Denial by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter seven

01/24/2010 05:34 am
So Good!! Keep going!! and the thing about licking a frog.. totally gross.. those people are crazy!! =P
*blushes* You're a lovely person, Mariubs. Why would anyone want to try that, right? *shudders* So ICKY! :D Thank you for the yummy review!!! :)

01/24/2010 12:48 am
Those damn Frogs. How dare they stare down Buffy. Spike should kick their arse. This was a very interesting chapter. Buffy hallucinating was very funny and Spike took good care of her.
I'm telling you... those frogs are voyeuristic! And they have dirty minds... huh, kinda like me. *gasps in realization* Hee... Spike kicking some frog ass, that would be a sight to behold. :D I'm glad you liked it, Brett. Thank you for the yummy review!!! :)

01/23/2010 11:09 pm
Great and hilarious chapter!
Drugged up Buffy is awesome.Gotta say, the evil pixies in the tub made me laugh the loudest, because it reminded me so much of Dru.  Though, where the heck did FROGS come from? And yes, there is some type of frog in the rainforest somewhere that excretes a hallucinagentic toxin so things won't eat it- so if you lick it, hallunciations (though, I wanna know why someone thought it was a good idea to test that theory out|).
And high Bufffy has very good ideas. Spike as chocolate? I could totally roll with that.
If Buffy remembers this tomorrow, she's going to be pissy (have you noticed when she gets embarssed, she gets mean?).
Can't wait for more!

Ps- Yes, Spike is up there as the most drool worthy male specimen EVER! He and Legolas are tied in my book. lol. Oh, and I watch Fool For Love again, and paid very close attention to what you mentioned about the punk outfit, and yes- it does show off his butt nicely. lol
Hee, thank you, kind lady! :D

She's so much nicer and less mean, right? lol Also, very honest with herself which Buffy has severe problems with when she's right in her head. Evil pixies rule, and now that you pointed that out... yup, Spike fancies women who see fairies. Strange, huh? ;) I love Dru though, God bless her scrambled evil mind.  Aaah, the frogs. Yeah, that was me writing the chapter after 2am... it makes me write wonky things, I'm afraid. :D What... you wanna tell me you wouldn't try to lick a frog?? Why not? Hee... just kidding. I wouldn't either. I think. :P

Ah, you and me both dear Niori, you and me both. Though I have to confess, I wouldn't mind licking him all over even if he didn't taste like chocolate. ;)

Oh yeah, that she does. well, that, or run away. But she can't do that, can she? Not unless I say she can. Mwahaha. *clears throat* Eh... sorry, it's 3am here. lol But who knows... he did save her life. Maybe she can take that into account. ;)

*grins* You're a woman after my own heart! FFL is such a nummy treat of an episode... so many oportunities to stare at James' assests... all in the name of physiology research of course. Gotta ask though... who is Legolas? Have I missed someone hot??

Thank you for the delicious review, Niori!!! :D

01/23/2010 08:52 pm
 I love seeing Spike's caring side, and the fact that he hates it makes it soo much better! can't wait for more :)
Doesn't it always?? :D He's a sucker for women in need, yummy edible big old softie that he is. ;) More next week, sweet DreamScape99. Thank you for the loveliness of your review!!! :)

01/23/2010 08:06 pm
And if you kiss a frog, does it turn in to a prince?  I don't think I wanna test that!  The licking thing, that's a world of no, I wonder who could possibly be curious enough to find that out.  Anyway, fun chapter, Buffy's cute like this.  Besides the frogs and evil fairies, I think she meant everything else she said.  Hopefully she won't be completely unpleasant to him in the morning.
*giggles* Now that would be just icky, right? Who would want to try that? Hmm... a crazy scientist with a hand-on approach? Air headed princess? :D Oooh, you're a clever one, aren't you, Tammy? ;) You're so right! She did mean it, and the poison just undid all the barriers and silly denial Buffy likes to dwell in. She's so much more likeable when she's not bitchy, right? lol Aaah, I want to tell you what happens next... but... but... maybe, just hypotetically, she won't be unpleasant. ;) Thank you for the yummy review!!! :D

01/23/2010 07:44 pm
yeah, i heard some frogs secrete a toxin from their pores as self-defense or something, and licking them gets the toxin in you, and causes hallucinations. I have no idea if it's true, but it almost sounds like it could be, right?

Loved this chapter, especially Buffy being so out of it. Spike's reactions were great, too, and I'm wondering if he will need to get her into a cold bath later and she'll need help, while undressed, to keep from sinking into the tub and drowning in her weakened state. Hmmm.
Great job, and I'm definitely looking forward to what happens next!
Good to know I'm not the only one that heard this bit of trivia. :) It does sound that it could true, though I'm certainly not going to lick a frog to find out. lol

Hee... what a conspiring mind. I like that! ;) I also love that you loved it, makes me feel accomplished and happy. Hallucinating Buffy is a pleasant and honest Buffy, which makes it hard for Spike to be mean and arrogant. He's a sucker for helping a woman in need. :D Hee... the fever will have subsided when she wakes up, but there will be other hopefully cool things that Spike will do. ;) I loved the idea though... couldn't you mention it before?? :O

Thank you for the awesome review!!! :D

01/23/2010 07:01 pm
I suppose they just kissed the frog hoping for a prince.. sad to only get hallucinations..

Please, update soon..
Hi there, lovely Sunshine! :) That's exactly what I thought. Seriously! The whole prince thing is a just a sham and it was all just hallucinations. Kinda disappointing. Update next week! :D Thank you for the kind review!!! :)