Need You Now by DreamScape99
Chapter: Chapter Eight

04/05/2013 10:57 pm
Great Story :)

08/29/2011 01:08 am
Nicely done!


08/19/2011 07:33 pm
Beautiful!  And I just cannot believe that this is your first fic.
Aww, thanks so much! I haven't gotten a review on this site in so long. That really made my day!

07/04/2010 04:11 pm
Awe :) It was such a nice dream and then Buffy had to wake up.
And even if Buffy didn't tell Dawn much, Dawn noticed enough. Clever girl to read between the lines.
Sounds as if Spike wants his honeymoon first before they meet the others again.
Enjoyed your story a lot, thanks for sharing.