The Fifth Kiss by just_sue Thanks. :-) 05/27/2010 11:01 am The Fifth Kiss Awww. This is lovely, hun. Just beautiful! Cate 07/01/2008 05:17 am The Fifth Kiss You write wonderfully. It's nearly artistic how you write! Great story and well done... although it ended quite adruptly. Was it a welcome or a farewell kiss? Is she pissed at Angel for locking him up? A sequel perhaps? sweet read, even if angel did not get what was coming to him. thanks for the tale. Thank you, hun! Can't bash up the guy who just took away biggest financial worries - or could, if hadn;' ran out of writing time! LOL Lovely sharp writing and a sweet ending. Perfect. Thank you, Lou! Very happy that you liked! *beams* tht was so freakin cute!!!!! i love it! *sigh* spuffy fluff... ~liz Thank you...and, gawd! Do you really think that's fluff? *wibbles* NICE WORK - loved it Thank you! Is chuffed to hear that! *beams* All4Spike 05/13/2008 02:15 am The Fifth Kiss Oh very nice. I would have loved to see Buffy telling Angel off though... Thank you! I'm afraid I ran out of time - literally posted to Seasonal Spuffy with ten minutes to spare - or Buffy may well have had words. However, the Broody One did pay her mortgagte so... very nice story. i'm glad that Buffy was able to get over herself and realize how much she did care about Spike. He really did go above and beyond to prove himself to her, and most of that was spent being chained in Angel's basement....the horror! Thank you, Deb! That really is something horrific, isn't it? Being chained in Angel's basement, I mean. *suddhers* Thanks muchly for commenting. *grins* IT 05/12/2008 11:26 pm The Fifth Kiss LOVE IT!!!! The end is wonderful. Made me smile. :) Thank you! Is lovely to know I have made a smile out there, truly. *grins* anon462 05/12/2008 09:18 pm The Fifth Kiss Better than canon, so much better!!! Thank you, sweetie! That means a lot from you. *beams* ya_lublyu_tebya 05/12/2008 02:44 pm The Fifth Kiss Yay!! Angel is such a bonehead. Love Spike! Good stuff. LOL Thank you! Much appreciate your comment and chuffed that you likes. *grins* | |||
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