Don't Speak by PassionFish

11/20/2006 10:47 pm
Good Work.

09/18/2006 11:32 am
I love how you included Spike in this episode and the extra fun that was added because he still had his voice whereas the others didn’t. I really enjoyed this, thanks for posting it.

09/06/2006 11:10 am
Very cute fic - I rather like this take on how they solved the gentlement problem!

09/04/2006 07:01 am
Silly maybe... but I really enjoyed it. Good job.
Thanks :D

09/03/2006 08:38 am
Not a silly PWP ... I LOVED this PWP. A much happier set of circumstances than we were given. I am VERY happy by it.
Lol - thank you :)

09/01/2006 08:27 am
very sweet. I like it. I like that Spike was wanting her blood AGAIN. hehe. ;)
Thank you :D Glad you liked!

09/01/2006 07:11 am
Ohhhhh so yummy
Why thank you :)

09/01/2006 02:25 am
fun read, thanks. if only it could have been that easy.
Thanks - very true; if only...

I think my early fictions often live in an easier world :S

09/01/2006 12:36 am
lol....coulda happened! :) good job, pet :)
I know - I live in a world of my own :P

Thanks for the review!

09/01/2006 12:09 am
Not silly!! Yummy!
Lol - thank you!

08/31/2006 10:40 pm
It's been so long since I first read this but this is better than the first one. Hey! we love silly PWP's but this one I would of loved to seen continued. No Riley in her life at all. Revamp was great, thanks for the fun read.
Glad you liked, I think it probably needs a second revamp to knock a little of the sillyness out but if you liked...