Changing Course by just_sue I love it. please continue. i want to see where it goes after this. actually this is a great read as a short. will only get better if you add to it. could come to love this buffy. love it, thank you. Thank you, Vladt! I must admit I too like it as a short, but am playing with some more so will have to see how that works out. So glad you enjoyed and commented. BFN! How can I not absolutely love a story that makes me cry the best kind of tears? This was perfect in every way especially in that Buffy didn't make this decision just about her (if she had, she would have left Spike like in canon), she made it about Spike's love for her too! Wasn't this what our favorite vamp wanted to begin with? A chance to be with her in the light and maybe one day earn her love. If this is the end, it was great but I feel like there is so much magic left in this story for you to explore! Thank you, hun! So pleased to hear that this moved you so. It was intended as a standalone - and I think works OK that way - but even I am curious to see if Buffy's sweeping intentions can hold water. Thanks for taking the time to comment. BFN framedinlove 01/27/2008 11:49 pm Off Course Ohh. This made me cry – in a good way. Such a beautifully executed and delicately tuned story you’ve written. My heart sings – the melancholic little thing basking in the favour of the chance I think Buffy and Spike would’ve deserved to get all along. Thank you so much for giving them just that, and for giving us this wonderful story. Aww, thank you, hun! Did not wish to make you weep in any way, but I take it as a compliment. Thanks so much for letting me know. BFN! Jasbrico 01/27/2008 09:47 pm Off Course It better not be the end!!!! You've gotta write more chapters cuz I wanna see how you bring them together in the daylight (now that they've decided to come out of the dark). PLEASE!!! Excellent beginning to what I hope is a very long story!! *grins* If you had any idea of the number of WIPs I have nibbling at my ankles... So very glad you liked and the chance of more is not beyond the realms of possibility! But don't expect boinking every other para! LOL Thanks for commenting so enthusiastically. BFN NO, please give us more of this beautiful story! I loved this and would love to see how it works out and how everyone reacts and how Buffy puts them in their places.... Fantastic story and touching beyond belief! Thank you! So glad you liked. Fiddling with more. You never know! Thanks for commenting. BFN jess 01/27/2008 05:24 am Off Course no more more. No more? Oh, okay. *grins* That was lovely and no way it ends there! More more more. Thank you! Glad you liked and there just might be more. *grins* Thanks for commenting. BFN! Eternal_red 01/26/2008 10:40 pm Off Course Just Lovely. Beautifully illustrating how a brave decision on Buffy's part at the crucial time could have saved them both a lot of unhappiness. Very positive little snapshot of how their relationship might have changed direction if she'd offered to pull Spike into the light with her, rather than simply rejecting being pulled into the dark with him. Thanks, sweetie! *hugs*xxx (That's all! We've already chatted. *grins*) Lovely....sad to see it end. Perhaps you could be persuaded to give us more? Thanks for sharing! Thank you! Glad you liked and if I can persuade the muse - who is more than mildly interested ATM - then is a possibility. My pleasure to share and thanks for taking the time to comment. Coquine 01/26/2008 09:40 pm Off Course SUE!!! *glomps* How I've missed you! And what a beautiful, heartfelt story to return with. Wow. Just wonderful, hon. It would be awesome to see this continued, because what an amazing starting point for any story, but if this is it then it is more than satisfying! Bravo! COQUINE!!! *glomps you back* LOL It has been a while, hasn't it? Thank you so much for your kind words and very glad that you liked. More is a defo possibility (but you know not to hold your breath, right?). *hugs* xxx Izzy 01/26/2008 09:08 pm Off Course I liked this little glimpse, and the echoing of the words from when Spike just held Buffy through the night in Touched, I think it was, was perfect. I thought it was very realistic and stayed true to Buffy and what she was feeling in Season Six. Good work! Question marks at The End??? I'd love to see the other side of this, the friends' and sister's reactions and how they stand together. Maybe a sequel? ;) Thank you, Izzy! Very happy you liked (and I think Spike said it in End of Days, but was referring to that scene in Touched, as you say). Unfortunately, that pesky trio of nerds is still around and would have to be dealt with, but am defo thinking about more. Thanks for commenting! BFN Joan 01/26/2008 06:45 pm Off Course Oh, I hope that's not really the end! It was absolutely beautiful!! Thank you, Joan! So glad you liked and am thinking of going further. Thanks for commenting. I want to see Buffy doing the reveal to the Scoobies! Do you indeed? *grins* We'll see. Thanks for commenting. ya_lublyu_tebya 01/26/2008 03:22 pm Off Course Please let there be a sequel! This was so amazing and lovely! Thank you! Have plotted out another segment but will have to see if it works out. Thanks for commenting. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |