Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Reconciled, Spells

01/20/2012 12:19 pm

Loved the update, great Xander and Spike bonding and who'd ever think we'd be saying that. Lots for Spike to mull over, especially the bit about Buffy thinking he was still dead. Can't wait for more.

I am glad you enjoyed the chapter.  Next one will be lots of him and Buffy, I hope, along with a witch, a knife, a leg brace and a shower stall.  Also banter, and possibly arguing.  And Spuffiness.

Could you do me a small favor?  I need readers here at BSV to know that there has been a computer ISSUE at my house and I will be unable to update for awhile.  I hope the delay will only take a week or so.  I have NOT abandoned this story, I love it too much. (I was in the middle of writing Chapter 22 when the computer imploded!)

01/19/2012 10:11 am
A fine conversation between Xander and Spike, I have great hopes things will stay that way.
SPOILER:  They will.  :D

01/19/2012 04:53 am

I SO love your Xander.  This was a lovely chapter with just interaction with the 2 of them.

I wasn't sure if I should leave Buffy out completely, but it seemed to fit and work well, so... I liked that they were being friendly but still had room to snark at one another. :)

Glad you're enjoying!