorrow. When can I move in - this place sounds fabulous. Another Spike? Hope he's as obnoxious as the original. I don't know what the etiquette is on reviewing stories that have long been completed, but I found this first chapter so intriquing I couldn't help but let you know; love Joyce's involvement; always thought she would have been behind Spike, and would have encouraged the relationship; can't wait to see what happens next!!! Well, aren't I the lucky one! *grins* I just popped in to respond to the review you left for We'll Go Be Heroes and discovered you have left other kind words for me! Thank you! I don't know that there is any etiquette involved, hun. I would think anyone would be delighted, as I am, to know something is still read and enjoyed. *grins* Thanks for your kind comments and am off to respond to your others. BFN! very intriguing beginning...your descriptions are flawless, love, very well done...looking forward to reading the rest :) Verda 06/11/2006 03:54 am 1 This is a very interesting story. Can't wait to see what happens next. Good job! ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/24/2006 04:07 pm 1 Dang, I wish I had found this on here (BSV) first. It is almost always easier to read here than at the LJ's. This is an awesome fic. Thank you. Darn LJs - a blessing and a curse! LOL Excellent beginning, sue...can't wait to see what comes next...thanks for posting it... Thank you! Am a bit taken aback at some of the strong reaction against this - was only a little something for Schez's birthday. Am glad you ikes so far and will be hoping - really hoping - it continues to entertain. Oh so tasty! Looking forward to more. Excellent start. Kathleen Thanks, Kathleen! Glad you liked. More on its way soon. Kat 01/27/2006 01:04 am 1 Oh hmmm neet idea but oh what will happen Another 6 chapters should give you the answer - or some of them! SpaceLord 01/27/2006 12:32 am 1 Well interesting start. I'm not a big fan of parallell dimension kind of things cause it usually means some philosophical consideration and can easily kill off an entire story cause you find something that goes against your sense of logic. Hmm so what happened to Spike in this reality? I mean gone, what does that mean exactly? That his soul just upped and dissapeared? To me this point becomes more interesting to me than this new Spike and Buffy, I mean I would think that this reality Spike would end up in heaven or some such for his good fight and what would happen when this new Spike dies? Are they gonna meet in heaven and say "hi mate"? Can they be in the same place since they are the same person. Can of worms here and I hope all will be answered in the coming chapters. Me I would have prefered if you had just brought Spike back from the dead, the cons against that is that it has been done alot of times before really. It was stated that Buffy and Spike were to have a future but how exactly is bringing a Spike from a diffrent reality gonna make that happen? It's not the same person and even though he might act pretty much the same he is not the Spike that Buffy loves. Well I'm gonna turn of my rant now and hope for the best. Right. You have raised some interesting points. This fic is merely meant to entertain and, in the fullness of time and the three associated fic I have planned, all would be revealed. You appear to have your own views on the soul issue - which I'm so not gonna get into here - and you might be interested to read lizerrrbeathan's new fic, The Book of William, which absolutely fascinated me. It's a gem. I hope you continue to read and be entertained. If not, well, I never thought I'd be able to please everyone. Sorry about that. An interesting beginning. I'm curious as to what kind of a Spike we're going to find - if he was about to be dust, then he is clearly still a vampire -and yet not old or a master?Will be watching eagerly for the next one. And,BTW, can I borrow that cottage when we visit the UK this summer? LOL Hey, Patti! Glad I have your interest. More coming soon. Oooh, you're coming to UK in summer! That'll be the start of our rainy season then! LOL Lou 01/26/2006 11:57 pm 1 Beautifully written and instantly engrossing. The cottage is perfection - I'm already imagining... I'm hooked! Thank you, Lou! Based on a real cottage - what I've seen from the outside! Hope you continue to enjoy. Max 01/26/2006 11:45 pm 1 I miss Joyce - I loved her character. I can just imagine her yelling at the Powers :P Nice job with describing the cottage - you painted a really vivid picture there. I cant wait to see the different version of Spike. Thank you, Max! Happy you are enjoying and I might just post the next chappie today before I drive to Somerset. The response has been so much more than I anticipated. Spike will be there in due course. I like it a lot. Interested in seeing what's gonna happen next. updates please? Thanks, Piper! Glad it's got you interested and will surely be giving more soon. Hope you continue to enjoy. 01/26/2006 09:42 pm 1 Interesting so far - I'm wondering why you didn't mention "The Immortal" in any of this, because Buffy whoring herself to the world's largesst jackass/playboy in "The Girl in Question" is one hell of a big reason for Spike not to go back to Buffy, especially when the guy slept with BOTH Darla and Dru -eww- Even then Spike had alot of good reasons to stay away. Think about it - she beat the shit out of him several times (and enjoyed doing it in S4 and S5), used him as a sextoy and played with his head (I'm suprised he didn't snap sooner.) Even after the soul, it was still all about her - the only eceptions being when Spike was insane or seriously requiring medical attention - She even berated him for not being "dark" enough for her after using his soulless status as an excuse for her treatment of him. Near the end, she still used Spike for comfort and support and even gave him the brush off concerning what Spike considered as "the best night of his life." Not to mention the whole deal with her kissing Angel and then stating the Spike was merely "in her heart" and then the whole cookie dough speech in which she gave Angel hope of them getting back together. Even worse, Buffy didn't tell Angel to leave until he stated that the amulet was dangerous (like alomst right after he said it was dangerous) - getting Angel out of danger while handing Spike the potential death sentence. I can't blame Spike for thinking that Buffy was just offering a dying man a final comfort when she said that "I love you" ten seconds before he dusted. Hell, I can't think of a good, meaningful thing for Spike in that entire relationship that Buffy did not either outright deny or simply brush off. I hated Buffy by the end of the shows - especially when the Scoobies turned against everyone in L.A. without letting them have a chance to explain themselves, so much for loyalty. Many people put all the blame for everything Spike and don't realise that they BOTH hurt each other a great deal and would have had ALOT to work though if they hoped to have any type a healthy relationship. As you can probably tell, I don't read alot of post BtVS/AtS Spuffy fics because of most authors conventiently forget all the crap that happened in the last few seasons and I hate it when they do and write fairytale reunions and "happily ever afters" that are so unrealistic. I'm not saying all of this to try and attack you or your story but more out of hope that you won't be one of the many who fail to acknowledge such a large issue. Ok, sweetie. I can't call you by name as you failed to provide one. And this is the one and only time I will ever reply to an unnamed post. You have no idea where I'm coming from or going to with this. Hang on in there and you may be surprised. Next. I haven't watched most of AtS5 as I found the premise kinda off - and I'm still not ready to say goodbye to Spike. My bad. Next. I am, and will always be, fighting to get to the front of the long queue where loving Spike is concerned. He is the epitomy of many of my dreams. That doesn't mean I will always see him through rose coloured glasses. He was, after all, very human in so many ways. Next. This is a Spuffy site. If you don't like Buffy in any way, shape or form, perhaps you had better go find Buffy hating fic elsewhere. Next. Go and watch those eppies that give you so much grief again. Really look. Body language and an understanding of where they were at the time can give so many extra clues. It has taken me time for reflection and several re-viewings to get it. Now I almost think I might. Next. Calm down. I don't take any of this as an attack, rather from someone who feels deeply and sincerely about the characters. As do we (any writer and reader) all. But, if you continue reading - which I hope you will - I will not answer anything that doesn't have a name attached. You have mine, and if you have the courage of your convictions... well, you should be proud of them. Is this Spike a fledgling vampire or a human? The PTB have apparently been a little slow on the uptake again. More story please. Crikey, MarzBar! You don't really think I'd try to sneak a human Spike under BSB's radar do you! Trust Joyce to be mum enough to take on the PTB and get her gal what she needs. More next week or sooner. But I have an irate reviewer and Buffy hater to tackle first. An anonymous one! Interesting, cant wait to see what you have up your sleeve. Thanks, maryperk! hope the next bits entertain. This is already complete so I can't shake anything from my sleeve. dramaqueen 01/26/2006 07:49 pm 1 Love the detailed descriptions! Very evocative! More please! Thank you, dramaqueen! More coming soon. Tuesday or before. Hope it continues to entertain. neo_trinityknot 01/26/2006 07:31 pm 1 Can't wait to see more of this story Hehe! For once I know the answers. This is already complete and I hope you enjoy a somewhat out of character fic from me. My character that is! Very interesting start to the story and I can't wait to see where you take it! Please update soon! Thank you, lilmamaday! I hope the rest will keep your interest. Not my normal thing but it was kinda what Schez wanted for her birthday. More on Tuesday - if not sooner. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |