Staking A Claim by yumimum
Chapter: Chapters 5&6

10/30/2009 01:36 pm
It's nice to read non angsty Spuffy fanfic to balance out those deep, dark ones. The only sappy thing was the last line.
 Thankyou very much. I think I'm incapable off writing angst. My new one started off angsty then the fluff bunnies took over. Not that I'm trying to pimp my fic or anything (honest!) x

10/29/2009 10:07 pm
wow! More, please?
Thanks I'm glad you liked it.
I've been asked to do an epilogue so it's on my to-do list! x

10/22/2009 04:23 am
sweet read, thank you.
 Glad you liked it. x

10/18/2009 03:35 pm
Really enjoyable fic, I enjoyed it a lot.
 Thankyou. Glad you liked it. x

spuffy chick
10/18/2009 03:46 am
SWEET!!!! :)
 Thanks. I'm a hopeless sap! x