Storm Warning by Lilachigh

08/22/2016 12:34 am
16 Liam's Territory         
Ooh! So it's a Good Thing Eriddny went to Angel's after all.
Perhaps they can rescue Dawn without needing to involve him.....
Let's hope so.  Off on holiday for a few days so sadly no update for a couple of weeks.

08/07/2016 07:56 pm
15 Love for Sale         
Dawn really doesn't understand Buffy at all, does she?
I'm wondering whether it's a good idea for Eriddny to go to Angel....
What, you don't think it will be a meeting of true minds!!!!   Thank you for commenting. Much appreciated.

12/18/2015 05:37 pm
14 Plan for the Worst         
Wwhen Buffy finds you it will be years before you are allowed out again. If that demon sells Dawn Buffy and Spike will kill him. Slowly with great pain and pleasure on their part until they find her.
It's all part of growing up in Sunnydale!  Thank you for reading.

12/16/2015 08:01 pm
14 Plan for the Worst         
And both Summers girls get a wake up call.  Something tells me that Dawn's might be be a little more painful...
You might well be right!

07/18/2015 06:47 pm
Hope for the Best         
Angel & co are still in Pylea? How irritatingly inconvenient of them!
No, Willow, we don't need your magic here. Only as a Last Resort!
Dawn, you idiot!  You're not even having fun! Own up to your mistake and phone home!
Pylea?  Oh, I thought by this time in Season Six we were into the Darla/Connor scenario!  Must go check again.

07/18/2015 02:38 pm
Hope for the Best         
Oh yeah this will end well. Dawn you are going to be grounded forever. If you survive this that is.
She so wants to be all grown up!

04/13/2015 02:27 pm
Chp 12 Twelve Hours         
Oh, bad, bad Dawnie. Fun adventure turns into major drama nad potential apockylips. 
It's going to get messy!

04/13/2015 02:20 pm
Chp 12 Twelve Hours         
That was so much fun, especially the last couple of lines.  Brilliant!
Thank you so much!

04/13/2015 04:17 am
Chp 12 Twelve Hours         
Things just got a whole lot worse for Dawn. I just hope Angel doesn't kill Eddy cause mama would go nuts. Dawn you are so dead when you get back. It won't even be funny the grounding she will be in for. But Buffy and Spike share some of the blame. They've been too wrapped up in themsevles lately to notice what Dawn is doing.
Thank you.  And yes, I wanted to convey that Spike and Buffy's relationship is all consuming sometimes in a dangerous way.  

02/26/2015 11:07 pm
Chapter 11 The Big Plan         
You've got brat  Dawn down perfectly!

02/24/2015 02:23 pm
Chapter 11 The Big Plan         
How wonderful to see a continuation of this story at last 

Although... I went to read chapter 10 to remind myself of what was happening and it's not there! Blank page!

Looking forward to reading more... just hoping there isn't another looooooong wait!  
Oh dear, I don't understand that at all.  Have rushed back in and updated Chp 10,otherwise Chp 11 doesn't make a lot of sense.  Thank you so much for letting me know and I promise to update again very soon.

02/24/2015 03:25 pm
Chp 10 : Secrets         
Thanks for putting the chapter back. Oddly, I don't remember reading this one before! Oh well...

Um... Dawn stroked Eriddny's arm.  Won't that contact make Eriddny ill?

So... Dawn's rebelling big time. Hardly surprising under the circumstances...
Yes, of course it would!   In my rush,  I uploaded the non-corrected version!   Been back and corrected it. That's the trouble of having long gaps between writing chapters - you forget all the little details.  Thank you so much for picking this up for me.

12/11/2008 04:30 am
Chp 10 : Secrets         
Oh yeah - Spike's going to tell Dawn to shape up.  Can't wait to see that.
 Yes, because now she's starting to go down that "no one understands me except my cool new friends" stage of teenager angst.  Cool old friends will find themselves out in the cold.  Hey you're a vamp, well that's so last year. My friends are Lynfra demons.  Poor Spike!

12/06/2008 07:38 pm
Chp 10 : Secrets         
Great story.What an odd friendship,Eriddny and Dawn.I bet Buffy is going to freak.Hell so is Eriddny's mom.Buffy seems to be treating Spike better.I can't wait to see where you take this.
 So pleased you enjoyed the chapter.  Yes, Eriddny and Dawn could be an explosive combination. Dawn has plenty of ideas now she has the brawn to put them into action!  Ouch.

12/06/2008 05:14 pm
Chp 10 : Secrets         
I'm loving that Eriddny’s story is continuing. :D The dialogue between Dawn are Eriddny was great... lol! Should be fun to see what kind of adventures the two girls get into. The Spike/Buffy scene was great too, I enjoyed their conversation. Fantastic chapter!
 Thank you for reviewing.  Must admit I never meant to continue this story, but the drabble I wrote as a Christmas present grew and grew and there we are, off on another adventure!   Sighs and tries to shut my mind away in a dark cupboard (closet).

12/06/2008 01:24 am
Chp 10 : Secrets         

Dawn palling up with Eriddny (what a picure she makes!) is a cool idea.  I look forward to more.

 Two teenagers, full of angst and hormones. Ouch!

09/24/2016 07:38 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Great reading this one again - 

04/13/2015 01:16 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Good piece in general. Very, very classy ending. Glad you didn't play it up any more than that. And the observation of bringing a piece of the hospital home with you...? Too, too true. Good job.
Delighted you are enjoying the story.  Hope you like the newer chapters which bring events up to date.

12/11/2008 04:29 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Lilac - I had forgotten about this story, so I reread the first chapters.  It's wonderfully moody, steamy and miserable feeling.  Excellent.
 Thank you so much.  I loved writing this story, especially as the banner was so wonderful.  I'm looking forward to continuing Dawn's adventures.

12/06/2008 10:58 pm
Chp 9 Demons and Death         

Nice reading this again - read it once before long ago - pleasure reading both times -

 thank you!

06/28/2008 09:52 pm
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Great little read and thanks for the voices of the beloveds--that's how I know them and it showed in your writing.  Funny little dance they do innuit? All backwards and forewards and sometimes, horizontal they move together even when there's distance between them.  I have sometimes been disappointed by the stories stockpiled here, with yours, not ever.  Thanks again and please more.
 Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. Always nice to have views about an older story.

08/16/2007 05:52 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Aww, this was great!! Loved the ending, especially that kiss to the wrist.

07/27/2007 05:20 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
excellent ending to a fine tale. thank you.
appreciate your comments. thank you.

07/27/2007 04:40 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Beautiful ending.
thank you so much for reading and reviewing. Much appreciated.

07/26/2007 09:03 pm
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Great ending. This could fit in perfectly as a unseen part of canon.
thanks. I tried to fit it into canon as well as I could. I think the taking Joyce home from hospital is accurate. They did just leave and arrive home in next scene!

07/26/2007 02:54 pm
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
I'm sad it's over, though it was a great ending.

Sequel pleeeeeeease??? :)

Thanks for sharing :)
so pleased you liked it. Will think about a sequel.

07/26/2007 08:50 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Loved the interaction between all the characters in this update. I especially enjoyed Spike's talk with Eriddny's mother, who knew Lynfra demons could be so snarky with their insults... lol!
Spike and Buffy's musings were also a treat to read. And the sweet moment Spike and Buffy shared was wonderful, as was Joyce's closing window scene. Fantastic story! Thanks for the entetaining read. :)
thank you for reading and reviewing. glad you liked the story.

07/26/2007 08:26 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
Noble Spike -- looks like Buffy could be starting to to see that too! I think a sequel is in order!
Thank you but it’s going to have to wait until a few wips are finished!

07/26/2007 05:36 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
that was such a sweet little glad that buffy will now have to face the fact that there's more to spike than she's given him credit for...excellent chapter, love :)
thank you very much for reading and reviewing this story. it was great fun to write as i don’t often do challenges but enjoyed this one!

07/26/2007 04:43 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
lovely ending. thanks for sharing.
thank you so much for taking the time to review. So pleased you enjoyed the story.

07/26/2007 02:35 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
GREAT ENDING!!!!! It was a great story all the way around Thank you!
Thank you for reviewing and reading all the way. Now back to wips! Any preference?

07/26/2007 01:27 am
Chp 9 Demons and Death         
The whole story was wonderful but this final chapter was fabulous! Loved the sacrifice and Spike realizing his feelings. Love Buffy starting to call her own views and life choices in question. Love The set up for what was to come (losing Joyce, Spike's continued service to the family Summers, etc.). Just excellent and in character all the way.

thank you so much for such a kind review. Glad you liked the story. Your opinion very important to me. I loved writing this one - the beautiful banner helps, of course - and pleased so many people seem to have enjoyed it. Back to wips - but first a week in France!

05/30/2010 06:35 pm
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         

11/07/2008 07:48 pm
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
Oh my goodness, that just made me shiver!

07/27/2007 05:07 am
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
that last line should get through to buffy. very good read, thank you.
thanks for reading and commenting. Much appreciated.

07/25/2007 06:45 am
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
Very good story. I'm enjoying it a lot. Can't wait for the final chapter. Great read.
thank you so much for all the reviews. Final chapter should be up very soon. Must do it before I head off to France for week’s holiday!

07/24/2007 11:09 pm
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
oh boy oh boy !!!!! I can't wait for the next update! Maybe they could feed it Riley???
Now, now, he can’t help being how he is!!! But glad you’re enjoying the story.

07/24/2007 07:53 pm
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
Argh, evil cliffhanger...!!!

I SO love this story :)
So pleased you like it! Makes it all worthwhile.

07/24/2007 06:34 pm
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
This is certainly a difficult situation. Excellent method of Spike getting Buffy to see the demon as a mother.

07/24/2007 10:52 am
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
Awww -- Spike the protector! Please let the momma eat Riley.

07/24/2007 07:42 am
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
*shiver* what a reminder for buffy, that might change her feelings on the matter; wonder how they're going to solve this one...great chapter, love ;)
thank you so much for reviewing. next and sadly last chapter will be ready in a day or two.

07/24/2007 06:42 am
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
The confrontation with Eriddny's mom sure is playing out interestingly, can't blame the misunderstanding for happenning though. Dawn is right, she is just a worried mother... a strong dangerous one, but then again so was Joyce with that axe. :)Loved the chapter!
thank you so much for reviewing. Yes, i think the parallel works. Moms defend their young!

07/24/2007 05:28 am
Chp 8 Damage Limitation that Spike or is it the mom speaking through him?

Naturally Riley will show up...can we feed him to the mamma? LOL

Looking forward to the rest.

Well, all will be revealed in next instalment but between you and me, it is Spike trying to jog her memory!

07/23/2007 10:01 pm
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
I love that last line! What a great way to end the chapter! Spike may be denying how much he cares for Buffy, but Joyce had been kindness itself to him and he respected and admired her without pretending otherwise. I always thought that first meeting and Joyce smacking him with a fire-axe was a huge event in their relationship. No matter how out of it Joyce sometimes seemed for the Slaying gig, that defense when she didn't even know what a vampire was, was always on my mind. All the Summers women were stubborn and impossible- it's part of their charm.
I wonder if the mother Lyrnfra can speak English. Whatever happens, I'm certain Riley might mess it all up and that Spike will show how much he worried for Dawn.
I hope this story doesn't just end after the Lynfra adventure is over. I am really enjoying reading it and think Spike's slightly-evil but caring character is described very well. I also hope to see more of Buffy seeing Spike and not another 'now she understands and loves him and they'll live happily ever after!' endings. Sometimes they fit, but I like to see the two snarky blondes sorta working it out in a real-life way.
Great chapter, moving things along, and down with Riley!
thank you so much for such a lovely long review. I hadn’t thought of another story because this one is written for a challenge. But then you never know! Glad you like the Spike/Joyce connection. I felt that she could well have asked him for a favour and he would be only too pleased to do it.

07/23/2007 06:43 pm
Chp 8 Damage Limitation         
Oh that was good, so Riley is going to show up and do most likely what Dawn doesn't want them to do, Why don't they just show Mama the baby and hand it back.

More please.
thank you but I’m afraid Mama Demon is acting without thinking - now who does that remind you of?

05/30/2010 06:29 pm
Chp 7 Being Brave         

11/07/2008 07:44 pm
Chp 7 Being Brave         
I love the characterization of Buffy being passionate.  I had to chuckle. Reminded me of Dorothy Parker's review of Hepburn "ran the gamut of emotion from A to B"
And Eeeek!  Willie, just creepy the way he ends up being the source for one of the casually devastating bits of horror in the show.
 Well, the gun had to come from somewhere!  Seemed sensible to me, but then i am weird.

07/17/2007 04:55 am
Chp 7 Being Brave         
oh man...things are building up to a crescendo, aren't they? great chapter, love, way to ratchet up the tension...and i think i know who's eventually going to buy that gun, and i want to kill willie...grrr...great chapter, pet, looking forward to more :)
Well, I thought more people would understand the hint about the gun...
Glad you’re still enjoying the story.

07/13/2007 03:43 pm
Chp 7 Being Brave         
Great Spuffy interaction, I loved how Buffy refered to "Gone With The Wind" when Spike turned on his charm, Spike can be definitely be very Rhett Butler-like when he wants to. ;)The dialogue between them was also great.
I'm still worried little Eriddny's health, but at least Spike and Buffy are gonna be on the scene soon. Can't wait to find out what happens they all meet Eriddny's mom. Fantastic chapter!
Eriddny’s mom, Eriddny’s dad! Don’t forget him.

07/13/2007 01:55 pm
Chp 7 Being Brave         
OH I hope Dawn is safe, yes Spike kept his word, but it didn't work as planned.
It seldom does!

07/13/2007 01:42 pm
Chp 7 Being Brave         
great chapter! I can't wait for the next update!!!!!

thank you~!
thank you so much for reading and commenting.

07/13/2007 09:54 am
Chp 7 Being Brave         
Dawn's certainly being brave -- unlike the ghastly Riley! Poor Buffy must be very confused if she thinks he's the normal one!
Normality is the compass she steers by in Season 5

07/13/2007 07:43 am
Chp 7 Being Brave         
wonderful timing of the angry roar. thanks for the fun read.
thank you for reading

07/13/2007 06:20 am
Chp 7 Being Brave         
can't wait for more! :) (I bitch about reviews like this and then leave one. I'm evil.) :P
so pleased you are enjoying the story. You might like to check your posting because all your reviews came through 3 times each! Made my e mail box look pretty impressive this morning.

07/13/2007 04:34 am
Chp 7 Being Brave         
Spike may have his faults but he's already proved he's better boyfriend material than Riley and Angel put together by the way he treated Dru.

Hmm, I wonder if that gun Willie stole could end up causing Finn a whole lot of trouble.
Well, in Season Six it causes everyone grief! Well, that’s my little take, anyway.

07/13/2007 03:43 am
Chp 7 Being Brave         
And everyone works so hard to make Buffy proud of them...
absolutely. And does she ever notice?.....

07/13/2007 02:16 am
Chp 7 Being Brave         
Ah, good old UST. There's nothing like it. *g* Nice chapter!
thank you.

05/30/2010 06:21 pm
Chp 6 Storm Damage         

07/13/2007 06:20 am
Chp 6 Storm Damage         

07/13/2007 06:17 am
Chp 6 Storm Damage         

07/10/2007 10:30 pm
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
oh no! i'm actually concerned for the little baby...and i'm worried about what her momma's gonna think :( and now riley's gonna cause trouble *sigh* great chapter, though, love, can't wait to read more :)
thank you. yes, it could all get very confusing very soon!

07/07/2007 01:51 pm
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
Poor Eriddny, I hope she's okay! She might be annoying, but I really like her. I love that Spike was right about Riley getting brassed off because he and Buffy were in the backseat of his car. Loved the car scene by the way, Spike suggestion to remove his soaked jeans really made me laugh. :D Fantastic update!
thank you so much. glad you like Eriddny. She’s such fun to write. I think Riley is going to be even more upset very soon.

07/07/2007 01:46 am
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
very good read, thank you. high five for aggravating riley even more.
thank you. Glad you’re still enjoying the story.

07/06/2007 11:30 pm
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
oh boy thats not good!

Great chapter btw,,, he he on Riley too funny!
Anything Spike could do to upset Riley he would.

07/06/2007 11:06 am
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
I think Riley's going to go apeshit! Good job, Spike!
Hmm, you might well be right. Thank you for reviewing.

time of change
07/06/2007 02:18 am
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
I love Eriddny. She's an annoying little brat, but what a wonderful character!
hi, and yes, glad you like Eriddny. She sprang into the story and won’t go away. Like lots of 3 - 4 year olds I know.

07/06/2007 01:16 am
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
OH I wonder what Riley is going to do now, and what is Dawn going to do about the demon.
At least Spike and Buffy know where to look now.
More please love it.
thank you so much for reviewing. Much appreciated.

07/06/2007 12:42 am
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
Oooooo Pissed Riley (love that bit of tit for tat on the jealous note. He sure has a low opinion of his girlfriend to immediately assume she is cheating on him! Spike would LOVE that.)

Will be interesting when Spike and Buffy show up and Dawn and baby demon are there with the little one's family!

Love the way they both want to be honest with the other but are fighting every step of the way. Buffy hasn't figured out that Spike makes her feel safe and comfortable! Spike hasn't snapped to wanting to ease things for Buffy for HER sake....giggle...such dolts!

Thank you for review. Trying very hard to keep them almost in canon as far as their relationship goes. But i might not succeed!

07/05/2007 11:55 pm
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
It is strange that Buffy wouldn't recognize her boyfriend's car.

Great update.
This is Buffy we are talking about! I think what with the torrential rain and getting in the back just about works.

07/05/2007 09:48 pm
Chp 6 Storm Damage         
Ooh, and it gets better and better!! LMAO at Spike leaving and crushing the cigarettes into Riley's car floor. Can't wait for more!
thank you so much. Glad you like it.

05/30/2010 06:13 pm
Chp 5 Squalls         

07/25/2007 06:10 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
Well, at least she got rid of Riley. I'm surprised she didn't scream at him more. He sure as hell deserved it. Maybe if Spike saves the day, she'll be nicer?

07/13/2007 06:20 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
yep, knew it couldn't be good.

07/13/2007 06:12 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
yep, knew it couldn't be good.

06/26/2007 04:37 pm
Chp 5 Squalls         
oh man..oh man, that mama's not gonna understand :( ... they need to find dawnie quickly before she ends up hurt...great chapter, love, loved spikes standin up to her and stopping her from hitting him...great job :)
thanks. yes, I get a little tired of Buffy always being able to hit Spike. Unless he let her, he has the speed and strength to stop her as we see in Season Six. But this is 5 and there’s a whole sea of pain ahead for them both, of course.

06/26/2007 01:25 pm
Chp 5 Squalls         
hummmmm this could go good or really really bad, great chapter! can't wait for the next update!
thank you so much for commenting. Does make updating a joy when you know people are following the story so closely.

06/26/2007 11:48 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
OH Riley is so in for it, I hope. So Spike and Buffy seem to have feelings for each other.

Wonder what will happen at the mall with Dawn and the little purple demon.

love it more please
thank you for reviewing. Glad you are enjoying the story.

06/26/2007 08:04 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
and this is all spike fault, i'm almost certain. very good read, thank you.
Oh sure to be!

06/26/2007 06:50 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
Dawn sometimes is incredibly stupid. I wonder if Spike'll be able to track her in the storm...
I was trying to show Dawn acting like Buffy does with her. Being an adult isn’t easy for either of them.

06/26/2007 03:51 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
Ooh, this doesn't sound good. Eagerly looking forward to coming off this cliff!
could be a long drop down!

06/26/2007 12:48 am
Chp 5 Squalls         
Loved the description of Eriddny, now I can picture her in mind perfectly. I hope Spike was wrong about the Lynfra demons violent tendencies, it would be so sad if things ended tragically. Wonderful update!
thank you. Glad you’re enjoying the story. I’m very fond of Eriddny.

06/25/2007 11:52 pm
Chp 5 Squalls         
Nice demon mum won't hurt Dawn! And three cheers for no punch in the face!
But will Dawn hurt demon mom?

06/25/2007 11:28 pm
Chp 5 Squalls         
OH oh....Dawnie is in trouble now. Naturally Spike will be the one to pull her butt out of the wringer. It's just what he does.

I still worry about Spike having a plan.....

06/25/2007 11:07 pm
Chp 5 Squalls         
well this is a fine pickle. I liked that Spike didn't let Buffy hit him.
I hope that they don't kill the lavendar demon...
thanks for the review. I hope the demon doesn’t kill them!

07/20/2015 02:09 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Poor Dawnie...  she needs someone to mother her, but she's brave... so she's mommying the little lavender demon...  of course, in Sunnydale and night time...  well, that can't end well, can it?

05/30/2010 06:07 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         

07/25/2007 05:57 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
That little demon is a little too nice. And Dawn going out in the storm, not such a good idea. I wonder what will happen.

07/13/2007 06:21 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Awesome chapter. Why do I get the feeling this adorable little innocent demon isn't so adorable and innocent? And why do I further get the feeling that Riley's ass will be grass after Buffy and Spike rescue her?

07/13/2007 06:06 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Awesome chapter. Why do I get the feeling this adorable little innocent demon isn't so adorable and innocent? And why do I further get the feeling that Riley's ass will be grass after Buffy and Spike rescue her?

07/13/2007 06:05 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Awesome chapter. Why do I get the feeling this adorable little innocent demon isn't so adorable and innocent? And why do I further get the feeling that Riley's ass will be grass after Buffy and Spike rescue her?

06/17/2007 10:39 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
oh I don't want to see what happens when Buffy gets home.
MOre please
I don’t think it’s going to be pleasant! Thanks for reviewing. Appreciate it.

06/17/2007 09:06 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
SQUEE!!! Fan-freaking-tastic chapter!! Love all the scenes, and really love that Spike's the one that remembered Dawn being at home alone. Interesting Dawn scenes, too. I can't wait to find out some more!!
Pleased you liked the chp. Yes, it never crossed Buffy’s mind, of course, that Dawn was on her own - or was it because Dawn is still very new inside her brain!

06/16/2007 06:40 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
fun read, thank you. Eriddny was not what was anticipated to come bursting in out of the storm. but dawn is now going out into it. should be very interesting.
She wasn’t what I’d planned to come through the door! But there she was, shoes glittering, chatting away. This can only be good.

06/16/2007 04:03 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Oh boy -- I hope no one blames Spike for all this mess!
Buffy is going to have to blame someone!

06/16/2007 02:40 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Somehow I foresee that all blame for Dawn's going out is gonna be placed on Spike :S
At this stage in the story, anything can and probably will happen! Thank you for reviewing. Appreciate it.

06/16/2007 06:20 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
This just gets curiouser and curiouser! That Riley, what a breath of stale air. *sigh*

And Dawn...well, I thought the biggest worry was her catching the house on fire; I was wrong. I totally did not see Eriddny coming and enjoyed the surprise.
I was surprised too! I didn’t expect her to walk through the door, but she did. Let’s see what happens next.

06/16/2007 05:23 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
oh i love this! and you wrote that little baby demon so well, perfect toddler talk!! riley deserves a beating, becasue now dawn's gonna get in trouble, i just know it :( great chapter, love ;)
Yes, like magic, meeting demons always has consequences!

06/16/2007 01:31 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
I gotta say I just love your original characters, Eriddny is positively captivating. Dawn's interaction with her was fun, I look forward to reading more about their adventure. As for Riley... I hope he gets into big trouble when Buffy gets home and finds Dawn missing. Great chapter!
thank you so much for your comments. Glad you liked Eriddny. We’ll see what happens next!

06/16/2007 12:30 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Hi Izzy, no review came through. Thought I’d better let you know.

06/16/2007 12:05 am
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
he he he he little demon friends for Dawn how cute! I hope Buffy wacks Riley good for leaving her home alone MORON!

Great chapter as always~! Thank you!
Well, I think that like magic, meeting demons always has consequences!

06/15/2007 10:36 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Wow, this is turning into some adventure! Wretched Riley is done very well. Like the introduction of the little demon. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. Thanks!
thanks to you for reading and reviewing. Much appreciated. Glad you liked Eriddny. So do I!

06/15/2007 08:53 pm
Chp 4 The Eye of the Storm         
Cute chapter, I wish Buffy had listened to the side of her that realized the safe and comfortable feeling she had when dancing with Spike, but we all know Buffy. Like to see Riley grovel about leaving Dawn alone, and the little demon is tooooo cute! Great chapter, can't wait for the next one.
Thanks for reviewing. Glad you are enjoying the story and that you like Eriddny. She just arrived in the story, completely unexpected by me.

05/30/2010 06:01 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         

08/05/2007 09:21 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
love this story !!!
your a good writer!!!

07/25/2007 05:46 am
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Stupid Riley. Stupid lightning. They were almost having a moment, damn it. And to leave Dawn alone like that? I can't believe this guy. He deserves to die. Slow, painful death.

07/13/2007 06:21 am
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         

07/13/2007 05:44 am
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         

06/15/2007 05:41 am
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!! I always hated Riley did I ever mention that???? Of course he's there to mess everything up now that its getting good!!!!!

Great chapter~! Can't wait for the next update!
If you’re very good, Chp 4 is being posted later this evening!

06/14/2007 11:44 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Love this!! I'm def. liking that Spike's plans to keep Buffy distracted are going the way of his usual plans---am happy to know that Joyce told him to take Buffy's mind off the surgery---so the dance, although not planned, is fantastic!! Then it had to be ruined by Riley...UGH!!! Loathe Cardboard, but can't wait to see what happens next, especially with Dawn.
Dawn’s going to get herself into big trouble but from the very best of motives.

06/14/2007 12:23 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Great story. Oh Please let the lighting strike again and hit Riley. How could he leave dawn alone. and what happened at the house when the door opened with the lighting and wind. was there anything else involved with it. . Please continue to write and update often.
thank you for reviewing. Hope to have new chp up very soon.

06/14/2007 02:55 am
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
major hopes that riley gets his ass kicked. Great chapter, i enjoyed reading it.
thank you so much. Glad you liked the story.

06/14/2007 01:20 am
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Oh no this is not good, I wonder who other than Dawn is the the summers house, could it be Glory.

What are Spike and Buffy going to do about Riley.

More please.
Spike has a big decision to make now. And how he feels about Joyce will colour it.

06/14/2007 12:03 am
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
excellent read, thank you. can't see this ending well for riley. angry and stupid never works out well.
Angry, stupid and in love. Not a good combination. Glad you’re enjoying the story.

06/13/2007 09:52 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Getting better! I'm looking forward to Buffy seeing how overbearing Riley is, and Spike dangerous even with the chip. And I fully expect Buffy to go into Slayer mode on Riley because the stupid git left Dawn alone.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying the story.

06/13/2007 08:36 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
oh man....what's up with riley? this could be very ugly...and poor little dawnie, i hope she's going to be okay...excellent chapter, love, can't wait to see what happens next :)
Poor little Dawnie? Well, we’ll just have to see...runs off cackling evilly....

06/13/2007 08:15 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Uh oh, even more trouble. Love the dancing scene, a nice moment of weakness. And poor Dawn, all alone for the first time and she's scared out of her mind.
Very interested in this story so far.
thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to review. Much appreciated.

06/13/2007 08:12 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
"With a snarl and a hiss, rain swept in across the ocean and fell on Sunnydale like a tiger seizing its prey." What a beautifully poetic way to describe the storm. Loved the chapter, and all the exciting things going on in it. Can't wait to read more! :)
thank you for such a nice comment. Hope to get next chp done by end of week. It will be up on Spuffy Haven first, of course, as it is being written for a challenge on that site.

06/13/2007 06:58 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Dum de dum.....Okay it's going to get wild reallllllly soon. I think the demons don't even want to see this kind of evil LOL.

Great update. Poor Dawnie, alone and scared (and WHAT a jerk is Riley to leave her like that!!). Wonder what opened the door on Revello Dr? Going to find out soon, I think...hope it isn't Glory.

It’s all coming to a boil nicely, isn’t it? Interesting to write a story with such tight time lines to follow. Poor Dawnie? Well, we’ll see....

06/13/2007 04:10 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Love this story! The atmosphere of the storm you've set up is great and the dialogue of the character right on target. Can't wait to see what happens next!
thank you so much. Nice to have a new reviewer. Don’t think I’ve seen your name come up before. Welcome!

06/13/2007 02:50 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
Very atmospheric storm. And here comes Riley -- this'll end well!
It’ll certainly be the beginning of the end!

06/13/2007 02:07 pm
Chp 3 Little Flames, Big Fires         
It was a dark and stormy night--that scared the heck out of me! Great atmosphere with this chapter. And I can't tell what's making me more nervous: Riley with his temper or Dawn with her lack of grace around combustibles.

Loved the sweet Spuffy moment and Joyce's thoughts from her hospital bed.
Riley or Dawn - well both of them are going to cause a lot of trouble in a very short time space. Runs away to bite nails.

05/30/2010 05:56 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         

07/25/2007 05:36 am
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
God I hate Riley. Selfish bastard. Tell me you'll have some nasty demon munch on him? That would be fantastic lol

07/13/2007 06:21 am
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
i hate riley. i want spike to eat him.

07/13/2007 05:39 am
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
i hate riley. i want spike to eat him.

06/13/2007 02:48 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Nice one, Riley -- always put your own needs first!

06/11/2007 08:53 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
oh man something tells me that dawn might end up in trouble here...spike is actually very good for buffy in this situation, it's just hard for her to see it right now...great chapter, love :)
Thank you. Not a lot of readers but those who are reading seem to be enjoying it. Thank goodness!

06/11/2007 07:07 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Great update! I can't wait to see where you go with this!
Thank you. Chp 3 coming shortly.

06/11/2007 06:20 am
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
fine read, thank you. riley always was such a class act. not only does he ignore the note, but slams the door on the way out.
The sad thing is that if he was told, he’d be sorry. But he doesn’t see it first. He is a very self-centred character, not actually selfish.

06/11/2007 12:03 am
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Really really enjoying this, just read first two chapters together and they are both very well done. Love season 5 fics, and this is very well written.

Cannot wait to see what happens.

Only one tiny tiny critism, I know you are explaining when you change scenes, eg. 'Back at Revello...', but an extra line break or something would be helpful to, as I found it a bit jarring to suddenly change scenes, without a break. It's probably only me and don't need to listen, but just a suggestion. I think it's the way I read that I'm already onto the next few paragraphs whilst I'm processing one, and it jarred me out of the story when I realised the scene was changing. Just a extra blank line would be enough to stop that, but it is up to you.

Anyhow, apart from that, loving this fic so far, keep it up! :)
thanks for your kind comments and glad you are enjoying the story.

I do see what you mean about the spacing in the text. I’ll certainly try and add a line but sometimes I have difficulty in making the text stay in paragraphs at all, let alone altering them!

06/10/2007 11:43 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
The dialogue between Spike and Buffy was wonderful, I just love how the two blondes interact with each other. Great chapter!
Appreciate your remarks a lot. Does help to motivate me to write more.

06/10/2007 10:58 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Uh oh, Riley going to cause trouble. Nice realistic play between Spike and Buffy, btw. Very true to character.
thank you very much for taking the time and trouble to review.

06/10/2007 10:32 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Just read the first two chapters back-to-back and am enjoying every word. Great characterization and voice. Can't wait to see what happens next.

thank you so much. Chp 3 should be posted very soon.

06/10/2007 08:50 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Stoopid Riley!! Poor Dawn, all alone at home and with a storm...
thank you for reviewing. Yes, Dawn could make things far worse for everyone!

06/10/2007 08:43 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Thank you Mr. Responsibility Riley. Yeah, Dawn isn't a little kid, but waking up alone during a storm when she knows what is out there has got to be scary.
It’s a thin dividing line, isn’t it? Yes Dawn is old enough to stay in house on her own, but in some ways she is very young.

06/10/2007 08:31 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Oh oh.......methinks trouble is coming in that storm. Riley will go off on Spike and Dawn is a loose canon for certain.

Excellent update.

Yes, Dawn is definitely going to cause trouble.

06/10/2007 07:55 pm
Chp 2 Eye of the Storm         
Oh that was good, more please.

I wonder where Riley will go and if he will find them.

I hope Spike gets her to relax.
I don’t know if Spike and relax are compatible words! Thank you for reviewing.

09/23/2016 11:48 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
Always love reading your work - don't think there are any that I have not loved - 

07/19/2015 04:02 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
interesting start.
Thank you. Hope you are enjoying the rest of the story.

04/16/2015 01:02 pm
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
  Very foreboding opening chapter.  I think I read some of this story before,  I don't know where I was going with that.  Anyway, I dug it.
Hope you enjoyed the rest of the story.

05/30/2010 05:48 pm
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         

07/25/2007 05:19 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
Very well written, as usual ;) Great beginning. I'm so sorry I'm just starting it now. I wanted to read this story since you started it, but life kept me busy.

07/13/2007 06:21 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
I don't know where this is going, but its very well done.

07/13/2007 05:29 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
I don't know where this is going, but its very well done.

06/10/2007 05:20 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
Very nice scene with Joyce and Spike - although I don't believe for a minute that Spike would pass up a bag of free human blood. LOL.
It was a struggle!

06/09/2007 05:30 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
joyce and spike work well together. buffy's musings show a move towards reality. very good beginning, thanks for the read.
pleased you are enjoying it. Thank you for reviewing.

06/09/2007 03:32 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
Great Spike/Joyce conversation, I enjoyed reading their inner thoughts as they spoke with each other. Buffy's musings were very insightful too. Loved the bit about the grapes, learning customs from other countries is fun. :) Wonderful start!
thank you for commenting. I love writing Joyce and Spike together. It flows so easily.

06/09/2007 01:26 am
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
An interesting start. I love showing Spike being evil and managing to care for Joyce and even Dawn. I'm looking forward to more of Spike being the good man he once was, whether he wants to be or not, and Buffy finding out all he has to offer.
I’ve always loved Season Five Spike a lot. Such a lot of contrasting and conflicting parts to him.

06/08/2007 11:26 pm
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
Smashing mysterious opener!
thank you so much.

06/08/2007 11:02 pm
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
Lovely intriguing start. Nice tease with Joyce's request being kept secret. Good voices on all characters.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. Glad you are enjoying it.

06/08/2007 09:58 pm
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
Very fascinating start. Loved spike and joyce chatting =)
thank you. new name on my reviews page. That’s always good to see.

06/08/2007 08:20 pm
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
I like this so far! Spike and Joyce's talk was funny and sweet. Please continue soon!
thanks for reviewing. Appreciate it. Glad you are enjoying the story so far.

06/08/2007 08:06 pm
Chp 1 Gathering Clouds         
hmmm...where did that come from? not exactly what i expected....i wonder if he's up to something? you've really done a wonderful job with your characterizations, and i loved how you wrote spike's visit to joyce in the hospital... excellent work, love, looking forward to more :)
Thank you! Posting chp 2 very soon.