Red Eyed Devil by Inzey again, interesting ideas. I'd love to see where this goes. I do hope you'll update it at some point. Blue Heh heh and Xander was unsure how to tell not his wife. Seems he still underestimates his girls. Marie noticed (slayer/vampire). Giles has a hard time with trying to make sense of his prophecy there. But he has a good part already. I wonder what the "time" sentence means. appears maria is not the usual oblivious sunnydale resident. eileen has a functioning mind, didn't know that was allowed in a slayer. very good read, thank you. I'm really enjoying this fic! You've set up an intriguing situation here, and I can't wait for more! Loved that update. So glad to see it and it was great that Xander didn't have too many bad feelings. I am glad that he wife actually knew about the world around Sunnydale. Just a great glimpse. But what is up with the prophecy that Gile is researching? interesting prophecy; like xander's little family, too...great chapter, love :) Why do I feel Xanders Wife knows more than is letting on. And the last parts with Giles has me confuesed. Sorry, I'm late reading again. Interesting to read the back-stories of the others. Timea's time is coming soon I fear and that she won't survive it. Hopefully I'm wrong. Mahira is pretty creepy...i'm worried for the poor little girl :( great chapter, love, looking forward to more :) lots of lovely threads floating around, waiting to be woven into a tapestry. very good read, thank you. great chapter That was interesting finding out about everyone else. Mahira Godslayer, huh? That is a person you better stay away from. *shudder* How thoughtful of Helen Chambers to have the slayers paid now. It's only fair, they do the work. ~ Mmm Timea is the key there. She seems to play a big role. And now Buffy recognized Xander. I wonder if they will talk to him. excellent read. fleshing out the new players and showing the growth in the old. hope that applies to xander, too. thanks for the fine read. Keeps getting better with each chapter. Can't wait to see what Timea has to do with them and her being a KEY. A Godslayer! Puts Buffy, a bit down on the list, doesn't it? Nice to see a new head of the Council and happy that Giles was chastised, for betraying her, by the other watchers. Will she be ready for this meeting with Xander? Really looking forward to more, thanks for the update. SO Buffy has Seen Xander again, I figured it might be Giles they run into first. Love it, more please. well it sounds like maybe giles really regrets his mistakes...i actually kind of hope so because i always liked him...can't wait to see where you take this fic next, love :) many players taking the stage. should be a fun read, thank you. stephanie 08/01/2007 08:53 pm Time to be a big girl yay! you started a sequel! i can't wait for your next post! Oh that's bad... Angel is sill looking for Buffy and it seems she has been found again (if I read correctly). Mmm I guess we'll see more of vision girl Timea? ~ Yeah, sure. Golden child. And good to see Giles regrets. Oh! And Buffy and Spike are back now; wonder which 'big bad' they have to fight. Ooooh this is a great beginning and I can't wait to read more. Keep up the great work! Jace The sequel! So many scenes to prepare. New and old faces, and once again, Angel thinks he's got a chance with Buffy? Foolish vamp. Very interesting time line you've created. Can't wait to find out how Willow and Tara's twins came about. Great beginning to another great adventure, no doubt. Hope you can update on a regular basis, thanks, Ine. oh that was a confusing start with getting caught up with everyone, is Giles in Sunnydale or England. I can't wait for everyone to meet again and she what kind of prochecys there are about Buffy. Okay, I am so intrigued. I can understand how people change, but I really do hope that they don't put it all on Buffy and Spike. And do I need to ask who is having the visions?? Awesome first chapter. daniel_nieves 07/20/2007 09:16 pm Time to be a big girl Awesome start Inzey. setting the stage on a lot of different scenes to begin with...intriguing....looking forward to seeing where you take this story, love :) Yay!! Sequel!! Good introduction ;) | |||
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