Anticipation by 2writers4spike
Chapter: Chapter Twenty-One

03/31/2014 01:26 pm
Very sweet, very interesting idea.  Like the way you ended it too...  I love Spike's relationship with Dawn, so I was glad to see his reaction on her appearance.  At times I worried that Buffy wouldn't be as powerful as she needed to be because Spike was helping too much, but eventually, I lost that fear as she was able to do more over time.

Thanks for sharing this.


03/31/2014 05:05 am
Very sweet, very interesting idea.  Like the way you ended it too...  I love Spike's relationship with Dawn, so I was glad to see his reaction on her appearance.  At times I worried that Buffy wouldn't be as powerful as she needed to be because Spike was helping too much, but eventually, I lost that fear as she was able to do more over time.

Thanks for sharing this.


04/07/2013 05:49 pm
Great Chapter :). Can't wait till the next One ^_^

spike is the Big Bad
12/30/2012 08:55 am
Oh my goodness! I loved this story! It rocked. It's the best story I've ever read! Theer are no words to express how awesome you are! This story was legendary! You freackin' rock!
Thank you soooooo much for such a lovely review.  We enjoyed writing it together and I think that it shows through the text. Thanks for taking the time to comment.  Love Mabel x

08/18/2011 04:31 am
I hope he was able to save Joyce. But I am glad that he has his girls.

Wish it was longer :-)
04/21/2010 01:20 pm
That's what every author wants to hear.  Thank you very much for reading and for letting us know you enjoyed it.  Both dawnofme and I really enjoyed working together and are currently working out the plot of a possible new collaboration! :D


09/12/2009 08:21 am
Now you got tears in my eyes.. The seamless appearance of Dawn took a load of anticipation off Spike. Great ending!
Thank you so much for reading our story.  I am just so happy that we made you tear up.  :)  It was a pleasure to read all of your reviews.   And they were very encouraging.  Makes a writer want to keep on writing.

~ Dawn

09/06/2009 12:06 pm
this was an excellent story. i'm sad that we don't get to see the rest of the timeline though. great job guys
We decided that Dawn's arrival and leaving a little mystery was a good place to stop.

Who knows - we may come back and take the story on further one day.

Thank you for letting us know you enjoyed the read.


09/01/2009 06:50 pm
I enjoyed least not too soapy
Thank you very much :D


08/22/2009 06:36 pm
Okay, you get serious bonus points for a completely original way of getting rid of the Initiative, although they are probably just going to resume their operation somewhere else. Hopefully, Spike's plan doesn't come back and bite them in the ass when the Initiative investigate how their cover was blown and discover who handed out all those fliers.

I'm pleased to see Dawn in this. I loved the big brother Spike and Dawn bits on the show.
Hee! We had fun coming up with that idea - but true the Initiative will probably still exist.

I too liked the friendship between Dawn and Spike :D

Thanks for reading.


08/22/2009 02:09 am
The perfect ending to Spike's waiting.  I really enjoyed it.
Thank you very much. 


08/22/2009 02:07 am
 Aww that was again very awesome! Thanks so much for the story! :D
Thank you very much for reading and letting us know that you enjoyed it.
