DUST by KnifeEdge
Chapter: Chapter 17

05/16/2012 10:07 pm
Man, this is just GREAT, I love how you've kept them exactly to series canon, both hating and liking each other at the same time. Fighting both their natures and their attraction for each other. In our adoration of Spike and Spuffy we often forget that they are natural enemies, that Spike has killed 2 of her sisters, that Buffy has already faced the very worst consequences for loving a vampire. Their feelings for each other would be considered unnatural and wrong by both of them at this time. I applaud you for taking the risk (I can only imagine the greif you're getting) to write something that doesn't make Spike the hero and Buffy the rescued Princess that swoons and falls immediately into his arms.

Extremely well written and beautifully executed. Well done!

07/23/2011 12:24 am

This is excellent.  I had to read it again.  :)

07/15/2011 05:01 am

excellent argument. 

07/07/2011 06:23 am
"Not bad, Summers," he said. "But you should probably stick with hurting things. You're better at it."

Oh... that's just harsh...  truth is the ultimate weapon.  You can't hide from it no matter how hard you try.


06/16/2011 04:18 pm
I wish you would post at the spuffy realm too you would prob get more ppl checking out the fic

06/13/2011 10:55 pm
Oh my Buffy.  Wonderful chapter, excellent interaction.  Great balance to the flow of conversation and development of their relationship.  

06/12/2011 12:56 am
AHHHH cliff hanger!!! and the T-E-N-S-I-O-N....ohhh love reading ur story! must update soon, thanks!

06/10/2011 07:53 pm
Thank you for continuing this story :-D
Every chapter never fails to cheer me up,you are so talented!
And again, I cant wait for the next one.

06/10/2011 01:44 am
Very powerful dialog. I am thoroughly enjoying this story.

06/09/2011 08:55 pm

 Spike with his truths regarding Angel.. to Buffy's no one likes you and you are lower than Angel.. rough there. 
  She is attracted to the man but treats him like an animal.. Although he enjoys his digs at her. 

  great writing.  waiting for what's behind the sleeping spell.. and how  this relationship ends..