Anticipation by 2writers4spike
Chapter: Chapter Twelve

07/21/2009 09:21 am
Whoa! No Kendra?

I like the way this is playing out. Imagine, a Buffy who isn't depressed and terrified by her death. Could be fun. I keep thinking that Spike is a bit too hands off with her, emotionally. It could really bite him, allowing Angel such a free hand. But, it's always been Spike's way to let people make their own (bad) choices. Usually.

We're delighted that you like how we're playing with things.  Spike is very aware of how young and naive she still is and unlike Angel, he's willing to wait for her to become more of a woman.  :D


07/21/2009 01:54 am

NICE Spuffy change to the series - Hope that Spike can manage to divert the Buffy-Angel relationship and that he can connect with Giles and Willow and Xander in a good relationship instead of the horrible way that we know them from the series. 

And THANK YOU so much for the quick update - I am so enjoying this and looking forward to your next chapter.  That the one thing about reading WIP's - not being able to read the story straight through - Readers really do appreciate the efforts from writers to do regular updates -

Thank you for taking the time to comment.  The story is complete and so keeping to a bi-weekly posting schedule is easy - on Mondays and Fridays.  I totally know what you mean about WIPs  - I hate having to wait weeks for updates. 


07/21/2009 12:55 am
Good chapter, finally Spike has done something huge.  It was bad enough that he almost got killed by dumbass Luke and was saved by Angel.  Not to mention the whole holding hands/i love you bull. 
I think it was just a silly little crush on Buffy's behalf and hopefully she'll start to open her eyes now and see the real hero in front of her.  I do think that Spike could have warned Buffy better or possibly just dust Angel who should be no match for him, this Spike is a 150y old and last 20years he was a vamp with a soul.
Less whiney more badass Spike please, lol.
Spike had no real clue how things happened first time round as he hadn't hit Sunnydale yet.  I think canon showed that Buffy had much more than a crush on Angel -but like you I never liked them together. Thank you for letting us know that you enjoyed the chapter.


07/21/2009 12:36 am
Spike is really starting to chew through his family tree.  First Darla, and then the Master.  I'm almost disappointed neither one was really any kind of a fight.  Not that their deaths weren't satisfying, but I'm itching for Spike to throw down.  Maybe fight scene's just aren't your thing.  The story is great anyway.
Spike had to be sneaky with Darla and the fact that the Master had his hands on Buffy meant Spike just had to strike as quickly as possible. 

Thank you for letting us know you're enjoying the story :D


07/20/2009 11:41 pm
XD  I felt a "Yippy-ki-yi-yay mother-fucker" in there.  It just kinda reverbed from the Master's death.  Bwahahaha.

D= I think Spike needs to let Buffy in on exactly why it's a bad idea to date Angel instead of just beating around the bush.
  I felt a "Yippy-ki-yi-yay mother-fucker" in there.

I think that is the best line I've ever had in a review!  Thank you.  I think you're right about Spike :D
