Drenched by Verity Watson kasumi-chan 12/27/2015 12:38 am Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Hi Verity, I find your stories amazing. Love the way you write and interpretate the characters. I loved 'meets the pratt' and 'drenched'. Was wondering if you would want to resume 'drenched' one day, because the plot is wonderful. I know it started as a pwp and you didn't plan to put so much plot in it, but the story developed itself very well. I like very much Spike's characterization in your stories because I think he is very realistic for a vampire (in a Buffyverse way of speaking :) He is a bit rude sometimes, he admits he had done bad things in the past, he's not perfect. I mean, the authors usually describe him like the prudest vampire ever, like "I haven't kill any children, haven't raped any woman, have never be unfaithfull to Dru, have no other woman than she" and such. But fuck! History says he's one of the cruelest vampire ever existed, hung out with Angelus for decades (and we know Angelus didn't pass the time collecting daises in the field), did everything Dru asked (and we know how sadic and completely crazy she was), hadn't a conscience at all. Because it's like Buffy became his conscience at some point. So, I think it's realistic to think he was a really cruel vampire in his past and now he can't be one hundred percent good and perfect. I know most girls like to think he's the perfect guy, but this isn't the story of a perfect guy. This is the story of a bad guy that got tamed by a chip and then fell in love with a white hat (that happens to be his nemesis :), so he try to be good for her. Thank you very much for letting us read these piece of art :) cassie 03/24/2011 09:16 pm Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse i can haz mor Drenched pleaz? Wilcorules 11/23/2010 05:23 am Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Aww, man! Didn't realize this wasn't finished!! So incredible. Hope you come back to it someday. Cate 08/26/2008 07:05 am Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Grrr... you got me all addicted and now no more story!!! Update please!!!!!!!!!!! Albie 08/25/2008 08:06 pm Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse I just devoured this story in one sitting. My butt is on the sore side, to say the least. This is a fantastic story, I love all the intermingling elements and I've really loved how the story ahs grown too. And darn, we are at such a pinnacle part and I do hope you'll update. It's really such a great tale and deserves even more attention than it already has. Jules T 08/09/2008 08:49 pm Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Must know more! Please continue as soon as time allows. Very convincing stuff. Sensei 10/22/2007 02:06 pm Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Cool! I've never seen another story where Buffy's death in The Gift produced yet another slayer. You turned this into an amazing plot; Britta is fascinating. Jay's ulterior motive is mysterious, Spike still takes care of Dawn, and you've managed to make us admire the hero Buffy and despise her for her tearment of Spike all at the same time. Write on! Thanks so much, Sensei! I really appreciate the review ... and I'm working on the next installment. ;) jane 10/13/2007 01:46 pm Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Great update, lots of tension and excitement. I really love this story and am glad that you've started posting on it again. Poor Amy, just a nother sacrifice! Love your characterizations and the fact that you extended this beyond your original concept - although the PWP parts were just great! Thanks, Pin - yeah, Amy's just always a pawn, isn't she? Tragic. And I'm glad you enjoyed the beyond-PWP parts of this tale. Though I kind of miss writing the earlier parts ... much less need for continuity and fact-checking. *Grins* Nice tempo to this chapter. And power is always about the blood! time of change 10/11/2007 03:10 pm Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Wonderful new chapters! (I missed a few) the slayer and spike appear to be the only people thinking clearly. isn't that scary. very good read, thank you. (using amazing with pfeifferpack is a redundancy.) It *is* scary, Vladt! Thanks for the review, and right you are about redundancy - pfeifferpack is the bestest! Some great lines therel lol! Very exciting chapter. oh yeah!!! amy's got a history in her family too...and i love that line :) wonderful...very good chapter, can't wait for more :) Thanks, DoS! Glad you enjoyed. Nell 10/11/2007 12:06 am Ch. 16: Earthquakes of Doubt & Remorse Actually, the line that got me was "enough Slayers to form a rock band." What are the odds someone will post their music video? Thanks, Nell. *Chortles at video idea* As if I wasn't already addicted to Spuffy vids on YouTube ... Tee hee...proud to have any part of this story LOL. So Buffy's noted the resemblance of Jay to Riley, good. She really needs to realize that "normal" is not really something that can be measured. Amy! I hadn't thought of her but it makes perfect sense. Glad it's not Tara though. Excellent update. Kathleen Oh, I couldn't bear to do that to Tara! (Actually, I tried, and I hated it, but somehow I didn't mind torturing poor Amy.) And I'm so happy about that line! Thanks again. Susan 09/28/2007 11:37 pm Ch. 15: Test Your Threshhold Wow, this is fantastic! I can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks, Susan. I'm posting the new one later today. Feel free to use the phrase! LOL Kathleen Thanks, Kathleen ... I'm using it, with credit to you, of course! Your last revelation? I was always wondering about that. Neat way to fit it into the story. Thanks. I know that Marti Noxon (or maybe another writer) dismissed it with "oh, the line goes through Faith now" but I don't buy it. Great job with the back history! Poor Buffy, drooling after normal again! Thanks, Lou. And that's our girl - overlooking Spike in favor of yet another mortal with questionable motives. Sigh. Thanks for the review. Oh that was good. And Buffy was nice thinking of the shop in promoting crosses I had to read it twice was confused of what she was telling them to buy. Thanks! Yeah, I thought it was time Buffy had a non-self centered moment. ;) Lydia seems some what antagonistic. could show some support for the chosen one (or four.) must buy into travers' "just remove the unwanted slayer and have a new one" theory. very good read, thank you. Thanks, Vladt. I think the Council has lost track of its true purpose ... but maybe Lydia will shape up before the story ends. I think there's still hope for her. Okay, I didn't see that coming. I can't tell you how glad I am that the fourth Slayer is *not* Kennedy. HA! I didn't even *think* about that. Not for a second. But you gave me a good laugh - thanks! oh wow...i always wondered about that...the second time she died, why wasn't another slayer called? you're developing this wonderfully, love :) great chapter, can't wait for more :) Thanks so much, DoS. And I've just got in my head that Buffy dying and coming back to life *has* to be a bigger problem than they made it on the show ... Oooo Yup they'e got the 4 needed all right. Time to get with the vampire vampire Slayer slaying! Too bad Buffy is still rejecting poor Spike and looking at other guys. He deserves so much better. Excellent. Kathleen "Time to get with the vampire vampire Slayer slaying!" Chuckle. Mind if I borrow your line? Selinde2 09/17/2007 12:41 pm Ch. 14: When the Lights are Lost and Low Big fat mythology indeed! Just my cup of tea. Very hot relationship, I do wish the Jossverse had gone more in this direction - still angsty but hopeful. No pressure, but I would love to read more sometime. Thanks, Selinde! Glad you're enjoying. What can I say? Hope spring eternal at the BSV, right? Whoo! I thought Willow for sure was going to be kidnapped in this chapter. Glad I was wrong. I love the way you're filling in loose ends from the start of the tale...like the Father/Daughter Dance. I'm glad you liked the loose-end tying up ... I find myself getting quite tangled in them after all these chapters! ElyseNotElsie 09/08/2007 09:52 pm Ch. 14: When the Lights are Lost and Low So glad you updated! I'd forgotten how much I liked this story when I started reading it months ago. I won't forget again ;-) Thanks, Elyse! Appreciate it. :) Funny how things happen that way. Five or six chapters become a saga or morph into a series. Now to figure out what Lydia is up too. Giles needs to know all he can, if they're to help her and that includes Spike! Update when you can, we are still waiting, thanks VW, wonderful story. Thanks, Verda! Working on the next chapter now - should have it up next week. Glad you enjoyed! Time of Change 09/07/2007 02:21 am Ch. 14: When the Lights are Lost and Low I'm so very happy to see an update on this story. I've been wondering what's happening...it's the kind of story that sticks in your mind. I appreciate it! And I'm glad you've stuck with it - or, erm, it's stuck with you, or ... never mind. Thank you, thank you! very happy to see this chapter, really enjoying the tale. good read, thank you. Thanks, Vladt! 'Preciate it. travers worries me..it was chilling to read his account of dozens of girls being murdered for the supposed "greater good"...he is truly a monster...great chapter, love, looking forward to more :) Thanks. I know some writers manage to redeem the Council in their fics, but he just makes my skin crawl! Still lovin' this. moremoremore... Please? Thanks - so glad! And yesyesyes ... in a day or two. ;) Coquine 09/06/2007 03:58 am Ch. 14: When the Lights are Lost and Low Eeep! Yes! Yes! Still with you! Still so very very much with you! *dances the dance of the very happy you updated* Off to re-read the whole freakin' thing...again... Yay! Your "eeep!" made my night! Oh I loved it. Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed. Just read through this. Yes, those nasty plot kitties love to beat the porn kitties into submission, don't they? Oh well, it's still good anyway. Plot kitties & porn kitties throwin' down ... now that's a visual that's gonna stick with me! :) Thanks so much for reading. So pleased to see this update. Great job with the mythology and the plotting. It makes for a brilliant read. Thanks, Lou! I'm so glad you're reading. Tamara 09/05/2007 11:29 pm Ch. 14: When the Lights are Lost and Low We're still here. Great update. Thanks, Tamara and schwoo! Glad you enjoyed. Brilliant take on the Slayer origin! Slice off a bit of goddess indeed. No wonder Spike is so smitten *G* what's more effulgent than a goddess? Oh yes, still with you. So happy your muse dug in the heels on this as it promises to deliver quite the whallop! Excellent. Kathleen Well, my muse and I had a stern talk! And so glad that you're still here, Kathleen. Thanks - always - for reading & reviewing. Hugs, Verity I always like when Buffy gets put in her place, and being part demon is just the way to do it! I do hope they grab Willow, will she's getting her "fix"! She needs to get a grip as well. They all went off the deep end that season. Now to see what's Spike up too. Glad you liked the "part demon" explanation. Always thought that the Slayer's origins were poorly explained - this is my private guess as to how they super-charged a girl. sue 06/15/2007 05:05 pm Ch. 13: The Resolute Urgency of Now Just read all thirteen chapters at a sitting. You've taken canon, changed bits here and there and developed Spuffy a WHOLE lot, although still in keeping with their combative interraction, both in and out of bed. You have Spike to a tee. The dialogue is sharp and the action well-paced, and the inclusion of Britta, well - it's a great read! Please, please update soon. oh man...something tells me there's a chance for this britta to come around, and maybe they will end up on the same side...my heart breaks for poor spike, though, how painful, the way she's treating him, but very true to the season 6 relationship...great chapter, love :) ElyseNotElsie 05/11/2007 10:37 pm Ch. 13: The Resolute Urgency of Now I just started following this one and God!- the story line is amazing, the dialogue is totally in-character, and I am riveted. Can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks, Elyse! So glad you're enjoying. Terrific chapter in a brutal way. And sadly all too believable -- Buffy's such a mess and now she's pushing Spike to the limit. Great angst! Terrific chapter in a brutal way. And sadly all too believable -- Buffy's such a mess and now she's pushing Spike to the limit. Great angst! don't stop now!!! Wouldn't dream of it! ;) infinitecrisis 05/10/2007 09:55 pm Ch. 13: The Resolute Urgency of Now the chapter is the worst from the rest sorry. good writing, but bad plot. maybe she should kill spike and end his misery as a rapist very good read, thank you. the anti-council seems to have some flaws in its mission statement. even buffy sees that something is not right. smlcspike 05/10/2007 08:40 pm Ch. 13: The Resolute Urgency of Now Oh I hope Spike gets to her in time. Oh so intriguing. Love the anti Council group. This is the support the Slayer really needs (and I always thought the Cruciamentum was a way of getting rid of sexually mature Slayers for a hidden reason.). Excellent. Kathleen Thanks, Kathleen. The Cruciamentum needs *some* kind of explanation doesn't it? One of the Buffyverse things that I could never make sense of ... thank goodness for fanfic. ;) The end of the Council? Maybe not a bad idea after all! Bitchie Buffy is in full force again. What a wonderful twist, this group the "Faction" Can't wait to find out just what they want from her. Did the Council know Giles was in the building himself? Or just he was back in London? Maybe I'll find out in the next few chapters. Great chapter. Yeah, the Council really gets under my skin ... and I can't imagine they'd exist unopposed through all those years. smlcspike 05/10/2007 08:20 pm Ch 12: More Than Human Tongue Can Tell Oh this is good, I missed this chapter Dee 05/10/2007 07:01 am Ch 12: More Than Human Tongue Can Tell I just read this story and wow! The plot is wonderful. The characterizations are very true to cannon and I am so looking forward to a conclusion. Dee, thanks so much! Glad you've enjoyed. the sides are becoming clear. would no more council be a bad thing? excellent update, thank you. loved the dawn, spike conversation. I am such a bad, bad girl....the end of the Council is not in and of itself a bad thing IMHO. *G*. Great update. Buffy is being terribly self centered especially where Dawn is concerned. Bad enough she is a bitca to Spike but to just slide back into wardrobe thoughts when her little sister is obviously hurting is disgusting! Time she be shaken senseless. Kathleen I know. One of my pet peeves about S6 is that Buffy *died* to save her sister, but when she comes back, she's completely absent. Until the dirt monsters in the season finale??? Whatever. I'm trying for something equally bleak but hopefully more believable. Because, yeah ... shaken senseless is exactly right. Thanks for reading & reviewing! uh-oh....end of council would be good, but i doubt they think so... :P could be trouble for buffy and spike...great chapter, loved the spike/dawn interaction, you've got both their voices down beautifully....very much looking forward to reading more, love ;) Thanks, DoS! Glad you enjoyed it. I have completely lost track of this. Wow, what a chapter. All full of goodies and three more to get caught up with. It's a perfect time to grab Willow, when she's doped up on Rack's magic. Dawnis so busted, glad Spike was around to make sure nothing happened to the girls. They think it's all a game, they have no idea of all the rules. Great work, thanks. Thanks, Verda! And yeah, Dawn is busted and lucky that Spike was around to save her. golddrake 04/18/2007 12:29 am Ch. 11: Pour Your Misery Down great chapter great update. many more questions. very good read, thank you. Britta really is leaving the boys out to hang isn't she? I'm thinking that their trying to kidnap Willow might not be a good idea. Buffy certainly seems happy in denial land where even the whereabouts of her sister can't get passed her defenses. Thankfully Spike found her and Janice before anything bad could happen to them seeing as they were so drunk. smlcspike 04/17/2007 01:59 pm Ch. 11: Pour Your Misery Down So Spike went to the Bronze after their little fight, Dawn is so busted, wonder what Buffy will say. “Does this mean anything to you?†She gestured at the rocks arranged in a semi-circle. “Ampitheater for squirrels?â€Â........................ "Name me another Main Street, USA where skink root and petrified hamsters are in heavy demand.†I almost fell off my chair laughing at this exchange! Love the conversation completely. WOW...lots to love in this update. Dawn and Janice being nailed by Spike, great Buffy and Spike relating, Buffy slowly realizing there IS something happening between them that is real, the reveal of the council connection.....the list goes on. Still and all I have to say that I am in love with Britta! Her snark outdoes even Spike at his best! Now, will it be Willow or Amy???? Hummmmm.. Great update. Kathleen Pam S 04/17/2007 03:21 am Ch. 11: Pour Your Misery Down Well, seems you PWP has taken on a little storyline. And hopefully Willow can take care of herself. Still trying to control her friends' lives. Enjoyed. I really liked the way you pointed out the little ways Sunnydale residents are different from other people. It's not something I'd normally think of, but once you said it, I went, "Yeah... that totally makes sense..." I'm curious what Jay is up to, whether he has something to do with Britta or not. And I snorted at "ampitheater for squirrels." :) Great update! pretty_in_fangs 04/17/2007 12:51 am Ch. 11: Pour Your Misery Down ::snicker:: I love seeing a woman put the smack-down on Warren. Even if I know it'll just make him that much worse to the next woman he thinks is weaker than him. Oh, and I'm so sorry that RL's being a bitch. You know we love to see your updates whenever you can do them. Don't stress. wow...she's scary...and i really dont like warren, can he die soon?? and i loved the fight in the rain, beautifully done, awesome dialogue :) great update, love :) nice. enjoying the suspense. Lou 04/16/2007 09:44 pm Ch. 11: Pour Your Misery Down Lots of skulduggery going on -- and Buffy seemingly on a downward path. Plenty of misery to come methinks! A great read. Lou, you so get points for using "skulduggery" in a review! Glad you enjoyed. Jules T 08/09/2008 08:30 am Ch. 10: Renegade Good Intentions Amazing writing. Kudos. Constructive criticism: ditch the product placements. I don't like commercials on TV and I like them even less when they're worked into the story. I'm thinking they should be paying more attention to Willow and what she's capable of. How cute was Spike following her to make sure she made it home safely after her outing with Xander and standing under his tree in case she had any nightmares. excellent update. no answers, but more questions. thanks for the fine read. Spike's still trying, bless him. Keep hoping as long as she let's him in the better she's going to be. Thanks for sharing. too bad giles couldn't get more out of his friend before he died... :( very intriguing sort of scene you set up there with the last one...and the mood you set between spike and buffy, so perfectly done, love, loved this chapter :) zanthinegirl 04/03/2007 09:10 am Ch. 10: Renegade Good Intentions I just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying this story! It may have begun as a PWP, but the plot is stellar, and the dialog sings. I love your Buffy; she's believably depressed, but happily less debilitated than in canon. I love what you're doing with the scoobies, too. No one is villified, and everyone is believable and in character (at least IMO!) Willow is especially good. I love her season 6 arc, but your version makes much more sense than "Magic Crack"! Looking forward to more! Richard 04/03/2007 08:06 am Ch. 10: Renegade Good Intentions Holy shit. Unbelievable. You really know how to set up a cliffhanger! And now, things start getting complicated. Okay, complicated-er. I like this Spike, not so much with Willow, and Dawn isn't as obnoxious as she could be. fanxstitch 04/03/2007 07:16 am Ch. 10: Renegade Good Intentions Excellent story which I'm throughly enjoying. golddrake 04/03/2007 06:48 am Ch. 10: Renegade Good Intentions great chapter I really like the way you followed canon via Tales of the Slayers, an excellent series! Thanks, Joyce! This was one of my favorite ToS stories and given Buffy's nightmare, it seemed like a better big bad than those three silly boys ... Ok so I'm worried about Jay and why he has that report. Not to mention all the slayer dreams Buffy is having and Britta working with the nerds to uncover treasures. I'm glad Buffy and Spike were able to talk and try and resolve some things. Now if they could only get a handle on how to fight all these enemies. SpikesDeb 03/31/2007 05:54 pm Ch. 9: Confused By My Sins I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this story, because I'm all humming from Spuffiness with a side of snark that's made me speechless. I am agog now, wanting more. I love it. You are an excellent writer with a great grasp of character voice - and I want more! Can you see the theme here? Great stuff, well done. Caroline 03/30/2007 02:53 pm Ch. 9: Confused By My Sins I'm really enjoying the storyline. You do a wonderful job as describing tormented Buffy and Spike in season 6, and I do appreciate the differences you make from the show. I'm very curious about that Britta Kessler. And the sex scene was incredibly hot , as always. simplefangirl 03/25/2007 03:57 am Ch. 9: Confused By My Sins Ahhh! Just who is this Jay guy, is he working with Britta? I'd be more concerned about him but I was distracted by the sex scene. Nice images there. Buffy really is a naughty little thing isn't she? Looking forward to the next chapter. SFG, you're right to wonder about Jay - and his motives! And yup, that Buffy ... can't keep her away from Spike for more than a few scenes, but then, well, it is *Spike.* Thanks for the review! Lou 03/24/2007 09:57 pm Ch. 9: Confused By My Sins Brilliant! That was a talk Buffy badly needed to have - she's so lost. Great devlopments too. The Council spies are gathering... Thanks, Lou. And yeah, I think that Buffy needed to have a good cry. Now she just needs to remember who was there for her when she needed him most! Looks like Xander was right after all. I was hoping it was a setup, now the big question is, is this to help or harm? It's never been good for her once the Council showed up. No mention of William the Bloody and I find that most fascinating. Their libido is getting in the way of the really important things that they should be worrying about, not her darker kink! Great chapter, thanks. Thanks, Verda. And hey, I think you've hit on the *real* reason Buffy and Spike never ended up together in S7 ... they'd be having so much sex they wouldn't bother to save the world, and they'd ignore the next apocalypse. Evil would reign supreme ... very good chapter, thank you. so, buffy's new boss is council? that should be fun. Buffy's new boss is trouble, but let's not be too sure if he's Council or not just yet ... though the Council certainly is interested in events in Sunnydale! Hmmm...curiouser and curiouser. All kinds of delicious plot appears to be coming our way. But we still get smut, right? Cuz, hey, you've got that shit DOWN! *giggles* The opening scene between Buffy and Spike was more than I'd hoped for. They actually, like, discussed things. I'm definitely wishing canon had been more like this! Can't wait for more, dearie! Well, why write if there isn't smut?! *Blushes, but thinks it is true anyway. Blushes more.* Thanks for the review, and glad you like the plot. ;) Oooo even more intrigue! Glad this is going beyond the week long love fest. Your plot is really compelling. I am avid for more. Kathleen Glad you enjoyed - and *so* glad you're still reading & reviewing, Kathleen! well...that doesn't look good...i dont trust the council at all, and for them to be connected with her new boss is so not good...excellent chapter, love :) The Council always spells trouble ... and yet, we haven't quite confirmed that Jay is there on their behalf ... They really need to learn how to talk to each other without using the sex as a weapon because they are facing difficulties from a number of places, and right now they aren't going to be prepared to deal with any of it. Exactly right, Deb! (As usual.) Trying to get them there ... but they're stubborn. And surprisingly slow learners in this arena ... Thanks for the review! MOa 03/17/2007 03:18 pm Ch. 8: The Precipice of Too Late i´m speachless Thanks, MOa. Hope that's a "wow, what a strong end" speechless and not a "oh, you heartless and cruel person, you, how could you do that to our favorite couple" speechless! ;) JO 03/16/2007 03:52 am Ch. 8: The Precipice of Too Late Just wanted you to know that i'm glad this as developed some plot and am enjoying reading it. Thanks, JO. 'Preciate it - and glad you're liking the plot, too. No one's watching Willow and that's a bad thing. Glad Spike fought back but hate that what Buffy deserved, hurt him as well. How did Britta find out about the three Bozo's? Like they're a real threat! Don't like it that she's teaming up with them though. Great chapter, glad that this is longer too! thanks. Yeah, the boys aren't exactly a threat, but anyone that power-mad can be manipulated. I haven't got a clue how she found out about them ... LOL, funny what you don't know about your own fic! strong chapter, thank you. like to blame the end of the chapter on something red did. but it is more likely it's just what buffy did. Glad you liked it, and yeah, unfortunately that's just pure Buffy at the end there ... dicecanntcry 03/14/2007 10:21 pm Ch. 8: The Precipice of Too Late Bravo! More please! :) Thanks, Dice! *Takes bow and blushes* *shakes head sadly* Here's the Season Six we all know and love/hate. Much as I'd love to see the direct aftermath of this scene, I'm guessing we'll be jumping ahead to Buffy doing her feeling guilty avoidy routine. Or, much as a lot of this fic has done, I might be pleasantly surprised. Riveting chapter, either way. I'm definitely hooked on this story, plot and all. Can't wait for more! It is S6 as usual, but I can't help but think that a ticked off Spike *could* lead to a Buffy so miserable that she's contrite. At least a tinsy bitsy bit. And that would spell hope ... or at least less badness. Glad you're enjoying! Dee 03/14/2007 05:32 pm Ch. 8: The Precipice of Too Late Been enjoying this story. Congrats on your nomination. This last chapter was great. The plot is really building and things look to be falling apart good and proper. So, slayer vamp. Can't wait to see what that is all about. Dee, thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying. and so was i... love, that was simply heartbreaking...as mean as spike was to her, i couldn't blame him, not after the way she treated him...i can't wait to see what the fallout is from this event.. :( Thanks, DoS ... and I'm hoping that making Spike *mean* instead of a punching bag might force Buffy to wise up ... 'cause really, she deserved to hear it, right? OH that is so sad! I have a feeling there was some interference that caused it to all go so off track there. Buffy hasn't really been bitca girl thus far (except the secrecy part). Must be Britta with the Trio...my guess there and the teacher????? The Watcher??????? The tweed screems council indoctronation. Excellent. Kathleen Thanks so much Kathleen ... hoping it will all make sense and make those ?????s turn to !!!!s in the next few chapters! ;) Lou 03/14/2007 02:50 pm Ch. 8: The Precipice of Too Late Well that was upsetting ... still, preferable to Spike taking all her shit without saying anything. I agree! He's chipped, not defanged, right? Fangfaceandrea 03/14/2007 02:14 pm Ch. 8: The Precipice of Too Late wow, this keeps getting darker a more interesting. love it Thanks - it's also getting harder to write as the plot requires, well, um ... thought! taking the last line as positive. know red is going to "fix" everything. that, surely will help buffy and spike. excellent read, thank you. So far, Red's behaving, but you're right, she's a wild card ... thanks for the review! aww,that was kinda heart-breaking :( poor spike, he's so yearning to hear those words from her, even if it's a lie :( *tear* excellent, intriguing chapter, can't wait to see what's next :) *Hands DoS tissue box.* I know, I know ... I feel so sorry for Spike! And yet, the story must go on ... and I'm afraid it grows a little bit darker still. Lou 03/09/2007 11:43 am Ch. 7: Tuesday Terrific chapter with loads of top action. A great baddy, dodgy Willow, possible competition for Spike? And that's without the scrumptious lurvemaking!!!! Thanks, Lou. And yup - possible competition for Spike, in a (hopefully) slightly more believable package than Riley! ;) Oh no, if Willow messes up and turns Spike against her by accident, she'll have Britta and Spike to contend with and she's already sent Angel to hell, her feelings are strong enough to hate herself again. Dawn knows that Willow high on magic, she should figure out that they shouldn't be there. I hope Willow doesn't mess this up for her. Great work, thanks. Thanks, Verda. And while I dislike the magick=drugs part of S6 and don't intend to go much farther down that road, you're right about Willow's history and potential to muck things up! Oh so tasty! Love the background on Britta and Company (suspect the Gym owner but won't say how).. Want to smack Giles for being an idiot to not see Spike's love for what it is (and appreciating his watching out for Buffy). Willow is scary....hope she doesn't pull that spell idea out and try it. Buffy needs Spike on her side now!!! Excellent. The story AND the update. Kathleen Thanks, Kathleen! And Willow is going to get scarier before she gets wise ... but Giles might be a *little* smarter this time around. Just a smidge. So, some people know this about me, but I'm a terrible reviewer. Not that I give terrible reviews, but that I don't do it anywhere as often as I should. But I did want you to know that I've been reading this story since you started posting it here, and I REALLY like it. Then I read all the other stories you posted here, and I REALLY liked all of those as well. So you've now been added to my list of authors that I REALLY like, and from now on I'll be on the lookout for any and all updates you post, even if I don't always review. Just thought you should know! *g* Thanks, Coquine. We can form a mutual admiration society! ;) cee 03/08/2007 06:53 pm Ch. 7: Tuesday I was kidding about the plot. I like plot. But categorizing this as Porn with some plot doesn't do it justice. It has exceeded my expectations. You're fantastic with the characterization of both Buffy and Spike, and really do descriptive well. Not to mention you're funny as hell. So, please, plot away! You're right about the lack of there being a big bad for them to fight together. I mean the trio/troika were amusing, but I think they were overused and should have been disposed of early in S6. Thanks, Cee! I figured you were joking but you never can tell. ;) And praise - squee! I like the Troika, too, but agree - come on, by their lonesome they're just not fierce. More to come ... Caroline 03/08/2007 06:38 pm Ch. 7: Tuesday I love how the plot thickens ! And the last line .:) Thanks, Caroline! Glad you enjoyed. dicecanntcry 03/08/2007 03:34 pm Ch. 7: Tuesday So good. I adored Spike in the last scene, too. More please! ;) Thanks so much! More is on the way, too. ;) I love the persistence and protectiveness that is Spike. Willow, on the other hand, really needs a good slapping. Things are going to get a little rough for Willow very shortly - and she'll have no one but herself to blame. ;) simplefangirl 03/07/2007 05:34 pm Ch. 6: Monday I have just spent waaaaay too much time reading everthing you have here at Bloodshedverse. How is it I've never read your stuff before? I love this story. Nice imagery to have Willow mourning her seeming loss of friendship with Buffy as being more important than the sleeping with Spike. Terrific S and B as well, love the way Buffy is slowly turning from needing Spike for sex to just needing Spike. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I appreciate your writing. Thanks. Hi, SFG! Thanks for reading and reviewing - it means a lot. So it seems like more and more people are finding out about this thing between Buffy and Spike, what with Dawn knowing now too. I hope Spike tells her soon about the former slayer vampire, and that she puts that together with what Tara told her about magic being wonky. How cute was Buffy's response to her coworker trying to get hooked up with Spike - just a smidge of jealousy there. Thanks for the review, Deb! And yeah, I always thought it was unbelievable that no one figured it out during canon S6! Buffy needed someone from the outside to point out Spike's heat factor ... glad you liked that scene. fun read, even with the tension building. thank you. i'm sure willow is now rushing home to talk to best friend. Thanks, Vladt. We'll see what Willow does next ... I was worried about that, a turned slayer. It's nice to know that it's not Spike that's got her upset but the fact that Buffy couldn't tell her. I know Joss wanted to show Buffy's decent into lowliness and despair as she takes the degrading job at the Doublemeat Palace, but a self defense instructor is more dignified job. Earn more money and not smell like a grease pit. Boy is Buffy going to be pissed at him when he remembers to tell her about the slayer. Buffy was his 13th, will that be a lucky or unlucky number for him. Really enjoying this fic, thanks. Thanks, Verda! And you're right about Joss' comments about S6. Still, I think he asks us to accept an unreasonable premise: a character we love as a fighter suddenly becomes a passive victim of circumstance? I don't buy it. For a few weeks, maybe ... And yeah, Buffy isn't going to happy about the new Big Bad for lots of reasons. she just crossed a major line letting him into her bed...but in such a good way :) but now the secret's getting totally out, dawn and willow both know, and xan and anya on the edge of asking...hopefully they'll all come together before the vampire-Slayer becomes an issue :) Thanks, DoS. I feel like this secret is one that's just too big to keep hidden - and yet, I'm not sure if anyone is willing to be the first to raise it. Yet. I'm liking this story more and more. That last bit in the bathroom was wonderful. Thanks, BT. And I wanted them to have some, good clean (pun intended!) fun. ;) Lou 03/06/2007 12:36 am Ch. 6: Monday Great chapter. Love the way the ominous overtones are building. It's a shame Buffy can't be a bit nicer about Spike when he isn't there! Thanks, Lou! Glad you enjoyed. And yeah, Buffy is still a meanie! I keep trying to get her to be nice and then realize that she's just not ready ... yet. Oh no....GOOD idea, very good idea. Got a feeling Anya's new acquaintance and the turned Slayer will have a connection....hum.... Loving this. Excellent update. Kathleen Thanks, Kathleen! And yeah, there is a link, but maybe not what you're thinking ... cee 03/07/2007 09:09 am Ch. 5: Sunday WTF? A plot? How dare you!! Hey, this is *my* S6, sweetie and I'll plot if I want to! ;) Seriously, though, I think part of the reason Buffy & Spike's relationship fell apart so badly is that they never had a credible big bad to battle. If Buffy had to rely on him as a partner in fighting evil - a la S5 against Glory or even S7 - she'd have to wise up and see that it wasn't just really amazing sex. That's my 'verse and I'm stickin' to it. :P Sorry I missed this one sweetie. I guess this means that they all will know Buffy's little secret here shortly, just as well, she's going to be needing his help with this new vampire. Can't wait to see who this littl thing is and what she was. Now for the next chapter. Thanks, Verda! I'm so glad you're still reading - I appreciate your thoughtful reviews! so I'm thinking the new strange girl was a slayer before she became a vamp. Not sure how Spike is going to respond to her saying she's Buffy's worse nightmare. Might make him a touch protective. I get where Willow is coming from wishing Buffy would share more, but I can also see why Buffy wouldn't want to talk about it. Seems like this thing between her and Spike isn't going to stay private long. Right in one, Deb! If you've ever read the Tales of the Slayers, she's based on a character Mel Odom created for the first volume. And yup, Spike's feeling protective, but the consequences will be ... let's just say mixed, at best. Richard 02/28/2007 05:24 am Ch. 5: Sunday This is a surprising bit of development. I like this story very much by the way. Thanks, Richard. Glad you're enjoying it. Caroline 02/27/2007 09:56 am Ch. 5: Sunday Lovely and captivating , as always. Thank you for another wonderful reading. Thanks, Caroline! Glad you enjoyed. loved red's little speech. very good update, thank you. Thanks, Vladt. Don't you just *love* a good rant in the Buffyverse? Lou 02/27/2007 12:44 am Ch. 5: Sunday Nice twist! Thanks, Lou! Oh my just who is this? I have a couple of suspicions and none look good for our dynamic duo *G*. So Willow is mostly upset to be out of the loop....how....typical! Hope she keeps her yap shut to Xander or Spike will have way too many irons in the fire to deal with. Excellent update. Katheen Thanks, Kathleen! And yes, Willow is wrong-headed about this ... but I find that SO much more believable than Buffy keeping the relationship under wraps for all those weeks! And Spike is going to have a time of it ... hmmm....who is she??? i'm intensely curious now, you've written this so very well...all the reactions and emotions...you've even made me feel kind of sorry for willow, even though i know she's gonna spill it to xander and mess everything up....very much looking forward to more of this amazing fic :) Thanks! And yeah, Willow doesn't ever *really* do the right thing, but I'm trying to make her not so much of an idjit. I mean, she's supposed to be a super-smartie, right? Seriously, I appreciate the kind words! Back to writing. dicecanntcry 02/26/2007 03:52 am Ch. 5: Sunday Woah! Hot and fun and VERY enjoyable! More please! :) Thanks! More is on the way ... Esther 02/26/2007 03:02 am Ch. 5: Sunday Ooh, and the plot thickens!! Love it!! Thanks, Esther! Glad you enjoyed. ;) fangfaceandrea 02/26/2007 12:21 am Ch. 5: Sunday So we have a new baddie in tow, while things get more complicated for Buffy... I actually liked what Willow said to her,i hope they work things. And as far as the spuffy.. Yums and sweetness :D you're doing a great job I can't wait for more Glad you're enjoying ... and yeah, kinda thought Buffy deserved a good talking to ... I like that she's letting herself be more open to the happiness she feels with Spike. Yes she's imagining him as normal, but I think she's also allowing herself to admit she cares. Not to mention accepting him when he says he does. It was good to see her, Willow and Dawn spend time together and just enjoy it. Now hopefully Buffy's willingness to fantasize about more with Spike will continue even with him coming around the others more. I'm thinking Dawn will at least be pleased Dawn *is* going to be happy ... but this is the Hellmouth, and so more drama will come before there's any lasting happiness ... RJ 02/22/2007 02:26 pm Ch. 4: Saturday This is really really good - don't know what else to say. Thanks, RJ - and there's no need to say another word! she's folding...now if the Scoobies can keep from screwing it up for them. And, don't forget, that we have to hope that Buffy and Spike don't screw it up for themselves! They do that so often. :( very good chapter, thank you. totally caught off guard by buffy's invitation. very nice. Thanks, Vladt. Glad you enjoyed! Loving that she's acknowledging her feelings for him and they are more then him being her "sex toy". He'd better not even try to compare himself to Captain Cardboard, there is no contest! Dawn's going to be suprised and happy for his presence at dinner. Can't wait to see that. Great chapter, thanks. Thanks, Verda. And yes, it is just a crime that Spike worries that he won't measure up to CC. As if there is any universe in which that's a valid comparison! dont compare urself to riley spike... he will never measure up to you :P Exactly right! LOL! awww..i'm so glad she invited him for dinner...that's quite a step for her..gradually, she's coming back to herself...this chapter was beautifully done, love :) Thanks - glad you enjoyed. Sigh....so hot and so much the way it SHOULD have gone based on how S6 started till Marti started projecting her issues on our fav couple. Really well written and steamy. Kathleen Thanks, Kathleen. And while I'm not planning on keeping things quite this easy, I agree that Ms. Noxon did not do our characters justice! fangfaceandrea 02/20/2007 09:31 pm Ch. 4: Saturday I can't tell you how happy this fic is making me :D!!! Thanks! Glad you're liking it. beanie 02/20/2007 08:45 pm Ch. 4: Saturday I love this story. It's so cute but still very realistic to the show. Can't wait for more! Thank you so much for the review! *Dances in chair.* More is on the way ... Dee 02/20/2007 08:41 pm Ch. 4: Saturday Wanted to let you know I am enjoying this fic. Especially this chapter. Very incitefully written. Look forward to the rest. Thanks, Dee! Glad you're enjoying. Esther 02/20/2007 07:03 pm Ch. 4: Saturday Fantabulous as always! I absolutely loved this chapter, most especially Buffy's growing feelings for Spike. Thanks, Esther! I just can't imagine anyone spending that much *quality* time with Spike and not noticing that he's more than a strings-free good time! Opal 04/04/2007 11:20 pm Ch. 3: Friday "That’s like – the Fisher Price My First Vibrator"~ That line is absolutely brilliant and hilarious! Lou 02/22/2007 01:29 am Ch. 3: Friday Spike and toys. Bloody hell!!! Scrape me off the ceiling. Esther 02/19/2007 10:48 pm Ch. 3: Friday Wowza, that was---WOW!! Thanks, Esther. ;) fun read, thank you. loved "pervy Santa Claus.†Buffy buffy buffy - you slut. You know you love it. Looks like he's slowly wearing her down. Or out. We'll see in the morning whether it's kick in the head time or relaxed wake up time. I love your Spike--he's trying to get what he wants and give her what she needs and still stay within the established Buffy mental 'I could NEVER do that' boundaries. Thanks - glad you're enjoying! It takes a lot to get through to Buffy, though ... Caroline 02/11/2007 03:49 pm Ch. 3: Friday Wonderful chapter, wonderful characterizations of Buffy and Spike , always. Needless to say that it was deliciously hot as well ! Thanks, Caroline! Glad you're enjoying. Had to giggle about the mailman. Bet he hadn't heard that one before on his rounds. Wondering if he's going to help her with more then the aches and pains of life. Thanks for another day. Very hot chapter. Thanks, Verda - and yup, I think the mailman was probably more than a little surprised. ;) well wasn't that a *satisfying* way to end the day! Spike really knows how to give amazing gifts. Thanks, Deb. As for the gift giving, well, we always knew that Spike was a very talented and thoughtful vampire ... poor buffy...so exhausted and neglected by everyone but spike....this was a very hot chapter...can't wait to see what happens next, love :)...but one thing: the naming chapters by days of the week? that doesn't mean there's only seven chapters, does it?? :( Thanks! As for the chapter names? I originally thought I'd write just seven, but that spawned a sequel ... so nope, I'm already up to about 13 and still going ... Lou 02/22/2007 01:20 am Ch. 2: Thursday Phew - it's like the Olympics of sex. How will he make it be enough, I wonder? Sigh - that's the problem, isn't it? Whew that was scorching. Buffy is going to stake him when she finds out about those photos. Thanks - and shhh ... keep those pics just between me, Spike and the Bloodshedverse for now. I don't want Spike to meet an untimely end! Caroline 02/07/2007 03:27 pm Ch. 2: Thursday Wow..wow ..Riveting chapter. Love your Buffy 's voice . Your Spike sounds a bit more .. how to put it ? Possessive and commanding than i'm used to . I even want to say evil. ;-) This is interesting and exciting. The sex is insanely hot and powerful. "For this one, the only taboo was admitting that she might like any of it." Spike always guessed Buffy right. And of course it won't be enough to stay in the shadows. Loving this. I'm just wondering if it's going to turn really dark ? Hey, thanks. Is it going to turn really dark? Well ... there will be more sorrow before there's any lasting joy, but it is S6. I don't plan to kill, torture or maim anyone, though, so if you're dreading the darkest of the dark, it won't be here. It might just be, well, sad in places. And it does grow a plot in another few chapters ... He certainly is showing her the many sides of pleasure, most she'd never experienced before. Like an addiction, she's going to start craving him. When you've got a great lover, it's hard to say no to all that pleasure, even if he's someone she wanted to stay away from. She doesn't need the Kama Sutra when she's got Spike. Can't wait for the rest of the week. Excellent read, thanks for sharing. "She doesn't need the Kama Sutra when she's got Spike!" LOL ... if I got that on a bumper sticker, would it make sense to anyone outside the BSV? Thanks so much for reviewing, Verda - you're the best! That was hot; with the last two paragraphs incredibly sad. Thanks for reading & reviewing - and yeah, I think there's more descent left before Buffy hits rock bottom. Tragically, she's taking Spike along ... Esther 02/07/2007 10:16 am Ch. 2: Thursday Whoa, mama!! Great fic and can't wait to see what's next!! Thanks! Glad you're enjoying. Shanna 02/07/2007 04:21 am Ch. 2: Thursday You know, I hope that Spike has an 'epiphany' and destroys the film and maybe finds a way to help Buffy financially. I know Joss stressed that a soul was needed but I always thought that our boy Spike could attempt good on his own...figure things out. Here's hoping. I'm with you, Shanna - I don't get the soul thing. Still, the Spike that I'm writing isn't ready to be good yet. If anything, he'd probably post the naughty Buffy pics on the Inet and offer to split the profits! But there's always hope ... thanks for reading & reviewing! fun, hot chapter. thank you. those pictures are going to bite spike. but even that might turn out to be fun. Thanks for reviewing. And y'know, I've drafted many more chapters of this, but still can't quite figure out what happens to the pictures ... Spike is going to be dead (or wish he was) if she finds those photos. You got that right! But for now, I think I'll keep her blissfully unaware. She can find the pictures right after she finds her sense of humor ... and that little miracle will doubtless take a few chapters. ;) hmm this was smutty goodness! Spike certainly is helping her expand her skills in the bedroom. And seeming to gain a better sense of what makes her tick. Now he just needs to figure out how to use that info to get what he wants out of their being together. Thanks, Deb. Yeah ... he's paying attention, but that Buffy just doesn't seem to know when she's got a really good thing. ;) time of change 02/07/2007 12:09 am Ch. 2: Thursday Hot and educational! Also, hot! LOL - thanks! oh man that was hot..and a bit troubling, too, i have a feeling if buffy finds out about those pictures she will be soooo not happy...great chapter, looking forward to more :) Thanks - yeah, Buffy finding the pictures would be bad. For now, Spike is going to have quite the souvenir! This is awesome! I really really really love it! Please continue soon! :) Hey, thanks! There's more coming soon, promise. Just started this and enjoying it. Great descriptions and I love your Buffy voice. Hey, thanks, Lilachigh! Lou 02/22/2007 12:56 am Ch. 1: Wednesday Talk about spontaneous combustion!! Ha! ROFL. That was really sweet and sad until Buffy went to Pornoland - like she needs, too. Excellent PW/P. No matter how hard she denied it, she want's him, craves him and kinky Willow, but she's better then that skank Hilton not to mention Buffy checking out the vamp section. Did she thinks Spike might be on the site under "How to screw a slayer senseless?" I like your version of this. Great work, thanks. Now to read thursday. Thanks, Verda! And I also *thought* Willow must've had a little bit of kink in her ... wonder if buffy will learning anything useful on red's favorites. fun read, thank you. Oh, Buffy has SO very much to learn ... thanks for reviewing! oh wow....wonder what sorts of ideas she'll get from her "research" and what sorts of suprises spike will find next time they meet...and i love the "cruel intentions" reference... :P love that movie :) Thanks for the review! Glad you're enjoying. And yeah, love Cruel Intentions, too. ;) Caroline 02/06/2007 03:17 pm Ch. 1: Wednesday This was a great first chapter. I loved your characterizations - and needless to say that the sex scenes were incredibly hot , very well done. Thanks, Caroline. Posting anything is a tiny bit scary - but posting sex scenes ups the anxiety factor considerably. So it is always good to hear that I got them right. Nice beginning, I look forward to seeing where this story goes. Thanks for the review. And we're going straight into badness ... I think this ends up, if anything, darker than canon S6 even though that seems impossible. time of change 02/05/2007 10:38 pm Ch. 1: Wednesday This is divine. Thank you! hmm so Buffy is living deep in the land od denial about what is going on with her. I'm glad Spike tried to make her aware and didn't just cave to meet her needs. Yeah, I thought I'd try my hand at writing a harsh, non-indulgent Spike. I hope he doesn't ring false ... but really, even endless devotion must have its limits, right? Ohh. I like this! I wish Buffy would be more open to Spike, but hey, whatever! Great smut! If there is more, please continue soon! Hey thanks - and more is on the way. I'm just editing for all those pesky little details ... amazing how you can miss a comma in the middle of a sex scene. ;) Spikes Slayer2 02/05/2007 12:14 pm Ch. 1: Wednesday tsk tsk buffy looking at porn haha :P great start :) Thanks for reading - and yeah, Buffy did get a little curious there, didn't she? kim 02/05/2007 10:51 am Ch. 1: Wednesday I look forward to being able to read the sequel again. Poor BSC... I know - missing BSC. I debated posting this, but I want to keep working on the sequel, so ... | |||
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