Whispers by Abby
Chapter: Words of Wisdom

04/22/2009 07:15 am
glad you posted at the "where do you post" thread - glad to discover a new writer -

Very much enjoyed reading the first chapter - I really like your style - hope that you will keep writing more Buffyverse and Spuffy -
Well, count me glad that I posted too!  It's nice to be discovered.  Thanks for reviewing!  I hope you enjoy the rest of Whispers.  I do hope, too, to have many stories to share.  Thanks again!

03/11/2009 01:07 am
a buffy who can actually process information, how refreshing. very good read, tank you.
I think the TV Buffy was capable, she just wasn't given the chance, and that's why we all love fanfiction.  Glad you liked, thanks for your reply :)

03/09/2009 02:46 am
Hey now! Don't diss Howard the Duck! That was one of my favorite movies as a kid! *grins*

Great first chapter, I'm on to read the rest. :)
Not me my friend, Giles :D.   I myself have never seen the movie, but it was included there as part of the ficathon requirements.  I'm glad you liked the first chapter, looking forward to hearing from you on the rest.

03/06/2009 07:13 pm
Loved this orgy of Buffy pensiveness. No land of the Nile.  What is with Gile's spatula? I read another recent tale with a missing spatula of Giles.  The mind boggles.
Thanks for your reply :)  I like it when Buffy uses her brain and in this case, she had a lot to be pensive about.  I added an author's note about the origins of the spatula thing.  This was written for a ficathon and the spatula part was one of three prompts to be included.