Anticipation by 2writers4spike
Chapter: Chapter Two

Cool :-)
04/21/2010 08:26 am

Thank you! :D


09/11/2009 07:23 pm
Certainly not what Spike wanted. Loving the way you write Drusilla.
Thank you very much.  I find her quite difficult to get right.

09/08/2009 09:15 pm
     How sweet Drusilla is to Spike. She has a lot of patience for a demon. I feel kinda bad for her, now.
Dru tried so hard.

Thanks for commenting.~~~Mabel

07/26/2009 07:09 am
Ohhhhh his pain felt so real. Your words painted a true nightmare.
Thank you very much for such lovely comments.  :D  

06/16/2009 08:05 pm
I'm surprised Drusilla hasn't 'seen' the soul in Spike, and that she'd bother to stick around him. I understand that Spike needs to deal with the soul, but I'm more interested in his actions now and what he'll choose to do. As a demon, he sought the soul, so I don't know why he has that little voice telling him it's alright to kill.
You can see that Drusilla never "saw" the soul in Angel in the show and that she's not exactly the most observant vampire... unless the pixies tell her.  In my mind, Spike always had that voice there - he just managed to ignore it.  He has been thrust into his 1977 body which had been feasting on blood so the demon was resisting the soul.