Drive It Like You Stole It by Verity Watson Wonderful little Buffy-Spike story gem - blood and peaches 06/12/2009 07:23 pm Ch. 2: Velocity luurve the idea of Spike winning cars in races.... can just imagine him whooping and howling with glee as he roars of dangerously at breakneck speed ... mmmm....kinda like when his head is stuck outta the window of the subway train in New York - as you can see, you got my imagination going there. I also find it very sweet that the De Soto is his baby and legitimately owned. :o) much sweeter and fluffier than what I usually read - an enjoyable change! Dreylin 10/14/2007 08:44 pm Ch. 2: Velocity I have a feeling this will be one of those stories I'll be coming back and reading from time to time. It gets a big smile every time! Dreylin, that's probably the best comment I've ever gotten. Thanks! *Glows* thatotherperv 09/07/2007 07:06 am Ch. 2: Velocity ah, I loved this. lighthearted and fun and perfectly in-character. actually it reads like an episode, albeit an episode in a universe where Joss isn't a card-carrying sadist :D Thanks! *Clicks heels three times and is transported to alternative universe with kindly Joss at the helm* Rats. Still here. Oh well, we'll always have fanfic. ;) *bite me* 06/17/2007 01:12 am Ch. 2: Velocity that was an awesome finish. I loved every second. Thanx very good read, thank you. love the last line. Perfect little pick-me-up. Love it. Pin 06/15/2007 01:34 pm Ch. 2: Velocity Very nice! I really like the balance in this story, Buffy isn't too bitchy and Spike isn't too snarky. Always a delight to see Clem. Would love to see more along the lines of this. Thanks! Devin 06/15/2007 07:46 am Ch. 2: Velocity Haha. Fantastic. Although I associate stealing kisses with a zathinegirl 06/15/2007 07:31 am Ch. 2: Velocity What a fun story! I really enjoyed watching their interactions in this little ficlet-- it felt very natural and organic. Not forced at all! I loved the puppy demon. Hee! And Mama came to fetch her home! Cuteness abounds! Always good to see more from you! Wonderful!! I loved the ending. kim 06/15/2007 04:23 am Ch. 2: Velocity Ooo, nice imagery. This was fun. fangfaceandrea 06/15/2007 03:32 am Ch. 2: Velocity :P didn't expect that. lovely story. Dreylin 06/15/2007 03:10 am Ch. 2: Velocity Loved it. I hope you write more stories like it, whether they're direct sequels, or just of a similar vein. Pre-Spuffy is almost better than full-on-Spuffy. Okay....could end there (and the finis says just that) but I'd love more vignettes in this verse! Natural relationship flow and just a pleasure to read. “You’re a vampire. And a … a … car thief.†for some reason made me giggle aloud. This is just a perfect line for Buffy! Completely in character and I can hear it in my head clearly. Excellent and I like the idea of that 1929 in a garage somewhere....he's such a guy! Kathleen What a HOT ending! Whoa! The requests for continuation or a sequel will be flying! Very nice! Wow, just amazing. Great story. Mark Evans 06/14/2007 11:52 pm Ch. 2: Velocity Nooooooo! This can't be the end, lol. Thanks for sharing this wonderful little story with us. I thoroughly enjoyed it :D . time of change 06/14/2007 11:33 pm Ch. 2: Velocity Love it! time of change 06/14/2007 11:33 pm Ch. 2: Velocity lol....very nicely done, love :) this was a great ending to this little fic, i very much enjoyed it :) That was so much fun! I love it when they cooperate. Jama 06/15/2007 02:12 am Ch. 1: Acceleration I really enjoyed that. a lot. Haha. I can't stop grinning. your praise is well earned tonight Devin 06/14/2007 11:29 am Ch. 1: Acceleration haha, I can see him saying that. :) Cute. Love loved. Very very cute! Love the dialogue! Clem is always fun to read. lol..see, i had no clue, being neither a punk rocker or a rapper chick...lol... :P i do know, however, that this was an excellent opening chapter, loved it very much, buffy being forced to see a different side to the world of the creatures she has to go out and slay every night...wonder how she'll respond to spike's nearness :) Besides the name of the group would appeal...Public Enemy, very Spike! Cute story I enjoyed this and always love Clem. Kathleen Fun! And I do seriously doubt that Spike never listened to anything recording after 1982, so no arguments here. kim 06/13/2007 03:36 am Ch. 1: Acceleration Yeah, pretty sure he draws the line at rap, LOL. Fun story. Mark Evans 06/13/2007 02:46 am Ch. 1: Acceleration I love this fic! With all the angsty stuff out there, it's nice to read a fic that makes you feel good instead of wanting to cry, lol. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for sharing :D . Oh, this is sweet. Spike and puppies!!! LOL - fun so far, can't wait for the next chapter. (small voice) If Spike stomped on the accelerator, Buffy would have been slammed against the back of her seat, not thrown forward into the back of the front seats. And so would Clem for that matter. If you want them to fly forward, you're going to have to have Spike hit the brakes. :) Hey, small voice - thank you! I rewrote that sentence a billion times and *still* got it wrong! Fixing it now ... Very cute! I adored it. nice little story. but...Spike could pop in Coolio to prove he's a demon or something...(coolio, that is...) and needs to be slayed. LOL - slaying Coolio - maybe I'll write a sequel. ;) | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |