Call Of The Wild by PassionFish

01/25/2007 08:07 pm
Part Six         
Great story!!

08/21/2006 11:39 pm
Part Six         
Nice piecing of snippets. Different.
Thanks :)

08/11/2006 03:31 pm
Part Six         
I loved the update and the Spike and Buffy togetherness. Glad that Willey is still holding onto his rep as knowing just about everything that is going on in town.
Thank you :)

08/04/2006 07:19 am
Part Six         
good update, thank you. evil place to stop, thank you
Lol - thanks :)

08/01/2006 08:09 pm
Part Five         
Riley really didn’t accept Buffy moving on very well. I hope that there will be some justice for his treachery towards her. As for Spike and Buffy, not only did I enjoy the claiming I love how well you are showing the heat and chemistry between them. Thanks for the update, I really enjoyed it.

07/31/2006 10:12 am
Part Five         
cant wait to read more of this one thats for sure!! Hope your muse is treating you well LOL Keep up the good work :)

07/31/2006 12:55 am
Part Five         
Lol - Riley bashing does sound good!

07/30/2006 08:17 am
Part Five         
I'm loving the energy this story has. It moves fast, but not *quite* too fast. Some day I'd like to read a Spuffy story that includes Riley but doesn't cast him as a villian. The scorned lover is a classic though, and Riley as reliable a bad guy as he is otherwise.

07/30/2006 06:26 am
Part Five         
loved the update.thank you. knew riley would act true to character (or lack there of.) very happy he witnessed the claiming scene.

07/30/2006 04:11 am
Part Five         
Yippee! I just found this story and am loving it! This Slayer Vampire is still Buffy and still living in Egypt on the river. What a character! More story please.

07/30/2006 04:09 am
Part Five         
Knew it was to good to be true, the snake! Trouble for Spike and Buffy, you'd think it was Tuesday! Another great chapter P. Thanks for the update here. *hugs*

07/30/2006 01:12 am
Part Five         
Phew!! Hot claiming. I like the psycho Riley thoughts too.

07/29/2006 11:13 pm
Part Five         

07/29/2006 01:04 pm
Part Four         
This story really is fantastic. Poor Spike is so afraid of being hurt that he is taking preventative steps just when Buffy realizes that it is him that she wants. I hope that she is strong enough to follow her heart. I am really looking forward to the next update and following this story.

07/20/2006 03:39 am
Part Four         
very good read, thanks. anytime riley can show his true colors, and maybe buffy will wake up. of course, that is wished for in many tales. thanks again.

07/20/2006 02:05 am
Part Four         
Trying again to post, FE's suck! You should be proud of this story, it's great! If only hot head Spike, would wait one more minute but no! but that's Spike and we love him. Alway's thought that Spike was not only fearless but a furious fighter as well. Thanks for the read, it's a great chapter.

07/19/2006 08:18 pm
Part Four         
love the story. can riley go away he always ruins everything!

07/19/2006 02:28 pm
Part Four         
awww... poor buffy

Pam S
07/19/2006 12:16 pm
Part Four         

07/29/2006 12:47 pm
Part Three         
Xander really will have a lot to come to terms with about Spike but I really loved his comments to Riley about him freaking on Buffy and that Willow convinced him that Buffy might need Spike.

07/20/2006 01:09 am
Part Three         
Sorry I missed this one, thought I read it, anyway, another great chapter. One of these days she's going to realize how much he loved her and that was before the turning. Thanks for keeping Riley an ass, love Angel and Riley bashing. Going to read next chappie. *hugs*

07/15/2006 02:21 am
Part Three         
I love the story so far.

07/15/2006 02:21 am
Part Three         
I love the story so far.

06/27/2006 03:41 am
Part Three         
fun read. it is difficult to determine who is the bigger idiot--riley or xander. thanks for the great update.

06/26/2006 01:50 pm
Part Three         
Typical Riley - he's so bashable!!!

07/29/2006 12:39 pm
Part Two         
I loved Dawn making breakfast for Buffy and their talk. It was such a sweet sister moment. I like that she and Spike finally met up again to bad she is so good at denial.

06/24/2006 07:38 am
Part Two         
i'm almost as confused as buffy. great update, thanks.

06/24/2006 06:43 am
Part Two         
Good stuff. I hope there's more coming soon!

06/24/2006 12:38 am
Part Two         
Loving it, hot, hot. More, please, and Thank you.

06/24/2006 12:38 am
Part Two         
Loving it, hot, hot. More, please, and Thank you.

06/24/2006 12:38 am
Part Two         
Loving it, hot, hot. More, please, and Thank you.

06/23/2006 10:56 pm
Part Two         
Dawn being all supporty sister was great and she doesn't hate Spike for not letting her sister die, you know, as in forever. That they both consider him a friend is very encouraging. Wonder how Joyce feels about him? Don't know why Buffy didn't tell Willow that Spike was there. They all know how strong the Sire/Childe bond is. Hope that you continue to update on a regular bases, now that your muse is going again and that you feel better now. Missed you.

Pam S
06/23/2006 03:39 pm
Part Two         
Enjoying the story..

06/23/2006 01:29 pm
Part Two         
i absolutely love this fic. i read it yesterday on another site. its wonderfully written and has a terrific story line. good to see you back..

07/29/2006 12:31 pm
Part One         

The emotions and feelings are so well expressed for them. I got to the end of this chapter and could feel my heart breaking a little for Spike and Buffy.

06/24/2006 07:30 am
Part One         
great read, thank you. i sense spike was not the cause of her death. it seems that he turned relucantly. but what i think doesn't matter. it is your tale and i am loving it. thank you for the great read.

06/23/2006 10:34 pm
Part One         
Two tortured souls, needing to be together, but fearful of it, how sad, especially for Spike since he understands that he had chosen her for his Mate as well. Good chapter.

07/29/2006 11:58 am
Sorry about that, I posted the previous review to the wrong story. As for your story, it is sounding very interesting and I am looking forward to how you explore Buffy being turned by Spike and the reactions and circumstances this creates.

07/29/2006 11:53 am
I love the complexities that you show in Buffy and Spike’s relationship, most importantly the affect it has on Joyce and her reaction to the different aspects of it.

06/24/2006 05:56 am
hell of an opening. thanks for the great read.

06/23/2006 09:38 pm
Welcome back! See that your muse is back with a vengeance. So many updates. LOL