After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Slip of the Truth

02/05/2009 05:02 am
i know i'm repeating myself, but xander is such an ass. it is amazing he was angry that she was having sex with spike. and becomes more upset because she loves him. he thought she was just screwing spike, so why not him? what a class act. very good read, thank you.
Thanks for your feedback!  Xander is an ass, yes, but he'll cool down eventually.  Xander IS getting married after all, but if I was Anya, honestly, I'd be pissed that Xander's focusing so much anger on this!

01/31/2009 12:25 am
Horrible Xander - he's completely out of line with nothing to excuse him.
Yeah, Xander definitely has some issues to work out.  Thanks!

01/29/2009 03:45 am
Xander is an ass (and you nailed him at this point in canon too).  I always thought that Riley was only okay because Xander projected himself on him.  He has a lot of nerve critiquing Buffy's love life not to mention turning venom on Tara too.

Really love Buffy inviting Tara back.  I think they need each other right now. 

Glad Spike called to make it a bit better.  Buffy is going to be stunned when she finds out what he is doing and why.  Giles SHOULD be impressed at the amount of love needed to make that choice too (that always angered me in canon!  Giles should have been really interested in the hows and why's of Spike's soul quest).


Thanks Kathleen!  Yeah, Xander's definitely an ass, but I'm going to try to fix things eventually.  I also love Tara, so I had to keep her in.  I hated that they killed her off the way they did. She and Willow were just getting back together and were happy, and BANG....literally.

Giles is definitely a hard character to write, and I think that might be part of the reason I sent him off on a plane with Willow!  I'm still trying to figure out how he's going to deal with the fact that his Slayer is in love with a vampire!

01/29/2009 01:09 am

on the other hand i think is nice that Spike at least called her. I also love Buffy standing up for Tara

01/28/2009 08:18 pm
Oooh, she loves Spike!!!  Now if only Spike would come back and Xander would pull his head out of his ass, everything would be perfect!  Can't wait for the next update!
:)  Thanks Katherine!  Yep...she said it!  And Spike will be back soon, I promise! :)

01/28/2009 06:27 pm
you know, i actually thought he came over to apologize for being such a dick, but nope, still a bastard, buffy's better off.  xander will always be a hypocrit.  i'm glad she admitted to being in love with spike, even though she'll probably keep denying it now.  i hope he comes back soon, and not all crazy because of the soul, i still don't think it's necessary, but if it'll stop xander from saying all that he doesn't have a soul crap, then i'm all for it, spike will make him eat his words.
Thanks!  Yeah, it would've been way too easy if he'd just come over to apologize.  We know Xander and his Spike-hating ways.  Hopefully I can make things a lot better soon!  I wouldn't be too quick to judge Buffy!  Maybe, just maybe she's ready to admit that she can love Spike...because she already does! :)

01/28/2009 05:56 pm
 Grrrrrr- Xander makes me so mad. Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks!  Yeah, I think the overwhelming consensus so far is that Xander's a butthead. :-P